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English BDR Exericse 2

Exercise 1
Instruction : Writa True of False if the statement is right or wrong based on the conversation above them.
Number one has been done for you as example. (Tulis T atau F jika peryataan berikut ini benar atau
salah berdasarkan percakapan diatasnya. Soal nomor 1 dijadikan contoh)

Fiona meets Rara in Pasar Kuliner at 9 p.m.

Fiona : Hi, Rara. What are you doing here?

Rara : Hi, Fiona. I will buy “ Sate Madura”. How about you?
Fiona : I will buy “Martabak Mesir. This is my favourite.
Rara : I see. I must go overthere to buy it. Good bye Fiona, see you in the class tomorrow.
Fiona : Bye... Nice to meet you.

1. Fiona is Rara’s friend. (T)

2. They meet in the mall. ( )
3. Rara will buy “ Sate Madura” . ( )
4. They meet in the morning. ( )
5. Rara and Fiona are schoolmate. ( )

Exercise 2
Instruction : Answer the following questions based on the conversation above them. Number one has been done
for you as example.

Arif meets Ms. Elvi at school library in SMPN 4 Padang Panjang.

Arif : Good morning, Ma’am. How are you today?

Ms. Elvi : Good morning Arif. I am fine. What are you doing here?
Arif : I am borrowing books. What about you ma’am? What are you doing?
Ms. Elvi : I am going to read some book to kill the time.
Arif : Okay ma’am. I have got my books. See you.
Ms. Elvi : See you Arif.

1. How may people are there in the conversation above?

There are 2 people in the conversation.

2. Who are they?

They are ______________ and _______________________.

3. When do they meet?

They meet in the __________________________.

4. Where do they meet?

They meet in the ______________________________.

5. What is Ms.Elvi doing in the library?

Ms. Elvi is _______________________________________________ to kill the time.
Exercise 3
Instruction : Write down a simple conversation based on situation given. Number one has been done for you as

You meet you teacher in “Banca Laweh” in the afternoon.

You : Good afternoon,sir. (Tuliskan sapaan untuk gurumu)

Your Teacher : ______________________________ (Tuliskan sapaan balasan dari gurumu)
You : (Tuliskan kalimat menayakan kabar guru mu)
Your Teacher : (Tuliskan kalimat gurumu berkata kalau dia baik – baik
saja. Dan menayakan apa yang kamu lakukan disini?
You : (Tuliskan bahwa kamu jogging disore ini. Tuliskan
kalimat ketika berpamitan. Dan katakan bahwa kamu
senang bertemu gurumu)
Your Teacher : (Tuliskan gurumu mengucapakan selamat tinggal. Dan
senang bertemu denganmu)

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