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Child Protection Policy


Kaliganj, Satkhira
Table of Contents
Serial No. Description Page No.
1 Cover Page 1
2 Table of Contents 2
3 Background of the organization 3
4 Rationale 3
5 Objective of the policy 4
6 Principal 4
7 Definition 5
8 Sample List of Unacceptable Behavior 6
9 Procedure 7
10 Definition of Abuse 7
11 What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused 8
12 Information Sharing 9
13 Seven Golden Rules for Information Sharing (Information 9
Sharing, 2008)
14 Confidentiality 9
15 Prevention 10
16 Safer Recruitment 10
17 Child Protection Policy Sign off Procedure 10
18 Child Protection Reporting Process 11
19 Child Protection Reporting Process 12
20 Most important and immediate things we can do: 12
Kaliganj, Satkhira
Background of the organization:

In Bangladesh women and girls are generally looked down upon, trapped within cultural
framework, and molded by rigid perceptions of patriarchy. As a result violence against women is
viewed as a normal phenomenon even from the women’s perspective. Bangladeshi women suffer
multiple forms of violence including domestic violence, rape, dowry, deaths, sexual harassment,
suicide, acid throwing, forced marriage, trafficking etc. Violence against women has become one
of the most visible social issues in this region. For the low literacy of out caste, child marriage
and dowry is the continuing matter of Satkhira district. For the child marriage, the girls deliver
the new born and suffer in malnutrition. For this, the child and mother are faced death. On the
other hand, dowry is another problem in Satkhira. For the dowry, husband, mother-in-law,
father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law and other relatives of the family torture physically
and mentally. When she cannot tolerate the torturing and cannot fulfill their demand from her
father, she takes decision to suicide. From this thinking, some educated, honesty, dynamic and
energetic persons were established the Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona) by the
inspired of Shampa Goswami who is the Executive Director and Founder of the organization.

The purpose for this policy is to keep children safe by adopting the highest possible standards
and taking all reasonable steps to protect children. Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona)
as an umbrella organization thinks Child Protection is specifically about protecting children
suspected abuse and neglect. It includes everything an organization can do to keep children and
young people safe, including minimizing the risk of harm and accidents and taking action to
tackle safety concerns.
The purpose of this Safeguarding Policy is to set a clear protocol of action and a framework for
our responsibilities and legal duties in relation to each child’s welfare. The hope is to ensure a
reliable and effective response in the event of any concern for a child’s welfare, and to support
each child and each family.
Objectives of the policy
 To raise awareness of staff of the need to safeguard children and their responsibilities in
identifying and reporting possible abuse.
 To support the child’s development in ways that will foster security, confidence and
 To provide systematic means of monitoring children known to be at risk of harm.
 To emphasize the need for good levels of communication between members of staff and
between staff and Childs
 To ensure that all staff who have access to children are suitable to do handle with child.
 To ensure that all staff receive regular child protection orientation as a condition of

The Child Safeguarding Policy is committed to and guided by the principles of:

 Personal responsibility. All representatives of Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan

(Prerona) must demonstrate the highest standards of behavior towards children both in
their private and professional lives. They have a responsibility to understand and
promote the policy. They must do all that they can to prevent, report and respond
appropriately to any concerns or potential breaches of the policy.

 Universality. The Policy includes mandatory requirements that apply to everyone in all
aspects of Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona) work regardless of how and
where they work including during the response to humanitarian emergencies.

 Standards based approach. Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona)and its sister
organization has adopted a standards based approach to Child Safeguarding. Our
safeguarding standards and standards of staff behavior are often higher than those of the
national laws and community custom or tradition.

 Openness. We aim to create an environment in relation to child safeguarding issues,

where any issues or concerns can be raised and discussed.

 Transparency and accountability. This is essential in order to ensure that poor practice
can be addressed, potentially abusive behavior can be challenged and best practice

 Accountability to children and their communities. Through strengthening our internal

systems, standards and practice we will be more accountable to the people we aim to
 Children participation and non- discrimination. Children should be empowered to
understand their rights in this area, and made aware of what is acceptable and
unacceptable, and what they can do if there is a problem or a concern.

 The Best Interest of any children involved. When dealing with a Child Safeguarding
concern, the best interest of the child will be our priority and we will strive to ensure
their safety, health and well- being including meeting their emotional, psychological and
physical needs.

 Confidentiality. All Child Safeguarding concerns/reports/ investigations will be dealt

with on a need to know basis and all records will be held securely. Likewise
communication will be confidential and secure.

 Timeliness. Given the potential for increased or repeated abuse, timely responses are
essential and the accompanying procedures establish mandatory time limits on reporting
and responding to concerns.

 Compliance. The policy will be implemented in adherence with The Secretary General’s
Bulletin on Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse
2003, the U.K. Charity Commissioners and with due consideration to the local legal

 Uniformity. This policy applies both during, after and in between work hours.

Child 'Every human being below the age of eighteen years unless under the
law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier'
Child Within that Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona), the term refers to
Safeguarding the set of policies, procedures and practice that we employ to ensure that
Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona) itself is a child safe

We know that harm can befall children as a result of deliberate actions by a

tiny minority of staff and representatives. We have a zero tolerance to such
behavior and pursue rigorous policies to prevent and respond to these
issues. We aim to ensure that everyone associated with the organization is
aware of and responds appropriately to issues of child abuse and the sexual
exploitation of children. We aim to ensure that anyone who represents our
organization behaves appropriately towards children both in work and
outside work and never abuses the position of trust that comes with being a
part of the Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona) family.

However, we also know that inadvertent actions, the lack of preventative

actions and other failings on our part can and do sometimes have the
unintended consequence of causing harm. Plus, preventable accidents can
happen. We have seen examples of this across our developmental,
humanitarian; fundraising, campaigning and advocacy work in every
region where we work. Applying a safeguarding approach to the planning
of programmes or in a myriad of other forms of engagement we have with
children can be effective in mitigating and removing those risks.

In other words, Safeguarding is our attempt to ensure that everything

which lies within our control is done to ensure the safety and welfare of
children that we work with.

Sample List of Unacceptable Behavior

Staff, partners and other representatives must never:
 Hit or otherwise physically assault or physically abuse children.
 Engage in sexual activity or have a sexual relationship with anyone under the age of 18
years regardless of the age of majority/consent or custom locally. Mistaken belief in the
age of a child is not a defense.
 Develop relationships with children which could in any way be deemed exploitative or
 Act in ways that may be abusive in any way or may place a child at risk of abuse.
 Use language, make suggestions or offer advice which is inappropriate, offensive or
 Behave physically in a manner which is inappropriate or sexually provocative
 Have a child/children with whom they are working to stay overnight at their home
unsupervised unless exceptional circumstances apply and previous permission has been
obtained from a their line manager
 Sleep in the same bed as a child with whom they are working
 Sleep in the same room as a child with whom they are working unless exceptional
circumstances apply and previous permission has been obtained from a their line manager
 Do things for children of a personal nature that they can do themselves
 Condone, or participate in, behavior of children which is illegal, unsafe or abusive
 Act in ways intended to shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade children, or otherwise
perpetrate any form of emotional abuse
 Discriminate against, show unfair differential treatment or favor to particular children to
the exclusion of others.
 Spend excessive time alone with children away from others in a manner which could be
interpreted as inappropriate
 Expose a child to inappropriate images, films and websites including pornography and
extreme violence
 Place themselves in a position where they are made vulnerable to allegations of

(This is not an exhaustive or exclusive list. Staff, partners and other representatives should at all
times avoid actions or behavior which may allow behavior to be misrepresented, constitute poor
practice or potentially abusive behavior}

In Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona)…
There is a Named Children's Safeguarding Actor and a deputy.
At our setting the Named Children's Safeguarding Actor is:
- Shampa Ghowsami
At our setting the Deputy Named Children's Safeguarding Actor is:
-jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj Name of any staff
 All members of staff develop their understanding of the signs and indicators of abuse
 All members of staff know how to respond to a child who discloses abuse
 All new members of staff are given a copy of the safe guarding children policy as part of
their induction

Definition of Abuse
There are many different types of abasement. Children can be abused by an adult’s direct actions
(e.g., beating a child) or because of an adult’s inactions and even by an adult’s indirect actions
(e.g., domestic violence, addiction, etc).
Children can be abused by adults as well as by other young people or children. The authorities
will be notified if any professional suspects that a child is either suffering or at risk of suffering
significant harm.
Sometimes a single traumatic event constitutes ‘significant harm’ to a child; and, sometimes, a
build-up of concerns or a series of incidents over time also gives rise to ‘significant harm’.

Child Sexual Abuse: Child sexual abuse is defined as an abuse of the unequal power
relationship between a child or young person and an older, bigger or more powerful person,
which usually includes a betrayal of the child's trust. Child sexual abuse constitutes sexual
activity (actual, attempted or threatened) between a child or young person, and an older, bigger
or more powerful person. Child sexual abuse includes threats and exposure to pornography.
Exposure to Family Violence: Family/domestic violence occurs when children and young
people witness or experience the chronic domination, coercion, intimidation and victimization of
one person by another through physical, sexual or emotional means within intimate relationships

Bullying: Bullying is the inappropriate use of power by an individual or group, with intent to
injure either physically or emotionally. It is usually deliberate and repetitive. The bullying may
be physical or psychological (verbal and non-verbal).

Corporal Punishment: Use of physical force towards a child for purpose of control or
correction. Desired outcome of physical punishment is child compliance with adult directions.

Positive Discipline: Positive discipline is non-violent, solution focused and respectful approach
to behavior management, based on child development and child rights principles.
Particularly Vulnerable Children: Children who are particularly vulnerable to abuse, such as
children with physical and mental disabilities, homeless children, child sex workers ad children
impacted by displacement, disaster, emergencies or war.

Child Pornography: In accordance with the Optional Protocol to the UNCRC „child
pornography‟ means „any representation, by whatever means, of a child engaged in real or
simulated explicit sexual activities or any representation of the sexual parts of a child for
primarily sexual purposes.

Child-Sex Tourism: The sexual exploitation of children by men or women who travel from one
place to another, usually from a richer country to one that is less developed, and there engage in
sexual acts with children.

Online Grooming: The act of sending an electronic message with indecent content to a recipient
whom the sender believes to be less than 18 years of age, with the intention of procuring the
recipient to engage in or submit to sexual activity with another person, including but not
necessarily the sender.
Working with Children: Working in a position that involves regular contact with children,
either as part of the person's position description or due to the context of the work that brings the
person into regular contact with children.

What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused

 Reports the incident they are concerned about to the AS authorities as soon as possible
 Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona) authorities record the incident, recording
only what they have observed
 The organization authorities should gather any other or further information that could
assist them
 Concerns should be discussed with the Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona)
authorities unless there is a concern that this will place the child at greater risk – as may
be the case for instances of suspected sexual abuse
 Before making a decision whether to refer the incident to Children Safeguarding Actor
may discuss the issues with the Local Authority
 The Incident is reported to Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona) authorities
within 24 hours, or the incident is record in an incident book and the reason for no further
action noted

Information Sharing
The Data Protection Act 1998 is not a barrier to sharing information – it simply provides a
framework to ensure that information is shared appropriately. It reinforces common sense rules
of information handling, and helps us strike a balance between the many benefits of public
organizations sharing information and maintaining safeguards and privacy of the individual.

Seven Golden Rules for Information Sharing (Information Sharing, 2008)

- Remember that the Data Protection Act is not a barrier to sharing information
- Be open and honest with children and staffs about what information can be shared and in
what circumstances
- Seek advice if you are in any doubt
- Share information with consent, where appropriate and where possible
- Consider safety and well-being and who may be affected by your sharing this information
- Necessary, proportionate, relevant, accurate, timely & secure: ensure that the information
you share is necessary for the purpose for which you are sharing it, is only shared with
people who need to have it, is accurate and up-to-date, is shared in a timely fashion, and
is securely shared
- Keep a record of your decision and reasons for sharing information
- When a child leaves your setting, you should send any Child Protection records to the
new setting, addressed to their Nominated Children Safeguarding Actor.

We recognize that a child who is abused or witnesses violence may find it difficult to develop

Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona) recognizes that all information regarding possible
or actual abuse within a setting should be kept confidential to the Prerona Nari Unnayan
Sanggathan (Prerona) authorities, the senior member of staff at the setting and staff immediately
involved with the child.

All staff has a legal responsibility to report concerns about professional conduct of colleagues
whose behavior might harm a child, and to ensure that every allegation against a member of staff
is given consistent and fair consideration.
All allegations against staff members should be dealt with fairly, quickly and consistently, in a
way that provides effective protection for the child and at the same time supports the person who
is the subject of the allegation. Guidance recommends that most allegations should be thoroughly
investigated by the local authority within a month.

We understand that a child may make an allegation against a member of staff.

If such an allegation is made, the member of staff receiving the allegation should immediately
inform the AS authorities in complete confidence. The Senior Management will contact the
Local Authority and inform. At the discretion of the Senior Management, the member of staff
may be suspended until the outcome of the Strategy Meeting/Investigation(s).

Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona) recognizes that all its settings play a part in the
prevention of harm to children. We will foster an ethos of support in all settings by providing
children with clear lines of communication that ensure they feel cared for, secure and listened to.

Safer Recruitment
Safer Recruitment accredited orientation has been undertaken by the Prerona Nari Unnayan
Sanggathan (Prerona)-HR and recruitment and selection procedures are in place that help deter,
detect, and reject people who might harm children, or are otherwise considered unsuitable to
work with them.
Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona) is committed to ensuring that all staff are knowing
and singeing Child Safety guarding policy, several followed up references from previous
employers, and that all staff is approved by the Independent Safeguarding Authority.

Child Protection Policy Sign off Procedure

- Human Resources (HR) will distribute the Child Protection Policy to a new employee (or
via the relevant Manager or Director) for reading and signing.

- The Program Manager/HR head or ED is responsible for ensuring a staff member has
read, understood and signed the Child Protection Policy.

- Once signed a copy must be sent to HR for entry onto the data base. HR will keep a copy
of the signed policy.

- HR will input the data that an employee has signed the Policy.

- The Policy and Code of Conduct must be read, signed and returned by the staff member
as a condition of employment.
Should a staff member have any concerns signing the Policy and Code the Program Manager/HR
head/ED should provide an opportunity to discuss those concerns with the staff member. The
authorities can also be contacted to speak with a staff member who has any concerns signing the
Policy and Code of Conduct.

The Policy and Code can be translated into local or culturally appropriate language where

Child Protection Reporting Process

The reporting process in the Child Protection Policy outlines obligations and responsibilities for
reporting and managing any concerns about child abuse. It also protects staff and associates from
unfair processes should any allegations be made about them.

All staff and associates must follow the Child Protection Reporting process outlined below.
Our Commitment when Responding to Reports of Child Abuse
- Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona) will treat all concerns raised seriously and
ensure that all parties will be treated fairly and the principles of natural justice will be a
prime consideration
- All reports will be handled professionally, confidentially and expediently.
Confidentiality in this context means that reports will only be made to designated child
protection points or other delegated officers within the organization including Directors
and Managers
- All reports made in good faith will be viewed as being made in the best interests of the
child regardless of the outcomes of any investigation
- Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona) will ensure that the interests of anyone
reporting child abuse in good faith are protected. Any employee who intentionally makes
false and malicious allegations will face disciplinary action
- The rights and welfare of the child is of prime importance. Every effort must be made to
protect the rights and safety of the child throughout the investigation.
- The rights and welfare of any accused person will also be upheld during the investigation
- Storage of reports will be securely filed. If the incident involves a Prerona Nari Unnayan
Sanggathan (Prerona) staff member or volunteer the report will be filed with HR
- Children and community members with whom AS works will be provided with
information about how to report any child protection concerns about employees and
It is mandatory for Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona) staff and associates to report
immediately any concerns regarding allegations of child abuse against a staff member or
associate of Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona)
What should be reported?
 A child discloses abuse or gives reason to suspect that they, or another child or
children, are experiencing abuse or exploitation
 Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona) staff member or associate knows of
or suspects a child is being abused/exploited or is at risk of being
 A family or community member provides information to an Prerona Nari
Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona) staff member or associate that a child is being
harmed or is at risk of being harmed
 A staff member or associate breaches the Code of Conduct
 A staff member or associate becomes aware that a child or children from another
agency (possibly a partner/sister organization) are experiencing abuse or
 A staff member or associate abuses a child they are in contact with through work.
 A staff member or associate abuses a child outside work – a member of their own
family, a child domestic worker, or through prostitution
 A child a staff member is in contact with abuses another child
 A child unconnected to Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona) approaches a
staff member or associate for help with an issue of abuse, or becomes the focus of
concern in some way
 An employee or associate forms the belief that a child or a group of children
unconnected to Prerona Nari Unnayan Sanggathan (Prerona) are at serious risk of
abuse or exploitation

Most important and immediate things we can do:

 Remain calm and in control  Reassure the child that telling
 Believe the child was the right thing to do
 Try not to interrupt  Find a comfortable, private
 Tell the child/young person space
you believe him or her  Let the child take his/her time
 Tell the child/young person it and use his/her own words
is not their fault and he/she is  Tell the child what you plan
not responsible for the abuse to do next
 Tell the child/young person
you are pleased he/she told
Child safeguarding is the responsibility that organizations have to ensure that their staff,
operations, and programmes do no harm to children. This means that organizations put in place
mechanisms to ensure that children are not put at risk of harm and abuse, and that any concerns
the organization has about children's safety are reported to the appropriate authorities.

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