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Part 1. What is divine revelation? Why did God want to reveal Himself to us?

As a human
being, how did you know God or who introduce you to believe in God?

According to Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), revelation is God’s

communication of himself, by which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan, a
gift of self-communication which is realized by deeds and words over time, and the most
fully by sending us his own divine Son, Jesus Christ. My own take about divine revelation
is when God reveals himself as Lord to every mankind through the creation and human
nature, and to actual persons through occurrences, inspired by human words recorded
as Scripture, and Jesus Christ himself. God reveals Himself to us out of love and through
our reason and desires that we constantly keep to ourselves. What’s more fascinating is
that God reveals himself in an unexpected manner or way. One situation is, God chose
small, weak, sinful people to teach them about Himself and to prepare them for the
coming of Christ. This means that God wants us to know Him, his teachings, and his
existence that almost all of us have forgotten. I was born and baptized as a Roman
Catholic. My parents were the first who introduced me to God through bringing me to
church as well as reading the scripture. They teach me what faith truly is and what it
meant for God. As of now, I am inclined in finding and deepening my relationship with
God through helping others and sharing His scriptures.

Part 2. What is the Magisterium? Why are they important in preaching the Word of God?
As a believer, do you find it easy to understand our faith? What do you usually do to
deepen your faith?

From the lessons posted, magisterium as defined by Catechism of the Catholic

Church (CCC) It is the Church's living, teaching office, whose purpose it is to provide an
authentic interpretation of God's message, whether in written form (Sacred Scripture) or
in the form of Tradition. The Magisterium ensures the Church's adherence to the Apostles'
teaching on questions of faith and morals. It is really essential that the magisterium preach
the word to enlighten and strengthen our relationship with Him. To not be deceived in
doing bad and unethical things, to trust and faith are some of the reasons why they
preach the word. As a believer, I cannot say that it’s easy nor hard because there are
times when my faith was measured. During those times, I find it hard to believe but as I
continue to decline the faith, it brought me back to see light once and for all. What I am
trying to say is that our faith will be measured in difficult times, whatever the
circumstances, please lean into it. The usual things that I do to deepen my faith is to read
the scripture and understand the real meaning of taking action. Currently, reading the
Bible makes me feel that there is a communication between me and God building up
my faith even more.

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