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“Bread and Water”

Ivy Marie Apa

Watercolor and acrylic on found

parchments (joint Bible pages)


The subject matter is a crumpled Starbucks coffee cup holder laid on top and casting a shadow
on a page on the Holy Bible. The two objects are blended together as seen with the
transparency of the text on the brown paper. The subjects share a similarity with the type of
material it is which is paper with a print on it. The artwork portrays a decline in opacity of the
papers as they slowly merge together into one. As for the shadow, it reveals the spot-like
patterns on the page of the bible like it is depicting a glimpse of the universe. The depiction of all
elements found on the artwork defines how events from the bible seem to blend in with our
modern world. On that specific bible page, the people who thirsted for water were wanting
approval and proof from Moses that the Lord can provide. With Moses down on his knees
wanting answers from the Lord on how to satisfy the people, God then told Moses to strike on a
particular area with his rod and water would sprout. This fits well with the demand of the
population of this modern world. Coffee being one of the most loved among different beverages,
people will start searching more from corporations to provide for the masses, the Ivy Marie Apa
created this artwork to create a blend of the same type of material with a timeline difference for
us to interpret. She was able to express it creatively.

Art Critique by: Panulde, Sean (2022)

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