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Notes: Diary Entry

Subject: English
Grade VII

Diary Entry
A diary entry is a very personal kind of writing. It is meant to record certain
significant events and feelings of the writer.

Diary Entry Format

Date, Day & Time: Diary Writing is a memory. Before writing an entry, mention the
date, day, and time so that you know when that particular incident/event took place if you
read it later in the future. Usually, date, day, and time should be mentioned in the top left

Heading/Title: Giving a title to an entry is completely optional. Your heading indicates

what your piece of writing consists of. If you want, give a suitable heading; else, ignore
Salutation: “Dear Diary”
Content: Make an entry about your experience, event, or feeling. The style and tone can
be informal. Express anything and everything which you would like to tell to your diary.

Signature: Diary Entry is already a personal thing. So, it is optional. If you would like to
give a signature after an entry, you can; else, you can ignore this section.

Points to remember:
 Creativity, imagination and expression in diary writing are tested.
 You should write as if you have been really a part of the situation.
 It is written in the first person.
 One does not write about things experienced on a daily basis. Only
matters of some significance, are recorded.
 It’s a secret record of one’s life so one can be very honest about one’s
feelings and emotions.
Sample Diary Entry

A recent visit to a blind school in your city has made you

extremely sympathetic and thoughtful for the need of helping
the especially abled people. Express your thoughts in the
form of a diary entry.

Thursday, June 22, 2021

9:00 p.m.

Dear Diary

Today’s visit to the XYZ Blind School has opened my eyes to the
problems of the blind people. For the first time, I came to know that the
problem is more serious for those who have lost their vision later in life
than those who were born blind, as they had taken more time in getting
adjusted in society. But it’s really a brave front that these people are
putting up. The school uses special techniques to equip students with
education. They try to sharpen their other senses, such as touch, hearing
and smell in order to understand the world around them. Their books are
printed in a special type of script, Braille, which uses risen out dots to
help a blind student read by touching the lines on the page. Another
lesson that the blind students have taught me, is that nothing is
impossible if one has the will to do it.


Practice Question (Homework)

It was the first day of your school after the lockdown period. Make a diary
entry describing your first-day experience in your new school.

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