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Little Einstein - Ivy, Charmel and Lloyd Virtual

Presentation In presenting:
*virtual background image
*on cam
*proper attire - Ivy(Violet shirt), Charmel(Pink shirt with ponytails), Lloyd(black shirt with glasses pag wala ay 'di wag na
mag glasses)

Ways to present:
*Present with feelings and emotions.
*Do not just look at the script and do communicate with the audience.
*add hand gestures, if necessary.
*Reporting is different from reading!

INTRO: *Maika's share screen: Little Einstein - Intro

Ivy: It's Another day full of adventure time with Little Einsteins!
Lloyd: Let's enjoy and have fun!
Charmel: Gather bunch of information, to apply in our real-life experiences!
*Maika's share screen: vid - traveling exploring Cleopatra and her affairs

Charmel: Now you already have an idea about Cleopatra and Her Affairs.
Lloyd: But the question is ... Did these love affairs of cleopatra contribute to her lack of moralistic actions with regards to
her leadership? Why?… or Why not?
Ivy: Well, that is our mission to accomplish! Come with us and analyze the given taks!
*Maika's share screen: vid - communications

Charmel: Cleopatra is known as a fearless woman leader who makes decisions for the sake of her country. She made
remarkable judgements and choices that ameliorate her surroundings. Nevertheless, her passionate and enormous love
for Mark Anthony changes her. Her previous love affair made her do an impulsive decision.

Ivy: As we know, Cleopatra became selfish and heartless with her actions as a Queen. Her brother tried sabotaging her.
He wanted the entire Egyptian empire for himself and he would do anything to win the trust of the council members of
the kingdom. Cleopatra did not want it, and this is where she approached and sought help from Caesar. She just wanted
to save her empire so she could spend all of her luxury and splendor. She persuaded him to sleep with her and
convinced him to give her all the support she needed.

Lloyd: After Caesar died, situations got escalated. She was convinced to raise their son Caesarian to be the heir to Rome.
Caesar passed his legacy to this grandnephew Octavian or Augustus. However, Roman general Mark Antony was also in
competition for power. With Cleopatra around, Augustus set his eyes on the Egyptian empire to expand his governance.
Cleopatra, once again, found her kingdom on the brink of danger.

Charmel: When Cleopatra was in Rome, she became friends with Mark Antony. She seduced Mark Antony, just like she
did to Caesar. She tried grander tactics or plans to attract and gain his trust. Within a year, Cleopatra gave birth to
Antony’s twins Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene II. At the other end of Rome, Augustus went on a rampage to
assert that he deserved the sole power. He declared war against the Egyptian empire. Wanting to save his lover’s pride,
Antony too participated in the war, and that did not end well for the lovers. Augustus overtook the Egyptian Empire,
Mark Antony shared his last breath in his lover's arms, and Cleopatra too soon died.
Ivy: With all of these issues, I think that she was not ready or would not take risks for the sake of her country. Yes, she
got the help she needed from her lovers, but she did not use it for her country as she was selfish, heartless, and
designing. Her lack of moralistic actions in her early and last years led to the downfall of her kingdom being overtaken.
All assiduous laborvanishes because of a single decision. Who would have imagined that a single judgement could ruin
everything? Uncountable people suffered; the economy failed; her children lose their mother at a young age. Having
said that, when Cleopatra vanished, she did not die alone, her country together with her people died with her. In just a
snap, luxuries turned into rocks, food turned into mud, and peace turned into chaos. In layman's terms, everything
became black.

OUTRO *Maika's share screen: vid mission accomplished - vid outro

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