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-Mean, mode, median, range, frequency,

-4 tasks
- will need a code breaker for each of 4
TASK 1- first take the numbers and figure out the mean and use the answer
to figure out the code the answer for the question should be a decimal and
make sure to not include the decimal point in the code you figure once you
figure out the mean all you have to convert the numbers into letters with
the instructions for the code breaker. ( instructions for code breather will be
on the page of the code breakers)

TASK 2- to figure out this question just start of my trying to figure out the
answers once you have the answers for there mode median and range you
will take the first digit of the number and then you will convert those digits
into letters with the code breaker instructions for code breather will be on the
page of the code breakers) have fun guessing the correct order for the
TASK 3 - for this task you will have to start of by figuring out the answers for
the mean mode and range first then after figuring out the answers you will
take any 2 digit numbers and split them into single digits after doing that
you will then go to the code breaker and figure out the code have fun ;)
( instructions for this code breather will be on the page of the code breaker)

TASK 4- this is your final take so listen well for this task there will be a
multiple of questions you have to answer. Once you have answered those
questions you have to take the first letter or digit of the number or word and
then after that you will have to go to the code breaker and then de code it
( instructions for this code breather will be on the page of the code breaker)
Task 1
(Calculator allowed) and Make sure to read the
instructions to do the task.
Sammy was creating her own question about averages
and data. She then thought of 4 numbers 35,23,35 and
58 and she wanted to find out the mean of these
numbers. What are they? (show working out)
_ _._ _ANS.)
Code breaker
Make sure to read the instructions to do the
7= 3= 5= 7=


To figure out this code all you have to do is order the numbers in the order of the
answer for example you figure out the answer was 4321 you would order them in
that order them convert them into letters and enter the letters in alphabetical
order. Then onto your next question/task.
_ _ _ _ Ans.)
Task 2
(Calculator allowed) Make sure to read the instructions to do the
Liliana’s mom has given each of her 5 children money to go
shopping but they all have different amounts $50, $50, $40, $30,
$20 and before they go she asked them to figure out the mode,
median and range or otherwise they have to stay home and do
homework. Can you figure the mode median and range of these
_ _ _ _ Ans.)
Code breaker
Make sure to read the instructions to do the
task. 3= 4=


To figure out this code all you have to do is order the numbers in the order of the
answer for example you figure out the answer was 4321 you would order them in
that order them convert them into letters and enter the letters in alphabetical
order. Then onto your next question/task.
_ _ _ _ Ans.)
Task 3
(Calculator allowed) Make sure to read the instructions
to do the task.
Rachel has a spinner with the numbers 3,3,3,4,5,5,8
and she spins the spinner 5 times to end up with 4
number 3 3 3 5 and 8 now she wants to figure out
the range, mean and mode of these numbers.can
you figure it out the answer and the correct code?
_ _ _ _ Ans.)
Code breaker
Make sure to read the instructions to do the
4= 5= 3= 4=

m A N E

To figure out this code all you have to do is order the numbers in the order of
the answer for example you figure out the answer was 4321 you would order
them in that order them convert them into letters and enter the letters in
alphabetical order. Then onto your next question/task.
_ _ _ _ Ans.)
Task 4
Make sure to read the instructions to do the task.
( VERY NEEDED) read instructions carefully.
1Q.-The most common value in a data set is called the …
2Q.-When you put all the numbers in order, the middle number is called the …
3Q.-a number data set, the number we get when take the largest number minus
the smallest number is called the…
4Q.-when a number appears multiple times what is it called?
Final code breaker
Make sure to read the instructions to do the
F= task.R= M= M=

4 8 9 2

To figure out this code all you have to do is order the numbers in the order of
largest to smallest then convert them into letters and enter the letters into the
code in alphabetical order. Then you can escape
_ _ _ _ Ans.)

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