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Is Your Simplicity Making You Redundant?

No doubt that the Corporate World in reality is a Jungle and where survival of fittest and might is right is always the guiding principle for growth and prosperity. There is competitive race among the corporate world professional and business veterans to move ahead of each other, which is increasing their hunger and appetite to secure and acquire the core competencies of becoming unethically smarter in job portfolio and as per the business objective. It further has unethical and non-value based bleeding impact & the sacrificing slaughter of superior, peers, subordinate and internal customers in the war becoming a becoming a high voltage star performing successful business leader. The corporate world veterans always want to sustain their high voltage star performing successful business leadership position forever and make their leadership position immortal.

The reasons for this behavioral & attitudinal change among the corporate world business veterans may be as follows.

1. Fear of getting slaughtered in post appraisal normalization process:-

As mentioned earlier that corporate world is a jungle where there are only 2 types of employees first Cow and second Pig. The cow is useful till she is alive and performs by giving milk i.e. actual performer and after death she is not useful and becomes a non-performer. On the other hand Pig is useful only after death and till he is alive he is a non-performer and performs only after death. These 2 types are employees status in similar to the post appraisal normalization process where is bell curve analysis and in post appraisal compensation alignment process the outstanding performer cows are rewarded with recognition and below average non-performing pigs are always slaughtered with termination.

2. Fear of getting declared redundant:-

The employees who are complex in their management style and who has made their own and departmental standard operating process complex and people oriented dependent on them, rather than system oriented are always valued, required & wanted in the company because company feels that their position is not replaceable, hence they should be retained at any cost. It is unacceptable to presume that these employees are virtual as per the actual corporate culture but in reality they are bad apple toxic behavioral people who always make others as a sacrificing scapegoat and always shoot the bullet from other employees shoulder. Over and above these employees are very selfish and never mind to destroy other persons career for their own benefit and always give welcome invitation to unwanted problem so that the problem can be made grown more for their own personal benefit, which leads to make company

suffer and management feel that this person is important for us for fire fighting issue. Further in harsh words these are the asshole employee because when ass fails the brain becomes the sacrificing scapegoat.

On the other hand employees with a very simple management style and who has made their own and departmental standard operating process simple by avoiding unwanted problems and system based are always declared redundant in the company and never valued, because management feels their position is not a core activity for company and can be easily replaceable, hence no extra efforts for retention are required. It is unacceptable to presume that these employees are not virtual as per the actual corporate culture because they are loyal, honest, down to earth, kind, and generous, sincere, stable and with truth and integrity which are the actual corner stone for the growth, customer loyalty, and engagement and company performance. These employees have a single guiding principle and philosophical success recipe mantra in life that Simplicity with kind words is the most precious asset in their life which can build or destroy trustful loyal business relationship, hence they value simple people so that they can remember each other in their blessing and goodwill with faith keep going.

Perceptual Solutions:-

1. A right start at beginning:The Recruiter should do the right start at the beginning by selecting a right candidate on cultural compatibility basis.

2. Redefining the Appraisal System:The organization should redefine their appraisal system with collaboration, teamwork, interpersonal skills, teamwork & ethically value based parameters for assessment.

3. Reinventing yourself in office:The employee should reinvent self by dealing the snoopy employees, creating a high EQ, motivating self by digesting the favoritism, assessment for the reason for leadership qualities downfall, perception gap analysis with self assessment, evaluation & awareness, developing a mature confidence which will not be a destructive in nature & finally making the boss listen. Key Learning Point:-

1 Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what

has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. You are special - Don't ever forget it.

2 What difference are we making? Big or small, it does not matter. If everyone made a small difference, wed end up with a big difference, wouldnt we?

3 The destructive behaviour of living beings and illustrates how certain qualities can be very hard to change, if not impossible. Thus, if we are to succeed in life, we firstly must get to know ourselves and be honest about our inclinations, preferences, and limitations. And, secondly, in working towards our goals should be considerate not hinder others in theirs.

Dilip Satpute Author Human Resources Generalist Shared Services Professional

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