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Topology Optimization in Aircraft and Aerospace Structures Design

Article  in  Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering · April 2015

DOI: 10.1007/s11831-015-9151-2


490 14,151

3 authors:

Jihong Zhu Weihong Zhang

Northwestern Polytechnical University Northwestern Polytechnical University


Liang Xia
Huazhong University of Science and Technology


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Arch Computat Methods Eng
DOI 10.1007/s11831-015-9151-2


Topology Optimization in Aircraft and Aerospace Structures

Ji-Hong Zhu1 • Wei-Hong Zhang1 • Liang Xia1,2

Received: 30 January 2015 / Accepted: 7 April 2015

 CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain 2015

Abstract Topology optimization has become an effective Bendsøe and Kikuchi [7], topology optimization has been
tool for least-weight and performance design, especially in developed remarkably over the last several decades in both
aeronautics and aerospace engineering. The purpose of this theoretical studies and practical applications [e.g., 1, 9, 51,
paper is to survey recent advances of topology optimization 97, 143]. By redistributing the material layout and ac-
techniques applied in aircraft and aerospace structures de- cordingly the load carrying paths, topology optimization
sign. This paper firstly reviews several existing applica- has been recognized as one of the most promising tech-
tions: (1) standard material layout design for airframe niques in the design of aircraft and aerospace structures.
structures, (2) layout design of stiffener ribs for aircraft Meanwhile, plenty of technical difficulties highlighted in
panels, (3) multi-component layout design for aerospace the rapid development of aeronautics and aerospace
structural systems, (4) multi-fasteners design for assembled structural engineering promote the progress of topology
aircraft structures. Secondly, potential applications of optimization theories in turn. Literature surveys [26, 42,
topology optimization in dynamic responses design, shape 109] have summarized recent advances and applications of
preserving design, smart structures design, structural fea- topology optimization. These notable achievements con-
tures design and additive manufacturing are introduced to tinue to motivate further studies on the applications of
provide a forward-looking perspective. topology optimization in designing complicated engineer-
ing structures.
Generally speaking, topology optimization intends to
1 Introduction to Topology Optimization Methods find an optimal structural configuration within a given
design domain for specified objectives, constraints, loads
In the least-weight and performance design of aircraft and and boundary conditions. As shown in Fig. 1, a typical
aerospace structures, sizing and shape optimizations are compliance design example with a prescribed volume
two traditional techniques and have been widely employed constraint is presented. Note that the key advantage of
[e.g., 25, 38, 45, 77, 123, 125]. Since the seminal paper by topology optimization over shape or sizing optimizations
lies in the fact that no specified initial structural topology
& Ji-Hong Zhu
needs to be presumed a priori. Originally, topology optimization was considered as a
& Liang Xia
0–1 discrete problem or a binary design setting, which is known as ill-conditioned upon Kohn and Strang [62–64] in
structural compliance related designs. The major challenge
Engineering Simulation and Aerospace Computing (ESAC), lies in solving a large-scale integer programming problem,
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
where the high computing cost typically precludes the use
Xi’an 710072, Shaanxi, China
of gradient free algorithms. Limited successful applications
CNRS, UMR 7337 Roberval, Centre de Recherches de
were reported till now in the literatures [e.g., 5]. For such
Royallieu, Université de Technologie de Compiègne,
Sorbonne Universités, CS 60319, 60203 Compiègne Cedex, reasons, Bendsøe and Kikuchi [7] proposed a ho-
France mogenization based approach which is known as the

J.-H. Zhu et al.

value when intermediate density value (between 0 and 1) is

assigned to the element. The effect of penalization will
drive the pseudo-densities vary towards 0 and 1 during
optimization. This approach is also known as solid
isotropic material with penalty (SIMP) [100, 152]. To give
proper physical interpretations for the intermediate density
values appearing in the SIMP model, Bendsøe and Sig-
mund [8] later have shown that the stiffness obtained from
the SIMP model can be realized as the stiffness of a mi-
crostructure made of void and an amount of the solid
material corresponding to the relevant density. For its
simplicity in both conception and numerical implementa-
tion, SIMP model has become the most popular and suc-
Fig. 1 Typical topology optimization [9] cessful method in topology optimization [9, 26].
Another popular approach, named evolutionary struc-
relaxed form of the initial binary design setting. The ho- tural optimization (ESO), was developed by Xie and Ste-
mogenization approach optimizes structural global perfor- ven [135] based on a heuristic element removal strategy.
mance in terms of density variables which are linked to a The idea was to gradually remove redundant or inefficient
specified microstructure model at a separated lower scale, materials from the structure based on a heuristically de-
as shown in Fig. 2. Structural layout was actually built up fined criterion until the presumed volume constraint was
with porous unit cells. The equivalent material constitutive achieved. For its conceptual simplicity, the ESO method
behaviors such as elastic stiffness tensor of each unit cell was quite well accepted and developed for various me-
are evaluated by means of homogenization. Structural chanical design problems [136]. It has also been reported in
topological evolution is then realized by modifying the [118] that for certain cases the ESO-type methods corre-
corresponding size variables of each unit cell iteratively. spond a sequential linear programming approximate
Similar treatments have been followed in [1, 39, 114]. method. Despite its popularity, the ESO-type methods were
The mathematical complexity of the homogenization also largely argued [107] or even criticized [150] mainly
approach prevents its general application. Soon after the for the reason that the method lacks a restitution mechan-
homogenization approach, Bendsøe [6] proposed another ism for the removed elements, which may lead to failures
density-based approach with a much more simplified as- in certain designs. To circumvent these deficiencies, later
sumption. Instead of homogenization, it proceeds by pe- versions so named bi-directional ESO [93, 158] and soft-
nalizing exponentially isotropic material in terms of killing bi-directional ESO [51, 52] were developed, which
element density variables with a power law scheme. allow both material removal and addition. It has been
demonstrated that the latest version of ESO method [52] is
Pðgi Þ ¼ gpi ð1Þ
capable of circumventing all previously raised unsatisfac-
where gi are the so-called pseudo-densities defined as the tory issues. More recently, ESO-type methods have shown
design variables in topology optimization. p is the penalty a robust and efficient performance in material microstruc-
factor assigned as a value lager than 1. By this power law tural designs (see [53, 128, 130]) as compared to SIMP
scheme, element stiffness is penalized to a rather small method as shown in Fig. 3. Moreover, the discrete nature
of ESO-type methods makes it also more preferable in
multi-scale structural designs [129, 138]. Sigmund [108]
recently suggest categorize ESO-type methods to the dis-
crete form of density-based approach for its similarities to
SIMP method.
Both continuous and discontinuous density-based ap-
proaches encounter numerical difficulties such as mesh-
dependency, checkerboard patterns, and local minima [9].
The checkerboard pattern is due to the finite element ap-
proximation or design optimization criteria [58]. To miti-
gate these numerical instabilities, Sigmund and Petersson
[110] proposed a so-called sensitivity filtering scheme by
smoothing the sensitivity of the considered element and its
Fig. 2 Topology optimization using homogenized microstructures neighboring element sensitivities. Later, Bruns and

Topology Optimization in Aircraft and Aerospace Structures Design

In the following two sections, Sect. 2 reviews firstly sev-

eral practical applications; Sect. 3 introduces several po-
tential applicable fields from practical issues.

2 Existing Applications in Aircraft and Aerospace

Structures Design

This section surveys four practical applications of topology

optimization in aircraft and aerospace structures design,
including: (1) standard material layout design for airframe
structures, (2) design of stiffener ribs for aircraft panels, (3)
design of aerospace multi-component structural systems,
(4) design of aircraft structures with constraints on joint
Fig. 3 Microstructural designs by Xia and Breitkopf [130]
2.1 Standard Material Layout Design

Topology optimization has been recognized as one of the

Tortorelli [13] proposed a density filtering scheme to im- most effective approaches at the conceptual design phase of
prove the reliability and convergence of the optimization, most engineering applications. One is able to obtain an op-
where the filtering is performed on element densities rather timal structural material layout corresponding to the most
than sensitivities. Sigmund [108] further improved the effective load carrying path in the design domain with pre-
density filter by introducing a new class of morphology- scribed boundary conditions and design constraints. A
based restriction schemes. Jang et al. [55] presented that standard topology optimization problem can be expressed as
using non-conforming four-node finite elements can com-  
pletely suppress the checkerboard patterns, because the find g ¼ g1 ; g2 ; . . .; gi ; . . .; gnd ; 0\gi  1; i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; nd
stiffness of the non-conforming element exhibits correct 1
min C ¼ ðf þ GÞT u
limiting behavior. Haber et al. [44] proposed the perimeter ( 2
control method to control the checkerboard pattern and f þ G ¼ Ku
s:t: ð2Þ
some detailed structures between solid and void elements. V  VðUÞ
Zhang and Duysinx [142] also proposed a quadratic form
of the improved perimeter control operational with the dual where gi is the pseudo-density variables describing a solid
approach. Some detailed discussions of checkerboard or a void finite element when it is 1 or 0 respectively. nd is
control in the framework of ESO/BESO can be found in the number of density variables. Typically, a lower bound
[70, 139]. With these technical advancements, topology is assigned for the pseudo-density variables to avoid sin-
optimization has become one of the most active topics in gularity of the stiffness matrix. The design objective is to
advanced structure design and computational mechanics. maximize the global structural stiffness, which is normally
Apart from density-based approaches, there exist sev- evaluated with the minimum elastic strain energy C or
eral alternative approaches such as the bubble method [30], structural mean compliance. The strain energy is calculated
topological derivative [111], level-set method [2, 103, 124] by the external load vector f, the self-weight load vector
and phase filed method [12]. Among which, level-set G and the nodal displacement vector u. K is the structural
method, describing structural topology as the level-set of a global stiffness matrix. Normally a material volume con-
higher dimensional function has attracted quite a lot re- straint is prescribed in the optimization. V is the total
search attention in the recent years [121]. Despite its dis- volume of the material used for the structure with a pre-
tinct advantage in representing complex geometries, there’s scribed upper limit V(U).
however still a long way before reaching the stage of At the conceptual design phase, structural details such as
regular industrial applications [101]. the chamfers and fillets, stiffeners, joints and cross-sections
This paper surveys recent advances of topology opti- etc. are ignored and are to be designed in the following
mization techniques, in particular density-based ap- phases by means of shape and size optimizations. To pre-
proaches applied in the design of aircraft and aerospace sent the basic design procedure of topology optimization, a
structures and expects to provide a valuable reference for typical design application of large cargo aircraft pylon
researchers and engineers in structural optimization design. [154] is considered as shown in Fig. 4. The pylon is a

J.-H. Zhu et al.

typical cantilever structure hanging the turbine engine or

other payloads to the wing of aircraft. The structure needs
to be carefully optimized so as to satisfy performance re-
quirements on stiffness, strength and weight.
In order to obtain reasonable and practical structural
configuration, lots of conditions need to be carefully de-
fined before the topology optimization design of engi-
neering structures. Firstly, due to the complexity of the
aircraft structure system, the definition of the design do-
main is the fundamental factor for topology optimization.
The designable and non-designable domains shall be as-
signed in prior according to the requirements of functional Fig. 5 The original design domain and its finite element discretiza-
tion [154]
devices, aerodynamic surfaces, manufacturing restrictions
etc. In this case, the body of the pylon is assigned as the
design domain which is discretized into over 240,000 re- separation surfaces. In this example, as the wing rib
fined solid finite elements (Fig. 5). Two hanging positions hanging the pylon is stiff enough, the whole structure is
i.e. the beam tip and lower lugs are assigned as non-des- directly clamped at the two fixation positions.
ignable components which are to be fixed during the op- Density-based approach is applied to perform topology
timization procedure. The other two important factors are optimization. In order to consider the design dependent
the definitions of the load cases and boundary conditions, self-weight load, a polynomial interpolation model (see
which are the determinants of the load carrying path. For also [160]) is employed:
an aircraft structure, tremendous numbers of load cases 
qi ¼ gi qi0
exist due to different flight attitudes and payloads. As a ð3Þ
Ei ¼ Pðgi ÞEi0 ¼ ðagpi þ ð1  aÞgi ÞEi0
result, it is essentially important to identify the critical load
cases. Here, considering the envelope of the loads, 24 load where Ei0 and qi0 are the solid material elastic modulus and
cases including the structural self-weight, inertial forces, density, respectively, when the ith element is solid, i.e.
the thrust and weight of the turbine engine under three gi = 1. In P(gi), a and p are the coefficients of the inter-
different attack angles and four different roll angles are polation, which can be considered as an extended formu-
chosen for topology optimization. The external loads are lation of the SIMP interpolation scheme. Usually, a = 1/16
then precisely distributed to the two hanging positions. and p = 3 are used.
Finally we come to the boundary conditions. As the de- Sensitivity filtering [110] is applied here to avoid nu-
signed structures are separated from the global airframe, merical instabilities. Material usage upper bound is set to
the boundary conditions are defined at the separation sur- 10 % and the corresponding design result is shown in
faces. In many cases when the fixations are not stiff Fig. 6. The optimized material distribution of the structure
enough, elastic boundary conditions are needed by using indicates an effective load carrying path and is to be re-
numbers of springs on different DOFs. The stiffness factors ferred in the following design phases when designing more
of the springs are decided according to the properties of the detailed structural features.

Fig. 4 An aircraft pylon ( hanging a

turbine engine Fig. 6 Topology optimization design of the aircraft pylon [154]

Topology Optimization in Aircraft and Aerospace Structures Design

In addition, choosing a proper optimization algorithm is smoothing. The smoothed designs usually possess similar
very important to obtaining reasonable structural con- or even better mechanical performances than the topo-
figurations in topology optimization. Currently, convex logically optimized ones. It was also reported in [41] that
linearization (Conlin, see [31, 32]) and the standard method the post-processing scheme is more suitable to model
of moving asymptotes (MMA, see [115]) are the two most density variable based topology optimization methods. By
popular optimization algorithms used in topology opti- these post-processing strategies, detailed engineering fea-
mization. They are stable and particularly suitable to sizing tures are to be included in accordance with the practical
optimization and standard topology optimization considerations linking to manufacturing, assembling and
minimizing the structural compliance, where the design functional requirements. Such post-processing modules
functions are monotonous. However, for topology opti- have been included in most existing CAD platforms. There
mization problems including body forces and presenting is however a designer-dependency on the final designs and
non-monotonous behaviors, the oscillation may occur it- their corresponding mechanical performances.
eratively (see [14]). As a result, the improved global con- Once the post-processing procedure has been done,
vergent version of MMA (GCMMA, see [15, 116, 117] ) is shape and sizing optimizations are then performed to fur-
suggested to solve these problems. It inherits the property ther improve the structural performances regarding to
of stability from the family of MMA and the non-mono- stress concentration, bulking, dynamic responses, etc. that
tonous approximation is helpful in solving some opti- are not fully considered in the previous topological design
mization problems with non-monotonous functions. phase. Several representative design cases can be found in
Similar applications designing aircraft pylon have also [65, 66], where the least weight design is performed for the
been found in [97], where the conceptual design of the wing structure of Airbus A380. Figure 8 shows the initially
pylon of Airbus A350 is obtained by means of the standard topologically optimized wing rib and its final design con-
topology optimization module of SAMCEF [37]. In their figuration. Differences can be observed from the two
work, the design domain is discretized into numerous te- structural configurations, which are mostly due to the
trahedral elements. Eight static load cases are taken into consideration of manufacturing requirements. In some
account including different maneuvers, gust and the si- other cases, final designs are simply the compromised in-
tuation of fan blade off and landing on the engine. The tegration of the topologically optimized and the existing
structural symmetry is enforced during the design proce- designs. One of the most representative applications of
dure. For this purpose, they proposed to define a specified topology optimization can be found in [65], where the
design variable to force the equivalence of the density leading edge ribs of Airbus A380 were optimized with a
variables at corresponding positions. The design domain significant weight reduction while satisfying all required
and the corresponding optimized design result are shown in mechanical performances (Fig. 9).
Fig. 7 with the maximum material usage assigned as 10 %. Additional attention needs to be paid on finite element
As have already been indicated, topology optimization modelling. Note that structures, parts or components to be
provides only a roughly or conceptually distributed mate- designed are fractions of the whole aircraft model. It is not
rial layout. The topologically optimized structures, parts or practical to apply topology optimization directly on the
components need to be further designed for their practical whole model since it usually consists of millions of ele-
use in engineering applications. Post-processing schemes ments and the computational cost is not affordable. For
that can automatically smooth the topological design such reason, sub-structuring or the so-called superelement
boundary can be found in [9, 108], where the iso-density technique [28, 38, 88, 89] is quite widely employed in
curve or surface on the boundary is identified and used for practice. After an initial approximate analysis of the whole

Fig. 7 Topology optimization

design of the Airbus A350
pylon [97]

J.-H. Zhu et al.

Fig. 8 Topological optimized design and the rebuilt model [65]

Fig. 9 Airbus A380 leading

edge ribs design using topology
optimization [65]

model, the objective local structure is extracted from the

whole model together with its equivalent interface loads.
Topology optimization is then carried out for the subtracted
local structure subjecting to the equivalent interface loads.
The superelement based approaches are obviously ap-
proximate schemes as the interface loads are not updated
during the topology optimization procedure. However,
from a practical point of view, it has been proved that sub-
structuring is an effective strategy and widely employed in
aircraft structures analyses and designs (see [66]).

2.2 Layout Design of Stiffener Ribs

Panels with stiffeners are typical structural patterns for Fig. 10 Stiffeners on aircraft structures
aircraft and aerospace structures (Fig. 10). Although the
appearance of stiffeners’ layout design is much alike a Strictly speaking, most of the existing designs of stiff-
topological design, many challenges exist in both mod- eners using topology optimization are simply approxima-
elling and optimization definitions during the optimization tions of topologically optimized material layouts. In other
process. On the one hand, the stiffeners layout is actually words, stiffeners are added like other engineering features
the layout of some substructures which is not easily de- during the post-processing procedure, e.g., the leading edge
scribed by the material layout used in standard topology ribs of Airbus A380 in Fig. 9 presented in the previous
optimization. On the other hand, one of the most important section.
contributions from stiffeners is the effect against buckling, To tackle the difficulties in stiffeners’ numerical de-
which is another difficult issue in topology optimization scription, earlier works considered the stiffener design as a
[151]. As a result, most of the practicable optimization thickness design of solid or shell elements. For example,
design of stiffeners are limited to sizing and shape opti- Cheng and Olhoff [22] maximized the stiffness of rectan-
mization [17, 47, 125–127]. gular and axisymmetric plates by means of a thickness

Topology Optimization in Aircraft and Aerospace Structures Design

distribution optimization, which was the original form of

topology optimization. This idea was later extended to the
layout design of the reinforcements of composite materials
in [94]. Instead of using pseudo-density variable, thickness
variable is assigned to the design layer of each patch
laminate composition, as shown in Fig. 11. The thicker
reinforcements found by topology optimization are then
modeled as stiffeners. This work is a direct extension of
standard topology optimization to the design of 2D plates
or shells, however at the expense of the modelling accuracy
of the stiffeners.
To improve the precision, the stiffener layout can be
designed by introducing casting constraints to standard
topology optimization, where the material distributions Fig. 12 An illustrative finite element model with a prescribed
along prescribed directions have to meet certain casting direction
manufacturing requirements such as casting, milling,
forging etc. In this way, the stiffeners are actually de-
scribed by large numbers of solid elements in columns. expensive as large numbers of design constraints are in-
Pseudo-densities of the elements in one column along the troduced into the optimization. Some ingenious approaches
casting direction are then ordered by values. are needed to improve the design efficiency. Recently, Lu
In some early works, the casting constraint can be re- and Chen [75] proposed a multi-directional constrained
alized by imposing additional linear constraints on pseudo- method for topology optimization so that the structural
density values of the elements in a column [153] topologies of optimized designs will follow a prescribed
casting directions which are similar to mechanical designs.
g1  g2      gi     gn ð4Þ
The basic idea was much following the work of [153].
where g1, g2, …, gn represent pseudo-densities of elements Other similar works can be found in e.g., [50, 131].
along the same line in the casting direction, as shown in In [69], the concepts of pole parameters, grid pa-
Fig. 12. Complying with these linear constraints, the ele- rameters, element parameters and interpolation functions
ments close to the panel are always stiffer than those far were introduced. The parameterization was used where the
away from it. pseudo-densities of the elements in a column will be re-
This function has already been implemented in the op- placed by a list of values dominated by a single design
timization platform Altair OptiStruct. One typical design is variable, which can be simply considered as a height or
shown in Fig. 13. In this way, the stiffeners are treated as thickness variable. Thus the layout and heights of the
series of solid elements, while the heights of the stiffeners stiffeners can be directly optimized. The benefits of the
are decided by the number of solid elements on the casting parameterization method are twofold. Firstly, it transforms
direction. But for an engineering problems with tremen- the 3D topology optimization to a 2D layout design of
dous numbers of elements, this idea will be computational column heights, which extremely saves the number of

Fig. 11 Definition of the

thickness design layer for
topology optimization and the
optimized design [94]

J.-H. Zhu et al.

Fig. 13 Topology optimization

of an engine bracket with
casting constraints [153]

design variables and then the computational cost in turn.

Secondly, no extra design constraints are needed to arrange
the pseudo-densities in order.
Later, Gersborg and Andreasen [36] presented a smooth
Heaviside parameterization method from the height vari-
able to the pseudo-densities
gð x Þ ¼ H ð x  hÞ

1; t  0 ð5Þ
H ðt Þ ¼
0; t [ 0
where x is a coordinate along the casting direction, h de-
fines the position of the solid-void interface. Differentia-
bility of the parameterization is guaranteed by the use of a
smooth approximation of the Heaviside function. The
benefits are obvious. When the parameterization of the
height variables used in [69] goes though boundary of the
Fig. 14 The definition of the linear piecewise interpolation for the
elements, the interpolation of the material properties is in
casting constraints [162]
fact non-differentiable. The Heaviside interpolation main-
tains the smoothness of material interface during the height variables and greatly favors gradient-based mathematical
variation. programming algorithms.
Recently, Zhu et al. [162] proposed another simpler As a practical application, a large aircraft skin stretch-
method to impose casting constraints where linear piece- forming die has been designed using topology optimization
wise interpolation function was employed rather than the with the casting constraints imposed by the proposed
Heaviside function method. As shown in Fig. 15a, the surface contact pressure
X loads were obtained using an explicit time-integration
h¼ gi
8 scheme. Several extreme load cases were considered for
> 0; i [ d he þ 1 the design. Compared with the traditional design solution,
> .
> 2 the optimized design obtained by the proposed method has
> ðh  bhcÞ 4;
i ¼ d he þ 1
ð6Þ 31.3 and 63 % decrease in the maximum deformation and
gi ¼ 1=4 þ ðh  bhcÞ=2; i ¼ dhe
> . Von-Mises stress, respectively. The method has also been
> 1  ðdhe  hÞ2 4; i ¼ bhc used for the design of turbine engine structures as shown in
: Fig. 15b, where the stiffeners distributed on a jet nozzle
1; i\bhc
provides a lightweight design solution with much improved
The piecewise function can be illustrated as shown in thermal-elastic performances.
Fig. 14, which maintains the continuity and differentia- Another work has been presented based on the Heav-
bility of the objective function with respect to the height iside interpolation of the height variables [73]. They

Topology Optimization in Aircraft and Aerospace Structures Design

Fig. 15 Topological design of stiffener layout [162]. a Aircraft skin stretch forming die. b Jet nozzle structure on a turbine engine

introduced a new set of topology design variables to de- Apart from the above mentioned works, the stiffener
scribe the distribution of the stiffeners. The proposed for- layout design has also been addressed by other strategies.
mulation can guarantee branch-like stiffeners with the Alternative to topology optimization, Luo and Gea [76]
casting constraints satisfied, as shown in Fig. 16. This ap- proposed a microstructure-based method to optimize the
proach has been applied to design the reinforcements’ stiffener locations, where an initial stiffener distribution
layout of machine tool workbench and large-scale reflec- has to be prescribed a priori. The orientations of the stiff-
tive antenna. eners were thereafter optimized using equivalent
Topology optimization with imposed casting constraints orthotropic materials. The stiffener layout design was not
has been proved to be a reliable design strategy for the directly addressed but via a simplified two-steps scheme.
layout design of stiffeners. Moreover, the conceptual sim- Gea and Luo [35] developed latter a similar scheme while
plicity and performance stability make this strategy more using a fiber-reinforced composite model as the equivalent
preferable in practical engineering application. model for the stiffeners. With this method, Luo and Jia [77]

Fig. 16 Stiffener layout designs on simply supported plates [73]

J.-H. Zhu et al.

has also addressed optimal stiffener design for interior light as possible and coordinate with the aircraft major
sound reduction, where the objectives are to maximize a airframe. As a result, an integrated design strategy syn-
band of eigenfrequencies and to minimize the interior thesizing both components layout design and supporting
sound level. This method has initiated first attempts to structure topology design is of crucial importance in im-
design fiber orientations of composite structures. proving the mechanical behaviors of the whole system.
Stiffener layout design has also been addressed by To the best knowledge of authors, the earliest work with
means of discretized truss structure layout design. Obern- this regard traces back to [72] where a two-level opti-
dorfer et al. [85] proposed to model bars or stiffeners by mization procedure was developed for the design of a
discrete grids. The optimized subset of the prescribed bars flexible structure system with a piezo-ceramic actuator.
was selected by topology optimization. Several design The outer level is devoted to the location and shape opti-
criteria were considered in the optimization, such as mization of the piezoelectrical component using genetic
strength, stiffness and buckling. The idea has also been algorithm, while the inner level corresponds to topology
tested to optimize the placement of stiffeners on an aircraft optimization of the flexible structure after the outer level
frame. The comparison between the optimized and the optimization. Though the model presents the capability of
conventional designs had indicated a significant perfor- achieving near global optimal result, the computational
mance improvement achieved by the proposed method. cost is unbearable even in the case when only one com-
A heuristic evolutionary design scheme for stiffener ponent is considered in design.
layout design was proposed in [27], where a growing and Movable components were further assumed as embed-
branching tree model was applied. A given set of the ded rigid objects [91] where non-conforming meshing ap-
possible stiffeners was presumed before the design. The proach, i.e. Eulerian meshing was applied in association
heuristic evolutionary scheme was carried out by selecting with the peak function material interpolation model [140].
the best growing direction for a branch according to pre- In other words, location changes of the embedded objects
scribed growing criteria. The branch growing stopped once are simulated as a physical variation of the material
the volume limit was achieved. Another design strategy properties controlled by their location parameters over a
was given by Bojczuk and Szteleblak [11], where the fixed mesh, as shown in Fig. 18. Though the approach
stiffener layout and its corresponding shape were designed gives sound optimization results for the rectangular objects,
with the introduction of fibers, beams or ribs. An original the normal distribution function applied for an individual
distribution of the stiffeners was generated at first by means object shape description makes it difficult to deal with
of a heuristic algorithm based on the evaluated sensi- objects of complex forms.
tivities. The shape of the curved stiffeners was then opti- Another relevant work [20] proposed to use one gov-
mized to further improve mechanical performance. erning level-set function based on R-functions theory [105]
to represent the material distributions of both embedded
2.3 Layout Design of Multi-component Structure components and their supporting structure. Structural
System topological variation with parametric control of the com-
ponents was achieved by means of topology optimization
Structural systems involved in mechanical, automotive and using the level-set method [2]. This strategy has been later
aerospace engineering are often composed of a certain followed in [59, 104, 147] to perform simultaneous design
number of components, e.g., engines, batteries, electronic of structural topology and the layout of movable compo-
devices and others, interconnected by a framework struc- nents. Alternatively, Xia et al. [134] proposed a more
ture within a limited container, such as an aircraft con- flexible model using SIMP model where components are
figuration shown in Fig. 17a. The layout design of complex modeled by parameterized level-set representation. This
multi-component systems considered here can be realized work is extended in [146] where the XFEM technique is
by an extension of existing topology optimization. When employed for an accurate modelling of material interface.
they are considered as non-designable parts with fixed Typical designs of these two works are shown in Fig. 19.
positions, the problem can be dealt with directly by means With the same regard, anther series of work have also
of the conventional topology optimization methodology. been given in [155, 159, 160]. Different from above
However, the challenging issue is to perform the location mentioned works, the density-based approach [9] was
optimization of the involved components and topology employed in their work to perform structural topology
optimization of the framework structure simultaneously, as optimization rather than the level-set method. Conforming
illustrated in Fig. 17b. On the one hand, functional devices mesh was used with an embedded meshing technique [159]
essential for the flight mission should be properly installed to maintain a precise material interface modeling. As the
in order to satisfy various design requirements. On the fact the mesh is updated locally with the movement of the
other hand, the supporting structure has to be designed as components, a density point technique [159] was proposed

Topology Optimization in Aircraft and Aerospace Structures Design

Fig. 17 Illustration of
integrated layout design of
multi-component systems

Fig. 18 Integrated component

layout and structural topology
optimization with fixed non-
conforming meshing [91]

to associate the pseudo-density variables with the centroids components’ location variables. The adoption of su-
of the fixed background mesh. Inertial forces have been perelement technique allows designing a much larger
considered in the design with a proposed material poly- number of components with more complex shapes
nomial interpolation model [160]. The same model has also (Fig. 20). Later, Xia et al. [133] proposed a more efficient
been applied to perform integrated designs of supports and strategy using a material perturbation model where the
structures for bridge-like structures [157]. Promising re- material discontinuity across the boundary between each
sults have been shown with various extensions by this component and the framework structure is approximated
model, while drawbacks of the model are due to the em- by means of a modified Heaviside function. The compo-
bedded meshing technique and low efficiency in semi- nent movement is thereafter approximated as a material
analytical sensitivity analysis w.r.t. location design vari- shift while the mesh itself remains geometrically un-
ables. Such limitations therefore hinder further develop- changed. By doing so, analytical sensitivities with respect
ment into other analysis fields and into more practical 3D to location design variables are achieved as easily as for
problems. A summary of this approach can be found in pseudo-density variables. With this model, for the first time
[145]. the layout design of 3D multi-component systems was
To remedy these limitations, Xia et al. [132] have addressed. Figure 21 shows a typical application the model
adopted the superelement technique to reduce the com- in [133]. A helicopter pylon loaded with the weight of the
puting cost and simplify sensitivity analysis with respect to payloads below the cuboid design domain was designed

J.-H. Zhu et al.

Fig. 19 Integrated optimization designs from [134] and [146]

the design space when the component has a complex shape,

especially concave. To remedy this limitation, the finite
circle method (FCM, Fig. 22) was proposed in [144, 161]
by which each component is approximated with a set of
circles. The approximation can be more precise by using
refined circle discretization. Non-overlapping constraints
between components are thus converted into simple con-
Fig. 20 Integrated Layout design of a ten-component structural straints between two sets of circles.
system problem [132]
kO 1 O 2 k  R 1 þ R2 ð7Þ
together with the layout design of two functional compo- where O1 is the center of one circle attached to the first
nents, whose horizontal and vertical positions were des- component which is calculated by the components posi-
ignable. The final design presented a clear configuration of tions and orientations, R1 is the corresponding radius. This
both structural topology and components’ positions. relation refers to the distance condition between the circle
The overlapping avoidance is another essential issue for centers. This method allows evaluating the sensitivity in-
the integrated layout design of multi-component systems. formation in an analytical manner which favors gradient-
In [91], each component is approximated by a circle so as based mathematical programming algorithms.
to impose non-overlapping distance constraints during the However, as more circles are used to have more precise
design. However, this approximation significantly limits geometry approximation for the components, the opti-
mization will be imposed with extremely large numbers of

Fig. 21 Multi-component layout design for a helicopter pylon Fig. 22 The FCM approximation of the components [161]

Topology Optimization in Aircraft and Aerospace Structures Design

non-overlapping constraints as shown in Fig. 23. Conse- the minimum or maximum distances between the compo-
quently, some semi-heuristic rules were proposed to use nents described by level-set functions to have the compo-
much less circles and maintain the approximation preci- nents’ layout controlled effectively in a local way.
sions. More recently, Gao et al. [33] have successfully Recently, from the practical aspect of engineering ap-
introduced the KS function to aggregate the constraint plications, Gao et al. and Zhu et al. [33, 163] proposed to
functions. use multi-point constraints (MPC) to define rivets or bolts
N connections between components and structures as shown
1 X g
in Fig. 25. The displacement consistence between the
KSðlÞ ¼ gmax þ ln exp½lðgm  gm max Þ ð8Þ
l m¼1 components and structures was strictly maintained by sat-
isfying the MPC equations.
where Ng stands for the number of constraints. gm stands
The MPC equations can be expressed as
for the mth constraint function. gmax stands for the max-  
imum value of all the constraints. l is the aggregation uM1  N e1 M1  ue1 ¼ 0 ð11Þ
parameter which is calculated by using a Steffensen
where uM1 and uM1 denote the displacement vectors of
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi node M1 and its projection point M1 , respectively. ue1 and
lk fk N e1 M1 are displacement vectors of the element e1 and
uðlk Þ ¼ ðKSk  gm max Þ 
e e the shape function coefficient matrix at the point M1 , re-
½uðlk Þ  lk 2 spectively. When several connecting nodes are involved,
lkþ1 ¼ lk  these MPC equations can be regarded as a linear combi-
u½uðlk Þ  2uðlk Þ þ lk
nation of nodal displacements as
Meanwhile, a complex step derivative approximation
method to improve the precision of finite difference cal- Hu ¼ 0 ð12Þ
culation of design sensitivities is also used. H is the coefficient matrix determined by shape functions
oKSðnj Þ Im½KSðnj þ iDhÞ of structural elements and coordinates of connecting nodes.
 ð10Þ u denotes the global displacement vector of the integrated
onj Dh
structure system with components. Considering these dis-
where Im[KS(nj ? iDh)] denotes the imaginary output after placement constraints, the revised form of the overall po-
a small imaginary perturbation iDh is brought into the KS tential energy and the stationary conditions of the global
function. nj is one of the geometry design variables. system under loads can be expressed as
Alternatively, another strategy was introduced in [59,
104, 147] to impose non-overlapping constraint based on Pðu; kÞ ¼ uT Ku  ðf þ GÞT u þ kT Hu
( 2
the level-set description by means of a single explicit in- T
Ku þ H k ¼ f þ G ð13Þ
tegral constraint over the design domain. This approach can
be understood as a constraint on the size of the overlapped Hu ¼ 0
area, which is calculated by the integration of the level-set
functions, as shown in Fig. 24. The idea of was further
developed in [148] by introducing the new constraints on k is the Lagrange multiplier vector.

Fig. 23 Effects of circle and

constraint numbers upon the
computing time for one single
iteration [161]

J.-H. Zhu et al.

Fig. 24 Non-overlapping
constraint based on the level-set
description [59]

Fig. 25 MPC connections between components and supporting structures [163]

When the layout of components changes, one needs only

to rebuild the MPC connections at the new positions. In this
way, the merits of remeshing-free, analytical sensitivity
evaluation as well as the precise material description were
simultaneously maintained. This new formulation allows
modelling the components independently as superelements
or models imported from other CAD or FE platforms.
Typical optimized design is shown in Fig. 26.
The integrated optimization was applied to design a
launching vehicle structure which supports four satellites
as shown in Fig. 27. One satellite was located on the top of
the structure whose optimal orientation is to be found. The
rest three satellites were evenly located on a lower plate.
Their distances to the central axis are to be designed. The
supporting structure below the plate was assigned as the
design domain for topology optimization. The objective is Fig. 27 Multi-component layout design of a four-satellite supporting
to maximize the designated natural frequencies. A system

Fig. 26 Integrated design for

components and structures
using MPC [163]

Topology Optimization in Aircraft and Aerospace Structures Design

prescribed weight limit together with several other design nonen et al. [87] proposed a ‘‘weakest link’’ method to
constraints on the structural symmetry, inner space for optimize the layout of fasteners for the bracket-to-beam
other devices etc. have been considered in the design. joints where the design objective was to ameliorate the
Figure 27 shows the topology optimization result and the equivalent Von-Mises strain as well as the shear loads in
final engineering design. the joints.
The above works regarding multi-component layout Attempts using the concept of topology optimization for
design have so far integrated geometrical design variables the layout design of fixations and fasteners have been made
into topology optimization for mechanical structural per- in [16, 56, 57, 92, 156]. Fasteners were approximated as
formance improvement. We can foresee that in the forth- springs in these works. By introducing a pseudo-density to
coming works, more complicated loading conditions such the fastener’s stiffness factor, the optimal distribution of
as thermal, impact and dynamical loads in aircraft or the springs could be found by means of topology opti-
aerospace structural systems need to be investigated. In mization procedure. Each nodal degree of freedom (DOF)
addition, more functional considerations for the compo- to be constrained is approximated by a spring as shown in
nents shall be taken into account in the integrated design Fig. 29. One pseudo-density variable is attributed to the
instead of treating them simply as solid parts. springs on the same connecting node. One typical design of
the fasteners layout for the car body application has been
2.4 Multi-fasteners Design given in [102] (see Fig. 30). The necessary and removed
welding spots of the structure are marked. The change of
Figure 28 shows a typical assembled aircraft structure the displacements is less than three percent under torsion
where bolts or rivets are usually used as multi-fastener and bending load cases.
joints. These joints are of critical importance in damage Chickermane and Gea [23] and Li et al. [71] have si-
tolerance design because they are the weakest parts of a multaneously optimized joint locations and the topologies
structure when subjected to joint load with high intensity of connected structural components. Chickermane et al.
[3, 25, 83]. Earlier studies focused on developing analytical [24] has also proposed a topology optimization approach
and numerical solutions for the assessment of stress and for the location optimization of fasteners in conjunction
failure of multi-fastener joints. Bolted and riveted joint with fastener load constraints where the connected com-
loads as well as stress distributions around pin holes etc. in ponents remain unchanged. Support position design to
panels are usually modeled by single or multiple joints [19, avoid uneven deformation in LCD panels is given in [56].
149]. The total elastic energy of the spring supports was chosen
In [86, 90], parameters such as fastener joint location, to be minimized as the objective function to maintain a
ply angle and stacking sequence of laminates, fastener di- balanced support. These above works have promoted the
ameter and edge distance were optimized to avoid fastener distribution optimization design of multi-fastener joints.
failure. Bianchi et al. [10] maximized the load carrying Recently, it was found in our engineering practices re-
capability of the joint system to balance the number and garding the aircraft spar-skin structures design that the
size of bolts. Ekh and Schön [29] minimized the bearing stiffness mismatch between the connected structural com-
stress by analyzing the effects of various parameters on the ponents will lead to extremely large shear loads in the
load distribution, such as the mismatch of member plates, joints. Meanwhile, the adjustment of joint distributions,
length of the overlap region and fastener’s stiffness. Oi- addition of more joints or enlargement of joint diameters
cannot lower the loads significantly.
According to detailed analyses, the aircraft design
manuals [83] and existing works [25, 29, 86, 90], the joint
loads highly depend upon not only the mechanical and
geometrical attributes of joints themselves, but also the
stiffness distribution of the connected structures. As a re-
sult, Zhu et al. [164] proposed imposing additional multi-
fastener joint loads constraints into standard topology op-
timization to deal with the above problem. Short beam
elements were used to model multi-fastener joints with the
negligence of bolt-hole clearance, clamp-up and friction
effects. For a short beam of two nodes A and B, the shear
Fig. 28 Aircraft structure with multi-fastener joints loads are calculated as

J.-H. Zhu et al.

Fig. 29 Multi-fasteners
modelled with springs and
optimized designs [16]

aircraft structures. Meanwhile, designers can also benefit

from the optimized load carrying path for detailed struc-
tures design. For example, a wing box design was also
presented in [165]. A flat wing as shown in Fig. 32 was
discretized into fine quadrangular shell elements. Numbers
of sections near the root of the wing were selected as the
topological design domain. Several typical load cases in-
cluding the bending and torsion of the wing were taken into
account. Standard topology optimization was implemented
Fig. 30 Fasteners designs for the car body [102] for comparison and the joint load constraints on the rivets
connecting the wing ribs and beams to the skin were then
applied in the forthcoming tests. As shown in Fig. 33,
12EI 12EI obvious differences can be observed from the two opti-
Fjx ¼  ujAx  3  ujBx
L3 ð1 þ UÞ L ð1 þ UÞ mized structural configurations. The maximum joint load
6EI 6EI has been reduced 20.1 % at a cost of 1.1 % increase of
þ 2  hjAy þ 2  hjBy elastic strain energy.
L ð1 þ U Þ L ð1 þ UÞ
12EI 12EI
Fjy ¼ 3  ujAy  3  ujBy ð14Þ
L ð1 þ UÞ L ð1 þ UÞ
3 Potential Applications
 2  hjAx  2  hjBx
L ð1 þ U Þ L ð1 þ UÞ
In view of the abovementioned technical progresses and
U¼ applications, topology optimization has already been ap-
GSL2 plied as an effective tool in modern aircraft and aerospace
where E and G are the elastic and shear moduli. I, S and structure designs. Continuous developments to improve
L denote the moment of inertia, the cross section area and structural multidisciplinary performances are highly ex-
the beam length. U is the shear coefficient. c = 10/9 is the pected. In this section, we introduce several potential ap-
shear factor of the cross section. ujAx and hjAx are the plications in aircraft and aerospace structure design for
corresponding nodal displacement and rotation angle of topology optimization.
node A in x direction. Similar definitions are used for ujAy,
hjAy, ujBx, hjBx, ujBy and hjBy. 3.1 Dynamic Responses Design
The dominant shear loads over joints were then con-
strained by optimizing the stiffness distribution of con- Dynamic performances are of critical importance for air-
nected structures. As shown in Fig. 31, two different craft and aerospace structures operating under harsh vi-
topological designs of a simplified wing box without and bration loads from the engine and aerodynamic turbulence
with joint loads constraints are presented. The maximum etc. In existing studies, dynamic topology optimization
joint load on the two tapered I-beams decreased 27.3 % at designs are mainly focused on two types of problems, i.e.
a cost of 4.7 % increase of the elastic strain energy. the natural frequencies design, such as maximization of
The proposed method provides an effective strategy to fundamental, high-order frequencies or the gap between
limit the joint loads during the concept design of assembled two consecutive frequencies, and dynamic responses

Topology Optimization in Aircraft and Aerospace Structures Design

Fig. 31 Topology designs without (left) and with joint loads constraints (right) [164]

system design. Here some discussions of dynamic response

problems are presented.
Considerable studies has been focused on topology op-
timization minimizing harmonic responses. However, the
huge computational cost and severe convergence difficul-
ties make the optimization uneconomical, especially for
large-scale engineering structures. Representative works
were mostly limited to the problems with a small number
of degrees of freedom. For example, Ramani [95] studied
the minimization of dynamic compliance under harmonic
Fig. 32 A flat wing for topology optimization considering joint load force excitation using the homogenization technique.
constraints [165] Tcherniak [119] maximized the magnitude of steady state
vibrations of resonating structures at a given excitation
design, including design problems under harmonic or ran- frequency. Shu et al. [106] minimized the frequency re-
dom excitation. The frequency design is commonly sponse based on the level set method. Yoon [141] inves-
founded in topology optimization literatures and have been tigated the applicability of model reduction techniques in
studied deeply in many mechanical and aerospace structure topology optimization of harmonic problems, including

J.-H. Zhu et al.

Fig. 33 Optimized wing box without (left) and with joint load constraints (right) [165]

mode displacement method (MDM), Ritz vector method as the best load carrying paths. Some local mechanical
and quasi-static Ritz vector method. performances such as strength and stability etc. are further
Due to the complex relationship between the dynamic improved in the subsequent design phase by means of
responses and the design variables, the sensitivity analysis shape and size optimizations. However, it is usually of
becomes difficult and only a few works have been found so crucial importance to restrain warping deformations and
far to deal with the topology optimization of structure maintain coordinated displacements for some particular
under random excitations. For example, Hao et al. [46] structural domains during the procedures of design,
optimized the structure of strap-down inertial navigation manufacturing, assembling and service [18, 84, 137]. With
support using ANSYS, and the strain energy was mini- this in consideration, the design purpose becomes structural
mized to gain an initial topology. Then the size of topo- elastic deformation behavior rather than the mere global
logical design was further optimized under the constraints compliance. For example, Fig. 35 shows the structural
of dynamic responses, which avoid the difficulties of the layout of an aircraft front fuselage, which should be de-
direct dynamic topology optimization. The design sensi- signed properly with considerations not only on strength
tivities of the dynamic responses were derived within the and stiffness, but also on maintaining a coordinate defor-
methodologies of evolutionary structure optimization mation of the windshield so as to avoid cracking. Similar
(ESO) techniques [98, 99]. Clear structural topologies can design criteria should be considered in the design of air-
be obtained by removing inefficient material from the de- craft supporting structures with large numbers of openings
sign domain iteratively. and components.
Recently, a study on the topology optimization with In fact, topology optimization has already been applied
dynamic response minimization has been given in [74]. It for the design of expecting structural deformation patterns
was found that the convergence problems are mostly due to for a long time (see e.g., [9, 112, 113, 124]). These works
the low computing accuracy of dynamic responses and in have employed topology optimization to perform the so
turn the design sensitivities calculated by the generally named compliant mechanism designs by imposing addi-
adopted MDM, where the modes are truncated. To cir- tional constraints on nodal displacements, where the
cumvent these difficulties, the mode acceleration method magnitudes of prescribed nodal displacements were con-
(MAM) and full method (FM) are suggested in topology trolled to maintain an expecting deformation. In [60, 61],
optimization. FM is of best accuracy, but it is computa- the idea has been further improved for the mechanism
tional efficient only under the excitation at one specific design using topology optimization. They proposed new
frequency. While MAM balanced the efficiency and ac- formulations of output motion and energy transmittance
curacy with multiple excitation frequencies and even sta- efficiency, which were optimized as objective functions.
tionary random excitations are taken into account. The Distinct linkage layouts of the mechanisms were obtained
optimized results of a 3D cantilever beam with dynamic with desired displacement outputs.
response minimization under harmonic force excitations However, obtaining a coordinate displacement with
are presented and compared in Fig. 34. It is obviously least warping deformation is a rather complicated and
shown that MAM and FM perfectly overcome the con- computationally expensive issue due to the large number of
vergence difficulties. These progresses will be beneficial involved constraints on the magnitudes of nodal displace-
for the future studied on the dynamic topology optimiza- ments. The key difficulty lies in the distinguishing rigid
tion of aircraft and aerospace structures. body motion and warping deformation from the total de-
formation pattern, as shown in Fig. 36.
3.2 Shape Preserving Design Recently, Zhu et al. [166] proposed a shape preserving
topology optimization method. Local strain energies on
Most of existing structural topologies in practice are gen- specified shape preserving zones were assigned as addi-
erated by minimizing global structural compliance, known tional design constraints. As the strain energy of the rigid

Topology Optimization in Aircraft and Aerospace Structures Design

Fig. 34 Optimized 3D cantilever beam with dynamic response minimization under harmonic force excitations using a MDM, b MAM and c FM

Fig. 37 Topology optimization of a front fuselage [166]. a Standard

topology optimization. b Shape preserving design
Fig. 35 Structural distribution and windshield of front fuselage

such as maintenance openings, assembling systems, optical

body motion is completely zero, the warping deformations instruments etc. For example, the structure of aircraft
can be easily distinguished and suppressed from the total assembly jigs as shown in Fig. 38 has to be properly de-
deformation. Typical optimized designs are shown in signed so that the shape of the supported aircraft compo-
Fig. 37, where structural configuration of a front fuselage nents, especially the assembling interface shall be
was designed for global compliance minimization with preserved to ensure a precise assembling. Tiny elastic
local shape preserving constraints on the windshield. warping deformations due to the external and inertial loads
Compared with standard compliance minimization design, need to be suppressed under shape preserving constraints.
the shape preserving design has reduced 20 % local strain
energy in the windshield at a cost of the 5 % of global 3.3 Smart Structure Design
Shape preserving design can also be potentially applied Smart structures have been recognized as one of the most
in optimization designs of precise mechanical systems to important structural styles for the next-generation aero-
maintain the geometries of different functional surfaces, nautical and aerospace vehicles. Existing attempts to use
topology optimization designing smart structures were
based on the aerodynamic performance, i.e. the morphing
aircraft structure design. For example, Reich et al. [96]
proposed a two-step topology optimization design for
morphing vehicle skins. The sub-structures of the aircraft
skin were firstly considered as some truss-like mechanisms.
Driven by functional actuators, the global structure will
deform to a specific goal shape. The material properties of
the skin were optimized to meet the global deformation
Fig. 36 Total deformation, rigid body motion and warping requirement. In the second step, multi-phase material mi-
deformation crostructures were designed using topology optimization to

J.-H. Zhu et al.

geometry chevron on the exhaust nozzles as shown in

Fig. 41, have been summarized in [48, 49].
As presented in [122], SMA also possesses several
particular properties such as high damping capacity and
pseudoelasticity, besides the shape memory effects. These
properties bring more possibilities in future smart structure
systems design, especially by means of topology opti-
mization. For example, SMA actuators can be treated as
functional components whose mechanical properties may
be integrated into the framework supporting structures for
higher mechanical and mechanism performances by means
of the integrated layout design strategy [160]. The con-
figuration of SMA structures can also be optimized to
generate larger deformations when subjecting to thermal or
stress actuations [68]. Moreover, the damping properties of
Fig. 38 A typical assembly jig for aircraft wing SMA make it a potential alternative to current damping
materials and structures [82]. The structural configuration
satisfy pre-specified requirements for the skin design. The of SMA could be designed by topology optimization to
effective properties of the microstructures were further improve the global dynamic performances.
evaluated by loading tests.
Later, Inoyama et al. [54] presented another topology 3.4 Structural Features Design
optimization approach which determines the distribution of
structural properties and actuators so as to obtain a mor- Topology optimization techniques have been largely de-
phing wing with multiple target shapes. By imposing the veloped with the purpose of innovating traditional design
constraints on the truss volume and actuators’ distribution, patterns in engineering applications. However, in order to
the topological design results satisfied the design require- gain wider acceptance from the engineering community,
ments effectively. Typical designs can be found in Fig. 39, topology optimization has to be further developed to pro-
where three different configurations of the morphing wing vide the capability of including more detailed engineering
for different flight cases are presented. The topological structural features in an integrated manner.
design includes the distribution of trusses, different ac- Attempts to include engineering features in topology
tuators, structural components and linkages. optimization can be found in above mentioned designs of
In the above mentioned works and some other similar stiffeners [73, 153, 162], structural components [33, 59,
works on topology optimization of smart structures design, 154], and fasteners [24, 163]. Other feature-related designs
driven actuators are the key to the structural morphing. In mainly focused on controlling the minimum length scale in
the future, these actuators maybe replaced by smart struc- topology optimization by density-based approach [40, 41]
tural components such as shape memory annoys (SMA). and level-set methods [21, 43, 79, 80]. Nevertheless, fea-
The solid-to-solid phase transformations of SMA induced tures obtained by these methods are far from real engi-
by appropriate temperature and/or stress changes can re- neering features such as stiffeners, lugs, holes and
cover structural deformations. SMA has been widely used protrusions etc. as shown in Fig. 42.
in many practical areas for its particular properties (e.g., In practice, detailed engineering features are added into
[80]). Early applications of SMA have been summarized by the topologically optimized structure during post-process-
Van Humbeeck [122]. Typical applications can also be ing procedures. Subsequent size and shape optimizations
found for the design of new conceptual aircraft structures. can then be carried out for these newly included engi-
For example, Beauchamps et al. [4] used SMA to adapt neering features. Obviously, such an intuitive decomposi-
wing surfaces and rotor blades to different flight speed and tion discards the intrinsic coupling between the local
attack angle, which improves the flight efficiency and re- engineering features and the global structural topology and
duces the noise accordingly. Kudva [67] reviewed the hampers the overall performances. These engineering fea-
DARPA project on the smart wing design. As shown in tures are expected to be designed simultaneously with the
Fig. 40, the leading edge of the unmanned aerial vehicle material layout distribution, which corresponds to an in-
(UAV) was actuated by SMA allowing more flexibility in tegrated design for engineering features’ layout and struc-
flight performance. More recent applications of SMA in tural topology. This is a promising research direction for
aircrafts and aerospace vehicle designs, such as the variable topology optimization and deserves further development.

Topology Optimization in Aircraft and Aerospace Structures Design

Fig. 39 Topology optimization of morphing wing [54]

Fig. 40 Structural layout of

UAV using SMA actuators [67]

3.5 Topology Optimization and Additive the rapidly growing additive manufacturing techniques, also
Manufacturing known as 3D printing allows direct fabrication from CAD
models. These newly rising additive manufacturing tech-
The manufacturability of topologically optimized structures niques are perfectly complementary to topology optimiza-
has been doubted for a long time. Compromises have been tion. On the one hand, additive manufacturing techniques,
done by introducing additional manufacturing constraints, the most powerful manufacturing solutions for the moment,
such as sizing constraints, casting directions, symmetry and provide the possibility of manufacturing topologically op-
repeated patterns etc. to topology optimization. Recently, timized structures. On the other hand, the demanding of

J.-H. Zhu et al.

Fig. 41 Boeing variable geometry chevron using SMA on the exhaust nozzles [48, 49]

fabricating complicated high-performance topological op- The metallic additive manufacturing is powered in
timized structures again promotes the fast development of forming practical structural parts, but it suffers from the
additive manufacturing techniques. high cost of the equipment and processing procedure. Zhu
The combination of topology optimization and additive et al. [165] used resinous additive manufacturing, i.e. the
manufacturing gained preliminary success immediately. As high efficient stereolithography rapid prototyping to vali-
show in Fig. 43, researchers from EADS attempted to date the topology optimization results, as shown in Figs. 44
optimize the aircraft structures to have a light-weight and and 45. It was found the rapid prototypes of resin material
high stiffness design. The final design was revealed by maintain approximately an isotropic linear elastic behavior
means of metallic additive manufacturing. The global within an early deformation range. Moreover, the fabrica-
procedure saved the weight up to a reduction of 64 %, with tion of resin model is much easier and more economic as
all the mechanical performances preserved. compared to the metallic additive manufacturing.

Fig. 42 Aircraft structures with many engineering features Fig. 44 Loading test with stereolithography resin model [165]

Fig. 43 Topology optimization and additive manufacturing of Airbus A320 nacelle hinge bracket [120]

Topology Optimization in Aircraft and Aerospace Structures Design

Fig. 45 ‘‘Backbone Cup’’, students’ structure design competition in Northwestern Polytechnical University. The best result used 35 g resin
material taking a force of 2335 N

Even though the additive manufacturing can fabricate which is accomplished through a projection scheme. The
structures with very complicated geometries, some typical constraint on overhang angles is imposed through a
manufacturing constraints shall be taken into account Heaviside projection, without adding an explicit constraint
during the optimization design to avoid forming failures. to the optimization problem. Typical optimized design is
Some very recent works have recognize these difficulties. shown in Fig. 46.
For example, Gaynor and Guest [34] considered the max- It is highly believed that in the coming future, most
imum overhang constraint of additive manufacturing, aerospace structures will be designed and fabricated as
unconventional integral structural systems to save the
structural weight and simplify the assembling procedure.
With this new concept, the combination of topology opti-
mization and additive manufacturing will for sure play
significant roles in developing high performance and
lightweight structure systems.

4 Conclusions

This paper has reviewed recent advances of topology op-

timization techniques, in particular density-based ap-
proaches applied in the design of aircraft and aerospace
structures. From the above presentations, we may conclude
that topology optimization has been recognized as one of
Fig. 46 Comparison of topological design before and after the the most powerful and effective design tools and largely
application of overhang angle constraint: green indicates allowable
employed in aeronautic and astronautic engineering with
overhang while yellow indicates violations [34]. a Standard topology
optimization. b Topology optimization with overhang angle con- various successful applications. Despite its wide engi-
straint. (Color figure online) neering applications, we have shown also that there are still

J.-H. Zhu et al.

many opportunities and challenges for the development of 15. Bruyneel M, Duysinx P, Fleury C (2002) A family of MMA
topology optimization with regard to handling more de- approximations for structural optimization. Struct Multidiscip
Optim 24:263–276
manding applications. This review expects to provide a 16. Buhl T (2002) Simultaneous topology optimization of structure
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