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'With reference to an organization of your choice, examine the impact of globalization on

organizational change.' I used Starbucks as my organization.
Introduction: 1. Define Globalization 2. Define Change 3. Introduce Starbucks: international multi-
chained cafe, tertiary sector, founded in Seattle, products. 4. A sentence or two on how globalization
and change have impacted Starbucks (in which business functions) 5. Something like a thesis:
Starbucks, upon globalizing, has undergone great changes in their operations management and
marketing methods.
Body 1: 1. An example of how globalization/change have impacted Starbucks: In 2009, there was
an uproar for companies to adapt fair trade schemes. Starbucks claims that their operations
encompass of 99% fair trade scheme and they have increased their wages. (I'm explaining it here
briefly, maybe have 5-6 sentences on the whole scenario and Starbucks steps and reasons as to
why they adapted fair trade schemes) 2. Impact of this change on stakeholders. I chose the
management of Starbucks and farmers. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this
change on both stakeholders.
Body 2: 1. When Starbucks expands into Germany and France they had issues with their cash flow
initially. This is because in these countries cheaper goods don't sell well. Starbucks had to apply
price skimming so the product had more 'value' in the consumer's eyes. In France, they introduced
snacks such as sandwiches and croissants to attract more consumers. Finally, they had a
DIY/customize your own drink option. (Again, explain this more in-depth) 2. Now determine the
impact on the stakeholders. I chose consumers and management. Talk about the advantages and
disadvantages of this change due to globalization on both stakeholders.
Body 3: 1. Describe the short-run and long-run impacts of change due to globalization as a whole.
Conclusion: 1. Have 3-4 sentences restating your thesis, which business functions this change
impacts, and was Starbucks successful with these changes or not.

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