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Let's get ready to learn together!

Better Learning Improved Healthcare

With AI, students get paired with high-quality
With AI, children with potentially fatal
learning materials at their fingertips and get
diseases can be diagnosed from the age of
back on track faster by alerting teachers to
2 and seek medical intervention early
problems the naked eye cannot see.

Knewton (An AI-enabled learning software) Using an artificial intelligence-based algorithm that Scientists at the University
-identifies knowledge gaps of Geneva have come up with, autism can be detected early from brain scans
-curates education content in line with user needs and depression can be earlier identified from children's speech .

Privacy Endangered
In-home smart devices such as AI virtual voice assistants, AI-based
appliances, and security and monitoring technologies could be
gathering, processing, and sharing children’s data. This data can
include children’s audio and private information which may

Social Grading potentially end up in the wrong hands, putting children at risk.

Every move a child makes can be tracked Apple faced criticism over a new artificial intelligence-powered system
that finds child sexual abuse material (CSAM) on US users' devices.
and analyzed using artificial intelligence.
Apple claimed the technology will search for matches of known CSAM
Mobile devices, cameras, and facial before the image is stored on iCloud Photos but there were strong
recognition algorithms can identify the child concerns that the technology could be expanded and used by
authoritarian governments to spy on its citizens.
and can analyze him/her to develop an

individual profile. These type of systems will

know if the child plays too much video

games, or perform shameful activities. A
higher authoritative figure overlooking a
child’s life is not only an invasion of privacy,
but a turn towards social oppression

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