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Shoulder muscle forces and tendon

excursions during glenohumeral

abduction in the scapular plane
Patrick J. McMahon, MD, Richard E. Debski, BS, William O. Thompson, MD,
Jon J. P. Warner, MD, Freddie H. Fu, and Savio L-Y. Woo, PhD, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Muscle force values and tendon excursions across the glenohumeral joint during
unconstrained glenohumeral abduction in the scapular plane were evaluated with a
dynamic shoulder testing apparatus. This evaluation was achieved by simulated rotator
cuff and middle deltoid activity applied in four plausible muscle force ratios: (1) equal
force to each tendon, (2) 2:3 ratio of force applied to the middle
deltoid/supraspinatus tendons, (3) 3:2 ratio of force applied to the middle
deltoid/supraspinatus tendons, and (4) zero force applied to the supraspinatus tendon
to simulate supraspinatus paralysis. The glenohumeral joint was then moved to 5 ~
15 ~ 30~ 45~ 60~ and maximum glenohumeral abduction while muscle forces,
tendon excursions, and glenohumeral joint kinematics were monitored. Furl
glenohumeral abduction was achieved in aft four test conditions. When the muscle
force combination favored the middle deltoid, the smallest supraspinatus force was
required from 30 ~ to maximum glenohumeral abduction; however, when the
supraspinatus was favored, the largest supraspinatus force was necessary to achieve
maximum glenohumeral abduction. With simulated supraspinatus paralysis the middle
deltoid required the greatest increase in force from 15 ~ through 45 ~ of glenohumeral
abduction. These results indicate that muscle efficiency during glenohumeral abduction
is highly dependent on the ratio of applied force between the middle deltoid and
supraspinatus. A larger contribution of force from the supraspinatus was required near
the beginning of motion, whereas the middle deltoid was more important near the
end of glenohumeral abduction in the scapular plane. Tendon excursion for the middle
deltoid (6.4 +_0.2 cm) and supraspinatus (3.8 +_0.2 cm) were proportionately larger
than those for the subscapularis and infraspinatus. Humeral head translations on the
glenoid were less than 2 mm in all four conditions evaluated; therefore the
glenohumeral joint behaves kinematically as a "ball-and-socket" articulation during
glenohumeral abduction. Simulated supraspinatus paralysis does not change normal
joint kinematics and does not prevent furl glenohumeral abduction. (J SHOULDERELBOW
SURG 1995;4:199-208.)

,ALrticular surface conformity offers little inherent ligaments have been shown to provide static limi-
stabilitylO, 19, 3o to the glenohumeral joint; hence tation to glenohumeral translations, these structures
joint stability is primarily achieved through soft- are lax throughout most of glenohumeral rota-
tissue restraint. 3z Although the joint capsule and tional, 3o, 3~, 39; therefore large excursions of the
humeral head on the glenoid are possible in the
From the Musculoskeletal Research Center, Department of Ortho- absence of active muscle contraction across the
paedic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh.
Supported by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Western Pennsylvania,
the Whitaker Foundation, and the Universityof PittsburghMedi- Because the shoulder is a complex arrangement
cal Centen of many muscles and intercalated joints, little infor-
Reprint requests: Savio L-Y. Woo, PhD, Department of Ortho- mation on individual muscle force values exists.
p aedic Surgery, 1010 Kaufman Building, University of Pitts-
urgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.
Previous studies have attempted to determine the
Copyright 9 1995 by Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery maximum force in muscles by measuring cross-
Board of Trustees. sectional area. 4" 9, 12, 1~, 31.32 Electromyography
1058-2746/95/$3.00 + 0 3211159199 has been used to measure individual shoulder
200 McMahon et al. J. ShoulderElbow Surg.
May/June 1995

~" Rotation

~ ~
x• 2)Scapulaplane


Figure 1 Pittsburghdynamic shouldertestingapparatus. A, Scapular mount; B,

magnetic tracking device platform; C, load cell (n-6); D, hydraulic cylinder
(n = 6); E, linear variable differential transducers (n = 6). Insert depicts rotation
sequence used to describe humeral orientation.

muscle activity, 2~ 2r 35 and electromyography-to- MATERIAL AND METHODS

force conversion has been applied to a limited Dynamic shoulder testing apparatus.
number of muscle groups. TM Selective paralysis of This model attempts to simulate in vivo gleno-
individual nerves has allowed analysis of the re- humeral motion by satisfying three criteria: (1) joint
sultant changes in shoulder strength during abduc- compression occurs through the application of
tion.~, lZ Several recent experimental models have forces to the muscles that are normally active dur-
provided information on glenohumeral kinematics ing GHA, 3" ~' 12, ~z, 2,, 35 (2) whole human upper
during abduction in the scapular plane73' 3s Fi- extremities are used for accurate simulation of the
nally, dynamic analysis models have also permit- mass distribution along the length of the extremity,
ted determination of muscle forces necessary to and (3) glenohumeral joint kinematics are moni-
perform certain complex shoulder motions. ~5" 22 tored to ensure that movement approximates in
None of these studies, however, has determined vivo motions.
the optimum combination of muscle forces in the The DSTA uses six servoactuated hydraulic cyl-
supraspinatus and deltoid to achieve full gleno- inders (independently controlled) to apply forces
humeral abduction (GHA) in the scapular plane. and displacements to each of the rotator cuff ten-
The purpose of this study was to determine the dons and the middle deltoid through a tendon
effect of different combinations of muscle forces in clamp-cable-pulley system (Figure 1). 42 The force
the middle deltoid and supraspinatus on joint kine- in each cable is measured by a load cell mounted
matics and the efficiency of GHA. A dynamic on top of the piston of each hydraulic cylinder.
shoulder testing apparatus (DSTA) previously de- Linear variable differential transducers attached to
veloped in our laboratory was used for the deter- each cylinder measure the linear displacement of
mination of joint kinematics and tendon excursions each cable. A computer with customized software
in full upper extremities when forces were applied controls the hydraulic cylinders and allows acqui-
to individual rotator cuff muscles and the deltoid7 z sition of force (muscle force) and displacement
J. Shoulder Elbow Surg. McMahon et al. 201
Volume 4, Number 3

(tendon excursion) data for each cable. The DSTA Each specimen was then attached to the DSTA,
approximates the in vivo position of the scapula and the tendon clamp-cable-pulley systems were
relative to the thorax by means of a scapular configured to simulate the action of each muscle.
mount with six degrees of freedom. The cable-and- The scapula was oriented such that the glenoid
pulley systems are used to achieve the anatomic was between 5 ~ to 15 ~ cephalad to the vertical
force vector of each muscle being simulated, and plane (verified with radiographs) and remained
the smooth, sinusoidal gripping mechanism of fixed in that position during motion simulation. The
each clamp allows for high-force transmission with- rotator cuff muscle force vectors, defined as the
out tendon slippage within the clamp. lines of action from the muscle insertions through
Glenohumeral joint motion is measured with a the centroids of the muscle tissue, had b~en previ-
six degrees-of-freedom magnetic tracking device ously determined with magnetic resonance imag-
(The Bird, Ascension Technologies, Inc., Colchester, ing data75 The middle deltoid vector was defined
Vt.) with an accuracy within 0.8 mm of translation by its sites of origin and insertion.
and 0.8 ~ of rotation, as previously determined in Motion simulation.~Because both clin-
our laboratory, z The transmitter is mounted on a ical studies3' 6~ 17. ?o. 32. 35 and experimental
Plexiglas (Rohm and Haas Company, Philadelphia, work22. 20, 31.~3.~have demonstrated that the rotator
Pa.) frame (magnetic tracking device platform), cuff (sup~spinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and
and the stylus attaches the sensor to the humerus at subscapularis) and the deltoid work together to
the insertion of the latissimus dorsi muscle. achieve full GHA, these were the muscles whose
Specimen preparation. Eight fresh-frozen actions we chose to simulate with the DSTA. The
full upper extremities were obtained from human subscapularis and infraspinatus-teres minor were
cadavers (age range at death 49 to 78 years) and included for joint stability, and forces in these were
were kept frozen at-20 ~C. Entire upper extremities kept equal to balance the anterior-posterior force
were used for this study, because we wanted the couple.l~. 21, 23.25,28, 3, Because the supraspinatus
exact weight of the entire upper extremity at its cen- and middle deltoid are the primary abductors of
ter of mass. Because the mass moment of the upper the glenohumeral joint, these muscles were the
extremity is a measure of the weight distribution focus of this study.3' 17
along the length of the arm, small perturbations of Supraspinatus tendon tears have been associ-
the center of mass of the arm would result in large ated with both shoulder pain and abnormal shoul-
errors in the determined muscle forces during GHA. der motion. TM lZ. 31.33 Moreover, injury to the del-
The cadaver specimens used were similar in weight toid can also lead to shoulder dysfunction. r 17, 31
and length to those reported previously. 5" 31 Therefore this study examined four different force
The specimens were thawed at room tempera- ratios between these two important shoulder
ture for 24 hours before dissection, and then the muscles: equal force applied to the tendon of each
soft tissue proximal to the glenohumeral joint was muscle (equal force); less force applied to the
removed except for the tendons of the rotator cuff middle deltoid tendon relative to the supraspinatus
and the joint capsule. The tendon of the middle tendon in a 2 : 3 ratio (supradominant); more force
deltoid was also stripped of all muscle tissue. The applied to the middle deltoid tendon relative to the
coracohumeral, coracoclavicular, and acromio- supraspinatus tendon in a 3 : 2 ratio (delt dominant);
clavicular ligaments, anterior and posterior por- no force applied to the supraspinatus tendon, with
tions of the deltoid, long head of the biceps, and all force to achieve GHA applied through the
triceps were left intact. The glenohumeral joint was middle deltoid (supraparalyzed). This condition
vented to atmosphere by this dissection; thus sta- simulated a supraspinatus paralysis. For all four
bility through negative intraarticular pressure was conditions the force applied to the tendons of the
eliminated. 3~ All joints distal to the glenohumeral subscapularis and infraspinatus-teres minor re-
joint were pinned in extension, and the scapula mained constant at each abduction angle to elimi-
was then fixed in an epoxy-putty block with the nate the effect that each of these muscles would
scapula aligned with the vertical plane of the block have on GHA.
so that the specimen could be mounted on the The glenohumeral joint was cycled 25 times
DSTA. between the neutral position (0~ abduction and no
202 McMahon et al. J. Shoulder Elbow Surg.
May/June 1995

force applied to four tendons) and maximum GHA netic tracking device and was fitted to a sphere to
to minimize the effect of viscoelasticity of the soft determine the center of curvature.
tissues.4~ Sufficient tension was applied to the ten- Finally, all tissue distal to the glenohumeral joint
don of each simulated muscle to achieve the ap- was weighed. A metallic pin was placed at the
propriate GHA positions for this study. Each center of mass during a balance test of the upper
muscle force was applied linearly over time to extremity, and a radiograph of the arm was taken
achieve GHA angles of 5 ~ 15 ~ 30 ~ 45 ~ 60 ~ to allow the distance from the center of curvature
and maximum abduction. If the desired GHA of the humeral head to the center of mass (moment
angle was not achieved, the shoulder was brought arm of upper extremity) to be measured. The
to the neutral position, the force values were muscle forces were then normalized to the weight
changed, and this procedure was repeated until and the moment arm of the center of mass of each
the desired angle was obtained. At each GHA upper extremity to minimize differences resulting
angle muscle forces, tendon excursions, and hu- from cadaver size. The mass of each upper extrem-
meral position were recorded, and the shoulder ity distal to the glenohumeral joint was 2.8 _ 0.2
was then returned to the neutral position before kg. The center of mass for each upper extremity
moving to the next GHA angle. The muscle forces was 0.29 + 0.02 meters from the center of the
for maximum GHA were applied over 2 seconds. humeral head. The mass moment was
Each test condition was repeated three times to 6.98 _+0.59 N 9 m. The normalized muscle forces
confirm reproducibility. 29 were compared at each angle of GHA with a
The description of glenohumeral joint motion was one-way analysis of variance. Three vdlues of su-
based on a reference coordinate system that was praspinatus muscle force and four values of middle
fixed with respect to the scapula. The x-axis was deltoid muscle force were available at each angle
defined as perpendicular to the scapular plane, the of GHA.
z-axis as parallel but directed superiorly, and the
y-axis as perpendicular to both the x-axis and z-axis RESULTS
and therefore directed laterally in the scapular In all four testing conditions the maximum GHA
plane (Figure 1). ~' 7 To describe motion of the hu- averaged 82.5 ~ _+ 1.7 ~ and no significant differ-
merus relative to the scapula, the following system ence for this value was seen in all four conditions.
was used: internal/external rotation, which was ro- Joint motion was smooth and had no abrupt starts
tation about the z-axis; GHA in the scapular plane, and stops, and the path of motion of the upper
which was rotation about the x-axis; and horizontal extremity was repeatable. With the scapula fixed,
abduction/adduction, which was rotation about motion at the glenohumeral joint was approxi-
the z-axis. Internal/external rotation was rotation mately in the plane of the scapula. When the joint
about the z-axis when the arm was at the side, was abducted to the maximum position a mean of
whereas horizontal abduction/adduction was rota- 10.0 ~ internal rotation and 15.0 ~ horizontal ad-
tion about the z-axis when the arm was abducted duction was seen.
90 ~ With the scapula fixed, translations during gle- Muscle forces. Figure 2 shows the su-
nohumeral motion were defined as (1) anterior- praspinatus force necessary to achieve the six
posterior movement along the x-axis, (2) superior- positions of GHA for equal force, supradominant,
inferior movement along the z-axis, and (3) me- and delt dominant conditions. A nonlinear region
diolateral movement along the y-axis. With a was present from 0 ~ to 15 ~ of GHA, because
computer program the humeral rotations and trans- larger rates of increase in the supraspinatus muscle
lations were calculated from the position, and orien- were required to initiate GHA, whereas thereafter
tation data were collected with the magnetic track- a linear increase was observed over the remaining
ing device. ~"is. 34 40 GHA. When the ratio of force applied to the
After motion simulation was completed, each selected muscles favored the supraspinatus (supra-
glenohumeral joint was dissected to verify that no dominant), larger supraspinatus force and rate of
intraarticular bony or soft-tissue pathologic fea- force increase were required from 30 ~ to maxi-
tures were present. The articular surface of the mum GHA when compared with equal force
humeral head was then digitized with the mag- (p < 0.05). On the other hand, when the ratio of
J. Shoulder Elbow Surg. McMahon et al. 203
Volume 4, Number 3

~ 30
z 25
uJ ......9 ...... SUPRA DOMINANT ......
o ---*-- DELT DOMINANT ...............
20 ....................

-- 15 ................. . .....
oOr) 15
,,.....," ...
:S 10 .....~ ......... ,..~[. .......
.,......"" =~176176
5 ........!;= ,,..,"'
....... o -i ~ -. - -

O 0
z 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 2 Supraspinatusmuscleforces during glenohumeral abduction in scapu-
lar plane for equal force, supradominant, and delt dominant conditions.

.~ 20 ".L
U. .'"5""~

us 5

z 0 10 20 30. 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 3 Middle deltoid muscle force during glenohumeral abduction. Three
conditions are identical to those in Figure 2.

force favored the deltoid (delt dominant), signifi- 3). After a nonlinear region at the beginning of
cantly smaller supraspinatus muscle force and rate motion a linear relation was seen from 15 ~ to
of force increase were required relative to equal maximum GHA. However, no significant differ-
force and supradominant conditions (p < 0.05). ence was seen between conditions one to three
Interestingly, between 0 ~ to 30 ~ of GHA, no statis- throughout the range of GHA (p > 0.05).
tically significant difference in supraspinatus In the case of a simulated supraspinatus paraly-
muscle force was seen for all three conditions in sis we found significant increases in the middle
which force was applied to the supraspinatus. deltoid muscle force when compared with condi-
For the middle deltoid muscle force a similar tion one. This percent increase was statistically
trend to that of the supraspinatus was seen (Figure significant from 0 ~ to 45 ~ of GHA (p < 0.05);
204 McMahon et al. J. Shoulder Elbow Surg.
May/June 1995

however, at greater than 60 ~ of GHA no signifi- forces peak at the mid range of shoulder abduc-
cant difference was demonstrated (Figure 4). tion (approximately 60 ~ of GHA). As shoulder
Tendon excursions. Tendon excursions from abduction continues, the mass moment arm for the
15 ~ to maximum GHA are graphically represented upper extremity decreases so that the muscle
in Figure 5. The largest tendon excursions were in forces decrease to minimal values as the arm
the middle deltoid (6.5 + 0.2 cm) and the su- reaches a near vertical position.
praspinatus (3.8 + 0.2 cm), whereas the shortest No difference was seen in the maximum GHA
excursions were in the infraspinatus/teres minor achieved with all four test conditions; therefore it
(3.5 _+0.2 cm) and subscapularis (0.4 +_0.2 cm). can be assumed that the supraspinatus and deltoid
No significant difference was seen in these values muscles can substitute for each other in clinical
among all four test conditions (p > 0.05). situations where one of them is not functioning
Glenohumeral joint kinematics. The hu- normally. Although past investigators 3' 2o. 22. 33
meral head started from a neutral position that have stressed the importance of each of these
corresponded to the inferior rim of the glenoid and muscles for shoulder abduction, we have demon-
moved to a centered position over the first 15 ~ of strated that no single ratio of force exists between
GHA. A translation always occurred at the ini- them that is necessary for full GHA. Even with
tiation of abduction because of the initial inferior complete loss of supraspinatus function, as mod-
subluxation of the humeral head that was pre- eled in the supraparalyzed condition, the middle
sumably caused by loss of negative intraarticular deltoid was able to fully abduct the glenohumeral
pressure.39 joint with normal kinematics. This occurrence is
Translations of the humeral head on the glenoid consistent with the observations by Colachis and
were not significantly different among the first Strohm,6 which showed that individuals with a
three test conditions (Figure 6). From 15 ~ to maxi- selective suprascapular nerve palsy were still able
mum GHA the humeral head translations were less to achieve full shoulder abduction.
than or equal to 1 mm for each specimen along all Although different muscle force combinations
three axes. The standard deviation of the humeral were used to achieve maximum GHA, the magni-
head translation along all three axes increased as tude of these forces depended on the ratio of middle
the GHA angle increased, indicating more vari- deltoid to supraspinatus. In the supradominant con-
ability at the extremes of motion. In the suprapara- dition, where the muscle force ratio was 2:3 for
lyzed condition translations of the humeral head middle deltoid/supraspinatus, larger increments of
on the glenoid were not statistically different com- supraspinatus force were necessary to achieve
pared with those in the first three conditions. each GHA position; however, when the ratio fa-
vored the middle deltoid as in the delt dominant
DISCUSSION condition, proportionately smaller increases were
We believe that the DSTA is a good model for in seen in the supraspinatus muscle force necessary to
vitro study of shoulder motion when full cadaveric achieve each target GHA position. These different
upper extremities are used. As a result the data muscle force requirements for GHA may be ex-
obtained may be more relevant than data ac- plained by differences in the moment arms of these
quired with isolated glenohumeral joints. No asso- two muscles. Because the supraspinatus tendon in-
ciated scapulothoracic motion was seen in our serts close to the axis of rotation of the glenohumeral
model. Nevertheless it has been shown that scapu- joint, its moment arm changes little over the range of
Iothoracic motion is minimal in the first 30 ~ to 45 ~ GHA22.25, 27, sl; however, because the insertion of
of scapular plane abduction 8" 3T; therefore this the middle deltoid is farther from the axis of rotation,
model may be relevant to in viva glenohumeral its moment arm changes significantly, because it is
motion in that range. During in viva shoulder ab- short atthe initiation of motion but long atthe end of
duction the mass moment arm for the upper extrem- GHA. Thus when GHA is beginning, increases in
ity increases and peaks at approximately 90 ~ of force lead to small increases in torque about the
humerothoracic motion (GHA approximately 60 ~ joint, but as GHA increases the moment arm in-
and scapular rotation approximately 30o). 8, 3o creases, and thus the torque of the deltoid in-
Thus during scapular plane abduction muscle creases, whereas that of the supraspinatus changes
J. Shoulder Elbow Surg. McMahon et al. 205
Volume 4, Number 3

~ 25
m 20
,, 15
m 10

__. 5

o 0
z 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 4 Middle deltoid muscleforcesduring glenohumeralabduction in equal
force and supraparalyzedconditions.

(3 [~ INFRA

X 3
Z 2
z 1

Figure 5 Tendonexcursions for middle deltoid (DELT),supraspinatus (SUPRA),

infraspinatus (INFRA), and subscapularis (SUBS)during glenohumeral abduction
from 15~ to maximum.

little. Only in the supraparalyzed condition was a We found tendon excursions to be largest for the
significant increase in the middle deltoid force nec- middle deltoid and supraspinatus, both of which
essary to achieve all target GHA positions, because function as a primary mover for GHA. By contrast,
the moment arm of the supraspinatus, which is larg- those for the subscapularis and infraspinatus/teres
est in the first 30 ~ of GHA is lost, and the deltoid, minor were small. This difference is explained by
which has a shorter moment arm in this range of the anatomic arrangement that places the insertion
GHA, must compensate through increased force. of the middle deltoid and supraspinatus further
Because the deltoid's moment arm is larger and that from the axis of rotation than those of the other
of the supraspinatus is relatively smaller toward the rotator cuff muscles. Knowledge of these tendon
end of GHA, loss of the supraspinatus function here excursions is clinically relevant, because the suc-
does not appear to have a significant impact on cess of surgery for repair of rotator cuff tendon
function. tearing depends on a restoration of normal excur-
206 McMahon et al. J. Shoulder Elbow Surg.
May~June 1995


--o-- SUPRA


t- -1
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 6 Humeraltranslationwith respectto scapula along superior-inferior axis
during glenohumeralabduction for all testing conditions (sameas those in Figures
2 and 4).

sion. A surgical procedure that transfers tendons to SUMMARY

reconstruct a rotator cuff defect might limit excur- We have developed a dynamic shoulder testing
sion and consequently lead to loss of motion. apparatus that offers a unique in vitro method to
Moreover, iatrogenic injury to the deltoid may simulate active shoulder GHA. The apparatus also
significantly affect the efficiency of shoulder ab- permits us to model several different ratios of force
duction through loss of this important source of between the middle deltoid and supraspinatus.
torque.2, 24 We have shown that full GHA is possible through
We observed, as have others, 1r 23, 31 that small several different combinations of force in these
translations of the humeral head on the glenoid are muscles and that neither shoulder motion nor gle-
along all three axes. This confirms that the gleno- nohumeral kinematics are significantly affected by
humeral joint behaves kinematically like a "ball- a simulated supraspinatus paralysis. Moreover,
and-socket" during GHA. Moreover, even with a tendon excursions for the middle deltoid, su-
simulated supraspinatus paralysis, the "ball-and- praspinatus, subscapularis, and infraspina-
socket" kinematics were not disrupted. Howell et tus/teres minor have been quantitated for GHA
al. 17 observed similar findings in individuals with while glenohumeral joint kinematics are recorded.
selective paralysis of the suprascapular nerve, and These observations provide the basis for under-
they suggested that joint compression through re- standing why patients with rotator cuff tears or
maining rotator cuff action was sufficient to pro- deltoid dysfunction can still achieve full shoulder
vide a fixed fulcrum for concentric rotation of the abduction. Future studies will address the effect of
glenohumeral joint during abduction. Lippett et different size rotator cuff tears on overall shoulder
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sion" effect and have experimentally showed that Technical assistance from Mr. Warren Thompson is
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