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Medical Surgical Nursing 2

CONSCIOUSNESS OR COMA Alertness Fully awake, responds to
internal and external stimuli.
• Maintain patent airway. Lethargic Arose from sleep, but
• Monitor vital signs and neurological stimulation seizes the client
status. sleeps again.
• Maintain integrity of the skin. Stuporous State in which response is
• Maintain joint mobility/promote evoked only by strong
activity. continuous noxious stimuli.
• Maintain sensory function/maintain Comatose Absence of voluntary
stimulation. response to stimuli including
• Promote safety. the painful stimuli.
• Maintain fluids and nutritional status. One should indicate
• Maintain bowel and bladder whether the client is in
functioning. moderately in deep coma
• Maintain good hygiene. (there is presence of reflex
• Support family/ maintain response to stimuli) or deep
psychosocial functioning. coma (absence of reflexes).
Nursing Interventions:
MAINTAIN PATENT AIRWAY 1 To define the stimuli to which the client
Keep the oral airway in place in the responds. (e.g., is the patient responding
oral cavity, suctioning and positioning are to verbal or painful stimuli?)
the measures to maintain patent airway. 2 Check ability to follow simple
Nasopharyngeal and oral commands.
secretions must be aspirated as frequent, 3 Client’s responses to any stimuli should
as necessary. be recorded as descriptive as possible.
Turn the client from right lateral to (Very clear and specific to the type of
left lateral in a semi-prone position to stimuli where the client respond).
facilitate drainage of secretions from the oral 4 Check whether or not the client is
cavity and prevent the tongue from falling oriented to time, place, or person.
back that would obstruct the airway. Pupillary Reactions
The supine should never be used Size The average diameter of the
‘cause it favors aspiration of secretions. pupil is 3 to 4 mm.
The dentures should be removed. Shape Should be round
The nostrils should be kept clean. Equality Equal in size. If there is difference
Highest priority nursing care. of the in size, this is called
pupils “anisocoria”.
MONITOR VITAL SIGNS AND NEUROLOGICAL Pupillary Normally, the pupil constrict
STATUS reactions briskly when exposed to light.
Observe quality and rhythms – pulse and to light Assessment should be in a
respirations (rate and rhythms should be darker room in order to observe
observed so that, proper therapy can be properly the pupillary reactions.
implemented before any complication can Nursing Interventions:
happen). 1 Observe the size, shape, equality of the
Medical Surgical Nursing 2
pupils and the pupillary reaction to light. verbalize the direction in
Motor Strength which the extremity is
Check for the motor function first, for moved.
➔ To test for the peripheral response to MAINTAIN INTEGRITY OF THE SKIN
pain by applying pressure on the nail Pressure Ulcer Formation or “decubitus
bed. sores (common skin problem if a patient is
Motor strength is the presence or absence unconscious or in coma)
of voluntary movement strength. FACTORS IN PRESSURE ULCER FORMATION
Nursing Interventions: Pressure Primary factor. There are
1 Ask the patient to squeeze our fingers or areas of the body that are
move their leg and note the patient’s considered as bony
ability to follow the request. prominence areas where
Sensory Function most of the pressure sores
Assessing the patient’s ability of the ff: are formed, which are the ffg:
Touch Also called as the “tactile 1) Iliac crest
sensation”. Assess by lightly 2) Great femoral
touching the designated trochanter
area with a whisk of cotton. 3) Heels
Normal response: Perceives 4) Ischial tuberosities
the sensation and can 5) Scapula
accurately point out the 6) Sacrum
area where it touched. Intensity Second factor. Low pressure
Pain Assess by lightly pricking for long periods of time
parts of the body with a produces more damage than
sharp and dull ends of an high pressure for short period.
object such as a safety pin. Shearing Happens when the patient is
Normal response: Same as Force moved upward by just pulling
the touch and can correctly the patient, then tendency
point where it touched can this action would irritate the
tell if the prick is dull or skin of the patient.
sharp. Remember, lift the patient’s
Temperature Touching the skin with body, not pull.
alternating fashion with hot Excessive This is a good venue or
and cold water that has moisture habitat for formation of fungal
been placed in the test tube. infections.
Ask the patient to identify STAGES OF ULCER FORMATION
whether the test tube placed Ischemia Characterized by blanching of
is hot or cold. the skin (whitish, graying
Position Evaluate by moving the color of the skin)
client’s extremities in Nursing Intervention/s:
various directions while the 1 Frequently change the position of the
patients’ eyes are closed. If patient in order to prevent ulcer
thought perception is formation. Change position frequently
normal, the client can every two hours.
Medical Surgical Nursing 2
Hyperemia Redness and increased 3 Avoid point pressure on a particular site
temperature at the pressure so that weight is distributed evenly over
area. Reason: Hemorrhage a wide area.
has already occurred in the 4 Bed must be free from wrinkles and
bony prominence area. debris because this can irritate the skin
Nursing Intervention/s: of the patient.
1 Gently massage the bony prominence 5 Skin should always be kept clean and
area in a circular motion to prevent dried by washing with soap and water as
further damage of the skin. often as necessary.
Ulcerations Has four (4) stages ; 6 Change linens when wet.
Stage 1: Non blanching 7 Maintain and provide adequate nutrition
erythema (skin is warm and by assistance with meals to ensure that
tender to touch. a proper diet is eaten.
Stage 2: Skin breakdown 8 Powder may be used to help in the
(limited to the dermis there is moisture absorption
excoriation, blistering,
defined erythema, variable Positioning is crucial in prevent deformities
skin temperature, local of the extremities. We see to it that upper
swelling, and edema). extremity deformities will include the
Stage 3: Ulcer formation following:
(formation into the 1) Abduction deformities
subcutaneous tissues - crater 2) Internal rotation of the arm
formation can be seen, slag, 3) Flexion Contractures of the elbow
scar and/or drainage) 4) Mishaps (???)
Stage 4: Extend beyond the Lower extremity deformities which include.
deep fascia into the muscle or 1) Abduction and external rotation of
bone. Decayed area which the hip
may be larger than visible. 2) Flexion Contractures of the hip
There is osteomyelitis and 3) Knee and foot drop (???) will not
sepsis may be present. happen to the patient.
Granulation tissue or Basic positions: Supine or lateral/side lying
epithelialization may be or prone position.
present at wound margins. Mechanical Aids
Nursing Intervention/s: Bed boards Can be placed under
1 Regularly turn the patient as scheduled the mattress to
to sides every two hours. provide better
2 If the patient can’t afford to purchase a skeletal support
sheep skin (absorbs moisture from the Footboards, Prevent deformity of
body), alternatives can be used such as blankets, tennis the feet.
foam rubbers, gel pads, egg crate shoes For the tennis shoes,
mattress, wool (promotes warmth and one of the
dryness) and floatation beds to prevent complication to
skin breakdown over bony prominence prevent is the foot
areas. drop, patient must
Medical Surgical Nursing 2
use or advised to measures can be prescribed to protect
use the tennis shoes. the affected eye of the patient)
Trochanter rolls, Prevent outward 2. Ophthalmic solutions (prescribed for
blankets, mattress rotation of the irrigation or insulation, usually being
pad, pillow, and affected hip. administered 3 to 4 times a day. This is
sandbags applied to prevent excessive dryness of
Hand rolls Prevent flexion the eye.)
contractures of the 3. Cover the eyes with the butterfly gauze.
fingers and for 4. Communicate with clients. (Always
flaccid hands. communicate with client as if the client
Hard cone Used for spastic can hear you)
hands. 5. Cautioned family about patients
Nursing Intervention/s: hearing ability. (The hearing sense is
Facilitate maintenance of the body in a near usually the last sense to disappear).
functional position as possible. 6. Speak to client. (Providing information
Exercise: (To prevent the formation of any of all aspects of the care).
deformities, assist and instruct the patient to 7. Keep explanation simple. (Until the
carry out exercises.) patient is responsive and the nurse must
Range of To provide full movement for all assure, he/she understand more
Motion joints of the body, prevent joint detailed explanations).
exercises and muscular contractures,
(ROM) thereby facilitate maintenance MAINTAIN FLUIDS AND NUTRITIONAL STATUS
of joint mobility, keep maintain 1. IVF – max. 3000mL/day
muscle tone and improve 2. Nasogastric Tube (for feeding, we
venous and lymphatic should determine the amount to be
circulation. given for feeding)
Types of Range of Motion Exercises 3. Test gag reflex (touching the
Passive ROM Performed for the client at a posterior pharynx with a cotton swab
time the client cannot do and observe if the client is
them. Can be done by the swallowing. If gag reflex had
Nurse or physical therapist. returned, we can start by giving
Active ROM Performed by the client fluids first, then solid foods are
without of any individuals or gradually added and remember the
mechanical needs. Maintain client should be spoon fed).
the strength of the muscles 4. Oral Hygiene after feeding. (Oral
Active Performed by the client, or hygiene should be practiced at least
assistance Self-assisted or have every two hours to prevent drying of
exercise assistance from other them mucous membranes and
person or mechanical needs. prevent parotitis).
5. Remove Dentures. (This can be
MAINTAIN SENSORY FUNCTION/MAINTAIN accidentally aspirated by the
6. Input and Output (and weight of the
1. Observe characteristics of the eyes.
patient in order to fully determine the
(Especially on the affected site and
degree of fluid balance).
report for any changes, so that
Medical Surgical Nursing 2
MAINTAIN BOWEL AND BLADDER FUNCTIONING procedures) – keep off operative sites, turn
1. Indwelling catheter (can be to sides every 2 hours, mouth dependent
prescribed and usually remains until position to drain secretions.
the client gains consciousness). c. Infratentorial – Position flat on either
2. Asepsis (maintenance and principles side, keep off back because of impaired
of asepsis should be applied to swallowing and gag reflexes, head gradually
prevent infection, nosocomial elevated on the 3rd day post-op.
infections or other
complications/problems to arise). Vital Signs:
3. Input and Output a. Commonalities = Monitor vital signs
4. Diet: Bulk with fluid intake (prevent & neurological status, observe for shock and
constipation and impaction) increase in ICP.
b. Infratentorial = observe for
1. Assess state of client. (Explain Foods and Fluids:
simple terms, what happened, the a. Supratentorial = limit to 1500ml for
reason for therapeutic measures, the first 24 hours. (To control edema, food
and the basis for behavior shown) diets as tolerated after return of swallowing
2. Orient client. (The patient should be and gag reflexes)
oriented with the environment and b. Commonalities = Input and Output
provide emotional support) c. Infratentorial = No oral fluids or solid
3. Promote sense of security. for the first 24 hours. Begin oral fluids and
4. Avoid situation that may evoke diet on 2nd post-operative day after
unwanted situations. (such as ascertaining presence of swallowing and gag
restation as much as possible) reflexes.
5. Spend time with family. (The nurse
should spend time with the family to Other Nursing Responsibilities in the care of
assess their reaction to the client’s a Neuro-surgical client:
behavior and helping them 1) Check the dressing for drainage and
understand the basis for it). excessive bleeding or to enforce
6. Instruct family on the importance of dressing, as necessary.
accepting client. 2) Restrain patient as necessary to
prevent disturbance of dressing.
3) Suction is necessary to clear airway
Care of Neurosurgical Clients being careful not to stimulate cough
POST-OPERATIVE CARE reflex since this facilitate increasing
Positioning: ICP.
a. Supratentorial – place the patient in 4) Encourage deep breathing.
a semi – fowler’s position, since lowering coughing should be discouraged.
head can cause venous congestion and 5) Apply ice bath to head as necessary
bleeding. Position flat in back and no for headache.
Trendelenburg position (increase ICP). 6) Monitor bowel and bladder
b. Commonalities (can be applied for elimination.
both supratentorial and infratentorial 7) Catheterize if necessary.
Medical Surgical Nursing 2
8) Avoid enemas (since this may
increase ICP)
9) Give prescribed analgesics,
anticonvulsants, stimulants, or
10) Follow eye care regimen if corneal
reflex is absent.
11) Facilitate advanced activities as

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