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Arranged in order to complete the assignment of Family of Nursing course I

Lecturer Koernia Nanda Pratama., M.Kep.Ns, Sp.Kep.Kom.

Fuzna Dahlia Mudzakiroh NIM. I1J020010
International Class (C)/Semester V/Batch 2020



The family is formed from a stage that is right and has a good purpose, which is formed because
of the legality of a valid marriage. Meanwhile, if only one house gathers, without status, does
not have an identity, it is not a family but an association that has no direction, which is called
a community.
The basic background of a family consists of:
1. Based on Article 4 of Law No. 12 of 1992, the goals of developing a prosperous family
are set, namely:
• Realizing physical and spiritual well-being.
• Develop family quality.
• Can arise a sense of security and peace.
• Hope for a better future.
One of the obstacles in achieving the goal of a prosperous family according to this law is early
marriage, where teenagers are required to be ready to live a post-marital life that does not
necessarily mean that they can adapt physically, psychologically and economically. Most early
marriages result in many incidents of poor families.
2. The family planning movement develops into a prosperous family based on Law no. 10
of 1992.
• The realization of small family norms.
• The success of the family planning program.
• The number of children in the family is decreasing.
• Total birth rate (Fertility Rate) can be controlled.

3. June 29 is designated as National Family Day.

A family formed from a legal marriage process requires quite a lot of effort to make the family
prosperous up to level 3 plus or more. However, the culture and concept of each individual
makes family planning programs to create a prosperous family difficult to implement.
The concept of a prosperous family was issued by the BKKBN through the family planning
program by reducing the birth rate which previously averaged 5-6 children in each family to 2-
3 children towards a prosperous family. Because with this theory, it can be concluded that not
always having many children will be guaranteed in terms of education, economy or future.
Therefore, this family planning program is implemented in order to increase the level of
economic welfare in a prosperous family.
Various definitions related to a prosperous family:
• Family is the smallest unit in society consisting of husband and wife or husband and wife
and their children, or fathers and children or mothers and children.
• A prosperous family is formed based on a legal marriage capable of fulfilling the needs
of a decent spiritual and material life, fearing God Almighty, having the same,
harmonious, balanced relationship between family members and society and the
• Family planning is an effort to increase business and the role of the community through
maturing the age of marriage, birth control, fostering family resilience, increasing
welfare, to create a small, happy and prosperous family.
• Family quality is a family condition that includes aspects of education, health, economy,
social, culture, family independence, mental, spiritual, and religious values, the basis for
achieving a prosperous family.
In Indonesia, there are 24 indicators to achieve level 3 prosperous families. The indicators and
criteria for prosperous families set are as follows.
❖ Pre-prosperous family
Indicators of pre-prosperous families who have not been able to:
1. Perform worship
2. Eat 2x a day or more
3. Different clothes for different purposes
4. House (mostly floors not dirt)
5. Bring health facilities

❖ Prosperous Family I
Prosperous family indicators I families are able to carry out 1-5, but have not been able to:
1. Perform worship regularly
2. Eat meat, outer fish (side dishes) once a week
3. New clothes (within the last 1 year)
4. The floor area of the occupants is 8 square meters
5. Health (sick child/fertile age couple (PUS) wanting to use family planning)
6. At least one family member aged 15 years and over and has a fixed income
7. Can read and write Latin for all family members aged 50 to 60 years
8. School age children (7-15 years of schooling)
9. Two or more children live, families who are still of childbearing age use contraception

❖ Prosperous Family II
Prosperous family indicator II if the family is able to implement indicators 1-14 (In family I)
but has not been able to implement the following indicators:
1. Family efforts to increase/increase religious knowledge.
2. Family has savings
3. Eat together at least once a day
4. Participate in community activities
5. Recreation together at least once a month
6. Family members are able to use transportation

❖ Prosperous Family III

Prosperous family indicator III if the family is able to implement indicators 1-21 (in the
previous stage) but has not been able to implement the following indicators:
1. Donate regularly (within a certain time) voluntarily in the form of materials to the
2. Active as a board of foundations or institutions in community activities

❖ Prosperous Family III Plus

Prosperous family indicator III plus if the family is able to implement indicators 1-21 (in the
previous stage) but has not been able to implement the following indicators:
1. Donate regularly (within a certain time) voluntarily in the form of materials to the
2. Active as a board of foundations or institutions in community activities

❖ Poor family
Namely a family formed based on a legal marriage, and unable to meet the basic needs of a
decent material life, especially in the fields of health, education, clothing and food. 9 indicators
of poor families based on the 2000 BKKBN:
1. Can't eat twice
2. Can't provide meat/fish/eggs as a side dish at least once a week
3. Can't have different clothes for each activity
4. Can't get new clothes at least once a year
5. The widest part of the floor from the ground
6. The floor area of the house is less than 8 meters
7. There is no family member who is 15 years old and working permanently
8. Children aged 7-15 years do not go to school
9. If there are couples of childbearing age who don't want to use family planning and go to
a health foundation
Disposal of prosperous families is regulated through PP. No. 21 of 1994, Article 2: The
development of a prosperous family is realized through the development of the quality of the
family and is developed as a whole, integrated by the community and family. The goal is to
create a happy, prosperous small family, devoted to God Almighty, productive, independent,
and have the ability to build themselves and their environment.
The main points of prosperous family development activities:
1. Development of family Physical Resilience, such as nutrition for pregnant women,
stimulation of growth for toddlers, development of family counseling, family medicinal
plant business, etc.
2. Development of non-physical family health, such as fostering family mental health,
stimulation of toddler development, support for family counseling, etc.

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