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1. Answer the following questions, use short answers

Can Mary play the guitar? No, she can’t.

Can you ? ……………No I can’t………………………………

 Can Mario ? ………………Yes He can…………………………… play basketball
X Can Flor and I ? ………………No we can’t…………………………... ride a bike
X Can Peter and Mary ? ….……………No they can’t…………………………..

 Can Jhon ? …………………Yes he can………………………...

2. Write expressions according to the above answers
Mary can’t play the guitar.
……I can’t fight………………………..…………………………………………………….
……Mario can play basketball ………………………..…………………………………………………….
………Flor and I can’t cook……………………..…………………………………………………….
………peter and Mary can’t whistle……………………..…………………………………………………….
…………Jhon can ride a bike…………………..…………………………………………………….
3. Look at the information in the table and write about what they can and can’t do.

Play soccer Ride a moto Knit Box Paint Sing Draw

MARIO       
SANDRA       
PETER       
Answer the questions. What about you? What can you do?
1. What can Mario do? Mario can play soccer, box and paint Can you draw? No I can’t draw
Can you ride a moto? No I can’t ride a moto
2. What can Sandra do? Sandra can play soccer, ride a moto,
Can you box? No I can’t box
knit and sing
Can you play soccer? No I can’t play soccer
3. What can Mario and Sandra do? They can play soccer Can you knit? No I can’t knit
Can you sing?No I can’t sing
4. What can’t Sandra do? Sandra can’t box, paint, draw

5. What can’t Susan and peter do? They can’t play soccer,
box and sing Write a short text about what you can or can’t do.
I can dance, but I can’t box, I can Makeup, but I can’t draw, I
6. What can Susan and Peter do? They can ride a moto, knit, can to write, but I can’t play soccer
paint and draw

7. What can’t Mario, Susan and Peter do? They can’t sing

English Teacher: Jim Darwin Guimac Zumaeta

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