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Can you explore what happened in the country at the time the artwork was


 There are lots of natural resources that are being destroyed such as:
burning of fossil fuels, cutting trees for a bunch production of money, .
The video stated that we are living in the beginning of mass extinction.
Wherein our planet is breaking down due to the ignorance of the human
being. In today’s time human fund more on personal benefit rather than
funding for what is really needed which is the restoration and
rehabilitation of the natural resources. The planet is breaking down but
we as a human being we tend to ignore the biggest problem that we are

How does the work reflect the relevant place and time / period?

Does (did) the work serve any functional or religious purpose?

 The material served as a functional purpose because it awaken and

encourage everyone that we, as a human should stand up and free
ourselves in innocence and our ignorance on how we should use and live
in our planet. We should recalibrate our minds and start changing the
things that we used to do before. That if and only of we can rewind the
time we shouldn’t did something that could cause a problem in the end.

Does the work have any implication / underlying message? What is it if any? (Is
any simile or metaphor used?)

 Yes, well actually ever since that the material played the first life of it
already sent a metaphoric message. Just life what the artist said that his
mother told him to become a tree whenever. Someone who’s capable of
growing and protecting. As the video goes by it express a message
without even trying to speak or state for it. Just by watching how our
planet breaks down and how ignorant we humans are it already shows a
message that our planet are slowly dying.

What is the view of the artist or patron on social, religious, moral or political
issue? What influence does the work have on the art in later times?

 The

What influence did the work have on the society at the time?

Is the work representational / expressive / presentational? Does it have any

implication? How do you know?
 The material/ work is an example of presentational work of art but somehow
it is also a expressive one. It is because the material is presenting while
expressing the message that they want the viewers or the audience convey
from them.

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