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Dental pulp regeneration via cell homing

S. Eramo1 , A. Natali1, R. Pinna2 & E. Milia2

Department of Surgery and Biomedical Sciences, University of Perugia, Perugia; and 2Department of Biomedical Sciences,
University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy

Abstract electronic searches identified 46 studies. After title,

abstract and full-text examination, 10 articles met the
Eramo S, Natali A, Pinna R, Milia E. Dental pulp
inclusion criteria. In vitro data highlighted that multi-
regeneration via cell homing. International Endodontic Journal,
ple cytokines have the capacity to induce migration,
51, 405–419, 2018.
proliferation and differentiation of dental pulp stem/
The typical treatment for irreversibly inflamed/necro- progenitor cells. The majority of the in vivo studies
tic pulp tissue is root canal treatment. As an alterna- obtained regenerated connective pulp-like tissues with
tive approach, regenerative endodontics aims to neovascularization. In some cases, the samples
regenerate dental pulp-like tissues using two possible showed new innervation and new dentine deposition.
strategies: cell transplantation and cell homing. The The in situ pulp revascularization regenerated intra-
former requires exogenously transplanted stem cells, canal pulp-like tissues with neovascularization, inner-
complex procedures and high costs; the latter employs vation and dentine formation. Cell homing strategies
the host’s endogenous cells to achieve tissue repair/ for pulp regeneration need further understanding and
regeneration, which is more clinically translatable. improvement if they are to become a reliable and
This systematic review examines cell homing for den- effective approach in endodontics. Nevertheless, cell
tal pulp regeneration, selecting articles on in vitro homing currently represents the most clinically viable
experiments, in vivo ectopic transplantation models pathway for dental pulp regeneration.
and in situ pulp revascularization. MEDLINE/PubMed
Keywords: cell homing, endodontics, pulp regener-
and Scopus databases were electronically searched for
ation, scaffold, signalling molecules, tissue engineering.
articles without limits in publication date. Two
reviewers independently screened and included papers Received 19 May 2017; accepted 14 October 2017
according to the predefined selection criteria. The

fractures and reinfections due to coronal leakage or

periapical microleakage (Ingle & Bakland 2002, Dam-
Dental pulp trauma or infections, frequently mani- maschke et al. 2003). Moreover, they lose pulpal sen-
fested as pulpitis, are commonly treated by removing sation to hot/cold stimulation and the ability to detect
the pulp and replacing it with inorganic materials secondary infections (Ingle & Bakland 2002, Dam-
(gutta-percha and sealer cement) via root canal treat- maschke et al. 2003, Caplan et al. 2005).
ment (RCT). Pulp extirpation may make endodonti- As an alternative approach, regenerative endodon-
cally treated teeth brittle, susceptible to postoperative tics aims to replace inflamed/necrotic pulp tissue with
regenerated pulp-like tissue. Two strategies can be
applied towards dental pulp regeneration: cell trans-
plantation and cell homing. The former approach is
Correspondence: Stefano Eramo, Department of Surgery and cell-based, which means transplanting exogenous
Biomedical Sciences, University of Perugia, Piazza Lucio
stem cells loaded onto scaffolds incorporated with sig-
Severi 1 - 06132, Perugia, Italy (Tel.: 39-3381704211;
e-mail: nalling molecules into the root canal system of the

© 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 51, 405–419, 2018 405
Endodontic cell homing Eramo et al.

host to allow regeneration. The transplanted cells are are necessary to achieve pulp regeneration: effective
collected from the host (autologous) or from other root canal disinfection and appropriate size of the api-
individuals (allogenic) and may be either processed cal foramen (especially in mature teeth with closed
(separation from tissues) or grown in cultures to apices), which should be as small as possible, without
increase their numbers. In this case, stem cells are affecting cell migration, neovascularization and rein-
the key for tissue regeneration. About 10 years after nervation (Laureys et al. 2013).
the discovery of dental pulp stem cells (Gronthos et al. Cytokines are critical signalling molecules partici-
2000), pulp/dentine regeneration was accomplished pating in pulp regeneration, because they mobilize
using exogenously transplanted dental stem cells in endogenous cells and regulate the proliferation and
small and large animals (Huang et al. 2010, Iohara differentiation of stem/progenitor cells (Moretti et al.
et al. 2011). However, cell-based therapy faces many 2015, Wang et al. 2017). To exploit the innate heal-
hurdles in clinical translation because complex proce- ing potential of endogenous cells, several types of sig-
dures need to be followed, such as tooth extraction, nalling molecules have been tested in vitro and added
pulp extirpation, in vitro cell culture, selection of to the scaffolds in animal models in vivo: amongst
stem/progenitor cell populations, ex vivo cell expan- them, stromal cell-derived factor (SDF-1a), basic
sion, storage and shipping. Also, there are other con- fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), vascular endothelial
cerns including potential contamination and growth factor (VEGF), platelet-derived growth factor
development of tumorigenesis during ex vivo cell (PDGF), stem cell factor (SCF) and granulocyte col-
manipulation (Yildirim et al. 2011, Kim et al. 2012). ony-stimulating factor (G-CSF). The growth factors
Therefore, cell transplantation for pulp regeneration employed should have three functions: (i) promote
therapy is likely to suffer from a lack of clinical viabil- angiogenesis in the root canal; (ii) enhance migration
ity, difficulty with regulatory approval and the high of endogenous stem cells and (iii) induce mineraliza-
costs, besides the risks of immune rejection, pathogen tion (Kao et al. 2009, Chieruzzi et al. 2016). There-
transmission and tumorigenesis during engraftment. fore, a suitable combination of scaffold and growth
Despite its scientific validity, dental pulp regeneration factors should be selected, and the scaffold should be
using cell transplantation is unlikely to be economi- easily manipulated in clinical practice. The use of bio-
cally viable or competitive with current RCT or dental logical signalling molecules for cell homing makes
implants. pulp regeneration more clinically translatable,
From a therapeutic viewpoint, cell homing may because the delivery of growth factors is not nearly as
circumvent many of the challenges associated with complex and costly as cell transplantation. Essentially,
cell transplantation. In tissue regeneration, cell hom- the cell homing approach circumvents some of the
ing is defined as active recruitment of endogenous safety, manufacturing and technical issues associated
cells, including stem/progenitor cells, into an ana- with cell transplantation (Kim et al. 2010, Suzuki
tomic compartment (Laird et al. 2008, Mao et al. et al. 2011).
2010). The concept of cell homing is to achieve tis- Pulp revascularization of immature permanent
sue repair/regeneration through chemotaxis of host teeth could be considered a type of cell homing strat-
endogenous cells to injured tissue via biological sig- egy for pulp regeneration. It is a two-step regenera-
nalling molecules. Compared with stem cell trans- tion-based protocol for immature teeth with necrotic
plantation, cell homing strategies might be easier to pulps, proposed in clinical practice over the past dec-
perform clinically, because there is no need to iso- ade (Thibodeau & Trope 2007, Wigler et al. 2013). In
late and manipulate stem cells in vitro (Kim et al. this approach, the root canal system is first disinfected
2013, Huang & Garcia-Godoy 2014, Xiao & Nasu with a combination of antibiotics or calcium hydrox-
2014). ide; then, it is filled with a blood clot from bleeding
In this cell-free approach, bioactive scaffolds provoked from periapical tissues (European Society of
impregnated with growth factors are injected into Endodontology 2016, Galler 2016). The blood clot
pulpless root canals to induce the migration, prolifera- acts as a scaffold, and the growth factors inside it
tion and differentiation of endogenous stem/progeni- could recruit stem cells, most likely from the periapi-
tor cells residing around the root apex. The possible cal papilla (Lovelace et al. 2011). Several clinical case
cell sources include dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs), reports described good outcomes with pulp revascu-
stem cells from the apical papilla (SCAP) and bone larization of immature teeth, such as radiographic
marrow stem cells (BMSCs). Then, two preconditions signs of tooth maturation and symptom reduction.

406 International Endodontic Journal, 51, 405–419, 2018 © 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Eramo et al. Endodontic cell homing

Nevertheless, histological studies have shown that in MEDLINE/PubMed, whilst ‘Title, Abstract and
most of the tissues formed were not pulp but includ- Keywords’ in Scopus. The search results were
ing cementum, periodontal and bone-like tissues imported into a computerized database Review Man-
(Becerra et al. 2014). Therefore, further studies are ager 5.2. The search results from each of the elec-
needed to promote the formation of pulp-like tissues tronic databases of MEDLINE/PubMed and Scopus
and to apply this therapeutic approach to mature were combined, and duplicated publications were
teeth. eliminated.
The regenerated pulp-like tissues should be connec-
tive tissues that (i) deposit new dentine with a regu- Criteria for selecting studies
lated rate, a process named dentinogenesis, (ii) show After completing the search, articles for review were
similar cell density and architecture to the natural selected based on:
pulp and (iii) have vascularization and (iv) innerva-
tion (Fawzy El-Sayed et al. 2015). Remarkable
• Original data protocols
advances have been made in the understanding of
• Document type: articles
dental pulp biology at the cellular and molecular
• Dental pulp regeneration
levels and towards pulp/dentine regeneration (Mao &
• Cell homing
Prockop 2012), but the existing in vivo animal studies
• English language
have not yet found a valid pathway applicable to Exclusion criteria
humans. The major hurdle that cell homing faces for The reasons for exclusion were defined as follows:
pulp regeneration in vivo is represented by the short- • Studies without original and/or actual data
age of endogenous cells in defect sites (Kim et al. • Studies with data from previous publications
2012, 2013). Periapical cell numbers are reduced in • Cell transplantation
teeth with necrotic pulps and periapical lesions. SCAP • Reviews
possess a key benefit concerning their apical location • Opinion papers, editorials and book chapters
that supports tissue survival during pulp necrosis
In this way, removing irrelevant citations according
(Huang et al. 2008). Nevertheless, no therapy pro-
to the selected criteria, a preliminary set of potentially
moting regeneration of the pulp/dentine complex in
relevant publications was created.
cases of pulp necrosis currently exists (Bottino et al.
The aim of this systematic review was to select and Screening and selection
analyse the studies published on dental pulp regenera- Using a screening guide based on eligibility criteria,
tion through cell homing strategies. A distinction was two reviewers (AN and SE) screened independently the
made between in vitro experiments with stem cells and registered titles and abstracts, authors and references
signalling molecules, in vivo ectopic transplantation in two separate files (one for included abstracts and the
animal models and in situ pulp revascularization, to other one for excluded abstracts). The full text of all
provide a global overview of current knowledge on cell potentially eligible studies in at least one screening was
homing in regenerative endodontics. retrieved. Reviewers then evaluated the full text for
inclusion using a screening guide, and a second
reviewer (AN) screened all the findings. When disagree-
Review ment occurred, a third reviewer (RP) was consulted.

Materials and methods

Data extraction
Search strategy An ad hoc data extraction form was designed to record
This systematic review was performed according to data from the selected studies. For the in vitro experi-
the PRISMA Statement (Moher et al. 2009). A first ments articles, the recorded fields were: Authors and
systematic literature search for articles related to pulp Year, Employed cells/tissues, Source and Methods,
regeneration via cell homing in endodontics, without Results (Table 1). For the in vivo ectopic transplanta-
limits in publication date, was conducted in the data- tion models papers, the registered fields were: Authors
bases MEDLINE/PubMed and Scopus, using a combi- and Year, Specimens, Test subjects, Site and Trial
nation of the following terms: [Pulp regeneration] time, Scaffold and Growth factors, Results (Table 2).
AND [Cell homing]. The search fields were ‘All fields’ For the in situ pulp revascularization papers, the

© 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 51, 405–419, 2018 407
Endodontic cell homing Eramo et al.

Table 1 Systematic review of in vitro experiments papers

Qualities and
Authors Employed of studies
and year cells/tissues Source and methods Results included score

Suzuki DPSCs Human third molars SDF1 or bFGF recruited ++

et al. 3D cell migration assay and RT- significantly more cells than the
(2011) PCR analysis control group
BMP7 had little effect on cell
Pan Mandibles Mice High levels of both SCF and its +++
et al. DP cells Human teeth receptor c-Kit were found
(2013) Immunohistochemical and RT-PCR DP cells possess dentinogenic/
analyses osteogenic potential
Immunofluorescence staining SCF stimulated proliferation,
Culture with osteogenic induction migration and cytoskeletal
medium reorganization
MTT assay SCF modulated DP cell functions
Culture in a trans-well system
Protein extraction and Western
blot analysis
Takeuchi MDPSCs Human third molars bFGF and G-CSF did not +++
et al. PdLF, BM, Cell banks significantly differ in inducing
(2015) HUVEC Real-time horizontal chemotaxis migration, proliferation, anti-
and TGW assay apoptotic effect, angiogenic and
Spectrophotometry neurogenic differentiation
Flow cytometry G-CSF promoted mineralization,
Angiogenic differentiation whilst bFGF completely
Neurogenic differentiation suppressed it
Odontogenic differentiation
Yang DPSCs Human third molars SDF-1a had no effect on DPSC +++
et al. Immunofluorescence staining viability
(2015) Flow cytometry It significantly promoted DPSC
Colony-forming assay migration
Odontogenic/osteogenic induction It optimized focal adhesion
Adipogenic induction formation and stress fibre
CCK-8 assay assembly
Cell migration assay:
1. In vitro wound healing assay
2. Transmigration assay
Immunofluorescence staining
Transmission electron microscopy
Protein extraction and Western
blot analysis
Liu et al. SCAP and Human impacted immature third CXCR4 was expressed in both +++
(2015) DPSCs molars SCAP and DPSC cultures
Immunofluorescence staining SDF-1a had no significant effect
Immunocytofluorescence on CXCR4 expression and SCAP
RT-PCR analysis proliferation, but it significantly
Flow cytometry promoted SCAP migration
CCK-8 assay
Trans-well migration assay
3D cell migration assay
Li & Wang BMSCs² SD rats PDGF-BB, NGF and BDNF +++
(2016) CCK-8 assay promoted BMSC² proliferation
Trans-well migration assay PDGF-BB significantly promoted
RT-PCR analysis BMSC² migration

408 International Endodontic Journal, 51, 405–419, 2018 © 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Eramo et al. Endodontic cell homing

Table 1 Continued

Qualities and
Authors Employed of studies
and year cells/tissues Source and methods Results included score

Ruangsawasdi hMSCs Cell bank SCF increased hMSC directional +++

et al. (2016) l-slide chemotaxis 3D assays migration, proliferation and
WST-1 assay odonto/osteogenic differentiation
Odonto/osteogenic differentiation

+++, high level; ++, medium level; +, low level.

evaluated fields were: Authors and Year, Test subjects, cytokine delivery in 7 days, as demonstrated by the
Teeth, Scaffold, Trial time, Methods, Results (Table 3). increased DNA content inside the gel. Instead, BMP7
had little effect on cell recruitment, failing to show an
Quality assessment advantage over the control group, but it was highly
All studies meeting the inclusion criteria then under- effective in promoting mineralization of cultured
went quality assessment. Two examiners (AN and SE) DPSCs. BMP7 might have initiated cell differentiation
read the papers independently. The qualities and rele- at the expense of cell migration. Moreover, cell mem-
vance of each study were graded as follows: high brane receptors for SDF-1, bFGF and BMP7 were
(+++), medium (++) or low (+) using a study-quality upregulated in treated DPSCs. As a result, dental pulp
checklist. External validity, internal validity and study stem/progenitor cells may be selectively recruited by
precision were analysed to obtain an overall assess- chemotactic cytokines and act as endogenous cell
ment of quality. The assessment was used as a basis sources for pulp regeneration and mineralization.
for the discussion between the two examiners to Also, Yang et al. (2015) investigated the effects of
grade the studies. In the case of disagreement, all SDF-1a on DPSC migration, together with the role of
authors discussed the paper until a consensus was autophagy involved in this process. In vitro addition
reached. of SDF-1a had no effect on DPSC viability, but signifi-
Table 4 gives the abbreviations used throughout cantly promoted their migration in a concentration-
the paper. dependent manner and optimized focal adhesion
formation and stress fibre assembly, which have a
critical function in cell migration. Immunostaining
analysis and TEM observation strongly suggested the
The electronic searches identified 46 studies. Figure 1 activation of autophagy in SDF-1a-treated DPSCs.
summarizes the selection procedure of the papers. Furthermore, DPSC migration was abolished in the
Subsequently, during the review of titles, abstracts presence of autophagy inhibitors and promoted in the
and full texts, 36 studies were excluded. The final presence of autophagy activator. Therefore, autop-
analysis included 10 articles that conformed to the hagy was induced and positively associated with
criteria for the present review. DPSC migration induced by SDF-1a. SDF-1a has an
essential function in the mobilization and recruitment
In vitro experiments of stem/progenitor cells.
A total of seven studies reported in vitro experiments The chemotactic effect of the cytokine SDF-1a was
for cell homing strategy in dental pulp regeneration. further studied on SCAP by Liu et al. (2015) using
To study the chemotactic effect of different cytoki- in vitro transmigration models. SDF-1a is widely
nes on human dental stem/progenitor cells, Suzuki expressed and mediates cell migration through its
et al. (2011) established a 3D in vitro cell migration binding with CXC chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4).
assay and quantitatively studied the recruitment of CXCR4 expression was detected in both the paravas-
DPSCs in response to SDF-1, bFGF and BMP7. SDF-1 cular region of the apical papilla and the pulp tissue,
or bFGF recruited significantly more cells into 3D col- as well as in both SCAP and DPSCs in cultures. Most
lagen gel scaffolds than the control group without cultured SCAP harboured intracellular CXCR4,

© 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 51, 405–419, 2018 409
Table 2 Systematic review of in vivo ectopic transplantation models papers

Qualities and
relevance of
Specimens, test subjects, site and trial studies included
Authors and year time Scaffold and growth factors Results score
Kim et al. (2010) Human mature incisors and canines; 2 mg mL neutralized collagen gel; bFGF and/or VEGF-2 yielded +++
mice dorsum; 3 weeks 10 ng mL 1 VEGF-2 and/or recellularized and revascularized
100 ng mL 1 bFGF, 10 ng mL 1 connective tissue
Endodontic cell homing Eramo et al.

PDGF, 50 ng mL 1 NGF and bFGF or VEGF-2 or PDGF with NGF

100 ng mL 1 BMP7 and BMP7 generated cellularized and
vascularized pulp-like tissue
Human teeth; rats dorsum; 3 weeks Collagen gel; bFGF bFGF induced recellularization and

International Endodontic Journal, 51, 405–419, 2018

Suzuki et al. (2011) +
revascularization of pulp-like tissue
Pan et al. (2013) Mice dorsum; 4 weeks Collagen sponge; 50 ng mL 1 SCF SCF had a highly significant effect on ++
Mice dorsum; 1 week Collagen sponge; 50 ng mL 1 SCF cell number and angiogenesis
SCF induced sponge remodelling and
collagen fibre neogenesis
Takeuchi et al. (2015) Porcine second incisors; mice; 3 weeks Collagen; 15 lg mL bFGF or No significant difference between +++
15 lg mL 1 G-CSF bFGF and G-CSF in pulp-like tissue
regeneration and angiogenesis
Yang et al. (2015) Human teeth root fragments; nude Porous 3D silk fibroin (1.5–2 mm3); In the group with scaffold alone no ++
mice dorsum; 8 weeks none or 100 ng SDF-1a tissue was formed. In the SDF-1a
group vascularized connective tissues
with collagen deposition were found
Zhang et al. (2015) Human mandibular first premolars; 2 mg mL 1 neutralized collagen gel; Dental pulp-like tissue and new vessels +++
mice dorsum; 3 weeks none or 100 ng mL 1 SDF-1 were regenerated in both groups
Li & Wang (2016) Human incisors and premolars; SD 1.8 mg mL 1 neutralized collagen I gel; Well-vascularized pulp-like tissue was +++
rats dorsum; 2 to 4 months PDGF-BB (50 ng mL 1), NGF (50 or regenerated in both the H and the L
100 ng mL 1) and BDNF (50 or group. Newly formed nerve fibres
100 ng mL 1) only in the H group
Ruangsawasdi et al. (2016) Root sections of human immature 0.3% fibrin gel; none Specimens placed at the calvaria +++
third molars; SD rats calvaria and showed pulp-like tissue and
dorsum; 6 weeks odontoblast-like cells
Ruangsawasdi et al. (2017) Human bilateral immature premolars; 0.4% fibrin gel; none or 15 lg mL SCF increased the tissue ingrowth at +++
SD rats calvaria; 6 or 12 weeks SCF 6 weeks but not at 12 weeks.
However, at 12 weeks the tissue was
more mature

+++, high level; ++, medium level; +, low level.

© 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Eramo et al. Endodontic cell homing

whereas only a low percentage of them expressed it

Qualities and relevance of studies
on the cell surface. Although SDF-1a had no signifi-
included score cant effect on CXCR4 expression or SCAP prolifera-
tion, it significantly promoted SCAP migration in a
dose-dependent manner, reaching the peak at

100 ng mL 1 SDF-1a. This effect was abolished by

anti-CXCR4 antibodies. Notably, SCAP began express-
ing surface CXCR4 after transmigration. The 3D
migration assay revealed that SDF-1a significantly
enhanced SCAP migration into the 3D collagen gel.
These findings suggest that the SDF-1a gradient may
rMT) were evident, with little

induce translocation of cytoplasmic CXCR4 to the

ingrowth of pulp-like tissues
SDF-1a silk fibroin scaffolds
In both groups, regenerated
intracanal tissues (rCT and

membrane, thus increasing the population of SCAP

improved the de novo

expressing CXCR4. SCAP can be chemoattracted to


migrate via the SDF-1a/CXCR4 axis. Therefore, SDF-

1a may be clinically used to induce CXCR4-expressing
nerve bundles

SCAP residing in the apical papilla of an immature

permanent tooth to migrate into the root canal space
as an endogenous cell source for pulp regeneration
via the SDF-1a/CXCR4 axis.
Another signalling molecule extensively investi-
After irrigation, bleeding induction
ciprofloxacin, metronidazole and
Instrumentation and irrigation of

minocycline (20 mg mL 1 each),

the canals with 2.5% NaOCl and

gated in the cell homing approach has been SCF, a

Induction of apical periodontitis

into the canals by gentle over-

then teeth sealing for 4 weeks
antibiotic paste consisting of

powerful chemokine capable of recruiting progenitor

Intracanal dressing of triple

cells. Pan et al. (2013) examined whether SCF and its


receptor c-Kit are expressed in teeth and whether they

may be useful as homing agents for the recruitment

of dental pulp progenitors. Immunohistochemical

17% EDTA

analysis reported high levels of both SCF and c-Kit in

differentiating dental pulp (DP) cells and in the sub-
odontoblastic layer of H€ohl. SCF expression pattern in
odontoblasts and DP cells indicates that SCF may play
Trial time

3 months

a role in dentinogenesis. In vitro studies using human

Table 3 Systematic review of in situ pulp revascularization papers

DP progenitors showed they possess dentinogenic/os-

teogenic potential, because they can be induced
towards an odontoblast/osteoblast lineage using
or SDF-1a-loaded

osteogenic medium. More interestingly, SCF stimu-

(control group)

lated proliferation in a dose-dependent manner, pro-

silk fibroin
Blood clot

moted migration and enhanced cytoskeletal

+++, high level; ++, medium level; +, low level.

reorganization of DP progenitors, modulating their

functions through MEK/ERK and PI3K/Akt pathways.
These results suggest that SCF acts as a potent and
and third

fast acting chemotactic agent related to DP cells.




Similarly, Ruangsawasdi et al. (2017) wanted to

test the effect of SCF on human mesenchymal stem
cells (hMSCs). They set up in vitro experiments in


which hMSCs were exposed to SCF at various concen-


trations for assessing cell directional migration, prolif-

eration and differentiation towards odonto/osteoblasts
Yang et al.

by 3D-chemotaxis slides, WST-1 assay and alkaline

and year


phosphatase activity, respectively. The presence of

SCF increased hMSC directional migration, with a

© 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 51, 405–419, 2018 411
Endodontic cell homing Eramo et al.

Table 4 Abbreviations significant effect when 2.5 and 12.5 lg mL 1 SCF

ALP Alkaline phosphatase were loaded in one of the reservoirs. SCF at a concen-
Atg5 Autophagy-related protein 5 tration of 100 ng mL 1 showed a significant increase
BDNF Brain-derived neurotrophic factor in hMSC proliferation, whilst differentiation was sig-
bFGF Basic fibroblast growth factor
BM Human bone marrow-derived
nificantly affected only at very high concentrations of
mesenchymal stem cells 1 lg mL 1 SCF. In vitro results also showed that SCF
BMP2 Bone morphogenetic protein 2 can be freed from the current fibrin gel formulation
BMP7 Bone morphogenetic protein 7 used in pulp regeneration strategies: in particular, its
BMSCs¹ Bone marrow stromal cells
release kinetics was low during the first 3 days and
BMSCs² Bone mesenchymal stem cells
BSP Bone sialoprotein completed after 7 days. As a whole, SCF influenced
CCK-8 Cell counting kit-8 stem cell migration, proliferation and differentiation;
CD-34 Cluster of differentiation 34 thus, it could facilitate chemotaxis-induced cell hom-
CM Conditioned medium
ing in dental pulp regeneration.
Col1/COL1 Collagen type I
CXCR4 CXC chemokine receptor 4 Besides those listed, some other signalling molecules
DMP1 Dentine matrix protein 1 are indicated to act as homing factors for pulp regen-
DP Dental pulp eration. Takeuchi et al. (2015) compared the in vitro
DPSCs Dental pulp stem cells
effects of bFGF with those of G-CSF to assess the
DSP Dentine sialoprotein
DSPP Dentine sialophosphoprotein potential utility of bFGF as an alternative to G-CSF for
EDTA Ethylene-diaminetetraacetic acid pulp regeneration. In this study, five different types of
ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay cells were examined, amongst which PdLF, BM,
G-CSF Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor HUVEC and TGW were used as representative of
GDNF Glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor
GFP Green fluorescent protein
endogenous cells surrounding the tooth, whilst
H High concentration MDPSCs, a subset of DPSCs known to have high
hMSCs Human mesenchymal stem cells angiogenic and regenerative potential, were used as
HUVEC Human umbilical vein endothelial cells DPSCs. In vitro experiments outlined that bFGF and
L Low concentration
LC3 Microtubule-associated protein 1A/
G-CSF did not significantly differ in inducing migra-
1B-light chain 3 tion, proliferation, anti-apoptotic effects, vascular
MAP2 Microtubule-associated protein 2 endothelial differentiation and neurite outgrowth.
MDPSCs Mobilized dental pulp stem cells Instead, regarding odontogenic induction, G-CSF pro-
MEK/ERK Mitogen-activated protein kinase/
moted mineralization in DPSC subsets, whilst bFGF
extracellular-signal regulated kinase
MMP2 Matrix metalloproteinase 2 completely suppressed it. Nevertheless, bFGF may be a
MTT 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5- potent homing/migration factor in pulp regeneration
diphenyltetrazolium bromide therapy similar to the influence of G-CSF.
NaOCl Sodium hypochlorite
Li & Wang (2016) investigated the chemotactic
NGF Nerve growth factor
OPN Osteopontin effects of PDGF-BB and the cytobiological effects of
PDGF(-BB) Platelet-derived growth factor (BB) NGF and BDNF on the culture of bone mesenchymal
PdLF Human periodontal ligament fibroblasts stem cells (BMSCs²) from rats in vitro. The prolifera-
PI3K/Akt Phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase/protein kinase B
tion, migration and differentiation of rat BMSCs² trea-
rCT Regenerated connective tissue
rMT Regenerated mineralized tissue
ted with different dosages of PDGF-BB, NGF and
RT-PCR Real-time polymerase chain reaction BDNF were evaluated using CCK-8, trans-well and
Runx2 Runt-related transcription factor 2 RT-PCR assays. The results showed that such
S-100 100% soluble protein cytokines markedly promoted BMSC² proliferation in
SCAP Stem cells from the apical papilla
SCF Stem cell factor
time- and dose-dependent manners; the optimum con-
SCID Severe combined immune deficient centration of PDGF-BB for enhancing cell proliferation
SD Sprague-Dawley was 50 ng mL 1, whilst it was 100 ng mL 1 with
SDF1(a) Stromal cell-derived factor 1(a) NGF and BDNF. Moreover, PDGF-BB significantly pro-
TEM Transmission electron microscope
moted BMSC² migration in a dose-dependent manner,
TGW Human neuroblastoma cell line
VEGF(-2) Vascular endothelial growth factor (2) whereas no significant difference was found between
vWF Von Willebrand factor the number of migrated cells and the growth factors
WST-1 Water-soluble tetrazolium-1 concentration in the NGF- and BDNF-treated groups.
PDGF-BB, NGF and BDNF significantly enhanced the

412 International Endodontic Journal, 51, 405–419, 2018 © 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Eramo et al. Endodontic cell homing

46 potenally relevant records
idenfied through database

30 records aer

duplicates removed

18 records excluded on the basis of

30 records screened tle and abstract inclusion and/or
exclusion criteria

12 full-text arcles 2 full-text arcles excluded on

assessed for eligibility the basis of inclusion and/or
exclusion criteria

10 studies included in

qualitave synthesis

Figure 1 Search flowchart according to the PRISMA Statement.

expressions of OPN and Runx2, which are specific Furthermore, combined delivery of bFGF or VEGF or
genes of osteogenic induction, and also those of MAP- PDGF with basal NGF and BMP7 generated cellular-
2 and b-III-tubulin, markers of neurogenic induction, ized and vascularized tissues positive of VEGF anti-
in a dose-dependent manner in treated BMSCs². These body staining, with new dentine formation over the
findings suggest that PDGF-BB, NGF and BDNF have surface of native dentinal walls in some, but not all,
the potential to mobilize endogenous cells and regu- specimens. Newly regenerated dental pulp tissues
late the proliferation and differentiation of mesenchy- were dense with disconnected cells surrounded by
mal stem/precursor cells useful for pulp regeneration extracellular matrix. Multiple blood vessels with
via cell homing. endothelial-like cell lining were present. Microscopic
images showed that the entire root canal, from root
In vivo ectopic transplantation models apex to pulp chamber, was filled with vascular pulp-
A total of nine selected papers evaluated ectopic like tissues with innervation and odontoblast layers
transplantation animal models to study pulp regener- integrated to dentinal wall. In quantitative ELISA,
ation through cell homing in vivo. co-delivery of bFGF or VEGF or PDGF with basal NGF
Kim et al. (2010) induced dental pulp-like tissue and BMP7 yielded von Willebrand factor, dentine
regeneration via a cell homing technique using sialoprotein and endogenous NGF, thus suggesting
human teeth transplanted in a mouse model. Human- that ectopically homed cells elaborate angiogenesis,
extracted canines and incisors were endodontically mineralization and neurogenesis in regenerated dental
treated without root filling materials. The emptied pulp-like tissue. The study of Kim et al. (2010) was
root canals were filled with collagen scaffolds impreg- the first to use an ectopic model to demonstrate the
nated with combinations of different molecules: bFGF, regeneration of pulp-like tissue through the migra-
VEGF or PDGF with a basal set of NGF and BMP7. tion, proliferation and differentiation of host endoge-
Then, the teeth were transplanted subcutaneously nous cells in endodontically treated root canals of real
into mice dorsum for 3 weeks. Upon retrieval of the size, native human teeth. This regenerative process is
specimens, delivery of bFGF and/or VEGF yielded thought to be guided by growth factors that filled the
newly formed recellularized and revascularized con- emptied root canals: bFGF and PDGF acted as biologi-
nective tissue with abundant cells that integrated to cal signals for chemotaxis, PDGF and VEGF for vascu-
the native dentinal walls in the root canals. logenesis/angiogenesis, NGF for neural growth and

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Endodontic cell homing Eramo et al.

BMP7 for odontoblast differentiation and mineralization. Pan et al. (2013) investigated the homing capaci-
These multiple cytokines, alone or in combination, ties of the cytokine SCF performing in vivo subcuta-
induced cell homing, angiogenesis and mineralized neous implantation experiments. SCF was dropped on
tissue formation. The present study represents a collagen sponges which were then implanted into the
founding model for recellularization and revascular- dorsum of nude mice for 1 or 4 weeks. After 4 weeks,
ization in endodontically treated root canals in vivo, SCF effect on implant cell number and angiogenesis
although in an ectopic model, and a starting point was highly significant: a sevenfold increase in the cell
towards a clinically translatable cell homing approach number and a more than ninefold increase in capil-
for dental pulp regeneration in humans. laries. Instead, its effect on collagen synthesis and
The same group has also achieved pulp regenera- scaffold remodelling was assessed after 1 week of
tion and angiogenesis in an ectopic tooth transplanta- implantation: there was a remarkable degradation of
tion model with injection of bFGF alone in the empty the scaffold thick collagen fibres that were replaced
root canal (Suzuki et al. 2011). Clinically extracted with thin collagen fibres forming smaller subunits.
human teeth were endodontically treated as in This finding of collagen sponge remodelling and colla-
patients, but without gutta-percha root filling. Then, gen fibre neogenesis was supported by a significant
collagen gel was injected into the root canals with or increase in MMP2, collagen I and III gene expression.
without delivery of bFGF, followed by in vivo teeth The regenerated pulp/dentine complex also displayed
implantation into the dorsum of rats. After 3 weeks, a new layer of predentine along demineralized dentine
bFGF induced recellularization and revascularization surfaces and oval-shaped round cells parallel to the
of the root canals, which were filled with connective dentine surface. Therefore, when subcutaneously
tissue with abundant cells that integrated with the implanted with collagen sponges, SCF enhanced cell
dentinal wall. Delivery of bFGF resulted in cellular homing, angiogenesis and tissue remodelling. The
migration and pulp-like tissue formation in the ecto- study showed that SCF use in dental pulp regenera-
pic tooth transplantation model, thus suggesting a tion not only induced migration, proliferation and
significant role of bFGF in the migration of endoge- chemotaxis, but also promoted other benefits related
nous progenitor cells for pulp regeneration. The pre- to tissue engineering: neovascularization, degradation
sent findings confirm that dental pulp regeneration is of exogenous collagen scaffolds and new collagen
likely to occur by the recruitment and in situ differen- matrix synthesis. These benefits indicate SCF suitabil-
tiation of host stem/progenitor cells homed by chemo- ity as a potent aid in dental pulp regeneration.
tactic cytokines. Yang et al. (2015) set up a similar in vivo ectopic
The in vivo regenerative potential of bFGF was com- transplantation model to study the involvement of
pared with that of G-CSF in an ectopic tooth trans- autophagy in SDF-1a-mediated dental pulp regenera-
plantation model by Takeuchi et al. (2015). They tion. They employed extracted human teeth roots,
employed extracted porcine teeth, whose roots were which were sectioned into 3-mm segments, irrigated
cut out and injected with collagen and bFGF or and filled with silk fibroin scaffolds loaded with or
G-CSF. Then, each root was transplanted subcuta- without SDF-1a. The constructs were then subcuta-
neously in SCID mice. After 3 weeks, both growth neously implanted into the dorsum of immunocom-
factors determined the regeneration of pulp-like tis- promised nude mice for 8 weeks. Upon retrieval, no
sues with dentine formation along the dentinal wall. tissue was formed in the SDF-1a-free group, as only
No significant differences were observed between small clusters of cells were observed at the end of the
bFGF and G-CSF in the total volume, in the cell den- scaffold. On the contrary, tooth fragments implanted
sity and in the capillary density of regenerated pulp with SDF-1a-loaded scaffolds had vascularized con-
tissues. As regards odontoblastic differentiation, the nective tissues with collagen matrix deposition in the
number of enamelysin-positive cells and DSPP-positive canals, but no new dentine deposition. Moreover,
cells was similar in bFGF transplants to that in G-CSF immunostaining revealed the localization of auto-
transplants. On the whole, this study demonstrated phagy-related proteins Atg5 and LC3 in the regener-
the potential utility of bFGF in pulp and dentine ated tissue.
regeneration in vivo through cell homing in compar- The possible role of systemic bone marrow stromal
ison with G-CSF, even though further studies are cells (BMSCs¹) in dental pulp regeneration and the
needed in an orthotopic transplantation model to con- enhancing effect of SDF-1 on cell recruitment and
firm that bFGF can be the alternative to G-CSF. angiogenesis were evaluated in vivo by Zhang et al.

414 International Endodontic Journal, 51, 405–419, 2018 © 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Eramo et al. Endodontic cell homing

(2015). Extracted human premolars were sectioned formed mineral matrix reached along the entire denti-
along the crown-root junction, endodontically treated nal wall. The root apex was covered by connective
and disinfected. The roots were loaded with neutral- tissue together with abundant blood vessels. In con-
ized collagen gel with or without SDF-1 and trast, at 12 weeks, the addition of SCF did not result
implanted into subcutaneous pockets in the dorsum in a significant improvement of tissue ingrowth
of mice. Before implant, BMSCs¹ labelled with green (47%  15% with SCF compared to 38%  13%
fluorescent protein (GFP) were transplanted into each without SCF), but the formed tissue in SCF-treated
mouse via the tail vein. Three weeks later, specimens specimens was more mature. The ingrown tissue
were harvested for histological and immunohisto- occupied over two-thirds of the root canal; odonto-
chemical analyses. Ectopic dental pulp-like tissue and blast-like cells were lined along the dentinal wall and
new blood vessels were regenerated in both the SDF-1 extended their processes further down the dentinal
and SDF-1-free groups. In the SDF-1-free group, root tubules. Moreover, revascularization appeared to be
canals filled with collagen scaffold alone revealed a improved and a highly dense connective tissue resem-
small amount of cells and blood vessels and the resid- bling mineralized tissue had developed at the apical
ual collagen scaffold exhibited a grid-like morphology. opening. In terms of gene transcription, RT-PCR anal-
In contrast, in the SDF-1 group abundant cells and a ysis showed that the levels of DMP1, Col1 and VEGF
large number of blood vessels were found and the were significantly upregulated, whilst those of DSPP
grid-like morphology of the scaffold disappeared. The and NGF were not affected by SCF. Overall, SCF
difference in the newly formed blood vessels area increased tissue ingrowth at 6 weeks and formed a
between the SDF-1 group (6.13%) and the SDF-1-free better developed pulp-like tissue at 12 weeks, thus
group (1.52%) was statistically significant. GFP-posi- showing the ability to recruit cells into immature
tive BMSCs¹ could be observed in both groups, but human teeth. These results suggest that SCF can
their number in the SDF-1 group was significantly accelerate cell homing and pulp/dentine maturation
higher than in the SDF-1-free group. SDF-1 delivery in human immature teeth, thereby promising to
homed significantly more GFP+ cells than without improve current cell homing strategies in endodontic
SDF-1 delivery, suggesting that SDF-1 induces a tissue engineering.
strong chemotaxis on BMSCs¹ towards the root canal. Focusing on other cytokines, Li & Wang (2016)
ALP expression also was found in both groups; how- combined PDGF-BB, NGF and BDNF in an in vivo
ever, it was stronger in the SDF-1 group than in the approach for regenerating ectopic dental pulp-like tis-
SDF-1-free group. This was the first study to provide sue via cell homing. Extracted human incisors and
direct evidence that systemic BMSCs¹ can home to the premolars were disinfected and endodontically treated
root canal via the bloodstream and participate in (just cleaned and shaped root canals). The cytokines
pulp-like tissue regeneration in ectopic endodontically were added at low concentration (L group) or high
treated human teeth. Furthermore, intracanal appli- concentration (H group) to neutralized collagen scaf-
cation of SDF-1 may improve BMSC¹ homing effi- folds, which were injected into the pulp chambers
ciency and angiogenesis. and root canals. Next, the teeth were implanted sub-
Also, Ruangsawasdi et al. (2017) investigated cutaneously into rat dorsa for 2 to 4 months. Upon
whether SCF could induce cell homing in a pulpless retrieval, a histologic analysis was employed to iden-
immature root canal and promote regeneration of a tify the regenerated tissue: well-vascularized pulp-like
functional pulp. Human-extracted immature premo- tissue was present in both the groups, with more
lars were accessed and irrigated, then filled with fibrin small vessels in the H group. At 4 months after trans-
hydrogels with or without SCF and implanted on top plantation, vascularization in the H group was similar
of rat calvariae for 6 or 12 weeks. To assess the effect in density and orientation to that of the normal pulp.
of SCF on tissue ingrowth, histologic analyses were CD-34 immunohistochemical analysis confirmed the
performed: at 6 weeks, SCF increased the tissue presence of newly formed vessels in both the groups.
ingrowth extent (21%  5% of the pulp space) com- However, S-100 immunohistochemical staining
pared to fibrin gel alone (6%  2%). Therefore, tissue detected positive signals only in the H group, which
ingrowth was accelerated by SCF application, and the indicated newly formed nerve fibres. Without using
morphology of ingrown tissue was also affected: it exogenous cells, the researchers successfully achieved
reached up to the middle third of the root canal, it the revascularization and reinnervation of regenerated
had begun to form vessel structures, and the newly pulp-like tissue by the combined use of PDGF-BB, NGF

© 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 51, 405–419, 2018 415
Endodontic cell homing Eramo et al.

and BDNF via cell homing. This study represents the provide a microenvironment similar to the tooth
first attempt to combine PDGF-BB and NGFs (NGF socket with various potential cell sources, including
and BDNF) to obtain pulp-like tissue regeneration bone and periosteum. Therefore, it might be a better
through a cell homing strategy. As a result, the study site for implanting teeth than the dorsum in cell
demonstrated that the combined delivery of PDGF-BB homing studies.
and NGFs is a promising in vivo approach for enhanc-
ing dental pulp-like tissue regeneration from endoge- In situ pulp revascularization
nous stem/progenitor cells. Only one paper dealt with in situ dental pulp revascu-
Unlike previous studies, Ruangsawasdi et al. larization in animals.
(2016) investigated the effects of the implantation Yang et al. (2015) investigated the possible use of
site in an animal model for pulp regeneration. Pulp- SDF-1a-loaded silk fibroin scaffolds without cell trans-
like tissue formation in teeth placed at the calvaria plantation for in situ pulp revascularization accompa-
of rats was compared to that obtained at the dorsal nied by autophagy of pulpectomized mature teeth in
area. Human immature third molars were standard- dog. Mature premolars with complete apical closure
ized to a length of 3  1 mm, root canals were of two beagle dogs were selected, and periapical
cleaned with NaOCl and EDTA, and a fibrin gel scaf- lesions were induced. After root canal instrumenta-
fold was prepared without growth factors and tion and disinfection, either SDF-1a-loaded scaffolds
injected into the canals. Four specimens with similar or nothing (control group) were inserted into the
size of the pulp space were implanted per rat: two of canals following the induction of blood clot by gentle
them were placed on top of calvarial bone, whilst over-instrumentation. Three months after surgery,
the others were implanted at the dorsum (control histological analysis of the specimens was performed.
group). Six weeks after, the samples were examined In both the control group and the SDF-1a-loaded
for histological composition, immunoreactivity to scaffold group, regenerated intracanal tissues were
dentine sialoprotein (DSP) and bone sialoprotein evident, characterized as regenerated connective tis-
(BSP), percentage of tissue ingrowth and gene sue (rCT) and regenerated mineralized tissue (rMT),
expression (DSPP, COL1, NGF and VEGF). Histologic whilst little nerve bundles were observed. In the con-
analysis revealed that all specimens contained a trol group, tissues were mainly rMTs deposited along
newly formed tissue. In teeth placed at the calvaria, the dentinal wall and in the middle of the canal, and
more than half of root canal was occupied by a rCTs with few blood vessels. Instead, in the SDF-1a
highly vascularized and innervated connective soft group, there was mainly rCT in the middle of the
tissue showing the typical four cell layers of dental canal with a thin layer of rMT deposited along the
pulp. Odontoblast-like cells were found in intimate dentinal wall. Furthermore, a fibrous matrix similar
contact with regenerated dentine at the dentinal to normal canine pulp was observed. As a whole, the
wall, where DSP and BSP immunoreactivities were SDF-1a-loaded scaffold group formed pulp-like tissues
intense. In contrast, tooth specimens placed at the with neovascularization and dentine formation along
dorsum showed various types of ingrown tissue, the native dentinal wall and, compared with the con-
such as adipose tissue with vacuoles and dense col- trol group, no mineralization was observed in the
lagen tissue, and remnants of the fibrin gel. Tissue centre of the tissues. The formation of pulp-like tis-
ingrowth analysis revealed that the area of ingrown sues might be attributed to SDF-1a role in neovascu-
tissue was significantly larger in the samples from larization and mineralization, as well as to its
calvarias (median of 90% related to the total pulp chemotactic function; nevertheless, innervation of the
area) compared to those from dorsa (median of new tissue should be further clarified. The presence of
57%). By gene expression analysis, DSPP levels were autophagy in the regenerated tissues was examined
significantly higher in teeth from the calvaria com- by immunostaining: Atg5 and LC3 (autophagy-
pared to counterparts from the dorsum, especially in related proteins) were positively located in both the
cells from the dentinal wall. Instead, COL1, NGF and groups, but the number of positive cells was much
VEGF expressions did not differ between the two higher in the SDF-1a group than in the control
implantation sites. These findings suggest that the group. Therefore, SDF-1a triggered autophagy activa-
calvarial site is superior to the dorsum to study tion. The study demonstrated that SDF-1a-loaded silk
in vivo pulp regeneration of human teeth ectopically fibroin scaffolds could effectively promote in situ pulp
transplanted in the rat. The calvarial space may revascularization accompanied by autophagy of

416 International Endodontic Journal, 51, 405–419, 2018 © 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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pulpectomized mature dog teeth, thus establishing a every condition, such as pulp necrosis. Root canal
model for possible clinical application of SDF-1a in treatment currently remains the standard of care for
regenerative endodontics. mature teeth with necrotic pulps and closed apices
(Huang 2011).
Despite such issues, cell homing currently repre-
sents the most clinically viable pathway for dental
The in vitro experiments included in this review showed pulp regeneration (He et al. 2017), because it recruits
that multiple cytokines, alone or in combination, have the patient’s own stem/progenitor cells through bio-
the potential to induce many biological effects on logical cues to restore the lost pulp tissues.
human DPSCs and SCAP, amongst which migration, On the whole, the comprehensive knowledge on
proliferation and differentiation are essential to achieve cell homing for dental pulp regeneration, which
dental pulp regeneration. Not all described cytokines results from the present literature review, deals with:
are needed in a single formulation; therefore, further
studies should determine whether a specific subset, or
• the validity of the scaffolds employed in the anal-
ysed studies; moreover, further improvements are
even a single cytokine, can effectively recruit stem/pro-
in progress, such as nanofibrous technology and
genitor cells from the host and promote their differenti-
antibiotic addition (Bottino et al. 2017);
ation into multiple cell lineages to regenerate dental
pulp. In this way, regenerative endodontics by cell
• the efficacy of growth factors, especially when den-
tine-derived, as reported in the latest update (Sch-
homing could be clinically easier to perform and also
malz et al. 2017);
economically convenient.
The in vivo experiments also employed different cell
• the feasibility and safety of cell homing strategies
in mature teeth with vital pulps from animals and
homing molecules, in both mature and immature
subsequently from humans, although better char-
teeth, from humans or animals. Almost all the studies
acterization and standardization of the procedures
managed to obtain regenerated connective pulp-like
are required (Galler & Widbiller 2017).
tissues in the emptied root canals and pulp chambers
without transplanted cells, exploiting only host
endogenous cells. Remarkably, all the samples had Conflict of interest
new vascularization, thus supporting the concept that The authors have stated explicitly that there are no
angiogenesis is a priority in dental pulp regeneration. conflict of interests in connection with this article.
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