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School Site Budget

Current Revenue and Expenditures

Anticipated Income
Source Amount Change
Concentrations of Poverty $13,944.00
CPG Per-Pupil $720,512.00
FSF $5,571,855
Title I $521,400
Total: $6,827,711
Anticipated Expenses
Line Item Amount Change
Academic Programs $ 33,910.00
Enrichment $107,062
Playground $100,000
Substitutes/Temps $160,530
Technology $200,000
Athletics $20,000
Cleaning Services $145,000
Field Trips/Student Incetives $40,000
Gifted & Advanced Learning $20,765
Instructional Supplies $132,107
Maintenance & Repairs $30,000
Library $70,000
Extended Learning $5,000
97 Staff Positions $5,400,000

Total: $5,763,337

Budget Surplus/Deficit $363,337.00

Proposed Revenue and Expenditures

Anticipated Income
Source Amount Change
Concentrations of Poverty $13,944.00
CPG Per-Pupil $720,512.00
FSF $5,571,855
Title I $521,400
Total: $6,827,711

Anticipated Expenses
Source Amount Change
Academic Programs $183,910 $150,000
Enrichment $157,062 $50,000
Playground $100,000
Substitutes/Temps $160,530
Technology $200,000
Athletics $20,000
Cleaning Services $145,000
Field Trips/Student Incetives $40,000
Gifted & Advanced Learning $20,765
Instructional Supplies $132,107
Maintenance & Repairs $30,000
Library $20,000 ($50,000)
Extended Learning $20,000 $15,000
97 Staff Positions $5,400,000 ($215,000)

Total: $5,763,337

Budget Surplus/Deficit $363,337.00

Could be increased based on the funds given by the federal government per pupil along with enrollment as we are a school ch

Academic programs to increase student success with ELA concepts stated in the SIP goals
Providing diverse opportunities for students to engage in enrichment programs and cultivate new experiences
No librarians, so decrease library funds and use the money elsewhere or put in a contingency budget or surplus
Opportunities to pay teachers to provide after-school tutoring services
Already having a principal, AP, and dean of discipline can eliminate extra AP positions unless the money is still in the budget up

Budget remain same just in case we receiv the same amount of money. However, very high chances more money will be recei
e are a school choice
in the budget upon allocation

ney will be received with enrollment, potential fundraisers, and grants.

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