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Name : Siti Maharani

NIM : 11200140000080
Class : 5C


▪ What is a test?
The test is one of the planned measurement efforts used by teachers to try to
create opportunities for students to show their achievements in relation to
predetermined goals (Calongesi, 1995). Arikunto and Jabar (2004) claim that a test is a
device or process used to ascertain or gauge something utilizing a predetermined
approach or rule. There are different types of tests (Mohammed Rhamli, 2018):
o Placement tests are intended to assist teachers in assigning students to a specific
level or area of a language curriculum or school.
o Diagnostic tests aid teachers and students in identifying strengths and
o Tests of proficiency are used to gauge a language learner's proficiency.
o Achievement tests are used to evaluate the abilities and information acquired
via training.
So, it can be concluded that the test consists of a number of instruments that are
used to evaluate each student's aptitude. The test offers a range of question kinds,
degrees of difficulty, and standards for what constitutes the right response to a test
▪ What is testing?
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, testing is something (such as a
series of questions or exercises) for measuring the skill, knowledge, intelligence,
capacities, or aptitudes of an individual or group. Testing, on the other hand,
demonstrates how a test is put into practice, according to Gabel (1993). Testing
determines the degree of expertise or knowledge attained.
▪ What is assessment?
According to Wiggins (1984), assessment is a chronological tool that aids
teachers in keeping an eye on their students. Therefore, according to Popham (1995),
assessment should be a component of learning rather than a stand-alone activity.
According to Resnick (1985), assessment primarily focuses on gauging how well
students are learning new material. In this situation, Marzano et al. (1994) claimed that
in expressing students' conceptual mastery, the assessment disclosed not only the
concepts that had been attained but also about the development process by which a
concept was reached. In this instance, the assessment has the ability to evaluate both
the learners' learning processes and outcomes.
So, it can be concluded that assessment is a teacher's assessment of the
procedure and students' learning outcomes that can be used as a tool for teachers to
track how far their students' learning is progressing.
▪ What is evaluation?
Evaluation can be defined broadly as assigning value to something's quality.
The process of preparing, gathering, and delivering the data required to make
alternative options can also be considered as an aspect of evaluation. Therefore,
evaluation is a methodical process to ascertain or decide on the degr ee to which
students have attained educational objectives (Purawanto, 2002). Arikunto (2003)
highlighted that evaluation is a set of actions intended to gauge the effectiveness of
educational initiatives.
▪ What is teaching?
Teaching is a sort of interpersonal influence intended to alter potential behavior,
according to Gage (1963). Smith significantly broadened the idea of teaching in 1963,
a system of actions including agents, ultimate goals, and circumstances in which there
are two sets of components over which the agent has no control is known as teaching
(class size, pupil characteristics, physical facilities, etc.) teaching methods and
The complete framework of teaching, according to Davis and Glaser (1962),
involves four steps:
o Step 1: Teaching planning, which includes subject analysis, identifying and
writing objectives.
o Step 2: Organization of teaching, which outlines the instructional approaches
for accomplishing the teaching goals.
o Step 3: Choosing the best teaching-learning methodologies to ensure that the
topic is effectively communicated.
o Step 4: Managing teaching-learning involves assessing learning goals in terms
of student achievement and providing feedback to teachers and students.
▪ What is the connection among these terms/concepts?
The concept as a whole is interrelated because it serves as a framework for both
formal and informal teaching and learning activities that take place in educational
institutions. Tests and tests are a component of the assessment, which serves as a
benchmark for the accomplishments of students' learning processes and results.
Through assessments, teachers may keep track of how well their pupils are
understanding what they are learning in class. Then, evaluation is the process of going
through the full prior concept to determine whether or not the goals of teaching and
learning activities have been met and how to raise the level of these activities.

Wulan, Ana Ratna. 2007. Pengertian dan Esensi Konsep Evaluasi, Asesmen, Tes, dan
Pengukuran. Jurnal FMIPA. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Rhamli, Mohamed. 2018. Definition of testing, assessment, and evaluation.
(Accessed 8/9/2022).
iStudy for Success. Differences between Testing, Assessment, and Evaluation. (Accessed 8/9/2022).
Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Test.
(Accessed 8/9/2022).
Rajagopalan, Isola. 2019. Concept of Teaching. International Journal of Education. 7(2): 5-8.

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