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Walking with the

Author: Arundhati roy
Genre: Non Frictional
Year: 2011
● Suzanna Arundhati Roy is an Indian
author best known for her novel The
God of Small Things
● She won The Man Booker Prize for
Fiction in 1997 .She is also a political
activist involved in human rights and
environmental causes.
● The God of Small Things,
Arundhati's writing has concentrated
primarily on political and social

Arundhati Roy
Walking with the Comrades (2011) is an eyewitness account of the
Naxalite–Maoist insurgency by Indian author Arundhati Roy. The book
covers her time in 2010 spent living with Naxalite communist guerillas deep
within the forests of rural Chhattisgarh.
“The first step towards reimagining a
world gone terribly wrong would be to
stop the annihilation of those a different
imagination “
-Arundhiti Roy
Walking with the comrade
My reaction upon completing

● Arundhati Roy 's Walking With The Comrades was an immediate sense of
sadness and futility.
● How could a country with as rich a cultural history as India be turning
against its own people as it works arm in arm with mining and banking
● How can a nation that was capable of producing someone as wonderful
and peace-driven as Mahatma Gandhi be turning its own soldiers against
their own citizens as they commit unspeakable atrocities daily.
Book summary
● In early 2010, Arundhati Roy traveled into the forests of Central India,
homeland to millions of indigenous people, dreamland to some of the
world's biggest mining corporations.

● Roy recounts the time she spent in central India, hiding in the remote
forests of Chhattisgarh with the Naxalites

● the Maoist group, comprised mostly of displaced tribal people, renewed

their longstanding fight with India’s national government for the rights to
their land and natural resources
In 2009, Naxalites infiltrated an area called the red corridor in states like Andra Padesh
and Chattisgarh, for kill these Naxalite central government brought a program to wipe them
out reached operation green hunt .their main aim was to wipe out these Naxalite , but later
they joined with cooperative and they killed the indigenous people (Adivasi) most cruelly
.later the operation green hunt force turned into a ruthless killer who killed innocent people
under the cooperatives orders, these cooperatives use theses operation green hunt force
because these lands were filled will minerals and to mine these minerals, In order to get
the maximum profit these cooperatives claimed these indigenous people and exiles, which
is much easier to move these people from their land, Than asking them to give up there
their land, these people where tortured them ad shot them, later many cooperatives started
large mining, thus cooperatives used operation green hunt to hunt down their innocent
“[Are we] far more comfortable with the
idea of poor people killing themselves
in despair than with the idea of them
fighting back?”
― Arundhati Roy,
Walking With The Comrades
Top Three Books Written By Arundhati Roy

1. The God of Small Things

2. Ministry of Utmost Happiness
3. The Doctor and the Saint
Thank you

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