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Juan Sebastian Martinez Gallego




1. Check the following video:
embrace-its-inevitable-extinction taking in count the principal topic
which is talking about.
Revise el siguiente video:
embrace-its-inevitable-extinction teniendo en cuenta el tema principal
que está trabajando el mismo.

2. Prepare and answer the following questions. Prepare y responda las

siguientes preguntas:
A. What is the main idea you get at first from video?
B. Do you agree with the perception of unredeemed humanity? (why)
C. How you could perceive the solution from the artist?
D. What could be the importance of an aesthetic environment according with art
and nature

A. The destruction of the connection between humanity and nature, which generates

B. I think nature wants to recover everything that really belongs to it, because our
species has done more harm than good in what we have been living, what they are
trying to fix is good, but time is too short.

C. I think that being remembered as something worthy is important for everyone,

taking into account the artist's opinion, we have to worry about repairing or
improving in some way everything we have done wrong and destroyed, the
carelessness we have with the planet and the different disasters that we have and
have generated, must be resolved as soon as possible.

D. For us humans, aesthetics comes first, it is more important to see something

beautiful and we do not believe that it may be causing damage or a problem in
nature, so we must understand that beyond looking for and naming one more
important than another, it is to find a balance between what looks good aesthetically
but also helps nature and generates good in it.
3. Based on the last answers and the video, use the following order, set out an
essay in which you can expose a thesis where you express your opinion
according with the main topic of the video. De acuerdo con lo anteriormente
expuesto en las respuestas y el video, use la siguiente organización, plantee
un ensayo en el cual usted podrá plasmar un postulado que dé cuenta de su
opinión concorde a el siguiente esquema.

Imagen tomada de:

This scheme is based on the proposal from an essay in which you must follow
certain steps as the last image explains: Este esquema está basado en la propuesta
de un ensayo en el cual usted debe seguir ciertos pasos como la anterior imagen lo
Title: Remember always to compose a short creative title that resumes the text.
4. Choose just one of the following topics to make your essay (elija solo uno de
los siguientes temas para realizar su ensayo):

 Human extinction (global warming)

 Uses of arts to help earth environment
 Daily actions to prevent human extinction
 It is better to save other species than humanity

TOPIC To start this thesis, I consider that the arts beyond generating aid, can reinvent wh
world is and how it is being formed, in order to always improve and generate p
SENTENCE changes which bring to each person and the world.

SUPPORTIN To start with my first argument, investigate this topic for what I found, art has been tr
change the world for a long time, little by little this has been generating advances
G have been of great importance and have caused positive things, but Not all people th
SENTENCE 1 same, so it is difficult to reach full and equal support, since 100% of humanity 55%
that change can be achieved through art, while the rest do not.

SUPPORTIN through artivism, which is art that is involved in political affairs, as a w

increasing the impact it wants to achieve in order to effect it, whether d
violence, corruption or social inequality .

SUPPORTIN Art as an instrument to remember past, because as the famous phrase says "whoeve
not know their past is condemned to repeat it", with that I refer to museums as: that
G memory house located in the city of Medellin, Antioquia or the Museum of Memo

SENTENCE 3 Tolerance of Mexico City. where through artistic works they tell the tragedies that hap
in great wars so that people do not forget them and understand that this can not h

To close I leave my conclusion which is based on what I mentioned first, yes, art can help
the world and provide it with many strengths but in reality what it can achieve and I find
COCLUSIO more interesting is to reinvent it because, personally, I think that with Each artistic act
always manages to create a new image and rethink new thoughts.
5. Do a brainstorm, then write the first essay draft which you can evaluate
coherence, cohesion, punctuation marks and connectors. It is MANDATORY
you include photography support of your brainstorm and draft essay
development for this assignment. Realice una Lluvia de ideas, luego escriba
el primer borrador del ensayo, en el cual usted pueda evaluar coherencia,
cohesión, signos de puntuación y conectores. Es OBLIGATORIO agregar
fotografías de soporte que evidencien la elaboración de la lluvia de ideas y el
borrador del escrito al entregable.

6. Remember to include in your essay the tenses such as present progressive,

simple present, commands vocabulary an expressions seen in the previous
course units: Recuerde incluir en su ensayo tiempos verbales como presente
progresivo, presente simple, vocabulario de comandos y expresiones vistas
en las unidades previas del curso.

To finish, I will talk about how art has been and has influenced my
whole life in what I am as a person and I can say that art can change,
help and reinvent the world. I am a musician, I started when I was 4
years old, my family is made up of artists with a great musical training.
on my father's side, my family are musicians and music teachers, and
on my mother, dancers and teachers; Thanks to this, he was able to
demonstrate how the process with which ART can change people,
thoughts and not change in a negative way, if not, on the contrary, in
the best way, he had many opportunities to offer and teach knowledge
and I can say that what ART causes in people is something that
nothing else achieves, each person has virtue for some art (theater,
dance, literature, music, comedy), this helps the world a lot in every
way because many artists work to improve the environment. , creating
new ideas that make sense, generating new knowledge in other
people, with this it has been achieved that we ourselves can be part of
the change, we can improve everything, the world changes and
seriously becomes more livable, although it is difficult, it is something
that we all seriously need, including animals and living things. I believe
that art can achieve many more things, it can provide many strengths
in this world, and for this and more reasons, I believe that art can help
the world.

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