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Oral Activity: Discussion

Members: Diego Rodas, Domenica Iturralde and Nathali Valverde.

1. Are the world’s poor solely responsible for their situation?

No, there are many factors and many responsible for this situation, some
factors are the laws, corruption, mismanagement of money and those
responsible may be politicians, some businessmen, this is because they are
people who only seek their own benefit and do not think in helping other
people or doing something to change their situation.

2. Is poverty influenced by multinational corporations and international


No, because the companies that have this type of scope, usually generate
large amounts of employment for people, so anyone could start working and
start to support themselves, however, sometimes you need preparation or
previous studies to be able to access these jobs, so being people living in
poverty, they may not be prepared for these jobs.

3. Are the governments of poor nations and their people often powerless
in the face of such enormous and external influence?

Yes, because of this huge external shadow, the governments of nations are
often left powerless and helpless. External influences such as corporations,
other rich countries or influential people often influence poor nations.

4. Do the governments of poor countries have policies that actually harm

successful development?

This applies in certain governments, not in all, because around the world
there are many poor countries, which do seek economic, social, intellectual
progress, but due to the rules established by a dictatorial government, these
ideals and desire to get ahead are repressed, while similarly there are
countries that have various resources to prosper and develop economically,
but because of their mediocrity, laziness, and corruption, they do not get
5. In the global context, we are relatively wealthy while the majority
struggle. So, are we, as individuals, to blame?

Not entirely, each person seeks a self-interest to stay well off financially, despite
being surrounded by people who are not, they cannot help but try so hard to help
others out of poverty, it is up to each individual how much effort they put into their life
to be able to lift themselves out of poverty.


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