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Ren e Liliane




Copyright @2020 Renée Liliane
The Luxury Spiritual

All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means without permission from the
publisher, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright Law.

For permissions and all inquiries, please contact

Copyright @2020 Renée Liliane
The Luxury Spiritual

All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means without permission from the
publisher, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright Law.

For permissions and all inquiries, please contact


My beautiful dakinis,

The world is currently going through a time of confusion and

fear, with the spread of sanitary chaos caused by the Corona

Here in Paris, the government ordered to remain in

confinement and to only go out when it is absolutely
necessary: to do grocery shopping or, for some, to go for a jog
to get the oh-so-needed kiss from the sun and fresh air so we
don’t get crazy being in house arrest, within four walls, for an
extended amount of time.

For the past couple of days, the thought of writing a book

came to me. I want to use this time home to create yet
another project to help you, my beautiful goddess students, if
you are still struggling with the notion that being spiritual
actually means thriving while doing what God(dess) intended
for you.

Actually, the idea came as I was seating on my desk, at

home, being “stuck” in quarantine, but realizing that I am
actually one of the lucky ones, part of those who are
successful at making a more than comfortable living, doing

my spiritual mission, and I don’t even have to leave my home
(though I do have an actual office for my team and I, but this
came after working by myself for more than seven years!).

I just posted a video on my YouTube channel, in which I

brushed upon the notion of disrespecting oneself when
you’re not following your own path, when you engage in
non-aligned actions, mingling in non-aligned relationships and
partnerships; thus, creating heaviness in a life that is actually
meant to be easy and pleasure-filled.
This is the link to the video, in case you might be interested:

Today is Sunday, March 22nd. I have just finished eating a lavish

brunch with friends and family and, as I speak, everyone in my
home is busy cleaning up, while I lay comfortably in my bed,
writing the first words of this document.

Again, lucky me.

Lucky also those who are currently playing board game with
their loved ones or those taking a walk along the beach
somewhere in a desert paradise island. Lucky, those who are
not contaminated by the virus, or those who actually are

contaminated and are finding the strength to overcome this
test of life and see it as an opportunity to make drastic
changes to raise their vibration and live a purposeful life.

Purpose is the reason of me writing this book today. As, without

purpose, is life really worth living?

If you are new to my work, let me introduce myself. My birth

name is Renée-Liliane. However, I was given many names
along my awakening journey, all of which encompassing all of
the aspects that make me the spiritual being I live up to, on a
daily basis.

You may know me as Miss Pravala, name given to me when I

first trained in Ayurveda, following a harsh episode of physical
illness that caused me to lose all of my hair. Hindu Goddess
Lakshmi gave me the name of one of her avatars, Pravala,
meaning “healing voluminous hair” in ancient sacred
Sanskrit language.

When I was born, I was named Akeroghalet, name of the

ancestor who was appointed to protect me during my journey
on Earth, as it is the tradition in my country, the small

Portuguese then French colonized central African country
called Gabon.

My father called me Princesse and so does my twin flame.

Konan was the name added to my own when I got married.

Honeyladé is the name Oshun gave me when I got crowned

in Santeria; a name I was told was a secret, was told to never
share with anyone, but which I choose to share with you today
as I abide by no rules but the rules of my heart and the direct
connection I have with my sisterhood of goddesses and
above all, my matron goddesses, those with whom I signed a
pact to be a contribution to your journey to self-realization.

I named myself “the Luxury Spiritual” because the ego’s

reason for living is to create labels that will make other ego
filled recipients, my tribe, comfortable with coming in contact
with me, as though having a label makes it safe for you to
believe that I can actually impact your life.

In truth, I am none of these names and I am all of them at the

same time. I am, that I know. I am one with the Universe and I
am also one with my purpose. And if you pay attention to all

of the names I have carried throughout my life, all of them are
attached to my purpose and the love I am here to share with
you, in hopes that my humble contribution will be the grain of
salt that will start the healing and empowerment process for
you, to realize that you are spiritual because you are alive.

And as such, everything you do is connected to your innate

nature as an infinite being.

And as such, you were born to be affluent in all of the ways life
can bless you, starting with love and luxury.

Love is the needed stamp for everything you think, feel and
do. Without love, there is no joy. Without love, there is no faith.
Without love, there is no alignment.

And let me remind you that without alignment, your life will
never be the constant easy and effortless chronology of
happy events you want it to be. Plain and simple.

Your job is to learn to align constantly, at any moment and

daily, and to find a way to incorporate your spiritual gifts to
your existing career or to actually build a career based on
your spirituality.

Now, I do not want you to build resistance over what I have
just stated.

Creating a spiritual career is not about you leaving everything

you own, everything you worked for, to go live in an ashram in
Calcutta. Far from it.

Creating, or even just living your spirituality is as basic as

recognizing that if you are spiritual, a soul being in a human
body, then, everything you do will be, in fact, spiritual.

Spirituality implies recognizing that those you meet, interact

with, are you as you are them. This simple act of recognition
shifts the way you approach them and the way you envision
your partnership with them, as, if you used to be selfish, you
realize that you were selfish with yourself all along. When you
deny others of your beauty, of your talents, of your joy, of your
love, it is to yourself that you deny those blessings.

Divinity is in all of us, even in the most toxic people you

encounter. Love them as you like to love those who naturally
act in accordance with your values. It is those who belittle
you, those who hurt you, those who humiliate you, those who

disrespect you who are your greatest teachers, once you
realize that they are God’s way to show you that you need
to treat yourself like the divinity that you are.

Here I am not going to expand on the notion of origin, or

incarnation. I am not going to speak about angels or
goddesses or other extraterrestrial starseed beings. I am just
merely attempting, hopefully being successful at, reminding
you that you are divine and as divine, you do not need to
suffer. Better yet, any suffering, any scarcity you are
experiencing is actually self-imposed because you ceased to
believe in yourself and what a gift you are to this planet, to this
Universe even.

Remember, please remember: you are beautiful, you are

divine and you deserve all of the riches the world is begging to
grant you, once you realize your worth and your cherished
place in this world. We need you. We need your blessings. We
need your talents. We need your unique way to channel love
and to heal others.

So, let’s dive into this book’s topic, which is, how easy it can
actually be to create a spiritual business that generate
comfortable income for you. Actually, as comfortable as you

would want it to be. Because it is up to you and only you, the
amount of money you are willing to receive from your tribe
and how honest and transparent you choose to be with them
because, again, your tribe needs you, the authentic you, not
the one passing for someone you’re not. We need you, with
your flaws, with your shadow. It is only by getting rid of your
fear of judgment and your capacity to move past your self-
imposed subconscious and hidden blocks that you will be
able to thrive.

Once again, I would like to emphasize on the fact that English

is not my first language. I write like I speak. And I’d like to think
that I speak well ahaha. So don’t judge me on superficial
elements but connect to the core, why you are here in the first
place and how what I say can help you move forward fast.

This is an easy guide, because I like things to be easy. The hard

part is about you being willing to show up and to do the work
day in and day out.

Alright? So let’s start!


Many times, I’ve spoken about dharma and the concept of
life purpose, whether with my one-on-one clients or on my
YouTube channel and blog.

Moreover, if you are slightly acquainted with spiritual

terminology, you have come across this concept many times
as well.

It is important to start here because your dharma is about

beginning your path to awakening to actually reaching self-

When I first heard the term “dharma”, a long time ago,

when I was just a poli-sci student at Fordham University in New
York. I didn’t know it back then, but nothing is a coincidence;
and my choosing to take Eastern Philosophy and religion as a
Minor was no exception to this rule, even when, back then, I
only thought this choice was more a convenience for me, a
way to guarantee getting straight As and not getting into
course programs that appeared too challenging to me like
Economics or Applied Mathematics.

People around me couldn’t understand why I would chose

to spend hours at the library, reading about Confucianism or

Taoism or Hinduism when I could have just been partying with
other students on the nights we didn’t have too much to
study. Little did I know, this was my Higher Self’s way of
preparing me to not just live a spiritual life, but also, to be able
to articulate Universal concepts in a way that those who need
to hear it, would be able to understand them and apply them
on their specific case.

Dharma is your reason for being here. I like to think of myself as

a secret agent, who is here on Earth on a mission to learn from
the duality imposed on this realm, but also, to teach those
around me, the way to the Divine. Or, I should say, MY way to
the Divine.

Because, there are numerous paths to Enlightenment, the

choice is yours to make it a path of renunciation and denial of
humanly pleasures or a path of effortlessness living in fusion
with Universal laws and accepting a path of enjoyment.

Now, I’m not implying that suffering is not part of the

equation. However, I’m saying that the pain and suffering
you have already been through should serve as a canvas for
you deciding that you have had enough and that now, you
are choosing a less tedious way.

There is no spiritual path that does not include a commitment
to dharma as a way to reach inner freedom and joy.

Liberation comes when you shed all of the layers of the egoic
self and show up in the world as the authentic YOU. You need
to get rid of the illusion of perfection as the way to deserve
receiving opulence and unlimited resources.

This way of thinking belongs to the old paradigm associated

with the notion of sin and the view of life on Earth as only the
preparation for a better “after-life” in what some tend to
call “heaven”. I speak about it on my book “Addicted to
Pleasure: the goddess formula to manifest our most capricious
desires”. Check it out if you have not yet had a chance to J.
It is available here:

Dharma is about you understanding the Universal order and

laws that govern our life. Dharma implies transcending pain
and realizing our true self as well as cultivating our most sacred
relationship, the relationship we have with the Divine: our
connection with our Higher Self and our divine nature, our
connection with our divine family, a sense of not being alone,

whether by being surrounded by our ancestors, our guardian
angels, our orishas, luas, gods and goddesses, all of those with
whom we have signed a vow of discovering our talents and
sharing them with the world to contribute to the healing and
happiness of the collective, our divine family on Earth.

Once you know you are sacred and divine, though, you have
no more excuse because you have ceased to be ignorant.

You cannot unlearn spirituality. You can only choose

mediocrity by fear of achieving greatness. And if this is
something you are dealing with, or if you feel confused about
your purpose altogether, there is no simpler way than to
devote time for contemplation and silent meditation.

And here we have come to the scariest ritual ever: silent

meditation and contemplation.

I can already hear all of your resistance when I say this.

Because Western propaganda has made meditation such a
distant and difficult thing to do, when in reality, what is
“more” simple than just grabbing a chair and sitting with
your eyes closed in a quiet room for five minutes each day?

Meditation is committing time to hear the voice of the
goddess within you. And I know, if you are new to this, you will
tell me that you cannot meditate, that when you meditate,
you have toxic thoughts crossing your mind, you start thinking
of the most random things and in the end, meditation is just
not for you.

And you know what my answer is: start with my guided

meditations. I actually have a free guided meditation on this
very topic of “Finding your Life Purpose”. How convenient,
right? And I also have actual self-study and guided meditation
courses on the topics of becoming a goddess of luxury,
money, love and beauty. Check them out if you have not J
My free “Finding your Life Purpose Meditation” is available

Start with guided meditation but also, commit to being silent

as often as you can during the day. Right now, in
confinement, is the perfect time to stop seeking action and
learn to just be and connect to the sound of emptiness.

When you wash your dishes, smile and do it in silence. When
you lay on your couch, turn off the television for five minutes
and just lay there and focus on your breathing. When you
have a few minutes for a break if you actually do work from
home, then, close your computer and sit in silence for a few

You should not have any expectation of meeting God right

here and there. And you know why not, because you have
already met God and the Goddess, so many times in your life,
when you look up in the sky and see the infinity of beauty,
when the birds are chirping, when kids are playing in the park,
when you are kind to yourself.

Once you get a glimpse of what your life purpose might be,
then you can move forward. You do not need to know for
sure, as life has a way to unfold and illustrate to us what our
divine truth is. I am not asking you to play God/Goddess and
impose your will on the Universe. I am merely asking you to
connect to your blessings, your innate gifts and to claim them
loud and clear, as loud and clear as you should claim your
access to unlimited wealth or juicy sexuality or loyal and
committed romance.

The fundamental question you need to ask yourself is: “How
can I serve?”

Let me emphasize on the fact that your life purpose can and
should be integrated into your career plan.

Spirituality can be an added element of your professional

activity. You may, for example, become initiated in spiritual
practices like becoming an energy healer and add this
element as a bonus in your work as a hair dresser. Your clients
will come to you for the beautiful hair cuts you give to them,
but you will differentiate yourself by being the healer or guru of
hair dressers.

In my own case, when I transitioned from working in

international relations to starting my practice, I used my
training as Ayurvedic practitioner to provide slimming and
weight loss therapies to my friends for fun, when in reality, I did
Shamballa energy healing and entity channeling when they
came to be. The messages I channeled helped them
understand why, without realizing it, they were denying
themselves the gift of beauty, or at least, refused to claim their
worth and hid behind emotional weight as a way to cope with

inner child trauma or by fear of being seen and owning up to
their responsibilities and boundaries.

People also constantly asked how come I seemed to look

younger, the older I got. I, of course, attributed it to my nature
of divine goddess J but also, to my applied self-love rituals
and one, especially, which is to use mirror magic and self-
facial abhyanga massage along with energy work to make
energy facelifts or, as I like to call them, “Energy Botox”.

You could be a chef and apply ancient spiritual teachings

about the healing powers of certain (super)foods, along with
mantras and affirmations to say before and when eating, to
bless food and, therefore, create nutritious that tastes
amazing and is holistically good all the while helping your
clients manifest radiant physical beauty.

You could be an accountant and learn to master the energy

of money and apply principles of infinite abundance of the
law of attraction to teach your clients how to become
financially worthy of opening pathways to endless and
effortless money.

The only thing you need to keep in mind is that we are all
spiritual and divinely connected. Even when you think of an
idea you receive after meditation, one that is as outrageously
outside of the box, be sure that there are already beautiful
clients who are ready and grateful to come to your practice
because of your unique take on a mundane profession.

You could also decide that your current job is in complete

misalignment with your purpose, in which case, the only
choice for you is to foresee a future doing what your soul
actually calls you to do and ultimately change profession

As a spiritual, you need not to complain about your situation,

but instead, show up at your current job feeling and dressed
as the best employee there, noticing only the blessings in
disguise of your current situation, and practice active spiritual
work, guided meditations and visualization to transition to your
dream career seemlessly.

You may not (yet) have the physical money to be who you
want to be in terms of your spiritual career, which means that
you are already amongst the lucky ones who are actually
aware that you deserve better for yourself.

Trust that you are supported on your path and that your spirit
guides would not implant the idea of a better life and a better
work situation if they would not also give you the means to
thrive financially while switching to a spiritual career.

Your job is to make sure you start doing the rituals of a thriving
spiritual. You need to identify the toxic blocks to you being
successful. You also need to define what success is for you
and you need to not be scared to dare the Universe to show
its support.

The Universe will show its support by creating synchronicities

agreeing with your choice, and then, will bless you with initially
subtle proofs of abundance and money; synchronicities,
which will only grow exponentially as you move onto your
path fearlessly.

Know that once you make the choice of a spiritual path, you
will never be as miserable or as broke as when you were lost in
a life devoid of purpose.

Trust not in the numbers you see on your bank account, trust
not in the numbers of clients that adhere to your philosophy at

Trust only your mission and build on momentum. You will not
see it gradually, but soon enough, you will be busy and
booked, and you will be the one setting up the tone and the
rhythm of your practice; often, if you, like me, are about a life
of pleasure, you will often take breaks from working or close
your online shop or even stop producing at random times,
when you will need to reboot your system, trusting and
knowing that you are divinely supported and that money
shows up in your reality, in the form of grateful and happy
customers, when you sleep.

Actually, I make the most money during my sleep. How do I do

this, you may ask?

Well, in two ways. First of all, I make money when I sleep

because it is always during my sleep that I fetch precious
ideas to serve my customers and clients, only to bring those
ideas to life during the day.

And second, and because I am my business and I have
created a multitude of products aiming at making my
customers thrive by doing rituals of the self-evolved goddess,
my products continue to sell increasingly when I sleep.

Every day, I wake up in the morning, seeing my bank account

balance grow and then, I’m left to play with the numbers,
transferring this amount to that bank account, wiring that
amount to this company that ships such and such rare
ingredient or send money to whomever my money needs to
bless in order to create even more value for my customers.


The first thing I need you to do is to go to my website and take

my free guided meditation on “Finding your Life purpose”.
It is available here:

You have unlimited access to this meditation so you

shouldn’t limit yourself to doing it only once, especially if,
after doing it the first time, you are still unsure about certain
aspects of your purpose. Or if you know your purpose, but still
fail to see how your purpose fits into the big picture of your life
as it is currently.

Maybe you are in a situation where you need to keep your

daytime job to pay the bills but you would like to, eventually,
transition into a full time spiritual practice as a career.

And I’d like to share my own perspective on my experience

living as a spiritual consultant.

I’ve never been happier, freer and more in alignment with
my purpose than since the day I’ve claimed my right to build
a career based on spirituality.

I’ve also never been richer and lived in such luxury as when I
decided that I would own up to my spiritual blessings and
make it my business.

However, I’ve never worked as much, in terms of devotion

and hours spent serving my tribe, channeling goddesses,
ancestors and angelic beings, creating courses, writing,
creating content for my YouTube channel, traveling to get the
most powerful ingredients my goddesses require me to make
the potions, and all that, while being a full time mom and a
particularly talented wife, partner and lover J

But I love what I do, and I seem to never be tired, unless I

misalign, force myself into the business aspect by duty and not
by faith. But even then, on the rare occasions it happens, my
body naturally shuts down and I have no choice but to listen
to the call to rest, sleep, regenerate, only to come back
reenergized and enthusiastic about sharing the gifts I was
granted. All this to say, Start with the meditation. You’ll see
things more clearly.

Secondly, grab a piece of paper and something to write. And
go to this page to listen to my instructions in an audio I created
for this book.

PASSWORD: committedtomydivinity

Ideal Client

Now that you know more or less what your dharma is, you
need to identify how you should use your sacred gifts to serve
your tribe and empower your community. And all of this starts
with knowing who you are here to serve.

If you watched the video of the Venusian realm reading I

posted on my YouTube channel, you found out that I am living
my purpose and that what the realm reader said only came
to confirm what I had always said, which is that I am here to
help women see their divine nature and help them create
daily rituals to cultivate their divine nature in order to
experience opulence and luxury.
Video about the goddess realm and my life purpose available

My work is about the divine woman, the human goddess,

thriving while being unapologetically herself without the need
to crush her peers, but on the contrary, to thrive by example
and to inspire others to follow the path of divine guidance as
the only compass for happiness, success and freedom.

You need to ask yourself a few questions when it comes to

identifying your customer: who is your customer? Is it a man? A
woman? What are they going through right now that is making

them miserable and dissatisfied with their life? And finally, how
can your skill help them to be happy. Plain and simple. As a
spiritual, you are here to LOVE and SERVE your tribe.

In spirituality, we are not solving life and death problems. We

are not selling socks to warm up feet. We are selling not

We are selling more than that: we are selling hope. We are

selling a way to get out of the mud. We are showing that there
is more to life than the day to day mediocre dance of
procrastination, of lack of motivation, of only occasional joy.
We are selling a formula to eternal bliss. We are selling
consistent access to joy. We are selling “God”.

Now the word selling might not seem like the auspicious one
here, because if you are stuck in limiting beliefs, it might sound
to you like we are selling a lie, when in reality God wants us to
be in transaction with our faith.

God wants us to engage in a dance of interaction with those

who are ready to make a change. We wouldn’t be selling if
the vast majority of the people were already aligned to these
concepts. We have to sell; we have to be spokeswomen and

spokesmen of divinity in order for the energy currency
exchange to take place. If there is not exchange of energy,
there is not shift in energy.

If your clients and customers are not willing to pay the

equivalent of the hope and happiness your product provides
to them, something that is beyond price or value, they will
never experience change. It’s as simple as that.

If there is no sacrifice, there is no change. Period. For any

product you put out, only those who are willing to take the
extra step of paying for it, either with money or with any type
of energy input you require of them, will be able to apply your
teaching and experience the rewards.

And actually, the more money they pay for your product, the
more invested and dedicated they will be at applying your
instructions; the more dedication they will show when being
on time and active during your consultation, grateful that you
are there to show them your way to happiness, beauty, love
and bliss.

This leads to the question of pricing. How much should you

charge for your products and services?

It completely is up to you.

I will share two stories with you on this topic.

The first one is a story I’ve heard growing up in Africa about

the value of knowledge.

There may be similar versions of this story in most cultures,

come to think of it. But this is how it goes: a modest man
receives a gift from a friend who has just returned from a trip
in a foreign country. It is a machine, which the modest man
uses every day and becomes dependent on. The machine
makes his life much easier, yet, he takes it for granted, as he
never made the initial sacrifice of the purchase. He never
even asks himself how the machine was bought, in what
condition; he never wonders how his friend was able to carry it
from the foreign country or how much he had paid for it.

One day, the machine breaks. Realizing that he had not even
really thanked his friend when he received the gift, the modest
man is too shameful to ask him for help to fix the broken

He then ventures to find an expert to fix it. He asks around and
is shown the way to the shop of the best repair specialist in
town. When bringing him the machine, the expert gives him a
price, which the modest man finds way too expensive. He
then goes to many cheap repair shops. All of them promise
they will fix the machine. Once fixed, the modest man would
negotiate the smallest price and be furious when the machine
broke again only a few days after the repair work was done.
Of course, he never got his money back and had basically
wasted his money. Forced to realize that the solution might
have been the same all along: going to the expert he first saw
when the machine broke in the beginning.

When we went back to the expert, he was stunned, and quite

disappointed, because the expert had doubled his price. The
modest man had no other choice but to pay. The repair took
only a few minutes. He grabbed the machine and went back
home, convinced that the machine would break again.
Weeks and months went by. The machine worked even better
than before. The modest man felt the need to go back to the
expert’s shop to ask him why his price was so high. The expert
explained that the tools he used to repair amounted to about
5% of the total cost and 95%, was HIM: his expertise, the years

he spent training to become the best at his craft and the
value his customer got from the machine once it was fixed.


The second story I want to share with you is something I

actually experienced during one of my initiations. I’ve talked
about it during my year in white, after I had just been crowned
goddess (orisha) Oshun.

I have done many initiations in my life starting when I was just a

little girl, so the idea of paying high prices, often over tens of
thousands of dollars, to receive healing or protection, for
situations that most people cannot even see with their human
eyes, is something natural to me.

From a very young age, paying for being initiated in a rite

seemed wiser to me than saving money to buy myself an
expensive purse. I always knew that I needed to become the
goddess version of myself in order for goddess material things
to show up in my life. I had a vision of myself in divine attire
and I invested in doing spiritual work that would allow the
goddess within me to become visible with the human eye.

This seems crazy to some people I used to know when I also
could not understand why anyone would use their credit card
to buy a luxury brand purse or shoes, when they were still living
in a not so great apartment or didn’t hang out in the places
people who own only luxury items hung out.

To me, it seemed like pretending to be someone else by

wearing the uniform of someone you are not, when you
should be working on manifesting the aspect of you who
naturally manifests this lifestyle.

Anyways… Coming back to my crowning. When I was told the

price I had to pay, the only question that came to my mind
was: “how was I going to explain, once again, to my friends
and family, that I was going to – once again- make drastic
changes in my life.” You have to put it into context. I lived in a
cultural and social setting that made me quite visible to the
public because of my family and precisely, my husband

My acquaintances, especially in the African community, is still

living the scarcity mindset, even those who are rich under any
type of definition. Scarcity means identifying people’s worth
by their external signs of what you associate, because of

media influence, as material goods that rich people own.
Some people do not see luxury in someone paying $100,000 to
travel the world, yet, they put value in someone getting a car
loan to buy a luxury car, while still living in an average

My initiation required me to be wearing a very strict

“uniform”, which consisted of being dressed in white, head
to toe, to wear a headscarf to cover my head, to not put
makeup on and to sit on the floor to eat my food. All of that, I
had to do during one full year. Yes, quite shocking if you are
new to this lifestyle. For me, more than the money, this lifestyle
change was the sacrifice I was willing to pay.

This story being about money and how much you should,
once again, charge for your spiritual services, I share my
experience because when I did my initiation, I realized that
most people around me were so desperate to get initiated
because of the pain their life was. Yet, many were so poor that
they actually borrowed money or saved for years to be able
to get the initiation. They were willing to go broke and pay $10
or $20,000 to receive the healing they needed even when
they could not afford it.

So there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to
charging for your services.

The calculation is simple. You have to see what other

practitioners in your field are charging, yet, seeing how you
are different, what’s special about what you do versus what
others do, add to this the price of your material and the value
of your time.

Your unique price is an average of all of these elements,

knowing that you should always be fair to your customer and
never feel like you are overcharging.

Energy is energy. If your prices are higher, you may or may not
have tons of customers in the beginning but, know that there is
never scarcity in the number of people who will gladly pay
what you are worth so with time, as you perfect your craft, the
right customers will show up and they will gladly pay for your

And who are the right customers? The customers you are here
to help. Period. Spirituality is about the value of what you bring
to people’s life.

Never overcharge but know that you are charging less than
your worth, you are creating scarcity karma upon yourself.
You are sending the message to the Universe that the
blessings they bestowed upon you are not worthy of you
being opulent. Therefore, you will see that the quality of your
customers will decrease, you will even get customers who
disrespect your work, especially those who, surprisingly paid
you less or even got your products for free.

If you undercharge because you are afraid you won’t get

customers, you will get customers who will make you regret
being a spiritual, customers who will make you feel unworthy
of the Universe’s gifts; customers who will remind you that
your work is cheap because they are cheap and you
attracted them.

If you overcharge because you want to exploit and take

advantage of vulnerable people, you will attract customers
who will feel drained by working with you; customers who will
come back to you with tons of inquiries, insecurities; and, as
per the Law of Attraction, you will reap the reward of
manifesting people in your life, friends and lovers, who will
cheat on you, people lying to you and people being disloyal
to you because of your own starting point of spiritual


Remember, spirituality is not about judgment but about

fairness. You reap what you sow. Always with unconditional
love, though. Never to punish you but to show you that
everything and everyone is you pushed out.

The way people act towards you is again, a way

God/Goddess shows you where you need to adjust
energetically in your alignment to divinity.


Access my Ideal Client audio on the same page I listed at the

end of Chapter 1.

PASSWORD: committedtomydivinity


Have you ever seen the image of the man scared of jumping
off a cliff, not realizing that it is actually a puddle, but he’ll
never find out because he never conquered the illusion of

People think that living your dream life has to stay that way: a
dream, a fantasy that will never come true.

People who say things like that to you are actually people
who love you and think they know what’s good for you. They
are being protective when in truth, it is their own choice of
living a life of compromise where they never dared to take a
risk, which is probably the reason why they never try anything
in the first place; thus, they never fail.

You have to get over your fear of failure. You have to get over
even the notion of failure because failing is not that big of a

I mean, when you were little, how many times did you fall
before actually learning to properly walk, run or jump? Have
you ever seen a crawling baby trying to stand and walk? The
baby falls over and over again. But never does the baby

actually stop and says to him or herself: “I think walking is not
for me. I’m just going to sit and crawl. I’m just a brilliant
crawling human being.”

This is ridiculous, isn’t it?

And you know what separates you from the baby? It is your
attachment to your image and the voice of your ego, telling
you that by daring to live your dream life, you will make a fool
of yourself, people will not understand you, people will mock
you and once you fail, this will prove that they were right in the
first place.

It is your own voice blocking you. And you doubting that you
are even capable of living your dream, A K A your life
purpose, your holy mission, is the reason why you manifest out
loud voices of people surrounding you, telling you exactly
what your ego is pounding in your head.

The key is to not care about failing.

The key is actually to expect that you will fail, over and over

And failing is magnificent because it shows you what doesn’t
work. And you try a different way, and then another, until you
find the formula that is right for you.

What you will find, after going around in circle, is that the
perfect formula that works for you is the formula of you not
caring about being judged and giving your beloved
customers your authenticity.

The product in itself does not matter. It is the radiance of you

getting rid of the weight of your ego, you learning to shut
down the noise and inputting raw divine essence in every
single product you create, that will attract your perfect
customer, the customer that your product will truly heal and
the customer who is aligned to your mission of healing and
who will gladly pay whatever price you deem fair for the

So, if you look at it from the perspective of being willing to

align daily and listening to the purity of your inner goddess,
you will always deliver what’s best for those you are here to

But I understand that your ego can’t fathom it being so

Your ego makes you a dream chaser by telling you that, as

long as the product is not perfect, and as long as your family
does not agree, or as long as you don’t have a certain
amount of money, or however else your ego makes it

In truth, it is always about alignment. You know your purpose.

Ask your guides for clarity. Ask them to help you let go of your
attachment to result and your attachment to approval of

It is you the world needs. Not some lobotomized version of

perfection you cling to by fear of people actually seeing your
real beauty, in the raw and in the imperfect.

I’ve identified two blocks to actually living your life mission

that keep you in a state of wishing, or, for those who do start
the process, blocks that keep you in a state of pursuing and
never living and embodying your life purpose.

I’m making a clear distinction between pursuing your dream
life and living it. Energetically, the first state is you as the chaser
and the latter is you as BEING the dream itself.

The first block I’ve identified is what I call the “Fake Guru
Syndrome” and the other one is your block to manifesting
money as the ally to your spiritual growth.

The first one, the fake guru syndrome is, for me, an actual
disease. Dis-ease as in this is why you are being kept away
from ease, by creating unnecessary friction and diving into
the uneasy part of duality.

The fake guru syndrome comes by you hearing others say that
you are divine. You watch videos, you buy spiritual products
aiming at convincing you of your divine nature but you never
actually open your eyes and feel like a divinity.

This most likely comes from profound attachment from Judeo-

Christian or Muslim programming that hammered your psyche
with false truths like the biggest one, which is that God is an
immense being outside and far away from you. This is the
patriarchal god who presides in heaven and who makes

decisions as to whether or not you deserve to live certain
types of experiences. This is pure bullshit (Excuse my French!)

You have to wake up in the morning, smiling at life (like I teach

you in my book Addicted to Pleasure) and aligning to your

Most of the time, the first thing you do in the morning is to align
to your problems, to your to-do-list, to your need to eat
breakfast or drink a cup of coffee. You align to the thought
that your life is dull or that you have no one who shares your
bed with.

The impact on your decisions is that you end up choosing your

thoughts based on your separation from divinity. You see
yourself as small and needy of the favors God/Goddess can
grant you and when things are not happening the way you
want them to, you attribute your lack of achievement to your
condition as being below God, or worst, to the fact that this
“Law of Attraction” thing is not for you.

Let me tell you: you do not need to see oxygen to know that is
exists and that it is filling up your lungs to help you breathe.

Why are you so attached to your need to see extraordinary
signs from God that you are divinely supported?

God has actually been speaking to you your entire life, but
you are seeking television-worthy signs, not realizing that the
voice of God sounds just like yours, because you are a
goddess, you are a god, and as such, your voice is divine.

Your voice is divine even when it tells you to be scared

because you are sovereign, you have free will and you
choose to give your power to either uplifting actions or
belittling ones.

But you never cease to be sacred, in the eyes of God. You

never cease to be holy. You never cease to be a goddess.
It’s just that you are a goddess who chooses to experience
pain. And in order to step out of that state of being small, it is a
decision you have to make because, once again, you are
sovereign. You choose.

You get stuck in irrelevant consideration, like opening your

third eye and seeing divine beings when you see them in all of
the human beings around you.

I mean, can you imagine actually seeing angels in their true
apparel? Do you think your human eyes and human heart will
be able to stand the sight of these supernatural beings? Do
you think your human body will be able to survive their
supernatural energy?

The only divine entities we, as humans, are able to connect
with and have actually 3D interactions, either through our
sight or within our mind, are ascended masters, gods and
goddesses and elemental beings.

You can have encounters with Lord Shiva, with Oshun, with
faeries and elves and seeing them or feeling them as having
an appearance close to our human constitution.

These are the only beings I personally know will show up to you
in meditation or, when you are ready, actually perceiving their
essence, though, with the understanding that they are of a
different dimension, but in a way that our human mind can
comprehend and decode.

But most of the time, you are already seeing them without
noticing. They are in plain sight, but you are looking for
something else. Sometimes, a faery will come to your window
and blind you with a piercing light, but because you expect
her to look like a miniature human person, like Tinker Bell, you
fail to actually start communicating with her when she’s just
right there.

So why are you blocked? Because you keep looking for
excuses for not doing just your part: to believe that you are
and to act in accordance with this truth?

Sometimes, you will also experience the fake guru syndrome

when you feel that your mission attaches you a certain type of
“human” lifestyle. Again, I’m using the word “human” to
show you that it is based on a false perception of what should

You are stopping yourself from preaching your truth, therefore

denying the world of your healing treasures, just because parts
of you feel that you are not embodying your message.

You tell yourself “How can I teach something I’m not even
living myself”, not realizing that sometimes, the mere act of
saying that this lifestyle is yours and teaching others your vision
is the pathway to you actually embodying the vision.

Sometimes, all it takes is you claiming that you deserve it and

that others do too to make the wheels start to turn in your
favor and show all the ways you can explore on your

Do you need to be rich to understand what being rich could
feel like?

Do you need to be in a relationship to understand what it feels

like to be held by your lover?

Granted, when you are already in it, it feels a million times

better than in your imagination, but again, it is because you
believe your imagination to be devoid of actual substance.
Your imagination should be the canvas you play with to
explore in the material plane.

You can teach others how to set boundaries to be happy in a

relationship, without you actually being in one; because you
know that you have worked on creating healthy boundaries
for yourself and you know that you are not ready to
compromise and bend your own truth, and you are working
on your best relationship, which is your relationship with

Attracting the other is just a bi product of you deciding that

you want the best and until the best has not reached you, you
are working on improving yourself so that you are already
happy when the One shows up.

Hopefully, you realize that you are not a fake guru in that
sense because you are helping others, who are going through
the same suffering as you have, heal and expect the best for
themselves. They just need you to show them how.

Bottom line, the more you teach, the faster you become.

Now, about money blocks.

The other aspect of divinity you have to work on is your limiting

beliefs about money and being rich while serving your
purpose, which is a huge one.

I will not expand on this topic here, given that I have two
online courses entirely devoted to this topic. One of them is
called “Become Luxury: The Goddess Formula to Manifest
Wealth” and the other one is a webinar course called “The
Money Webinar: 10 spiritual ways to manifest money”.
Work on your limiting and toxic programming about money. It
is key to you being successful in your career and living your
purpose as a whole.


This chapter and the last one, coming up, are going to be
fairly basic, as this is about work that has to do more with
technical aspects of creating and marketing your product.

I’m giving you my perspective based on the mistakes I’ve

made along my journey to making my life purpose my actual
career, but also, what I’ve learnt by taking various webinars,
courses and books from experts and influencers and, finally,
what I’ve learnt from hiring a real team of experts who
understand my vision and who are delivering what I am ready
to commit to.

Always pay attention to my choice of words! The thing I said in

the previous paragraph was “team of experts (…) who are
delivering what I am ready to commit to.”

For me, luckily, the challenge is not to manifest a certain

amount of money, but to arrive to the perfect balance in my
life between all of the things that are important to me: myself
and my own well-being and comfort, my sexuality and
romantic life, my family life and my career. IN THAT ORDER.

When starting my business, I could have borrowed an insane
amount of money and chosen to invest all of it to hire the best
possible team of experts I could afford, get more exposure for
myself and my products, if selling at all costs and being
popular were my primary goal.

I know, from experience, that the more exposed I am, the

more in demand I become and the more energy I’m
required to give to things or people that are not necessarily
worthy of my attention.

I am not willing to work more than I do. I work plenty already

and I work in the comfort of the setting I decided was best for

So see, it is not about putting money into advertising, for me,

at least.

Align to what’s right for you.

This chapter is entitled “Adornment”. You may know that I

have experimented with the idea of embodying the goddess
in the first book I ever wrote, called “10 Steps to Care for your
Hair like a Goddess: A Natural Girl's Guide to Love and Care

for Her Hair with Nature's Gifts (Ignite your Inner Goddess Book
In this book, I focused mainly on hair adornments as a way to
heal and express your own divinity by channeling specific
world goddesses. Adornment is the weapon of a human

You have to keep in mind that goddesses of wealth and

beauty are the only divine beings that help you manifest
material beauty and wealth by igniting your divine feminine,
something that is already within you, dormant, that requires
healing in order to shine through and express its power.

As you start to craft your spiritual business, part of your job is to

show up to your tribe. You have to be visible to those you are
here to help. You have to embody your version of what you
are preaching. For that, you have to be certain of what you

In my own path, goddess Ishtar has tremendously helped me

tackle the issue of being seen. I’ve created her potion Ishtar
Flower of Passion and I have to say that I use it several times
each week, and I have for a while now. A lot of my ability to

be seen, I attribute it to my work with her, both in my intimate
life and in my business.

From a very young age, I evolved in a social, cultural and

family setting that required me to appear a certain way in
order to be accepted.

I was labelled as the daughter of, then, at school, had good

grades so I had to live up to other people’s expectations to
do well in my studies and to become someone important, and
then, I married a very ambitious man who quickly became a
public figure, which made my own alignment to my path
even more difficult, beyond my own self-imposed limitations.

You have to trust that whatever path you are on, there is a
reason for it. There is a reason for you going through certain
types of hurtful experiences. It is simply for you to learn to
clean up your home, so to speak. Your spiritual home, that is.

Get rid of everything that makes it seem difficult and ask

yourself clear cut questions.

In the case of your image, find three reasons why you are the
expert of what you are preaching.

Ask yourself this question: Why am I the expert?

Go back to my first exercise, which was “Letter to my Ideal

Brand” and start writing down the answer to these three

For me, as far as my image was concerned, the three answers

were (1) I am a healer; (2) I am sexy (sexual – duh, my work is
based on igniting sexual energy) and (3) I am actually living
what I preach.

The answers need to make sense only to you, and they help
you to craft the look of the super healer that you are. At the
end of the day, in a material world, you have to be pleasing
and reassuring to your tribe.

I mean, can you imagine going to a facial specialist who has

acne? No, right?

Same here.

When you choose the venue through which your audience

will reach you, you have to make sure, and even be quite

maniac, about looking exactly like the expert. Not merely by
saying that you are, but by portraying it.

For me, it came naturally because I’m not one to overthink

my process. And you know why that is? Because I know me
and, like I said, I’m not lying to you when I say that I love
gourmet food, or that I take goddess baths at least once or
twice a week, or that I practice self-pleasure and yoni worship
rituals on a daily basis or that I manifest money and loyal
romantic commitment effortlessly. It is me. Because I am THAT I

In my case, most of my videos are not staged. When I’m

walking in the Champs Elysées of Paris, going to a fancy
coffee shop for teatime to enjoy overpriced macarons, and I
suddenly feel the urge of sharing a spiritual message, I do it. I
just grab my phone, I start recording and I speak to you like I
speak to my beloved friend, which you are.

When I do a live on Instagram and I start blushing or giggling

when I speak about sex or pleasure as the most powerful way
a goddess manifests, it is not staged. It is because I genuinely
enjoy all aspects of my being and my enjoyment of healthy
sexuality is part of me being able to show up and teach what I


This may not be your style. You may need more preparation in
order to convey what you need to convey. And you have to
be true to your own voice.

Bottom line is when your audience finds you, your image has
to match exactly your teachings. Period.

I talk about it in my online course “Become Irresistible: How to

Attract a Man of Influence” in the chapter devoted to
crafting your persona.

These are some of the questions that will help you when
crafting your persona as a spiritual healer.

First of all, decide exactly what you are and find a way to say
it when people ask you what you do for a living at a party.

If you’ve watched my YouTube channel, you know how

funny it is for me to try to sum up what I am and what I do in
my introductions.

Your title does not have to be anything complicated, though.
For the regular human being, I am a spiritual consultant. Those
interested usually follow by saying: “Oh, how interesting! And
do you do exactly?” That’s when I shoot them with out-of-
worldly concepts and terms that make them usually gasp for
air and smile to try to be polite, when in reality, they really
don’t know what I’m talking about but they’d rather
pretend they understood rather than admitting this is a field
they know nothing about.

However, those whom I’m here to speak to, will see the light
when they hear what I say. And those are the ones, especially
in my close entourage, who gave me the courage to start
doing crazy healing sessions from which, they were able to
discover aspects of themselves they knew nothing about but
which were blocking their path to bliss.

You should, of course, also tap into goddess energy,

especially if your work has to do with healing the sacred

You will see that aspects of a certain goddess will greatly help
you move faster through your process.

These are the questions that may help you:
To which goddess do I identify with as a spiritual healer?
How does she look?
How does she dress?
How does she speak?
What does she do when she does “healing” work?
Does she smoke?
Does she say curse words?
Or on the contrary, does she need to look pure?
Is she more of an ascended master Virgin Mary or a daring
goddess Medusa?
Is she non-conformist and is rebellious towards social morality?
Or on the contrary, is she a classical beauty who is respectful
of social norms?

Make a list as detailed as you possibly can. Think of yourself

embodying aspects of one or two goddesses that you
consider key to your own journey and always show up in your
work looking like the most perfected version of her.

You have to look and appear like you are already living your
life purpose. And there is no better time to start than now.


This last chapter is the easiest part of the work for me, because
it is about creating a process that is scalable once you find out
what works for you and your customers.

The difficult part, as far as I’m concerned, was to make the

decision to live a spiritual life and that my career had to be a
reflection of my overall being. I could not be a spiritual and
working in the corporate for example. It didn’t make sense to
me. Your case might be different, though.


Digital product creation is so easy; easier than you may

(over)think it to be.

You first have to see yourself as THE product. You are your
main product. When buying from you, people have to feel
that they are getting a small piece for you. You are the most
precious part of what you are selling; that’s why you have to
be careful that you keep your soul integrity in everything you
produce. Otherwise, people will sense it and will feel cheated.

If you show up as smaller than what they expected, by that, I

mean, if your product is not up to the standard you set, they

will feel that you are not such a big deal after all and that they
were wrong to look up to you.

If your work is empty, they will feel that you have been lying to
them all along and you are not even as gifted as you market
yourself to be.

You and your product have to make sense. Your product is an

alignment of you. Do not focus on the packaging when the
product itself is insignificant. And on the contrary, do not
waste important content marketing your product on a
platform where no one will see it or where it is presented in a
way that the ones that can receive healing from it, will
overlook it because you didn’t make it attractive enough.

Your audience, unfortunately, is not psychic. They will most

likely get the first divine impulse to click on whatever you
made available, but if your product doesn’t match your
thumbnail so to speak, you will lose them. And that is a shame
because, if, like me, you love your customers immensely, you
want to make sure that everything around your message
leads them to make the best decision of their life, which is to
purchase your product.

By doing so, they are aligned to your purpose and you are
able to live comfortably while making their life way better
than it was before they found you.

List of digital products you can create as a spiritual:


So, quite simply. Your digital product can definitely be a book,

which, if you are like me and you write quite spontaneously.
Keep it simple. Write on a word document, do a little bit of
stylistic tweaking by adding images and then turn into a PDF.
No real technical skill is necessary for this. But immense pay off
if your content truly helps because this creates, like I explained
earlier, revenue you make while you sleep. It could start as a
passive income but don’t underestimate the power of holy
truth. A book costing nothing to create. It costs you time and
the ability to share your knowledge in all transparency. Unlike
a physical product, which might be labor intensive and
requires logistical decisions and partnerships.


For this one, you have to do a little bit of research and find a
non-expensive way to do it. A course can either be a video
course or an audio course.
Find the best software that works for you. For my work,
sometimes, I go to a recording studio and rent it by the hour.
Most of the time, though, I record with either my phone or my
camera and then, do editing before turning the product into
a MP3 or MP4 file.

What I use to record videos and audios:

iPhone 11 pro max
Canon Camera

What I use to edit:

Audios: Audacity
Videos: Final Cut Pro


You may feel more comfortable speaking to your audience

live, in which case your digital product may be doing live
videos your customers sign up for or one-on-one sessions.

What I use:
One-on-one: Skype
Webinar: Zoom


There is the free route and there is the paid route. In my

opinion, both should be used, especially for you to build
confidence that people will actually be interested in knowing
more about how you can help them.


We are so lucky to be in an age where you can pretty much

market yourself in a way that builds your expertise and
credibility, without necessarily needing the help of some
corporate agency or tons of money invested upfront.

The internet is what makes it possible for us!

Once you know what your product is, you need to determine
where you have a natural talent in telling your audience
about it. This will help them feel your vibe and see if they
connect to you on a personal level before even deciding to
purchase anything from you.

A purchase from a customer a simply a proof that they trust
you and that they are willing to start a relationship with you.

That’s all.

But you have to be the perfect partner to their journey before

they can commit to you. And, based on my own experience,
this is not based on having insane amounts of followers on
social media. Actually, if you know me and my body of work,
you also know that I am quite lazy about sharing my life on
social media. Not that I am against the concept, actually, it’s
quite the opposite. I’m just lazy!

Of all of the things I want to do during the day, between

taking care of myself, making sure my work is done perfectly
and enjoying my life, grabbing my phone and taking a photo
of the most random moments of life is still not on the priority list.

Yet, I can assure you that I have loyal and dedicated

customers who know my worth and my impact on their life
and who will buy anything I sell because they know I am raw
and efficient!

Am I arrogant? Oh no! But I am THAT I am: raw and efficient in
everything I produce because I don’t take credit for it.

It is all divine download I receive from working on my

alignment minute after minute, day after day.

My alignment is the only thing that matters to me actually.

The wonderful things I’m able to manifest, whether health,

beauty, love, family moments, are just a biproduct of that: me
being aligned.

And as soon as I hit a rock (is that even an expression? Lol) I

know I have work to do on healing certain aspects. Maybe
it’s my chakras that need work. Maybe I have to do shadow
work and bring out ugly truths from my subconscious. Maybe I
have residual waste from past karma I received from not
setting boundaries or maybe it’s a lesson I am still in the
process of learning.

So, I repeat: I’m the best at what I do. And the day this
mission of mine stops being fun, I will stop and venture to
something else without hesitation.

As far as you, becoming the best at your craft is concerned J
my best advice is: commit to the practice!

You need to first commit to your spiritual practice because to

preach, you have to practice. To teach, you have to master.
You can’t teach about cooking holistic food without
spending endless hours actually cooking, tasting, having your
loved ones taste and enjoy and basically, create a
momentum of energy that will burst into wonderful revelations
about you actually being a holistic chef and all of the reasons
why people need you, will become clear to you.

Practice, practice, practice. IN ALIGNMENT. ALWAYS. NOT


Then, you need to implement your practice into an actual

chewable product.

For that, you need to find a forum. Here, I’m speaking about
digital product, so it has to be online. Therefore, you will reach
your audience either by written text, by audio or by video.

The three most popular ways I know:


Commit to writing at least one article per week. It does not

have to be perfect. The more you do it, the faster you will find
your style. Just write about you, your story, what makes you the
perfect spokesperson for your healing style. There are many
free tutorials on how to write a SEO worthy blog post. Do your
research. I am one to write from my guts. But I also know that I
have made mistakes, which I’ve learned to rectify over time.
But I can assure you that I have seen blog posts from very
popular bloggers that were only constituted of one
paragraph and three photos. So again, stay authentic to your
sense of style and your message.

At first, it will not be great. Be sure of it. But you just need to
start and not worry about it being perfect. Commit to the
rhythm. Once a week. The writing part should take a couple of
hours, no more. Then you have to illustrate. For me, if I don’t
see you being your best version in image, I’m not one who’s
going to be interested in reading every single line you wrote.
For that, I buy books from actual experts that don’t need

Think about your adornments, like I mentioned before. And
take amazing photos. Actually, let me re-phrase this, because
I don’t want it to be a deterrent or even an excuse for you
not doing the work.

What I meant to say was: take the most amazing photos you
are able to take with the equipment you already own and
your setting and context. You will improve with time.

But the goal is: one article per week.

Some popular blog websites I’ve personally used myself:



Create a YouTube channel. I’m not going to get into the

importance of creating a banner, making an introduction
video and writing a paragraph in your ABOUT page. Though, I
just did.

My only advice is to make the most videos possible, especially

in the beginning.

Spend time making a list of all the videos you need to make.
Try to make the videos concise and no more than, say, 4-5
minutes. If you are like me and you like to speak free style,
create make a video where you just speak your truth once a
week, where your audience will also get a chance to connect
with you more.

But as a strategy, your aim should be to make 2 videos per

week that are short and where you have a clear introduction,
development and conclusion. And then stick to this formula.

The introduction is: who you are, what you do and what
problem you solve.

Development: What is the topic of the video, which is either a
concept or a problem, which other people have tried to
solve, and this is basically your take on the whole thing.

Conclusion: You solve the problem by a summarized

explanation in the video, but you know this will not solve your
audience’s problem in depth. Someone who watched the
video so needs your help in a deeper way. Give them a
chance to reach out to you and work with you by giving them
your contact information or ways to work with you.

On the blog or in the video, always put your contact

information: website link, email address, Instagram or
wherever else they can reach you and work with you. You
never want your beautiful followers to have to look.

You want them to know they can trust you, and this starts with
clearly outlining how they can find you if they ever needed to.

Think of the relationship you are building. If you want to date a

handsome divine masculine, do you really want him to play
hard to get by showing his “goods” but then, not telling you
precisely how the two of you can connect and get to know
one another better, deeper? I thought so too J


Once you have done all of this amazing work sharing your
views and presenting your product, you absolutely have to
relay the information on social media in the currently popular
platforms: Instagram, twitter (which I actually don’t really use
J unless it’s my team posting in there), Facebook (same as
twitter), Snapchat.


On your website or blog, invite your audience to sign up for

your newsletter. This way, you can share content with them
that not everyone has access to. This is amazing for them,
though, please, do not harass them. Your newsletter should be
another way for them to feel they have access to you.


Once you reach the point where you actually have people
interested in your work, sharing it, commenting on your posts,
then you know that more people can benefit from your divine

I personally am quite inconsistent with paid ads. But I’ve

gotten better ever since I hired people to handle that part for
me. But this is quite recent. If you are following me on
YouTube, you can attest to the time when I clearly said that I
was ready to make my work more professional because I
wanted experts in their field to use their knowledge to market
my products so that I could focus on what I love, which is
spirituality. And this was exactly at the end of the December

But before that, I simply created ad campaigns by myself on

Facebook and YouTube. When I got tired of it, I started hiring
digital consultants to handle this part of the work for me.
What’s amazing is that you can find someone at any budget



A K A : The landing page

This again, is quite simple and requires little to no skill. You just
need to buy a domain, a hosting site and set up payment.

The landing page does not need to be anything complicated.

It should have, at the very least, a photo of you, maybe a
short 2-3 minute introduction video where you explain your
work, your biography, why you are doing what you are doing
and how you can help your beloved customers heal and be
empowered by your special gift and that’s it.


See, you’ve reached the end of the book. I hope it was

I will ask a favor of you though and I know you are amazing
and that, if you have time, you will do it.

I just need you to email me a love note, sharing how this book
was useful for you. Talk about the “aha” moments you’ve
encountered and include the nicest photo of you and confirm
that you agree for me to put your love note on my website so
others, like you, can be encouraged to start their own
relationship with me. Email me your love note here:

My relationships all have one thing in common: I have

unconditional love and I want it to be mutually beneficial.

And this applies to all of my relationships, whether professional
but most definitely, in the privacy of my family and in my

I wish you to manifest lavish, imperial opulence and to stay

true to your own special beauty.

Remember, you are a gem and a gift to your tribe. Don’t let
them down and deprive them of your talents by choosing not
to live your purpose. This would be a disservice to yourself and
to us all who are waiting for you to bloom and be the best
version of yourself!


Miss Pravala
“The Luxury Spiritual”


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