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Week 3- Concept Notes Part 1 system essentially capitalist in

nature, is a social system that

What is present in a global economy? has boundaries, structures,
member groups, rules of
● Is the basic foundation which legitimation, and coherence.
should be given primary
importance. It is always the Internationalization
contention that if the economy is
● Is the process of increasing the
not stable, then politics is not also
involvement of business in the
stable. The economy influences
international arena.
the condition of society as well
● To better understand the system,
as politics.
it is essential to understand what
● According to Mohan (2009),
is called a nation-state.
economic globalization refers to
● A state- is a community of
the free movement of goods,
persons, more or less
capital, services technology,
permanently occupying a fixed
and information. It results in
territory, and possessing an
increasing economic integration
independent government
and interdependence of national,
organized for political ends to
regional, and local economies
which the great body of
around the world by
inhabitants render habitual
strengthening the cross-border
movement of goods,
● Nation- refers to a group of
technologies, and capital.
person who shares common
Key players/actors in globalization characteristics like history or
origin, culture, religion and
The are many forces involved in the language.
process of interconnecting the world.
Politically, culturally and economically. 4 essential elements of state
These forces are very influential in the
1. People
outcome of globalization which is
2. Territory
focused on profits and on interest.
3. Sovereignty
1. International organization 4. 4. Government
2. Intergovernmental organization
Institutions Governing International
3. International non-governmental
4. Large Manufacturing ● International institutions form a
Corporations vital part of contemporary
5. Multinational corporation international relations. They are
6. Transnational corporation the central focus of policymaking
efforts around the world.
Modern World System
Internationalism Vs Globalism
● According to Immanuel
Wallestein, the modern world- Internationalism
● is a principle of political, Through cooperation and
economic, and cultural aspects collaboration, nations can move
for the promotion of the common past the states of anarchy and
good. violence to pursue mutual
interests together.
Globalism ● ADVANTAGES: Together, they
hope to maintain global stability
● is an ideology based on the
and promote freedom for every
belief that people, goods, and
individual, no matter where
information ought to be able to
they're from or what they believe.
cross national borders unfettered
With Liberal Internationalism,
Internationalism comes in three types nations can pursue a strong
sense of global citizenship,
1. Hegemonic internationalism resulting in peace and security in
2. Liberal internationalism a variety of ways.
3. Revolution internationalism ● Commonly cited examples of
liberal interventionism include
Hegemonic internationalism NATO's intervention in Bosnia
● is the belief that the world is and Herzegovina; the 1999
being integrated based on NATO bombing of Yugoslavia;
unequal terms with the British military intervention in the
dominance of one nation or Sierra Leone Civil War; and the
nation-state over others 2011 military intervention in
● This leads to the belief that Libya.
hegemonic internationalism is, in Revolution internationalism
reality, one nation pursuing its
own national interests at the ● The Revolutionary Internationalist
expense of another nation. Nazi Movement (RIM) was an
Germany, Iran, and the United international communist
States are all examples of a organization founded in France in
nation pursuing hegemonic March 1984 by 17 various Maoist
internationalism. organizations around the world. It
sought to "struggle for the
Liberal internationalism formation of a Communist
● a cluster of ideas derived from International of a new type,
the belief that international based on Marxism–Leninism–
progress is possible, where Maoism
progress is defined as a Proletarian internationalism
movement toward increasing
levels of harmonious cooperation ● sometimes referred to as
between political communities. international socialism, is the
● The key principles of liberal perception of all communist
internationalism are cooperation, revolutions as being part of a
interdependence, international single global class struggle
organizations, and international rather than separate localized
commerce. Cooperation — events.
● It is based on the theory that especially after the ascension of
capitalism is a world system and Joseph Stalin. Despite this, the
therefore the working classes of Soviet Union continued to foster
all nations must act in concert if international ties with communist
they are to replace it with and left-wing parties and
communism. governments around the world.[3]
● Proponents of proletarian It played a fundamental role in
internationalism often argued that the establishment of several
the objectives of a given socialist states in Eastern Europe
revolution should be global rather after World War II and backed the
than local in scope creation of others in Asia, Latin
● for example, triggering or America, and Africa. The Soviets
perpetuating revolutions also funded dozens of insurgencies
elsewhere. Proletarian being waged against non-communist
internationalism is closely linked governments by the leftist guerrilla.
to the goals of world revolution, to
be achieved through successive
or simultaneous communist
revolutions in all nations.
According to Marxist theory,
successful proletarian
internationalism should lead to
world communism and eventually
stateless communism.
● Proletarian internationalism was
strongly embraced by the first
communist party, the Communist
League, as exercised through its
slogan "Proletarians of all
countries, unite!", later
popularized as "Workers of the
world, unite!" in English literature.
● This notion was also embraced
by the Bolshevik Party. After the
formation of the Soviet Union,
Marxist proponents of
internationalism suggested that
country could be used as a
"homeland of communism" from
which revolution could be spread
around the globe. Though the
world revolution continued to
figure prominently in Soviet
rhetoric for decades, it no longer
superseded domestic concerns
on the government's agenda,

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