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The Scaling Report 

“Discover Our Two-Pronged Approach 
For Scaling Our Coaching Company To 
Over ​Half A Million Per Month​…” 
If you’re a coach, consultant, or course 
creator... and you’re ready to scale to 6, even 
multiple 6 figures monthly ...  
... ​read every single word​ ​of this report.  
Inside, you’ll find the exact path we’ve taken 
to scale our own coaching company from 
zero to ​$500,000+/month​ in the past 12 
In a moment, we’ll dive into the exact 
systems, processes, & methodologies that 
have allowed us to scale at such a rapid rate.  
But first, let’s rewind a sec: 
In January of 2019, we decided to launch our first coaching company.  
Leading up to that moment, we had grown a Facebook group from zero to 
18,000+ people & it was one of the most active & engaged groups in our niche.  
Because of that, we had folks reaching out to us almost daily asking for help 
growing & driving engagement in their own groups.  
So we had this little lightbulb moment & thought to ourselves ​“let’s start teaching 
this”​ and that’s how our first coaching business was born.  
Many of you reading this now have had a similar “aha moment” causing you to 
start your own coaching biz.  
You have an expertise. People ask you for help. You help. Your methodology 
works for them too. So you think to yourself,​ “Maybe I can turn this into ‘my 
And your coaching company is born. What a beautiful thing.  
For us though, ​our first year in biz was a struggle.  
We didn’t know how to price our programs, structure our business model, 
acquire clients, etc.  
We were good at “coaching”, but we weren’t very good yet at ​the “coaching 
So we spent 2019 fumbling around, trying to figure things out … 
… and with a whole lot more heart than talent, we managed to get up to ~$20k 
per month in revenue & squeaked out $200k for our first year in business.  
And boy, was it messy.  
We launched a slew of offers.  
High ticket coaching. Low ticket continuity. Medium ticket courses.  
You name it, we did it.  
Some of it worked a little, ​some not at all.  
We launched a myriad of different funnels & marketing campaigns:  
Webinar Funnels. Facebook™ Ads. Cheat sheets. VSLs. Organic outreach. Etc. 
With a barrage of marketing, we had moderate, yet unsustainable success.  
By December of that year, we were beat.  
Even though we were revving ~$20k/month, we were working 60 hr+ weeks, & 
we were exhausted.  
Client fulfillment took up so much of our time that we’d sabotage new client 
acquisition … 
... Because in a weird way more clients meant more work, ​which meant more 
Not that we were truly in control over acquiring new clients anyhow.  
Some months we’d get a rush of new clients, others no new clients at all.  
Our coaching business became a rollercoaster of revenue & emotion.  
So at the end of 2019, we came to a crossroads:  
“Do we want to go all in this coaching business or do we want to hang up our hat 
& do something else?” 
Because we absolutely love coaching, we chose to double down.  
And with $30k in our ops account, we joined a $24k mastermind.  
Terrified. But excited.  
With a few small insights from folks in the mastermind, we began to figure 
things out.  
The very next month, in January of 2020, w​ e hit $70k in a single month​, 3x more 
than what we had done in December.  
A few months later, we had our first $100k month.  
In July, we pulled in $300,000 in a single month.  
By December of 2020, just 12 months after nearly calling it quits, ​we were 
generating $500k+/month in revenue.  
We generated $213k in 2019.  
And $3 million+ in 2020. 
Here’s what growth like that looks like:  

That’s the question we’re getting a lot of now. 
And this report is our answer. 

Some of what you’ll be reading next is “advanced”.  
Meaning, if you’re new to your coaching business, some of what you’ll find in this 
document may, at times, feel out of reach.  
And that’s okay. At the end of this document, we’ll discuss what it looks like to 
simply hire us to help you implement what you’ll be discovering here today.  
For those of you a bit more experienced, y​ ou’re absolutely going to love​ ​what 
you’re about to read.  
As we’re about to shine a light on the true inner workings of a m
​ ulti-million 
dollar coaching company​ & h ​ ow you can build one for yourself.  


This report exists for two reasons: 
Reason #1:​ So that you’ll eventually hire us and our team to help you implement 
everything you read here. 
Reason #2:​ To get you results in advance so that you’ll actually want to do reason 
#1 as quickly as possible. 
As you’ll soon find out, we’re going to be fully transparent, honest, and blunt with 
you throughout this report.  
Our mentor taught us early on that the best way to prove to someone that you 
can help them ...  
... i​ s to actually help them​.  
So this is our way of helping you … t​ o prove to you that we can help you.  
To do that, we’ve structured this report as follows: 
1ST:​ We’re going to do a deep dive into our two pronged approach for scaling 
coaching companies.  
Two years ago, we had little idea about what we were doing.  
Today … 
*We generate 40-60 high ticket clients each month predictably.  
*We work less now, at $500,000/month, than we worked at $20,000/month.  
*Our clients win like crazy.  
*Our staff is amazing.  
*We take evenings & weekends off.  
*We go on vacations. 
*We don’t just have a beautiful business, we have a beautiful life too. 
And over the next few pages, we’re going to walk you through the principles 
we’ve used to get here.  
2ND:​ Once we’ve discussed our scaling methodology, we’ll extend a personal 
invitation to you to work with us directly to help you implement everything 
you’re about to learn.  
This is what we do.  
We help coaches scale.  
And we’re very good at it. 
Last month alone, our clients generated over $ ​ 3 million in their business. 
This year, our clients will pull in $50 million+. 
And that’s not “corporate revenue”; that’s made up of ordinary coaches like 
yourself doing ​$50k, $100k, $250k, even $500k/month in revenue. 
So we’ll spend the first few pages walking you through our methodologies, then 
the last few pages explaining what it would like to hire us to help you implement 
Ready to get started?  
Let’s do it ... 


We’ll reveal the two prongs now, then expand on them momentarily.  
Prong #1​ is: a Scalable Business Model. 
Meaning, the pricing of your programs and the way your programs are 
structured & fulfilled on … 
… must be designed in a scalable manner. 
And P
​ rong #2​ is: Scalable Client Acquisition. 
Meaning, you must have the ability to predictably generate new clients on a 
DAILY basis.  
We understand that Scalable Client Acquisition is what everybody wants.  
Every coach we speak with wants to learn how to ​scale lead flow & acquire more 
Because they “​ think”​ this will solve all of their problems.  
The thing is ...  
Without the right foundation ...  
Without the right pricing & business model in place, not only is scaling client 
acquisition difficult … but generating more clients can actually lead to m
​ ore 
headache, not less.  
So we’ll start with the foundation ...  
... t​ hen we’ll show you how to generate as many clients as you want. 
Game on. Let’s get started …  


If you’ve had trouble scaling your business past $100k/month ...  
... there’s a very good chance that the business model you’re in is not conducive 
to scale.  
But with a few tiny tweaks it can be.  
When we talk about your business model, the 2 main areas we’ll focus on are:  
1: ​Pricing  
2:​ Fulfillment 
We’ll start with pricing: 
If you rewind our coaching company back to December of 2019 … 
The price point of our core offer was ​$997. 
So people could sign up to work with us for less than a thousand bucks. 
At that price, we ran into a slew of problems that held us back from scaling. 
For one, the economics of our business didn’t work. 
Lemme’ explain: 
First, we attempted to run paid advertising to generate new clients. 
But the problem was… it cost us, on average, ~$500 to acquire a new client that 
was worth $1,000. 
On the surface, that doesn’t seem all that bad. 
I mean, that’s still $1 in, $2 out. That’s profitable, right? 
No. Not really.  
The problem with that low of a return on ad spend … 
… is that it doesn’t account for any additional costs associated with the business; 
including the cost of fulfillment, owner compensation, etc.  
In a coaching business, a 2:1 return on ad spend is m ​ uch too low​ to actually be 
(I’ll touch on what profitable return on ad spend looks like in a moment …) 
So mathematically, we couldn’t use paid advertising to acquire clients. 
Which meant, our only option for lead gen was organic.  
Which we did … 
… and it worked. A little. 
We started generating 10-15 new clients per month organically. 
But at a $997 price point, that’s only $10k-$15k/month in revenue. 
After expenses, we were working our butts off to make a few grand a month 
To scale to $100k+/month, it would’ve meant 6x’ing our organic outreach … 
… which was physically impossible. We were already maxing out the amount of 
hrs we could work. 
So we were stuck.​ We needed more clients to hit our goals, but we didn’t have 
the capacity to acquire them. 
The other problem we ran into at that price point was with ... ​our clients.  
Because the investment to work with us was so low … 
… we had very little client buy-in. 
We “thought” we were doing “right” by our clients by being the “cheapest” … 
… but it was actually hurting our clients​. Because most wouldn’t put in the work 
to get results - as they didn’t have enough skin in the game to truly commit.  
So even though we felt like our coaching was helpful … implementation was low, 
leading to a low client success rate. 
On top of that … 
We were already running into fulfillment issues at 10-15 clients per month. 
To do $100k+/month with a $997 offer, we would’ve needed 100+ clients per 
And because our price point was so low … 
… we didn’t have the available margin to invest into a client success team to help 
with fulfillment. 
So the two problems we ran into were:  
1: ​We didn’t know how to acquire more clients ...  
2:​ ... and even if we could, we didn’t know how we’d even fulfill.  
Our only option remaining was to figure out how to increase our price. 
*Note: ​After now working with 500+ coaches over the past 12 months ... we've 
found that most coaches criminally undercharge for their programs. 
Which holds them back from truly making an impact on their clients & scaling to 
the revenues they desire. 
At first, we were terrified to increase our prices. 
We still remember the first call we ever did when we increased our price from 
$1,000 to $1,800.  
At the end of the call, we blurted out “$997!” because we were too scared to even 
say the new price. 
I felt like,​ “If we increase our price, people aren’t going to buy anymore”. 
But we eventually got over the mental hurdle, calmly said “$1,800” a few calls 
later, & the person goes, “I’m in”.  
Our conversions didn’t drop even a single percent when we went from $1,000 to 
So we increased our price to $2,800 a few weeks after that. 
Same thing. 
$4,800 a few weeks later. 
Same thing. 
Today, we convert at the E​ XACT SAME RATE​ with our $8,000 offer, as we did in 
the past with our $997 offer. 
The only difference is: 
We’re profitable now. 
And our clients actually win.  


In a coaching business, to scale with paid advertising (which we’ve found with 
our clients to be quicker & more predictable than organic), ​the return on ad 
spend you must consistently hit is 4x. 
Meaning, for every $1 you spend on ads, you must consistently make back $4 in 
Lower than that, & after the expenses of running your business, you’ll struggle to 
be profitable. 
4x & above, though, and ​you can scale to the moon.  
Take a peak at this chart below.  
On it, you’ll see different possible: 
1: ​Price Points 
2: ​Client Acquisition Budgets (I.E. How much you can spend to acquire a new 
client while maintaining a 4x return on ad spend)  
3: R​ evenues Generated​ ​With 30 New Clients Per Month 

Again, the math above is based on just 30 new clients/month. We’re currently 
enrolling 40-60/month consistently, so the numbers can grow beyond what’s 
shown above.  
As you can see in the chart, though, the higher the price, the greater your 
spending power is to acquire new clients ...  
Meaning: i​ f your program is $1,000, your advertising budget to acquire a client is 
just $250 (​ to maintain a 4x return).  
On a $10,000 program, your advertising budget is $2,500.  
(We’ll tell you this … it’s much easier to acquire a $10k client for $2.5k than a 
$1,000 client for $250).  
At a higher price point, you also need less clients to hit the same revenue 
If your goal is $100,000/month, that’s 1​ 00​ clients per month at $1,000 each.  
Whereas that’s only ​10​ clients per month at $10,000 each. 
(Which plays an important role in fulfillment, which we’ll discuss in a moment).  
Now, of course, that doesn’t mean you can infinitely increase your rates & you’ll 
infinitely increase your revenue. 
There’s a sweet spot for every offer & every market.  
We increased the price of our program from $997 to ~$8k & saw almost no drop 
in conversions along the way. 
When we tested $10k, conversions went down more than we were comfortable 
with, so we adjusted the price back down to $8k & that’s our sweet spot.  
(Not that $10k can’t work. Again, every offer & market has a sweet spot).  
Here’s why this is so important:  
Most coaches *think* their problem is lead gen. 
“If I just had more leads”​, they say to themselves, “​ then I’d be able to scale client 
But their problem isn’t leads.  
Generating leads is easy.  
We generate a few hundred of them each day.  
(^^^ The leads we’ve generated today & yesterday) 
The hard part is ... 
Being able to generate leads​ *profitably*.  
If your program is $1,000.  
And your available budget to acquire clients is $250.  
You need to get ​really cheap leads​ & ​convert really well​ to be profitable.  
So of course lead gen is difficult.  
Our program is $8,000.  
So our available budget for acquiring new clients is $2,000.  
Which means ...  
While most coaches are competing for the “cheapest leads” ...  
... we consistently pay​ *more per lead*​ than most of our competitors.  
And we do so w ​ ith a smile on our face​.  
Because the economics of our business still work out in our favor.  
Most coaches want $3-$5 leads.  
While we consistently pay $ ​ 15+/lead​ ... yet we’re still wildly profitable.  
Because we’ve priced our programs effectively.  
“He who can pay the most to generate a lead ... wins.”  
It’s easy to get more leads.  
When you can afford to​ p ​ ay​ a
​ lot​ for them​ (and still remain profitable).  
We can talk in a moment about the perfect, most scalable price for your program 
... but first, let’s discuss ...  

Then we’ll dive deep into daily client acquisition.  
If you want to scale to 6, even multiple 6 figures per month, you must be able to:  
1:​ Deliver an epic experience to your clients.  
2:​ Help your clients win like crazy.  
3:​ ​While simultaneously removing yourself from fulfillment as much as possible.  
For example, today, we generate 40-60 clients per month.  
And we spend just ​two hours per w ​ eek​ on fulfillment.  
We’re doing half a million per month, our clients win like crazy, yet we spend just 
a fraction of our time on fulfillment.  
How is that possible?  
Well, depending on the coaching model you’re in, you have two main levers you 
can pull...  
1:​ Adjusting your model.  
2:​ Hiring on help.  
(Or a combination of both) 
Over the past few years, we’ve tested the big 3 models for coaching our clients.  
1-on-1 coaching.  
Group coaching.  
Course, with no coaching.  
Each of them have their pros & cons.  
In 1-on-1, you have a program that’s easy to sell & clients get great results, but it’s 
difficult to scale​ (because more clients means more time spent fulfilling).  
In a course, you can infinitely scale because fulfillment requires very little effort, 
but it’s more difficult to sell than 1-on-1 or even group coaching & c​ lients rarely 
What we’ve come up with that allows us to have the best of each world is ...  
“Our Hybrid Coaching Model”  
Where the core of the program is built on top of a core curriculum (like a course).  
We then host weekly g ​ roup training classes​ with our clients answering their 
questions around the curriculum they’re consuming.  
And we integrate a few 1-on-1 calls with our clients throughout their experience 
for accountability & to give direct feedback on their work.  
Compared to pure 1-on-1 coaching, it’s ​much more scalable.  
And compared to a pure course, ​our clients win at a much higher rate.  
This is what allows us to bring on high volumes of clients each month, while 
maintaining an excellent client success rate.  
The second lever you can pull when it comes to scaling fulfillment ...  
... is hiring on help.  
Listen ...  
We were ​“solopreneurs”​ for years.  
So the idea of hiring on help was scary at first.  
We truly thought we could do everything on our own.  
And we could. For a while. We got up to about $20k/month all on our own.  
After that, though, if we wanted to continue to scale, we needed help.  
So here’s how we did it:  
We hired on past clients to h​ elp us coach our current clients.  
They had been through our program, achieved great results, & when we asked 
them if they’d be willing to help, they were excited about the opportunity to help 
more of our clients succeed.  
So we trained them up & today, all of our 1-on-1 calls & the majority of our live 
group classes are hosted by p ​ ast clients.  
What’s interesting about that is ...  
For a long time, our ego got in the way.  
We felt like, “our clients need personal attention directly from us to win”.  
But what we found was ...  
... Some of our top clients were​ even better​ at teaching certain aspects of our 
curriculum than we were.  
This helps free up our time (so that we can focus on other aspects of our 
business) ...   
... while simultaneously helping our clients win.  
Our clients didn’t *need* us as much as we thought they did.  
Now, you might not be quite ready to bring on a “client success team” & that’s 
In a moment, we can touch on what the right timing for that looks like.  
But before we do ...  
... let’s talk about the second piece of the puzzle that’s allowed us to scale so 


Here we go.  
This is what you came here for.  
Let’s talk numbers:  
Last month alone, we generated ...  
6,465​ email leads.  
155​ booked sales calls.  
62 ​high ticket clients.  
$539,000 i​ n revenue.  
On just $96,000 in ad spend (that’s a​ 5.6x​ return on ad spend for the math nerds).  
What if you had a way to generate 3 ​ 0, 50, 100, even 200 leads/day​ consistently?  
While converting those leads into ​multiple booked phone calls​ each day?  
Leading to ​dozens of new high ticket clients​ each month?  
Predictably. Consistently. W ​ ithout worry?  
So we do this thing with our sales guys ... 
Where each day that goes by without a new client generated, we drop this crying 
baby gif in our sales chat ...  
But you know what? 
Last month, we didn’t drop that baby in our sales team chat ​a single time.  
Meaning, ​not a single day went by that a new client wasn’t generated.  
As a coach, any day that goes by without a new client generated is scary.  
That’s when doubt creeps in. Anxiety rises. Rest is hard to come by.  
Imagine for a sec ...  
That you sent that same crying baby to us any day you didn’t generate a new 
client ... how many times would you have sent it to us in the past 30 days?  
(Really think about that).  
If you want to get off the emotional rollercoaster, you’ve gotta’ have the ability to 
generate new clients DAILY.  
You ready to talk about it? 
What we *used* to do that worked really well was this ...  
1: ​We’d place an ad on Facebook.  
2: ​The ad would advertise some sort of lead magnet (typically a presentation; a 
webinar, masterclass, etc).  
3: W​ e’d then have people opt in with name & email to watch the presentation.  
4:​ At the end of the presentation, we’d offer a free strategy session.  
5:​ During the strategy session, we’d make an offer to join our coaching program.  
And it worked. People bought.  
But over the past year or so, that strategy has become ineffective for us & our 
Partly,​ because there’s been quite a large increase in ad costs on most 
advertising platforms (as more people use them to advertise).  
Partly,​ because that model is easy to duplicate, so the market has become 
saturated with it.  
And partly​, because the marketplace has become more sophisticated & wants to 
get to know someone before dropping $5k-$10k on their coaching program.  
^^^​ Combine all of the above & a campaign that used to be profitable, isn’t very 
profitable anymore.  
So here’s what we do now that’s working really well for us:  
We still place the same type of ad on Facebook™ (marketing a lead magnet, 
whether that’s a presentation or a report, like this one).  
We still aim to get folks on the phone (where we can provide a consultative 
But the way in which we get folks on the phone has changed.  
Here’s what I mean:  
Once people opt in for the lead magnet …  
... w
​ e now have people join our Facebook group ​too. 
Similar to what we did when you opted in to get this report:  
The problem we faced in the past was … 
We had just one main conversion point … People opted in to watch our 
presentation and that presentation was the only opportunity we really had to get 
people booked for a call. 
If they liked what they saw, they’d booked. If not, they wouldn’t. 
So we weren’t able to truly maximize the value of each lead. 
Sure, we could continue to follow up through email, but email has declined in 
effectiveness quite a bit over the past few years. 
With our process today, we still collect our lead’s email address, so we can follow 
up through, just like before. 
And we still have an option for folks to book a call with us right away.  
(For the people who are ready to rock & roll).  
But now, we have an additional conversion opportunity inside of our Facebook 
Today, upwards of 80% of the calls we book & clients we generate come directly 
from our group.  
Here’s how it works:  
1: ​We grow our group off of the paid advertising we’re already doing (we’re 
already running ads to get opt-ins. We simply have the opt-ins we’re already 
getting also join our Facebook group).  
At the moment, we’re generating ~200 email leads per day & of those approx. 
~100 people per day join our group.  
2: ​Once people join our group, we have a simple approval question that says ...  

3: O
​ f the 100 people per day who join, 50 of them raise their hands, & say “yes” to 
having a conversation with our team, right as they join our group.  
Imagine having an extra 15, 25, even 50 people per day request to have a 
conversation with you about how you can help?  
4: N
​ ow, of course, the majority of the people who join our group don’t even know 
who we are yet.  
They’ve agreed to have a convo with us, but that doesn’t necessarily mean 
they’ve agreed to purchase our coaching program.  
What we did early on was ...  
We’d reach out to folks & attempt to get them booked for a call with our team as 
fast as possible.  
Because in the old model of client acquisition, you had just one shot to get the 
conversion, so it made sense to sell as hard as possible as fast as possible.  
With our group, though, people are in our world. Even if they don’t buy today,​ it 
doesn’t mean they aren’t going to buy ever.  
So we have very little fear or scarcity around getting leads booked for calls right 
What we do with our new group members today is ...  
Talk to them.  
We ask them questions.  
We find out what problems they’re facing.  
(And here’s where the magic comes in ...)  
We then ​match people’s problems to specific posts​ inside of our Facebook 
We’re in the​ “business coaching niche”​, so for us that sounds like ...  
“Oh, you’re struggling with lead generation? Here, let me tag you in a video we 
have in our group on lead generation.”  
“Oh, you’re struggling with increasing your prices? Here, let me tag you in a post 
walking you through the ways in which we’ve increased our price”.  
We use the group as a way to build h ​ yper awareness​ in our prospects eyes for 
how we can help them.  
Our goal with each new group member is that w ​ e don’t even have to initiate the 
sales sequence.  
Our goal is that our process is so good, & provide so much value up front, that 
they reach back out & ask, “​ how can I work closer with you guys?”  
Which happens. Every day.  
Because of the way our process works, we spend very little time creating n ​ ew 
We don’t have to.  
We only drop one, maybe two new posts per week inside our group.  
But we’re consistently leveraging PAST posts that we’ve already written by 
tagging new members in them, who would find them helpful. 
So we use our group to incubate new leads, build a bond with them, & warm 
them up for a call &​ eventual purchase.  
On average, our sales team converts nearly 5 ​ 0%​ of the people they talk to into 
Looking at our sales team KPI’s now … 
Over the past 30 days, each call our team has taken has resulted in $3,200 in 
revenue generated for our coaching company.  
Imagine making $3,200 on average every time you pick up the phone. 
The reason why we convert at such a high rate is … 
… people are already warm before the call even begins.  
How would you like to begin hitting numbers like that? Even on a smaller scale to 
begin with? 
We’ll talk about what it would like to hire us to help you with that in a moment … 
… but first, there’s one more aspect of scaling client acquisition we haven’t yet 
chatted about …  

// Hiring Help  
We were able to get up to around $70,000/month doing all of the sales calls on 
our own.  
Jan & Feb of 2020, as pictured below, was all us, doing every call:  
At that point, though, we hit our cap. We couldn’t physically take on any more 
calls, w
​ hile also running the rest of the business.  
So in March of 2020, we decided to​ hire on help:  
You’ll notice that we took a slight step back in revenue, as we brought on help & 
built out systems & processes around them.  
But look what happened the very next month:  
Here’s April:  
^^^ Our first 6 figure month​ & we didn’t take a single call ourselves. Our team 
facilitated… Every. Single. One.  
We continued to Scale in May, June, & July (with us off the phones) …  
Today, we’re doing $500,000+ monthly & we spend ​*zero* time e ​ ach month on 
client acquisition.  
We haven’t taken a single call ourselves in over 9​ months.  
This is the type of freedom coaching business you can build for yourself. 
Altogether …  
1: ​We spend less than 2 hrs per week on fulfillment (even though we generate 
40-60 clients per month).  
2:​ We spend 0 hrs per week on client acquisition (even though we generate 
40-60 clients per month). 
This is how it’s possible to grow the type of business we have ... 
… while living a great life at the same time.  
That being said … 
… at this point, we’d love to​ invite you to work directly with u​s …  
… so that we can help you i​ mplement​ everything you’ve just read. 


As we touched on in the opening of this report … 
This is what we do. 
We help coaches scale their coaching businesses. 
And we’re very good at it.  
Last month alone, our clients generated over $3 million in revenue. 
This year, our clients will tally up over $50 million in coaching sales. 
1: ​We help coaches nail their pricing  
(so the economics of their business are ready to scale).  
2: ​We help coaches install systems & processes for client fulfillment  
(in the way they structure their business model & hire on help). 
3: W​ e help coaches dial in lead gen 
(many of our clients generate 30, 50, 100 leads/day with our ad methodologies). 
4: W ​ e help coaches systematize client acquisition (converting leads into high 
paying clients quickly).  
Our goal is to help double or triple you coaching business in the next 90 days. 
It’s not uncommon that we help a client at $30,000/month get to 
$100,000/month​ in 90 days. 
It’s not uncommon that we help a client at $5,000/month get to​ $30,000/month 
in 90 days.  
If you’d like our help in implementing what you’ve read inside of this report …  
… here’s what’s next: 
Book your free 15-minute Scaling Game Plan call with our team today. 
During your game plan call, our team will first diagnose what challenges you’re 
facing now, then they’ll walk you through the next steps for you to take to reach 
the revenue goals you have. 
We understand that the right “sequence” is just as important as the right 
For example, if you go to the dentist, it’s not enough that they use anesthesia; it’s 
important that they use anesthesia before working on your mouth. 
You might need to dial in client acquisition yourself first, before hiring on a team 
to generate clients for you.  
So on your call with our team, we’ll help you uncover the right sequence of 
events for you to take to reach your goals.  
At the end of your call, if our team feels confident we can help & you’d like to 
explore what that would look like …  
… we’ll explain our programs in detail & share with you how to get started.  
Tap here to book your free 15-minute game plan call now.  

We hope you received a ton of value out of this report. When we put this 
together, we didn’t want to create just another “fake freebie”. 
We truly wanted to provide value & walk you through the exact steps we’ve taken 
to scale our coaching company. 
Whether you choose to hire us to help or not, we hope you take the principles 
we’ve laid out in the report & implement.  
See you around the internet, 
- Landon & Stapes  
P.S. H
​ ere’s your link one more time to book your free game plan call today.  

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