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Teaching Methods & Models, Didactics, and

Language Development: General English III
STUDENT NAME: Jenniffer Yari


LESSON TOPIC: Wild animals and domestic animals

LEVEL: 7th

Brief description of the teaching model you will be applying in this lesson
For this lesson plan I use grammar translation because the writing and reading is important
in this method. According to Roma (2021), this method involves understanding the sentence
structure in the original language and doing the same in your target language. For example,
you could say 'He went to work' in your native English and then translate that into Spanish
by saying 'Él se fue a trabajar.' This method is effective because context can effectively
convey meaning between languages.
Some good characteristics of Grammar Translation Method is that it helps to learn a foreign
language and even the sentences’ structure, it allows the students to be able to read and
write in a foreign language. Most of the class in this method are taught in the mother
tongue helping students to understand and relate some words in a better way. Because the
student feels more confident using their mother tongue.
Also with this method, students learn a lot of vocabulary, developing their knowledge and
having a better control of the grammar learning the rules and structure of the it.
According to Unir (2021), is important to the teacher take control of the class always trying
to have in mind the needs of the students and its characteristics providing students the
knowledge needed so the students can have a perfect grammar.

Learning Objective

» Classify animals into wild and domestic animals

Resources you will be using
» Flashcards
» Pictures
» Reading

1. As soon as the teacher (me) arrive to classroom I'm going to give them a
test, this test will be a diagnosis so I can know their knowledge in the topic of
the class. Then, I will start explaining the class and tell them about the goal
of today.
2. I'm going to use flashcards with pictures about animals and I'll start reading
with the meaning in Spanish so they can understand what animal I am
talking about; they must repeat it on their notebook for 5 times.

3. Develop: then, with the same animals on the flashcards plus some other
pictures they have to classify them in wild or domestics animals, write it on
their notebook and memorize all the animals identify.
4. I will give them a piece of paper with reading about animals, but some words
are missing, so they must fill the blanks and then classify the animals
mentioned in the reading.
I will ask some questions about the reading:
- what is your favorite animal in the reading? Is it a wild an animal?
- What do you think about the reading?

The assessment is important in the educative world. According to Web del professor (2022),
the diagnosis is a process that its usually taken at the beginning of a class. This type of
assessment its not graded, is just for to know the knowledge of students in some topics,
and this is very useful for the teacher, because the teacher can change the class around the
information collect.

Maybe make students remember with an explanation, because some topics are important to
know previously before starting a new one.

According to Cervantes (s.f.), the main goal of this assessment is to determinate the
strengths and weakness in the students. The result of this test if to know the knowledge of
students and make some decisions about the rest of the class. The good part of this
assessment that is not graded so the student feels more comfortable doing it but it’s
important to be clear before starting the test not because it’s not graded the student don’t
have to pay full attention of the test.

I Will take the test at the begging of my class, its only about 2 questions and I will check
them right away so I can see the knowledge of my students.


Briefly describe what you learned from this experience, the benefits, how you felt, your
expectations and what would you do better next time? Use at least 250 words. This is
not same that you talk in the reflection video.

Class & Reflection Link:

» Class
» Reflection

Cervantes, C. C. V. (s. f.). CVC. Diccionario de términos clave de ELE. Prueba diagnóstica.

Recuperado 16 de septiembre de 2022, de


Cmf, W. D. M. (2022b, enero 7). ¿Qué es la evaluación diagnóstica y para qué sirve? Web

del Maestro CMF. Recuperado 16 de septiembre de 2022, de

Unir, V. (2021b, abril 27). Grammar Translation Method: claves y ventajas en la enseñanza

de inglés. UNIR. Recuperado 16 de septiembre de 2022, de

Grammar Translation Method- Meaning, Merits, Demerits & Techniques. (s. f.-b).

Recuperado 16 de septiembre de 2022, de


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