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Catalysis Letters (2019) 149:1216–1223

Efficient Electrochemical Reduction of High Concentration Nitrate

by a Stepwise Method
Lian‑Kui Wu1 · Yi‑Jie Shi1 · Cheng Su2 · Hua‑Zhen Cao1 · Guo‑Qu Zheng1

Received: 2 October 2018 / Accepted: 13 February 2019 / Published online: 22 February 2019
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

A combined anode, Ti/IrO2 (0–3.5 h)–Ti/RuO2 (3.5–7 h) is designed to promote the removal of high concentration of nitrate
by a stepwise method. During the electrolysis process, Ti/IrO2 is used as anode at the first stage to promote the generation
of ammonia-N and then Ti/RuO2 is switched as anode at the next stage to enhance the chlorine evolution. The generated ­Cl2
will further react with ­H2O to produce ­ClO−, which will oxidize ammonia-N to N ­ 2, therefore improve the nitrate removal
efficiency. Results shown that both of the reduction of nitrate and oxidation of the by-product of ammonia-N are enhanced
and the total nitrogen removal efficiency is 85% when the initial nitrate concentration is 500 mg L−1. The avoid using cation
exchange membrane not only efficiently reduces the operation cost but also simplifies the operation and maintain procedure.
Graphical Abstract

Change anode Cl-
-e- -e-
Ti/RuO2 anode
Ti/IrO2 anode

NO3- Cl2 NO3- Cl2

Fe cathode

Fe cathode

+e- -e- +e- -e-

NO2- N2 NO2-
+e- NH4+ •OH +e- HClO
+e- H2 O +e- •OH
N2 -e- N2 H2O
NH4+ NH4+ -e-
O2 O2

At the first stage At the second stage

Keywords  Nitrate · Electrochemical reduction · Ti/IrO2 · Ti/RuO2 · Fe cathode

* Lian‑Kui Wu 1 Introduction
* Guo‑Qu Zheng In recent years, nitrate contaminated water have caused great attention due to their threat to humans health, including the
“blue baby syndrome” in infants, liver damage and even
College of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang cancer [1–3]. Till now, several strategies have been pro-
University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China
posed to remove nitrate from the contaminated water, such
Zhejiang Jiuli Hi-Tech Metals Co. Ltd, Huzhou 313028, as, biological denitrification [4, 5], reverse osmosis [6, 7],

Efficient Electrochemical Reduction of High Concentration Nitrate by a Stepwise Method 1217

and ion exchange resins [8, 9] ion-exchange membrane [10]. ammonia-N. Then Ti/RuO2 is switched as the anode, which
Recently, electrochemical reduction of nitrate has attracted has higher chlorine evolution activity and benefits the gener-
great attention owing to its convenience, low cost and envi- ation of ­ClO−, therefore promotes the oxidation of ammonia-
ronmental friendliness [11–14]. N to ­N2. The collaboration of this two anodes by a stepwise
Generally, researches are mainly focused on developing method is beneficial to improving the total nitrogen removal
cathodes with high nitrate reduction activity, including graph- efficiency. The avoid using cation exchange membrane not
ite [15–17], diamond [18], Pt [19], Pd [20–22], Au [23], Al only efficiently reduces the operation cost but also simplifies
[24], Zn [24], Cu [25–30], Ti [25, 31, 32], and Fe [25, 33]. It the operation and maintain procedure.
has been reported that the low cost Fe cathode exhibits much
higher nitrate removal efficiency than Cu, Ti, Ni or graphite
[25, 31]. Meanwhile, it should be noted that the promotion of 2 Experimental
­N2 yield and suppression the generation of by-products are
critical important during the electrochemical reduction pro- 2.1 Materials
cess. Nitrite and ammonia are the main by-products in neutral
or basic electrolyte. Therefore, the removal or suppressing the NaNO3 (99.0%), NaCl (99.5%), N ­ a2SO4 (99%), H­ 2IrCl6 (Ir
generation of ammonia-N and nitrite-N is critical important 35% in HCl) and R ­ uCl3 (99.9%) were all purchased from
to improve the total nitrogen removal efficiency. Aladdin Reagent (Shanghai, China). All chemicals were ana-
On the other hand, the reduction of nitrate-N and oxi- lytical grade and used as received without further purifica-
dation of the by-products, nitrite-N/ammonia-N are closely tion. Deionized (DI) water was used in all experiments. The
related to the solution composition and anode material. For preparation of Ti/IrO2 and Ti/RuO2 was accomplished by
the solution without C ­ l− ions, the oxidation of ammonia-N thermal decomposition of ­H2IrCl6 and ­RuCl3 on Ti substrate
to ­N2 mainly originates from the direct oxidation by stepwise [38], respectively. The total loading of the noble metal oxide
dehydrogenation and/or from indirect oxidation by hydroxyl was ~ 2.0 mg cm−2.
radicals. While if C­ l− ions were present in the solution, they
can be oxidized on the anode to form ­Cl2, which can react 2.2 Electrochemical Reduction of Nitrate
with ­H2O to produce C ­ lO−. The generated C ­ lO− will fur-
ther oxidize ammonia-N to ­N2 [17, 34–37]. Compared to Ti/ A single cuboid electrochemical cell with a net working vol-
IrO2, Ti/RuO2 performs higher chlorine evolution activity ume of 200 mL was manufactured by acryl material. Fe plate
and therefore benefits the removal of nitrate. (6.0 cm × 10.0 cm) was used as cathode, while Ti/IrO2 and
In this work, we designed a novel electrode system to Ti/RuO2 were chosen as anodes. The distance between the
promote the removal of high concentration nitrate ions from cathode and anode was set to be 1.0 cm and the immersed
water solution by a stepwise method. In this process, the areas of the anode and cathode in the treated solution were
low-cost Fe is used as the cathode, while different anodes the same (6.0 cm × 4.0 cm). The electrochemical reduction
are chosen at different stages. As shown in Fig. 1, during the of nitrate was conducted on a DC power (SMA 30V10A) at
first stage, Ti/IrO2 is used as the anode to produce abundant current density of 20 mA cm−2. Synthetic nitrate solutions

Fig. 1  Schematic diagram of the

electrochemical apparatus for
cathodic reduction of high con-
centration nitrate by a stepwise
method with the combination
of Ti/IrO2 anode and Ti/RuO2

Change anode Cl-
-e- -e-
Ti/RuO2 anode
Ti/IrO2 anode

NO3- Cl2 NO3- Cl2

Fe cathode

Fe cathode

+e- -e- +e- -e-

NO2- N2 NO2-
+e- NH4+ •OH +e- HClO
+e- H2 O +e- •OH
N2 -e- N2 H2O
NH4+ NH4+ -e-
O2 O2

At the first stage At the second stage


1218 L.-K. Wu et al.

with initial nitrate-N ­(NO3−–N) concentrations of 100 or where η is the average current efficiency, z is the number
500 mg L−1 were newly prepared. 500 mg L−1 ­Na2SO4 was of transferred electrons from nitrate to nitrogen (5), V rep-
used as supporting electrolyte in all experiments. In order resents the volume of reactor (L), F is the Faraday constant
to investigate the effect of NaCl on the nitrate removal effi- (F = 96,485 C mol−1), t is the electrolytic reaction time (s),
ciency, various of NaCl concentrations from 0 to 1.00 g L−1 M is the molar mass of the nitrogen (14 g mol−1) and I is the
(w/v) were added into the synthetic nitrate solutions. actual current applied to the system (A).

2.3 Analysis

All analyses were done according to standard methods [39]. 3 Results and Discussion
Nitrate was estimated by UV method using spectrophotome-
ter (HACH DR6000 USA). Nitrite was colorimetrically ana- It has been reported that ­C lO −, the reaction product of
lyzed by N-(1-naphthyl)-ethylenediamine spectrophotometry chlorine with water, can oxide ammonia-N to nitrogen,
[GB 7493-87, Water quality-Determination of Nitrite-Spec- therefore increase the total nitrogen removal efficiency
trophotometric Method (1987)]. And the determination of [37]. And the electrocatalytic activity for chlorine evolu-
ammonia was performed by sodium hypochlorite spectro- tion is greatly dependent on anode material. Therefore,
photometric method [HJ 536-2009, Water Quality-Derter- two typical anodes, Ti/IrO 2 and Ti/RuO 2 are chosen to
mination of Ammonia Nitrogen-Salicylic Acid Spectropho- investigate the influence of anode materials on the nitrate
tometry (2009)] [33]. Hydrazine and hydroxylamine will not removal efficiency.
be produced in the electrolyte because the solution would Figure 2 reveals the influence of NaCl concentration on
change into basic after electrolysis [25]. the evolution of nitrate-N removal, nitrite-N generation,
ammonia-N generation, and total nitrogen removal with Fe
2.4 Nitrate Removal Efficiency and Current cathode and Ti/IrO2 anode. It is shown that the nitrate-N
Efficiency removal efficiency is 85.1% in absence of NaCl after elec-
trolysis for 3.5 h. Whereas the introduction of 300, 500
The ­NO3−–N removal efficiency [R(NO3−–N)], ­NO2−–N and 1000  mg  L−1 NaCl slightly decreases the nitrate-N
generation efficiency [G(NO2−–N)], ­NH4+–N generation effi- removal efficiency to 82.3%, 81.9%, and 80.5%, respectively
ciency [G(NH4+–N)] and total nitrogen removal efficiency (Fig. 2a). Similar phenomenon has been also reported by
[R(TN)] were calculated according to the following equations: other researchers [40–42]. This is because that high NaCl
c(NO3 − − N)0 − c(NO3 − − N)t concentration may accelerate the specifically adsorption of
R(NO3 − − N) = × 100% ­Cl− onto the electrode surface, and therefore resulting in
c(NO3 − − N)0
the poisoning of nitrate reduction [43, 44]. Interestingly,
(1) the introduction of NaCl is beneficial to suppressing the
c(NO2 − − N)t generation of nitrite-N (Fig. 2b). Specifically, the generated
G(NO2 − − N) = × 100% (2) nitrite-N decreases from 0.27 to 0.1% after the addition of
c(NO3 − − N)0
300 mg L−1 NaCl, and nearly no nitrite-N can be detected
if 500 mg L−1 or more NaCl was contained in the solution.
c(NH4 + − N)t Figure 2c exhibits the influence of NaCl on the generation
G(NH4 + − N) = × 100% (3) of ammonia-N. It is shown that the ammonia-N generation
c(NO3 − − N)0
efficiency dramatically decreases from 52.1 to 1.2% with the
NaCl concentration increasing from 0 to 500 mg L−1. And
R(TN) = R(NO3 − − N) − G(NO2 − − N) − G(NH4 + − N)
no ammonia-N can be detected when 1000 mg L−1 NaCl is
(4) added. It has been reported that appropriate amount of chlo-
where c(NO3−–N)0 is the initial concentration of ­NO3−–N, ride is beneficial to the removal of ammonia-N [39]. This is
and c(NO3−–N)t, c(NO2−–N)t, and c(NH4+–N)t are the con- because that the evolution of chlorine at anode leads to the
centrations of ­NO3−–N, ­NO2−–N and ­NH4+–N at time t. generation of C­ lO− which can further oxidize the by-product
The current efficiency was calculated to evaluate the influ- of ammonia-N into ­N2 (Eq. 6) [45, 46].
ence of anode type on the electrochemical nitrate reduction:
− − +
2NH4 +
] 3ClO → N2 + 3H2 O + 3Cl + 2H
− − − +
c(NO3 − N)0 − c(NO3 − N)t − c(NO2 − N)t − c(NH4 − N)t × V × z × F (5)

Efficient Electrochemical Reduction of High Concentration Nitrate by a Stepwise Method 1219

(a) -1
(b) 2.0 -1
NaCl:0 mg L NaCl:0 mg L
80 -1 50
NaCl:300 mg L NaCl:300 mg L

Ammonia-N Generation / %
Nitrate-N Removal / %

Nitrite-N Generation / %
NaCl:500 mg L NaCl:500 mg L
NaCl:0 mg L
NaCl:1000 mg L
1.5 NaCl:1000 mg L

Nitrite-N Generation/%
0.30 -1
3.5 h NaCl:300 mg L
60 0.25 -1
NaCl:500 mg L
0.15 NaCl:1000 mg L
88 1.0 0.10
Nitrate-N Removal/% 86
3.5 h 0.05

0.00 20
0 200 400 600 800 1000
NaCl Concentration/mg L-1
20 82
80 10
0 200 400 600 800 1000

0 NaCl Concentration/mg L-1

0.0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Time / h Time / h Time / h
(d) (e) 100 (f) 500 Nitrate-N
80 NaCl:0 mg L
NaCl:300 mg L
Ammonia-N Ammonia-N

Nitrite-N Nitrite-N
Concentration / mg L
NaCl:500 mg L 80 400

Concentration / mg L
TN Removal / %

60 NaCl:1000 mg L TN

60 300
40 200

20 100

0 0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time / h Time / h Time / h

Fig. 2  Effect of NaCl concentration on nitrate-N removal (a), tained in the solution. The insets in a–b are corresponding data after
nitrite-N generation (b), ammonia-N generation (c), and total nitro- electrolysis for 3.5 h. Fe and Ti/IrO2 are acted as cathode and anode,
gen removal (d). The evolution of total nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, and respectively
ammonia when 100 mg L−1 (e) and 500 mg L−1 (f) nitrate-N are con-

Besides, it is known that highly oxidative hydroxyl after electrolysis for 3.5 h. If further increasing the initial
radicals (·OH) will generate at the anode surface during nitrate-N concentration to 500 mg L−1 (Fig. 2f), although the
electrolysis. Therefore, the by-products, ammonia-N can nitrate-N concentration decreases from 500 to 24.7 mg L−1
also be removed by dehydrogenation at electrode-liquid after 7 h electrolysis, a great deal of by-product generates.
interface of the anode, revealing as follows: Specifically, the ammonia-N concentration is as high as
227.6 mg L−1. At this time, the total nitrogen removal effi-
OH + NH4 + → NH2 + H2 O + H+ +e− (7)

ciency is only 50%, suggesting that the Ti/IrO2 anode is not

OH + NH2 → NH + H2 O + e− (8) suitable to remove high concentration of nitrate-N.
As mentioned above, the introduction of NaCl benefits to
1 reduce the nitrite-N and ammonia-N concentrations, there-

OH + NH → N + H2 O + e− (9) fore improves the total nitrogen removal efficiency. In fact,
2 2
all these processes are related to the oxidation of ­Cl− at the
As shown in Fig. 2d, the introduction of NaCl also ben-
anode. It is known that the chlorine evolution performance
efits to enhance the total nitrogen removal efficiency. After
of Ti/RuO2 outperforms that of Ti/IrO2. So the total nitrogen
the addition of 500 mg L−1 NaCl, the total nitrogen removal
removal efficiency will be enhanced if Ti/RuO2 was used
efficiency dramatically increases from 32.7 to 80.6%. While
as anode.
the removal efficiency almost un-changes when further
As revealed in Fig. 3a, although the nitrate-N removal
increasing the NaCl concentration to 1000 mg L−1. Fig-
efficiency slightly reduces when Ti/RuO2 is used as anode, it
ure 2e summaries the evolution of total nitrogen, nitrate-N,
increases with the NaCl concentration. In detail, the nitrate-
nitrite-N, and ammonia-N with Ti/IrO2 anode in presence
N removal efficiency increases from 71.6 to 74.8% when
of 100 mg L−1 nitrate-N and 1000 mg L−1 NaCl. It mani-
1000 mg L−1 NaCl is added. While the nitrite-N (Fig. 3b)
fests that over 80% nitrate can be removed from the solution
and ammonia-N (Fig. 3c) concentrations dramatically reduce


1220 L.-K. Wu et al.

(a) 75 (b) 1.6 (c)

Nitrite-N Generation/%
NaCl:0 mg L
-1 3.5 h
NaCl:300 mg L

Ammonia-N Generation / %
Nitrate-N Removal / %

Nitrite-N Generation / %
-1 NaCl:0 mg L
60 NaCl:500 mg L -1
NaCl:300 mg L
NaCl:1000 mg L
-1 1.2 0.2
20 -1
NaCl:500 mg L
NaCl:1000 mg L
45 0.0

Ammonia Generation/%
-1 0 200 400 600 800 1000
NaCl:0 mg L 25
0.8 3.5 h
76 NaCl Concentration/mg L

Nitrate-N Removal/%
NaCl:300 mg L 20
3.5 h
30 74 NaCl:500 mg L
10 15
NaCl:1000 mg L 10
15 70 5

0 200 400 600 800 1000
68 -1
0 200 400 600 800 1000 NaCl Concentration/mg L
0 NaCl Concentration/mg L -1
0.0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Time / h Time / h Time / h

(d) (e) 100 (f) 500

75 NaCl:0 mg L
NaCl:300 mg L
Ammonia-N Nitrate-N

Nitrite-N Ammonia-N

NaCl:500 mg L 80 400

Concentration / mg L
Concentration / mg L
TN Nitrite-N
TN Removal / %

NaCl:1000 mg L
45 60 300

30 40 200

15 20 100

0 0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time / h Time / h Time / h

Fig. 3  Effect of NaCl concentration on nitrate-N removal (a), tained in the solution. The insets in a–c are corresponding data after
nitrite-N generation (b), ammonia-N generation (c), and total nitro- electrolysis for 3.5 h. Fe and Ti/RuO2 are acted as cathode and anode,
gen removal (d). The evolution of total nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, and respectively
ammonia when 100 mg L−1 (e) and 500 mg L−1 (f) nitrate-N are con-

after the introduction of NaCl, and none of them can be is over 80% with Ti/RuO2 anode, which is 60% higher than
detected after the addition of 1000 mg L−1 NaCl. This is that with Ti/IrO2 anode.
because that besides the direct oxidation occurred on anode, In order to remove high concentration of nitrate ions, a
ammonia-N can also be oxidized by ­ClO− to form ­N2. Fur- stepwise method with combined anodes is designed. In this
thermore, the total nitrogen removal efficiency increases device, Ti/IrO2 is used as anode at the first stage to generate
from 46.7 to 74.8% after the addition of 1000 mg L−1 NaCl large amount of ammonia-N (Fig. 2f), which could be effi-
(Fig. 3d). ciently oxidized to ­N2 when Ti/RuO2 is switched as anode
The evolution of total nitrogen, nitrate-N, nitrite-N, and at the next stage. As shown in Fig. 4, the nitrate-N and total
ammonia-N with Ti/RuO2 anode in presence of 1000 mg L−1 nitrogen removal efficiencies are greatly dependent on the
NaCl and 100 mg L−1 nitrate-N are displayed in Fig. 3e. switching time for changing the anode. Specifically, they are
It is shown that although the total nitrogen removal effi- enhanced firstly and then deteriorated when the switching
ciency is slightly reduced, the selective reduction of nitrate time is delayed from 2 to 5 h, and the optimal switching time
is improved when Ti/RuO2 is used as anode and nearly is 3.5 h. As shown in Fig. 4b, the nitrate-N concentration
no nitrite-N and ammonia-N are detected. Different phe- decreases from 500 to 44.9 mg L−1 after 7 h electrolysis,
nomenon are observed under high nitrate-N concentration while the ammonia-N concentration increases from 0 to
(Fig. 3f). In detail, the nitrate-N concentration decreases 212.9 mg L−1 over the first 4 h and then decreases to only
from 500 to 82.5 mg L−1 with Ti/RuO2 anode. Interestingly, 23.5 mg L−1. After 7 h electrolysis, only 1.8 mg L−1 nitrite-
the ammonia-N concentration is only 15.8 mg L−1, which is N is detected and the total nitrogen removal efficiency is
less than 10% compared to that generated with Ti/IrO2 anode about 85%. Therefore, the combination of Ti/IrO2 (0–3.5 h)
(Fig. 2f). The low ammonia-N concentration with Ti/RuO2 and Ti/RuO2 (3.5–7 h) with a stepwise method performs
anode is ascribed to its good electrochemical activity toward better total nitrogen removal efficiency when high concen-
chlorine evolution. And the total nitrogen removal efficiency tration nitrate is contained in the solution. In fact, only few

Efficient Electrochemical Reduction of High Concentration Nitrate by a Stepwise Method 1221

Fig. 4  Nitrate converted to (a) 500 (b) 500

nitrite and ammonia by Ti/ Nitrate-N
IrO2 (0–2 h)–Ti/RuO2 (2–7 h) Ammonia-N

(a), Ti/IrO2 (0–3.5 h)–Ti/ 400 Nitrite-N

Concentration / mg L

Concentration / mg L
RuO2 (3.5–7 h) (b), and Ti/ TN
IrO2 (0–5 h)–Ti/RuO2 (5–7 h)
(c) anodes in the presence 300 300
of 1000 mg L−1 NaCl and
500 mg L−1 ­NO3−–N. Ti/ 200 200
IrO2 (0–Xh)Ti/RuO2 (X–7 h)
respects for the anode was
switched from Ti/IrO2 to Ti/ 100 100
RuO2 after electrolysis for X h
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time / h Time / h
(c) 500 Nitrate-N

Concentration / mg L




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time / h

work has been done to remove high concentration nitrate by ammonia will generate when Ti/IrO2 is used as the anode
electrochemical reduction process. Ghazouani et al. used two (Fig. 2f), therefore leading to a relative low current efficiency
pieces of boron-doped diamond with exposed area of 70 cm2 for nitrate removal. While the high chlorine evolution activity
as cathodes to remove nitrate ions with initial concentra- on Ti/RuO2 benefits the oxidation of ammonia to nitrogen,
tion of 500 mg L−1 [47]. Results shown that the total nitro- leading to the current efficiency increased. The combination
gen removal efficiency was 87% after electrolysis for 4 h at of Ti/IrO2 and Ti/RuO2 will take the advantages of these two
40 mA cm−2. Table 1 collects the nitrate removal efficiency anodes and therefore enhance the current efficiency. The cur-
of present work and other previous reports. It is shown that rent efficiency with this combined anodes is comparable or
even though with much higher initial nitrate concentration, even superior to other reported electrochemical reduction sys-
the ­NO3−–N and TN removal efficiencies are superior to tems. For instance, Cheng et al. reported a current efficiency
other systems when Ti/IrO2 (0–3.5 h)–Ti/RuO2 (3.5–7 h) are for nitrate removal of 24.5% by paired electrolysis in a solid
used as anode. Although the combination of Fe cathode and polymer electrolyte reactor [26]. Su et al. found that the cur-
Ti/IrO2–Pt anode delivers a relatively high nitrate removal rent efficiency for nitrate removal is 20% at 25 mA cm−2 by
efficiency in 3 h, the TN removal efficiency is very low [25]. ­Co3O4/Ti cathode and Ir–Ru/Ti anode [42]. This work pro-
Similar result is also observed when Ti/IrO2–TiO2–RuO2 vides a membrane-free, easy to operation, and facile strategy
was used as anode [48]. Whereas, it should be noted that to remove high concentration of nitrate from water solution.
the combination of two BDD electrodes with large areas Based on this, the combination of several anodes and cathodes
can also be used for the removal of high concentration of at the same time to further enhance the nitrate removal effi-
nitrate-N with a high removal efficiency [47]. ciency is being on investigation.
After 7 h electrolysis, the current efficiencies for nitrate
removal with different anodes were also calculated. As
revealed in Fig. 5, the highest current efficiency of 24.5%
is observed with the combined anode, Ti/IrO2 (0–3.5 h)–Ti/
RuO2 (3.5–7 h). This is because that a great deal of by-product,


1222 L.-K. Wu et al.

­ O3−–N reduction with other cathodes

Table 1  Comparison of N

Cathode Anode Electrode area Initial Solution Current Nitrate-N removal TN removal References
solution volume density
(mg L−1) (mL) (mA cm−2)

Fe Ti/IrO2–Ti/RuO2 24 cm2 500 200 20  7 h, 91% 7 h, 85% This work
Fe Ti/IrO2–Pt 36.5 cm2 50 250 20 2 h, 67% 2 h, 67% [41]
Fe Ti/IrO2–Pt 40 cm2 100 200 20 3 h, 95% 3 h, 40% [25]
Fe Fe 16 cm2 100 300 140 5 h, 80% 5 h, 0% [49]
Al Ti/TiO2 24 cm2 50 200 15 4 h, 78% 4 h, 38% [33]
Al Al 16 cm2 100 300 140 5 h, 70% 5 h, 20% [49]
Cu Ti/TiO2 24 cm2 50 200 15 4 h, 60% 4 h, 24% [33]
Cu Ti/IrO2–Pt 36.5 cm2 50 250 20 2 h, 62% 2 h, 62% [41]
Cu Ti/IrO2–Pt 40 cm2 100 200 20 3 h, 60% 3 h, 30% [25]
Ti Ti/IrO2–Pt 36 cm2 50 250 20 2 h, 32% 2 h, 32% [41]
Ti Ti/IrO2–Pt 40 cm2 100 200 20 3 h, 30% 3 h, 10% [25]
Cu/Zn Ti/IrO2–Pt 36.5 cm2 50 250 20 2 h, 72% 2 h, 72% [41]
Cu/Zn Ti/IrO2–TiO2–RuO2 100 cm2 60 – 25 6 h, 96% 6 h, 32% [48]
Cu/Zn Ti/IrO2–Pt 50 cm2 100 400 40 3 h, 83% 3 h, 78% [50]
Ti/Fe2O3 Ti/Ir–Ru 16 cm2 100 90 10 3 h, 99% 3 h, 50% [51]
Ti/Co3O4 Ti/Ir–Ru 16 cm2 100 90 10 3 h, 99% 3 h, 65% [51]
BDD BDD 70 cm2 500 – 40 4 h, 96% 4 h, 87% [47]

BDD represents boron-doped diamond, three equal compartments are used

25 benefit for the oxidation of the by product, i.e., ammonia-

N to nitrogen and therefore enhancing the nitrate removal
Current efficiency / %

20 efficiency. The current efficiency for nitrate removal on this

combined anodes is 24.5%. The membrane-free system effi-
ciently reduces the operation cost and simplifies the opera-
tion procedure.
10 Acknowledgements  This work was financially supported by Natural
Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (No. LY18E010005), Tal-
5 ent Project of Zhejiang Association for Science and Technology (No.

0 Compliance with Ethical Standards 

Ti/I Ti/R Ti/I
rO2 uO2 rO2
2 Conflict of interest  The authors declare that they have no conflict of
Fig. 5  The current efficiencies for nitrate removal with different
anodes after electrolysis for 7 h
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