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彰化縣 線西鄉 曉陽國小 108 學年度第二學期 英文科 第二次學習評量

__四___年 _____班 座號:_____ 姓名:__________

一、Listen and Check 聽 CD,勾選與字首發音對應的字母:

(每題 2 分,共 12 分) 四、Listen and Mark“O”or“X” 聽 CD,句子與圖片相符
1. □ wh- □ h- 畫“O”,不符畫“X”:(每題 2 分,共 10 分)
2. □ sh- □ ch- ( )1.
3. □ sh- □ ch-
4. □ sh- □ ch-
5. □ wh- □ h-
6. □ wh- □ h-
二、Listen and Check 聽 CD,勾選正確的單字圖片:(每題 3
分,共 15 分)
( )2.

1. ( ) ( )

2. ( ) ( )
( )3.

3. ( ) ( )

4. ( ) ( )
( )4.

5. ( ) ( )
三、Listen and Number 聽 CD,將圖片依序標號:(每題 4 分,
共 8 分)

( )5.

1. ( ) ( )

五、Look and Spell 看圖拼出正確的單字:(每題 2 分,共 10

( ) ( )

fi _ _

to_ _to_ _
2. ( ) ( ) 3.

( ) ( ) p __ __r_

4. ( )5.

b_ _d_

A: What does Amy like?

c_ _ B: ______
六、Look and Choose 看圖選出正確的句子:(每題 2 分,共 (A) She likes apples.
10 分) (B) She’s watching TV.
( )1. (C) She likes lemons.

七、Choose 文法選擇:(每題 2 分,共 10 分)

( )1. I ____ apples.
A: What do you like? (A) wants
B: ______ (B) likes
(A) I’m in the kitchen. (C) like
( )2. A: What ____ Judy like?
(B) I like bananas.
(C) I like tomatoes. B: She likes apples.
( )2. (A) is
(B) do
(C) does
( )3. Do you like ____?
(A) dog
(B) fish
(C) bird
( )4. A: Does Betty like birds?
(A) Sorry, I’m late.
(B) Here you are. B: No, she ____.
(C) Let’s get some ice cream. (A) does
( )3. (B) doesn’t
(C) don’t
( )5. A: Do ____ like pears?
B: Yes, I do.
(A) I
(B) you
(C) she
八、Unscramble 重組句子:(每題 4 分,共 20 分)
1. apples / likes / He / .
A: I don’t like durians.
B: ______
(A) How sweet!
2. fish / Do / ? / you / like
(B) Me, too.
(C) Me, neither.
( )4.
3. birds / I / like / . / and / cats

4. she / birds / ? / Does / like

A: I like cake.
B: ______
(A) Me, neither. 5. pears / likes / Judy / . / too / ,
(B) Me, too.
(C) That’s OK.

九、Oral test 口試:(共 5 分)
已於 109 年 6 月 30 日提前一週口試完畢!!

1. 請回答問題: (本題 2 分)
Q: What do you like?

2. 請唸出以下句子: (本題 3 分)
Nini: I’m hungry. But Mrs.White is in the kitchen.
Tony: Don’t worry. We can go to my friend’s party.

者給予 1-2 分,未能開口表達不予給分。>

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