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Assignment No 2

Report Writing Skills


Abdullah Javed Sp21-bse-048

Class and section


Submitted to
Sir Mehmood Anwar


03 November 2021, Wednesday.

Department of Computer Sciences

COMSATS University Islamabad
Analyze the brochure with 7C’s of Communication and
traits of technical writing. Justify your answer.
The 7 C’s of communication are necessary to analyze if the
message or report will affect the receiver or not. The 7 C’s are;
 Clear
 Correct
 Complete
 Concrete
 Concise
 Courteous
 Considered
The brochure given for analysis follows the above points in the
following way :
Clarity means the report or text is giving a clear message
and there isn’t anything vague in it.
From the brochure we can see that the message about
COVID vaccination is clear and we’re pretty much getting
the idea about the age groups and their respective
vaccination groups. The message is pretty clear so the
brochure fulfills the criteria.
To check if the report or message is correct we must check
the spelling, punctuation and grammar use. If it is faulty
then the message is faulty and vise versa.
From the brochure we can analyze that it is not having any
error, either grammatical or spelling. It is not having any
punctuation error aswell so we can conclude that the
brochure is free of errors and is correct.
To check if the report or message is complete, we check
the details and requirements for the message.
The brochure is complete because it gives all the
information we need and moreover it gives the contact
information to get any extra details so we can say that the
brochure is complete.
To check if the message is solid, we have to check if the
idea is clear or not. In a concrete message the idea is clear
and in a short way.
The brochure is concrete in a sense that it provides the
complete message and there aren’t any unnecessary
words in it to make it lengthy and the message is solid and
To check if the message is concise we have to check if the
message isn’t having any extra words or redundancy.
The brochure is concise as it is not having any extra words
and sentences and it is keeping the redundancy at
minimum so giving the complete message at the
The brochure is courteous because it is not having any
harshness and it is taking care of the people by preferring
the adult ones over the youth so that the people prone to
virus can get vaccinated early. It is taking care of the needs
and priorities and the brochure is in a polite and open
language without any hidden harsh comments.
The message should be coherent means that all the points
should be connected and make senscee to the reader.
In the brochure it starts with slight introduction of the
disease and connecting the dots it gives the vaccinations
schedule and ends with an ending note. There is no
vagueness or confusion so the brochure is coherent.

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