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and changeable nature and easily affected or destroyed by

finding a general unity in all things, by the aid of which a

Theresa, which after various changes of name and constitution

to penetrate into Syria, inland Asia Minor, and the central

group'' (after A. Kossel) they give rise to important cell

between France and Turkey over the guardianship of the

sustenance, and receiving a small sum per head of cattle for

called Trikanda or the ``Tripartite.'' It contains 10,000

mathematician. This writer, after having published an edition

of tin, so-called ``bloomer.'' European refined beet-sugar

carbonate can be extracted by exhausting it with water.

Strela Pass (Davos to Langwies), bridle path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7,799

the stream forms the famous ``links,'' the course being so

concentrating apparatus was the ``boat-pan'' (fig. 8). This is an

navy. He also appoints chaplains, naval instructors,

of man.'' Dr Johnson praised the blank verse of the poems, but

difference in exchange between two currencies in the same

A.D. 409) . The temperature of the hot sulphurous springs is


Austerlitz. Russia and France, he urged, were ``geographical

to end his days in peace. He remained to the end a staunch

1848-1854. Nor must we forget that he was building up another

The bulk of the population of Roman Africa was invariably

driving them out of Peloponnesus and marching into Aetolia

55). According to another account, Larentia was a beautiful

Manichaeans, but historically identical with the Waldenses.

Appearance of the Turks.

it. The same device was successful against Louis XIV. in

The church at Bayham was destitute of aisles either to nave or

Ammonium chloride, NH4Cl. (See SAL-AMMONIAC.)

mercury and sulphur the other bodies are produced. Vincent

equally to natural denudation of a stratum once of uniform

Life (10 vols., Boston, 1850-1856); John and Abigail Adams,

has in some cases--e.g. Itzehoe--survived to designate the

conference was held in London to consider measures to

Land Tenure.--The colonization of Algeria by the French has

Zambezi. Negotiations followed, and the field of operations

most frequently employed in the best period of Italian painting

from day to day, and exposed in a public place on a whitened

prothallium, which is the gametophyte generation, the single

Falbe, the Englishman Nathan Davis, Beule, P. de Sainte-Marie

which Sir Rennell Rodd concluded with the emperor Menelek in

of his plebeian origin, commander of the order of the Holy

1598. A relapse of the city led to a new ban of the emperor

Walidsidi-Sheikh broke out in the Sud Oranais. This powerful

almost wholly herbal; shrubs are only occasional; trees almost

17th and 18th centuries might be traced by examination of the

Penon. In 1516 the amir of Algiers, Selim b. Teumi, invited

plate) referred to above becomes closed in from the surface by

1310 and 1315 Jacques de Longuyon (or Langhion) introduced

entered Glasgow Theological Academy under Ralph Wardlaw in

Padua, and was styled the second Aristotle. His philosophical

fish. The Agaiambo are believed to have been formerly

suitable; cf. W. Leaf, Iliad (2nd ed.), on the phrase

combines eagerly, under suitable conditions, with oxygen and

royal authority into his own hands. His action was popular,
is 58 degrees---considerably greater than from New York to San

relectory, accessible ftom the outer court without entering the

chanson de geste analysed by P. Paris in Hist. litt. de

esto. The process was ratified and completed by a fictitious

edition (1778-1783) of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.

once by crushing numerical preponderance. The exciting and

Concord and other places, at the hands of the surrounding

conferred on the abbot of St Alban's the right of precedence

elbows. Another form of almuce at this period covered the

seceded. The navy likewise remained national, and of its

him to the end of his busy life, and the task of describing and

Acts xxi. 37, f., Jos. Jewish War, ii. 13. 5, Antt. xx.

convinto in amore, performed at Potsdam, he was made court

The Mogul Dyniasty.---All these countries were included

to comply with the request contained in a bill of exchange

urged afresh by Harnack, Lukas der Arzt (Leipzig, 1906;

linen bags the consecrated Hosts to carry to the assisting

equations of electrodynamic propagation for matter treated

which failed owing to lack of support on the part of the

and cultivation, by conscientiousness in art, in poetic and

borrowed capital, became bankrupt and retired to the Syracusan

about. That the Albert Edward Nyanza once covered a much

services. After the first overthrow of the Byzantine

Rarefied air was used as long ago as 1835, by V. T. Junod,

(q.v.), their Swiss governor of Massawa, seized and

1534 and 1542 this seaman, a native of St Malo, explored the

with the closely allied oils from the peach-kernel or the

particularly in the district known as the Rand (1885), the

Asiatic wives. This policy did not allay the discontent of

until Antony's fleet was set on fire and thus annihilated.

the majority of the letters constructed of vertical lines,

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