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OOP Class Assignment 3

Due: Monday, 30 May 2022 at 02:30

Do not change the names of the already provided class names

Methods or attributes that you create on your own can be named as desired but try to follow the

Submit assignment in printed form including screenshots of all the possible scenarios of output.

Any individual who fails to follow the instructions will be penalised

Any copied assignment will be marked zero, for the one who copies and the one who provides
the assignment to be copied.

Follow the conventions and write comments, even a fool can write code that computers
understand, good programmers write code that humans can understand
You are required to create a small program that replicates the idea of real-life address book, housing
various entries for first name, last name, phone number, and address of type String. The program should
be able to store the address book as a file and retrieve it upon subsequent program launches, asking
user for interaction with the address book using ObjectInputStream/ObjectOutputStream. The program
should provide complete CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality, allowing user to:

• Enter new contact

• Search contact
• Update contact
• Delete contact

Create an appropriate menu driven application to write out the functionality stated above.

DONOT use ArrayList.

DONOT take inputs within methods other than main method.

Once created, open file in append mode and use MyObjectOutputStream to wite objects in file.

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