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Analysis of Nonverbal Communication.

Non-verbal Communication Worksheet Clip #3 and 4

 First Video

In the first video the woman appears nervous and embarrassed. This is to be
expected since the doctor did not have his attention on her. There was no eye contact at any
time. The woman is head down and shoulders slumped as if something was bothering her,
while the doctor was still at his computer. Undoubtedly, she was asking for attention. She
did not have a trusting relationship with her doctor, but she was concerned about her
situation. Also, she seemed uncomfortable talking to him because he didn't seem very
interested in what she was saying.

The woman's gaze was always on the doctor's fingers, which were on the computer
keyboard. He does not seem to care about the woman's feelings, only about doing his job;
he does not show any expression of empathy when the woman cries. Also, during the call,
when he says he is busy at the moment, he raises an eyebrow as a sign that the patient is a
nuisance that prevents him from leaving, that's why he lets her go at the end.

 Second Video

In the second video, the first thing the doctor does is drop what he was doing to
attend to his patient. He looks her in the eyes and calmly asks her what he can do for her.
With this reception she feels more at ease and tells him things in a better way, she even
laughs. The doctor's eyes show compassion and interest. The woman looks more relaxed
and confident. When the woman cries, the doctor puts his hand on her as a sign of
compassion and although she offers to leave, he does not allow her to do so.

You can see that he is interested in knowing what she has and helping her resolve it.
He asks her questions to help and discover the diagnosis. The doctor's message is positive.
He cares about the woman's situation and even puts everything aside to help her with her
situation. Unlike video number 1, here the woman can speak more fluently and confidently
and is able to raise her head repeatedly; she probably felt in a safe place with the doctor and
felt that attention was directed toward her.
Non-verbal communication is manifested through gestures, expressions, and body
movements. They can transmit much more than words since it is the gestures, the look, or
the posture that tells us what the person is feeling at that moment. Many times these
reflexes occur unconsciously. For example, it is very likely that the doctor did not notice
the gesture of disgust and displeasure he made with his eyebrow.

In addition to facial expressions, nonverbal communication involves appearance. For

example, the woman's depression is noticeable not only in her body language but also in
how disheveled she was.

Nonverbal communication, in this case, kinesics, reveals much more than verbal
communication because it often cannot be concealed or controlled. For example, in an
argument, even if the tone of the words used is controlled, gestures and body movements
can express the opposite.

Chronemics was perhaps part of what was happening to the doctor in the first video.
He spoke quickly and was quite precise, whereas the woman used a lot of crutches when
speaking. Chronemic nonverbal communication always manifests itself, even through
silence or avoidance. The latter can also be a response to what was happening in video 1.

Nonverbal communication is a form of action-reaction. The responses you will get

from others will depend mostly on the way you look at them, your posture, and your eye
contact. In this sense, we see that the patient's reaction is different in the two videos
because of the doctor's nonverbal language.

Learning each form of nonverbal communication helps you to control the signals
your body gives in different circumstances and the signal of others to know how to act. In
addition, without the need for words, you can identify the circumstances in which you find
yourself or someone else.

Melissa Brioso

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