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What is a leader?

A Leader the person who convinces other people to follow. A great leader inspires confidence in
other people and moves them to action.

What is the most important role of a leader?

A leader’s most important role is to provide clear direction and guidance. Ensure that all
followers understand, embrace, and work toward achieving those objectives.

Other Roles of a leader

1. Coach 5. Influencer
2. Facilitator 6. Team player
3. Strategies 6. Decision-maker

Who is a good leader?

A great leader possesses a clear vision, is courageous, has integrity, honesty, humility and clear
focus. He believes in teamwork. A leader is one who inspires and motivates action.

The golden rule of leadership

Leading others is a privilege that is earned, not a right. Leaders who understand that leading
others is a privilege, first and foremost, is about a service.

Leadership Traits
 Courage, decisiveness (make decisions quickly), dependability (maaasahan), integrity,
knowledge, judgment, loyalty, and unselfishness.

3 Essential leadership qualities to become effective and inspiring head of your team.
1. Communication
2. Positive attitude
3. The ability to delegate

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