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#include <cstdio>

#include <cstring>

#include <mujoco/mujoco.h>

// recommended version check

if( mjVERSION_HEADER!=mj_version() ) complain();
// option 1: parse and compile XML from file
mjModel* m = mj_loadXML("mymodel.xml", NULL, errstr, errstr_sz);

// option 2: parse and compile XML from virtual file system

mjModel* m = mj_loadXML("mymodel.xml", vfs, errstr, errstr_sz);

// option 3: load precompiled model from MJB file

mjModel* m = mj_loadModel("mymodel.mjb", NULL);

// option 4: load precompiled model from virtual file system

mjModel* m = mj_loadModel("mymodel.mjb", vfs);

// option 5: deep copy from existing mjModel

mjModel* m = mj_copyModel(NULL, mexisting);
// option 1: create mjDada corresponding to given mjModel
mjData* d = mj_makeData(m);

// option 2: deep copy from existing mjData

mjData* d = mj_copyData(NULL, m, dexisting);
Working of mj_step() function
void mj_step(const mjModel* m, mjData* d) {
// common to all integrators
mj_checkPos(m, d);
mj_checkVel(m, d);
mj_forward(m, d); <<< controller callback is called within this function
mj_checkAcc(m, d);

// compare forward and inverse solutions if enabled

mj_compareFwdInv(m, d);

// use selected integrator

if( m->opt.integrator==mjINT_RK4 )
mj_RungeKutta(m, d, 4);
mj_Euler(m, d);
void mj_step1(const mjModel* m, mjData* d)
mj_checkPos(m, d);
mj_checkVel(m, d);
mj_fwdPosition(m, d);
mj_sensorPos(m, d);
mj_energyPos(m, d);
mj_fwdVelocity(m, d);
mj_sensorVel(m, d);
mj_energyVel(m, d);
// if we had a callback we would be using mj_step, but call it anyway
if( mjcb_control )
mjcb_control(m, d);

void mj_step2(const mjModel* m, mjData* d)

mj_fwdActuation(m, d);
mj_fwdAcceleration(m, d);
mj_fwdConstraint(m, d);
mj_sensorAcc(m, d);
mj_checkAcc(m, d);

// compare forward and inverse solutions if enabled

mj_compareFwdInv(m, d);

// integrate with Euler; ignore integrator option

mj_Euler(m, d);

Passive free fall simulation

// simulate until t = 10 seconds
while( d->time<10 )
mj_step(m, d);
Method 1:
Define a controller callback
This method is good
because if the feedback controller depends on quantities like contacts, Jacobians,
passive forces etc., then by defining controller callback, we get the value at
the current time step (in contrast to the last time step if we define the control
input directly).

// simple controller applying damping to each dof

void mycontroller(const mjModel* m, mjData* d)
if( m->nu==m->nv )
mju_scl(d->ctrl, d->qvel, -0.1, m->nv);

// install control callback

mjcb_control = mycontroller;

MuJoCo has a library of BLAS-like functions that are very useful; indeed a large
part of the code base consists of calling such functions internally.

The top-level simulation function mj_step basically does two things: compute the
forward dynamics in continuous time, and then integrate over a time period
specified by mjModel.opt.timestep. Forward dynamics computes the acceleration
mjData.qacc at time mjData.time, given the state and control at time mjData.time.
The numerical integrator then advances the state and time to mjData.time +
Method 2:
The same effect (as above) can be achieved without using a control callback. This
is done by breaking mj_step in two parts: before the control is needed, and after
the control is needed. The simulation loop now becomes

while( d->time<10 ) {
mj_step1(m, d);
// set d->ctrl or d->qfrc_applied or d->xfrc_applied
mj_step2(m, d);

There is one complication however: this only works with Euler integration.
Example from mujoco forum

mjModel* m = mj_loadXML("mymodel.xml", NULL, errstr, errstr_sz);

// possibly inspect errstr for model loading issues
mjData* d = mj_makeData(m);

// set initial state

mju_copy(d->qpos, my_initial_pos, m->nq);
mju_copy(d->qvel, my_initial_vel, m->nv);

// call mj_forward if my_controller looks at state-dependent quantities

mj_forward(m, d);

// simulation loop
while (d->time<10) {
my_controller(m, d); // writes controls into d->ctrl
mj_step(m, d);

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