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The Freelance Movement  

Day 10: ​Cheerleading Strategy



Today’s task is actually quite easy.

And chances are, you’re already doing it — just not in a way that will give you
freelancing clients.

It’s the same strategy I did to get noticed and get recruited (​yep, I didn’t apply​) as a
coach by one of the top gurus in the US.

Now the process is simple…

We’re gonna use the power of dopamine.

It’s that organic chemical released into the brain whenever you feel good — ​the same
chemical stimulated when people have sex or use drugs​.

In short, you’re gonna make them feel good…

Enough to be addicted to YOU.

Not only that, we’re gonna use one of the most powerful agents of persuasion…


…That deep-rooted psychological urge to do something nice in return.

And most of the time, the reciprocation of such gesture is mostly ​greater than the
original good deed which is what we are banking on​.

So what strategy am I talking about?


You’ll literally become your market’s biggest and loudest cheerleader.

Remember DAY 9 task?

This is where all those connections come into play.

© 2019 | The Freelance Movement 


Regardless where your prospect is (​FB, LinkedIn, Google, etc.​), all you have to do is
make your presence felt by getting their attention​.

They posted a win inside a group?

Like the post and congratulate them.

One of the folks in your top 100 posted a family pic?

Like the pic and tell them they have a lovely family.

They posted a new blog article?

Comment on the blog itself and tell them your takeaways.

Online guru you want to work with sent an email?

Reply back with a quick praise for the outstanding content.

Someone asked a question that falls within your specialty or service?

Leave an EPIC comment.

Your only goal is to be that tiny blip on their radar and do it enough times
that they have no choice to notice you.

In fact, I did this so well when I was starting out…

© 2019 | The Freelance Movement 


People thought I was part of the coaching team or admin of the groups I am in.

They say things like…

"…Just a quick shout out to coaches ​John​, May and Tyler for all the support this past
couple of days. Launch time baby!"

Which is funny because I was never part of the team. lol!

I was simply just consistent that they couldn’t even tell the difference.

It’s also the strategy that got me in the radar of Agora and the VP of Boardroom —
which is any serious copywriter’s dream.

All I did was stalk ​Brian Kurtz​ who has connections to both companies and
unapologetically 'liked' and commented on his every post.

He even sent me a $2,000 physical home and study program for completely no charge!

In fact, this works so well…

You can call this your 30-minute Empire Building strategy.

© 2019 | The Freelance Movement 


Do this right and this is what happens…

See how there’s already that built-in trust when you’ve barely even said a word?

Just a bit of warning though…

This is ​NOT​ the time to add connections just yet.

Add people prematurely and there’s a good chance they’ll just ignore your friend

Do this consistently, however, and you’ll see your acceptance and connection rates
shoot up.

© 2019 | The Freelance Movement 


Think about it…

Who would you add as a ‘friend’?

Someone who just randomly added you?

Or the guy who at one time or another liked and commented on your post when no one
was engaging?

I bet you already know the answer.

NOTE:​ Day 9 is crucial for this strategy to work. So if you haven’t done Day 9 tasks yet,
then I suggest you do that first, provided you’ve done all the other previous tasks.

Action Steps:

STEP 1: ​Download this C

​ heerleading Guide​.

STEP 2: Set a timer of 30 min to an hour ​(this should not take more than an hour of
your time)

STEP 3:​ Do as many likes and comments in that span of time.

STEP 4: ​Make sure to record the number of likes and comments you made.

NOTE​: Click h
​ ere​ for sample works from our previous students.

© 2019 | The Freelance Movement 



Don’t let the simplicity fool you.

This strategy alone can easily make or break your career as a freelancer and as an

There will come a time where all the likes and comments you did will come back to you

It's the law of the universe.

Sow goodwill and goodwill you shall reap.

Question​: ​Can I do cheerleading on more than 3 groups?

Answer​: B​ y focusing on 2-3 groups, you get to spend more time on being the
cheerleader. We’re not after the quantity here. Quality engagement is key to make this

Question​: ​I’m a newbie. I’m not an expert in my chosen skill, yet. How do I provide
valuable comments?

Answer​: R ​ esearch. Google resources about the topic, summarize what you’ve learned
and put it on your comment.

Question​: ​My market don’t usually hang out in FB or LI groups. How can I do this

Answer​: W
​ atch this ​video where I talked about a resourceful way of looking for your
market outside of social media.

© 2019 | The Freelance Movement 


Success Story:
Back to back wins JUST by being consistent in doing the cheerleading strategy.

© 2019 | The Freelance Movement 


Bonus Task

❏ Send DAY 8 (Network Outreach) messages to five (5) people in your network to
build your outreach habit.









© 2019 | The Freelance Movement 

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