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St. Paul University Surigao

St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines


2nd Semester, AY 2021-2022


Course Code : REED 104

Class Schedule : Block 4, (MTWTH) 8:00-11:30 PM
Room No. : CDS Office
Professor : ANNABELLE S. DUA/Sr.Amalia M. Rosillo, SPC/ Mr. Alejo Morada
E-mail Address :
Consultation Hours : Friday 9:00-11:00 AM

Course Description :

This is a three-unit course designed to lead the students to a profound appreciation and
consequently, active celebration of Liturgy and Sacraments. This course gradually leads the students to foster an
intimate relationship with Jesus Christ who is the center of all liturgical and sacramental celebrations. This further
indicates that through liturgy and sacraments, God’s saving actions to sanctify mankind are continuously revealed and
such is responded positively by man’s faith and persistence, righteousness and apostolate. This course requires
students to submit a portfolio during the final term wherein their active participation in liturgical and sacramental
celebrations as well as active involvement in religious organizations are evident.

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:

Worship: - celebrate liturgy and sacraments as continuation of God’s revelation of His saving actions and of man’s
faithful response to the call of salvation, and thus means of grace and strength in growing into mature

- exhibit good citizenship through responsible use of media and observance of Liturgical Services; and

- support social practices and structures that promote human dignity and integrity of creation, liturgically
and sacramentally,

Doctrine: - Explain that Jesus Christ is the center and summit of every liturgical and sacramental,

-celebrations and thus foster an intimate relationship with Him through liturgy and sacraments;

- intensify one’s personal relationship with God through frequent prayer and religious practices.

Morals: - Live out their response to liturgy and sacraments in their day to day living as students and as they
work, carry out their mission, search for justice and serve others;

- manage personal well-being to become an integrated person by continuously developing the necessary
skills and knowledge in improving one’s mental and physical health; and

-engage in active community service, with preferential option for the poor, through volunteerism to
evangelize self, others and community;

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St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines



Ethical, Paulinian Leaders & Professionals

1.4 Articulate, advocate and exemplify Paulinian ideals and values in their private and professional lives nurtured by
Prayer and a deep relationship with God;


“As a Christ-centered Paulinian, I am Ethical, Paulinian Leader & Professional, consciously expressing my faith.

DAYS 1-4
TOPIC :Prayer in the midst of Suffering
HOURS : 14 hours
LEARNING Worship: Compose a personal prayer that expresses acceptance and total
OUTCOMES surrender to God’s will,
Doctrine: Explain how prayer can overcome trials and suffering,
Moral: Persevere in prayer even in moments of trials and difficulties.

Student Activity 1:

l- OPENING PRAYER: Luke 19:41-48

Have a Blessed day every! Before you begin answering this module, please open your Bible and read Luke
19:41–48 in prayer. Take a few seconds of silence after you've finished reading it to internalize it. End your prayer by
saying Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, As it was in the beginning, is now and will be
forever. Amen.

ll- Context:

Student Activity 2: 1. Battle of Prayer

Problems Encountered in Before Prayer / During Prayer / Act Possible Solutions

Prayer Act

1. Distractions 1. Go to 1. The devil always take 1. To overcome

somewhere that an advantage to distractions, don’t give
I cannot be distract. so, I asked into it. I just turn my
distracted. Take God to fight with me. heart and concentrate
a deep breathe Give me strength and on praying, not to
to refocus. obey Him. examining the
2. Emotional Problem–Guilt 2. Acceptance. 2. I confessed 2. I will not be too hard
Acknowledge everything to God. Ask on myself. We all
that you are a Him for forgiveness and struggle in prayer but
human and take away my guilt. don’t get down. As
know that every human make mistakes,
human makes ask always for
mistakes. forgiveness.

3. Time Management 3. Don’t 3. Ask God for help 3. Prioritize Prayer.

welcome because I can't do this Schedule it, get up
distractions. alone. I pray that I need early and dont let the
That means no Him at my side to day pass without
electronic overcome my spending time with the

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St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

devices! temptations. most important person

in my life.

2. “Creative” Draw or paint images that portray the five types of prayer.

3. Read Jeremiah 29:11-14. Write a short prayer-response to God’s word.

Dear Lord, we praise your name, Jesus. Thank you for the good plans that you have for me, a plan that gives me joy
and hope. Lord, I ask you to forgive me If I have doubted You sometimes. But Lord, help me to keep your word with
all of my heart and seek You faithfully. In Jesus name, Amen.

------------------------------------------ PROCESSING-----------------------------------------------------
We all pray. Sometimes we ask ourselves what is lacking in our prayer. The secret weapon in overcoming
fears and in facing tribulations and misfortunes in life is to cling to God in prayer and to have trust in Him no matter
what Jesus Himself gives us His very example on how to turn to God in prayer before facing His passion on the


A. Sacred Scripture: Matthew 26:36-41- Jesus Prays in Gethsemane

Student Activity 3: Read the Gospel of Matthew 26:36-41 and answer the questions below.
1. What made Jesus go to the garden of Gethsemane?
After Jesus had the Last Supper together with the Apostles, He took a walk and go to the beautiful Garden of
Gethsemane to pray to the God Father. He is worried because the prophecy will be fulfilled but, He accepted the will
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St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

of God for sinful humanity.

2. How did Jesus show His Apostles the importance of prayer?

After He prayed, one of His disciples told Him, “Teach us to pray, just as John taught his followers". After that, He
teaches them to pray the "Lord's Prayer". This prayer taught them to approach God in prayer. So, they can have a
relationship with God.

3. What did Jesus ask His disciples that they may overcome trials?
Jesus told them, that even He is not with them. They will overcome trials through the Holy Spirit. As they are one,
Holy Spirit hovers us and strengthens us. God also means that He is willing to help us because He knows our
difficulties in our lives.
------------------------------------------- PROCESSING-------------------------------------------------------

Jesus’s prayer at Gethsemane shows the heart of a Son fully united with the will of His Father. He did not
cower before the immense suffering and sacrifice asked of Him for He was wholly obedient to God’s plan for
humanity. The obstacles to prayer did not dissuade Him from accomplishing the divine plan. His union with God’s
heart was indestructible for He and the Father are truly one. To the point of death, He gave His will to show the
unfathomable love of God for sinful humanity in His prayer. He witnessed to God’s sovereignty and in doing so. He
was raised up in the glory of His Father for eternity.

B. Church Teaching: Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) nos. 2725-2749

Jesus Paschal Mystery, His perfect love to the Father, is a life of sacrificial prayer in obedience to the
Father’s plan of salvation. It is the priestly prayer of Jesus to unite the people of God, to completely fulfill the work of
the Father, and to offer Himself wholly consecrated to the mission of salvation. When we pray in the name of Jesus,
He prays in us and hears our prayer also as God. All our prayers to the Father in Jesus name can overcome our
suffering. The Christ is the Son of God, who in His humanity has felt human sentiments and emotions, and was
moved by real human sufferings. Jesus was moved with pity to the leper, including spiritual ills of men and sinners,
for He touched and healed them. At Gethsemane, He suffered and shuddered at facing death in His agony. In His
human nature, He felt the pain of suffering and death. He let Peter, James, and John pray with Him in agony. This
reminds us that Christ is truly man. This Man of sorrows possess supernatural dignity and origin as Son of God. And
Christ remains the Son of God even when He experienced the most painful human event unto death.

The Battle of Prayer

The great figures of prayer like the saints and Christ Himself teach us that prayer is a battle against
ourselves, temptations from the evil one who wants us to break away from God’s union. We need to be habitually in
union with the Spirit of Christ in prayer that the “spiritual battle” can be won in Jesus name.
Objections to Prayers
One can be discouraged easily when praying because of the concept that prayer is one’s work alone but
above all it is the gift of the Holy Spirit an inspiration to pray. Wrong notions of prayer include that it is just a
psychological act, it is merely an effort to concentrate to fill the mind, it pertains only to rituals of words and actions,
that there is no time for prayer, and that prayer has no relation with one’s active life.
Prayer is not an escape from the world’s problems, reality and life. One should be vigilant so that the world
cannot penetrate or destroy our life of prayer. A confrontation with the following struggles and failures in prayer have
merits: dryness, sadness, disappointments on unanswered prayers, wounded pride, stubbornness that prayer is an
unmerited gift, and resistance to the idea of the goodness of prayer.
Difficulties in Prayer
Distraction is the habitual difficulty in prayer. By distraction, the heart reveals what one is attracted to and
what needs purification in the heart since only one master must be served. Dryness reveals that the heart is
separated from God. This needs conversion of heart due to a lack of spiritual thoughts, feelings and memories.
Vigilance and sobriety of heart can battle against the dominating and possessive self. Jesus refers this
vigilance in relation to His coming on the last day; that one’s heart cling to Jesus as one’s choice to be one’s master.
Facing Temptations in Prayer
The lack of faith reveals the proud heart, a lack of belief in which the heart’s priority is not real love of God,
but rather love of self. Acedia or presumptions is a form of depression in one’s heart due to lack of practice of
sacrifice. Vigilance is decreased and the heart becomes careless and is filled with pride.
Overcoming Temptations in Prayer
The following will help overcome temptations in prayer:
1. conversion of heart by humbly returning to God through trusting and holding on to prayers;
2. praying unceasingly with faith and filial trust in the Father for He knows our needs before we ask; and
3. Praying continuously in the Spirit to keep watch and be steadfast through tirelessly praying in humility, trust, and
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St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

Facts on Faith and Prayer

Understanding, faith and prayer are possessed together, we can pray fervently with the Risen Christ
anytime and anywhere. For example, while walking, strolling, or cooking. It is a vital necessity to pray for the Holy
Spirit to leads us to salvation; and prayer life cannot be separated from Christian life. In prayer, we are in loving
conformity with the Trinity to live God’s command of love.
Basic types of prayer:
 Adoration-is generally considered the noblest form of prayer, a kind of
prostration of the whole being before God.
 Thanksgiving-The word thanksgiving means the act of expressing or feeling
thankfulness. This sense of the word is often used in a religious context. For
example, a prayer of thanksgiving involves praying to express gratitude for the
blessings in one's life.
 Petition-is making a meek and humble, earnest plea for a specific need for
something significant requested of GOD. It would be something that you
cannot get or accomplish without GOD'S help and you ask HIM to make it
happen for you or for others. PRAYER AND PETITION/SUPPLICATION CAN
 Contrition- contriteness (from the Latin contritus 'ground to pieces', i.e.
crushed by guilt) is repentance for sins one has committed. A central concept
in much of Christianity, contrition is regarded as the first step, through Christ,
towards reconciliation with God.
 Offering- Something offered in worship or devotion, as to deity; an oblation or
sacrifice, a contribution given to or through the church for a particular purpose,
as at a religious/church service, anything offered as a gift. Offerings take on
many forms. The Lord Jesus offered Himself to go to the cross for us

lV- Integration

Worship: In prayer, one must reach the state where one’s heart can be given to God, laying open
One’s heart so that it may be moved by God.
Doctrine: Prayer is "the raising of one's mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things
From God."
Moral: Prayer is an act of the moral virtue of religion, which Catholic theologians
Identify as a part of the cardinal virtue of justice.

V- Summary
Prayer presupposes an effort, a fight against ourselves and the wiles of the tempter. The battle of prayer is
inseparable from the necessary “spiritual battle” to act habitually according to the Spirit of Christ, we pray as we live,
because we live as we pray.
To persevere in prayer is a challenge to the spiritual life. In Christ’s spirit, we need to pray continually for the
battle of prayer is inseparable from the battle to live devoutly as Christians. These innumerable obstacles to prayer
will leave the soul when one has gained humility, trust in God, and perseverance in prayer.

Vl- Closing Prayer:

Student Activity 4: You can pray with confidence because our Savior taught us these words.
Recite the following prayer the Our Father.

REFLECTION Self-Evaluation: Complete the following statements by giving your insights.

1. The lesson of this module that has an impact on me is the Battle of Prayer
because as a human, I make mistakes. Sometimes, I have difficulties in praying to God
due to some reasons and that made me distant to the Lord.

and I have realized that this lesson helps me on how to overcome temptations in praying. It
gives me solution and other ways on how to pray. It also helps me to understand how
important the relationship with God. Even in good times or bad times I should acknowledge

2. The lesson of this module that I find difficult is also the Battle of Prayer
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St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

maybe because, I am confused on what should I do before and during the prayer since
it is not easy to handle such difficulties in times of praying.
so, I think I should more deepen my connection with God and practice more religious
activities. So, I cannot be control by worldly things as God is the center of my life.

1. Student Activity 2
2. Student Activity 3
3. Reflection
4. Assignments
5. Expanded Opportunity
7. Constructed Response: The following passages from the Bible are examples of what prayer is. Read,
Reflect and respond to the questions that follow.
A. “Pray without ceasing and give thanks to God at every moment. This is the will of God, your vocation as
Christians.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18)
B. “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very
Spirit intercedes for us without words, as if with groans.” (Romans 8:26)
C. “Be steadfast in prayer, and even spend the night praying and giving thanks. Pray especially for us and
Our preaching: may the Lord open a door for us that we may announce the mystery of Christ.”
(Colossians 4:2-3)

1. How does each passage help you understand the meaning of prayer?
The passages have helped me to understand the meaning of prayer because of the holy spirit. It stated on
verses that we should always pray as it is part of Christians’ life.

2. Why are we encouraged to pray ‘without ceasing”?

We are encouraged to pray without ceasing because it is the will of God, for us to have relationship with

3. How can you relate this passage: “The Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray
As we ought”? Share your experience.
As a human sometimes my faith is weakening especially when I forgot God. In my experience, when I was
in high school. I am not that participative in our church but instead I am always present in a party. But I pray,
just a little because I think when we are enjoying our life without taking responsibility, we tend to forget
about God. Then the time comes I got hospitalized because I was sick. That moment made me realize that
all I need is God. This experience made me not to forget about to pray for my health, for what is I needed
the most. By praying, God sent me the Holy Spirit to give me love, self-discipline, and power that made me
heal. This experience of mine made me realize that I need God’s constant help and grace.

4. In what way could you devote yourself in prayer, when you have been busy with other things?
Whenever I am busy with other things. I devote my self in prayer by signing of the cross and praying silently
in my mind and I always have my rosary wherever I go.

5. How does prayer affect your life as a student, the life of your family, classmates, friends, and teachers?
Prayer has a big impact in my life and to people around me. As prayer has helped me in my everyday
problems or difficulties in life. By praying I tend to have solution on my problems because God bless me

1. Read and make comparative study of the following Gospels:
a. Luke 19:45-46 b. Mark 11:15-17 c. Matthew 21:12-13 d. John 2:14-17

Jesus gave glory to his The temple is for worship Jesus takes authority over Jesus then drives crooked
Father and ours. He only not for other things. the Temple. He is clearly businessmen out of the
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St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

showed that God wants We should give our best acting with the authority of temple, scolding them for
His house used for for in worship but things God over the most turning a sacred place into
worship unmixed with that we use should be revered and sacred place a marketplace.
false teaching appropriate. in all of Judaism.

EXPANDED A. Compose your own prayer raising to God your concern over trials and sufferings as you
OPPORTUNITY face challenges of student life.

Dear Lord, we praise your name Jesus. Thank you for all the blessings that you have given
us. Lord, you know that every decision I need to make and every challenge I face. Please
forgive me for the times that I try to figure this life out on my own. Lord, I need Your Holy
Spirit to comfort my heart, to give me strength, and to help me carry on. Amen.

B. a.) Idea Spinner:

1. Predict: What will happen to a person if he or she will not pray?
If a person doesn’t have a relationship with God. I think that person will have a miserable
life as that person can’t handle negative situations without praying to God.

2. Explain: Why does the Church teach us different expressions of prayer?

The Church teach different expressions of prayer to develop relationship with God. A
prayer can be vocally or mentally. Sung or spoken. It is a search for understanding and
discernment of what God is calling us to do.

3. Summarize: Write two things that you learned from the lesson.
I learned that relationship with God is important to have a meaningful and fruitful life.
I learned that without prayer life you are powerless.

4. Evaluate: How can you say that a person truly prays?

You can simply notice it if a person believes God, has a strong faith, and has a good heart.

C.) Flag It: Is God unfair when He does not grant our prayers?
God is not unfair. He doesn’t grant immediately our prayers because maybe it is not the
right time for you, maybe it will cause you bad, or maybe God has a better plan for you.
Therefore, trust Him and He will fulfill the desires of your heart.

Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC)
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
Evangelista, Carlos S., Jr., MAL: Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments
Sr.Villarubia, Gewena Gay P., AR: Our Way to God
Sr. Maquiling, Christie P., AR: Our Way to God
Juanillo, Eden S. & Cuyos, Fanny A.:Journey with Jesus God Builds and Unites His



Cutting-Edge, Resilient VISIONARIES & INNOVATORS

1.4 Look beyond conventional approaches to challenges in their field and identify creative ways these could be
addressed; and

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St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

1.5 Explain significant setbacks they have experienced in life and the inner resources and ‘out of the box’ actions
taken to address and overcome them.


“As a Christ-centered Paulinian, I am a Cutting-Edge, Resilient VISIONARY and INNOVATOR, demonstrating my

creativity and charism.”

LEARNING Worship- Celebrate and participate actively in the Liturgy,
OUTCOMES Doctrine- Explain humanity’s personal faith response to God about Christian Prayer and
Moral- Value prayer through Liturgy as a work of the Trinity, source of life.

Student Activity 1:
l- OPENING PRAYER: Psalm 113
- Good day, everyone! Please open your Bible and read Psalm 113 in prayer before beginning to answer this
module. After you've finished reading it, take a few moments of stillness to internalize it. End your prayer by saying
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and will be forever.

ll- Context:

Student Activity 2: Church Celebrations

1. Identify when the following activities are celebrated by writing your answer on the line and putting a check mark (⁄)
in the box if your family attends the celebrations.
Palm Sunday a. It is a celebration of the Church in which the faithful brings palm branches.

Advent Season b. Four candles are adorned at the altar (one pink, three violet).

Easter Vigil c. Blessing of Water and Fire.

Maundy Thursday of Holy Week d. Washing of the Feet of the Apostles.

Advent Season e. Misa Aguinaldo or Simbang Gabi

2. How many boxes were you able to check? Are these examples of Church celebrations important? Why?
I was able to check all, five boxes. These liturgical celebrations are important because it emphasized a portion of the
life of Jesus Christ.

The Active participation in the Liturgy is our expression of faith in prayer. The faithful must fully understand the
meaning of the different celebrations of worship in the Church. We have to see and personally experience the value
and worth of our prayers in our Liturgy. Like the woman of Samaria who encountered Jesus, she understood the true
meaning of worship because she had the heart to search for the truth.


A. Sacred Scripture: John 4: 1-26-Jesus and the Woman of Samaria

Student Activity 3: Read the Gospel of John 4:1-26 and answer the questions below.

Answer the following questions:

1. Whom did Jesus meet at the well?
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St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

Jesus met a woman from Samaria who happened to fetch water in Jacob’s well.
2. Why did the woman say, “Our Fathers used to come to this mountain to worship God; but You, Jews, do you
not claim that Jerusalem is the only place to worship God?
The woman said it because the temple which was build by King Solomon is in the Jerusalem, it is built to
reside Israelites so that the can worship God in that place. On the other hand, the mountain was where
Jacob used to build altar to worship God there, that is the time that the land hasn’t been given.
3. How did Jesus make the woman understand the meaning of worship?
Jesus made her understand worship as He emphasized that worship is more than emotion and it is grounded
by knowledge. Jesus offers divine mercy in the living water of grace, which washes away sins and cleanses
souls. The woman who got a jug of water, got much more, including a cleansed and refreshed spiritual life.

Jesus helps the Samaritan woman at the well to understand what will happen if we truly worship God. The Holy
Trinity works in our worship, in our prayers, in our celebrations and in our liturgy. Holy Mother Church teaches
through the Magisterium and Sacred Tradition that Liturgy is the source of the believer’s life of prayer.

B. Church Teaching: Sacrosantum Conilium nos. 5-7,

Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) nos. 1073-1074, 1098

The Value of Liturgy

Liturgy (leitourgia) is a Greek composite word meaning originally a public duty, a service to the state undertaken by a
citizen. Liturgy originally meant the “people’s work and public duty” in taking part in God’s redemptive plan. Today it
designates the “official public worship of the Church.”

Jesus is the Mediator between God and man as it is the will of the Father. He made Christ the perfect fulfillment of
His promise of reconciliation and the center of divine worship.
Jesus sent the apostles to preach the Gospel and to baptize those who believe; the work of salvation continues in the
sacraments. Through Baptism, believers receive the spirit of adoption as God’s children. These Christians are called
to celebrate Jesus Life, Death, and Resurrection; and to read the scriptures, where in all these the triumph, of His
Paschal Mystery is made present, giving life and nourishment to the prayer life of the Church.
The presence of Christ in all liturgical celebrations is made especially unique in the Holy Mass or Eucharistic
Prayer and Liturgy
The Celebration of the Liturgy
The prayer life of Christians is nourished in the Liturgy. There is a need to value and participate in this liturgical
activity of the Church.
1. The assembly with the grace of the Holy Spirit need to prepare itself when joining the celebration by making their
hearts disposed to conversion will bear a fruitful love with faith and adherence to the Father’s will.
2. Prayer and Worship must not be separated from the Christian moral life. Gaining God’s grace of salvation is both
through prayer and sacraments, and simple acts of loving service of neighbor as stated in the Gospel.
3. All personal, communal devotions, and Church’s liturgy must have the foundation on Sacred Scriptures the word of
4. In all kinds, levels, and forms of prayer and liturgical celebrations, what is constant and steadfast is to have
personal intimacy with the Spirit of love that is Jesus, the Son of God.
5. All must fully and actively participate in the Church’s public worship.
6. For enthusiastic and active participation in worship, all must have knowledge of the liturgical seasons (Sunday
Eucharist, Holy Week, Lent, Advent, Christmas, 33 Sundays of the Ordinary Time, and special feasts of Jesus and

Essential Qualities of the Liturgy

1. Trinitarian and Paschal because the actual salvation is fulfilled by the Trinity.
2. Ecclesial since it is the celebration of the gathered baptized assembly.
3. Sacramental since is uses symbols, movements, and words to worship God.
4. Ethically oriented as it relates faith, life, and worship with loving service.
5. Eschatological, it is celebrating the Kingdom of God that is already here but not yet, and through it we participate in
Christ’s mission of saving the world.

lV- Integration:

Worship: The Church celebrates in the Liturgy above all the Paschal Mystery by which Christ
Accomplished the work of our salvation.
DOCTRINE: The Holy Spirit makes the mystery of Christ present here and now.
MORAL: One norm for judging authentic liturgical worship, then, is precisely its relation with
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St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

“Service of our Neighbor.”

V- Summary:
The Church’s activity is directed toward the Liturgy according to Vatican ll, and at the same time, it is the
fountain from which all her power flows. The Liturgy is also a participation in Christ’s own prayer addressed to the
Father in the Holy Spirit. In the Liturgy, all Christian Prayer finds its source and goal. Through the Liturgy, the inner
man is rooted and grounded in “the great love with which the Father loved us.”
When we consider Liturgy as fountain of our Christian prayer, trials should not be feared, nor difficulties
evaded even to the point of death. Christian prayer should instill awareness that one can pray anywhere without
forgetting that Christ wills that His Church along with the people of God (assembly), pray together with Him, because
when one or two are gathered in prayer, Jesus is upon their midst.

Vl- Closing Prayer:

Student Activity 4: You may pray with confidence in the words our Savior taught us. Recite the
Our Father and after which say this prayer:
Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, faith in Your word is the way
to wisdom, and to ponder your divine plan is to grow in the truth. Open our
eyes to your deeds, our ears to the sound of your call, so that our every act
may increase our sharing in the life you have offered us. Grant this through
Christ our Lord. Amen.
Let us bless the Lord and give Him thanks.

REFLECTION Fill in the Chart: Complete the KLD chart with the appropriate answer.

What I Knew about Liturgy What I have Learned about What I will Do from what I
before we had this, Liturgy today? have Learned?
Lesson? I learned about the value of From the lesson that I have
As a catholic, liturgy is liturgy in Catholic Church, learned. I will treasure it
familiar to me. Since it is as it is the public work and until the end of time. I will
always mentioned in our duty. Its essential qualities apply my learnings in m
church. I knew that liturgy and the church living, so I will become a
is refers to the public celebrations that we fruitful Christian. I will also
prayers of the church, Christians must try to share my knowledge
especially the mass. It participated on. about it to the people who
includes rites that we do should know about this
together as a church to lesson.
worship God. Also, I
already knew about
liturgical year/season since
I had been attended
Catechism in our school
when I was in elementary.
ASSESSMENTS 1. Student Activity 2
2. Student Activity 3
3. Reflection
4. Assignments
5. Expanded Opportunity
6. Express Yourself: Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Define the value of Liturgy in the prayer life of God’s people.

Liturgy is the customary public worship performed by a religious group. ... As
a religious phenomenon, liturgy represents a communal response to and
participation in the sacred through activities reflecting praise, thanksgiving,
remembrance, supplication, or repentance.
2. What are the essential qualities of Liturgy?
The essential qualities of liturgy are Trinitarian and Paschal, Ecclesial,
Sacramental, and Ethically.
3. Enumerate the ways by which liturgy nourishes the prayer life of believers.
 The Liturgy of the Word
 Consubstantial with the Father

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St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

 Hearing the Word of God

 Preaching Resources
 Proclamation of the Gospel by the Laity
 The Lector at Mass
 Universal Prayer (Prayer of the Faithful)

4. How is prayer related to liturgy?

Prayer and reflection allow God to work in and through people. The public
prayer of the Catholic Church is Liturgy. Originally, the term 'liturgy' meant a
public work or a service in the name of, or on behalf of, the people.
5. How do you participate in the celebration of the liturgy?
Liturgy originally means "public work". In our use of this word in our
celebration of the mass, we, the people of God, together work as one by
offering our worship, prayer, petition, and ourselves to God. We must
participate in the liturgy because it is our common work as believers to
participate in our own way in the sacrifice of the Mass.
6. What does the Church stress in the Liturgy today?
The emphasis falls on Christ, the focus of this section. It says, “'Seated at the
right hand of the Father' and pouring out the Holy Spirit on his Body which is
the Church, Christ now acts through the sacraments he instituted to
communicate his grace”
7. Why is liturgy the source and summit of our faith and worship?
It will help the Catholic faithful to understand the meaning of the liturgy and its
importance to our life of faith, experience Christ’s four-fold presence in the
various Church rites, come to a deeper relationship with God, and reflect on
the transforming power of the liturgy to change the world.
8. How do Christians’ value and nourish prayer in the Liturgy?
We can nourish our faith by reading and pondering the scriptures, fasting, and
praying, serving the Lord, sustaining our Church leaders, and obeying God's
commandments. Just as a plant without water will die, faith without action will
die. We must constantly nourish our faith through righteous works.
9. How can one actively participate in the celebration of the Liturgy?
Talk with church leaders about how you (and your loved ones) can take a
more active role in the church. Worship and pray regularly and attend Bible
study groups as often as you can. And consider what you can give to the
church and celebrate what it can give you.

ASSIGNMENTS My Insights: State your understanding about this saying into 15 sentences:
“O Lord my God, You Alone do I Love. You alone do I follow. You alone do I
Seek. You alone am I prepared to serve. For You alone justly rule, and
Under Your authority I long to be.”
1. I should adore Lord God with no other gods.
2. Without God, I am nothing.
3. Love God is to know Him.
4. We can show our love for God by spending time with Him.
5. Love God is to obey his commandments.
6. Love God is to worship and praise Him.
7. Love God is to put Him first.
8. Love God is to serve Him.
9. Love God is to trust Him.
10. Love God because He love us.
11. Love God because He designed and made us, in His image.
12. Love God because He because He disciplines us.
13. Love God because He helps us in times of need.
14. Love God because He blesses us in man was.
15. Love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and might.

EXPANDED Liturgical Roles: Liturgy is “the work of the people.” Who helps make liturgy happen and
OPPORTUNITY what do they do? Complete the blanks regarding the liturgical roles, including a brief job
description for a specific role.
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St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

General Job Description

1. Priest/Presider
The Priest is ordained to preach the word and preside over the liturgy and the celebration
of the Sacraments. His role is also to care for the pastoral needs of his parish community.

2. Altar Servers
The altar servers help the Priest throughout the liturgy. Anyone who has received their First
Holy Communion and is trained can be an altar server. At the beginning of the Mass the
altar servers process into the church with the Priest, and they bring religious symbols such
as the cross or candles into the sacred space. During the Preparation of the Gifts, the altar
servers stand either side of the Priest at the front of the altar to receive the gifts. They then
take the gifts and the water used by the Priest to the altar table. At the conclusion of the
liturgy the altar servers process out of the church with the Priest.

3. Music Ministers
The liturgical musicians help the people to respond through music and song during the
Mass. They lead the assembly at key points in the liturgy such as the Entrance Procession,
the Psalm, the Alleluia, the Eucharistic Prayer, and Communion. The liturgical musicians
could be those who sing, play instruments, and join with others in a choir. Music is used to
help people to participate in the Mass and lift their hearts to God.

4. Lectors/Readers
The readers or lectors play an important role in the Liturgy of the Word as they proclaim
and share the Word of God with the people gathered. Following the Introductory Rites, the
lector moves to the lectern or ambo, and reads from the Lectionary the readings for that

5. Eucharistic Ministers / Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion assist the Priest to prepare and distribute the
bread and wine to the people during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This involves bringing the
hosts from the tabernacle to the altar after the Lamb of God is sung or spoken. They stand
at the altar with the Priest, pray with the assembly and reverently distribute the bread or
wine to the people. The extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, who are usually
adults, have special instruction before they perform this ministry. They also take the
Eucharist to believers who are unable to attend Mass due to illness or disability.

6. Greeters
"The Episcopal Church Welcomes You" is a phrase many of us have seen and heard
before. At Prince of Peace, it is the Greeters who extend that welcome to everyone who
enters our doors.

7. Ushers
Ushers play an important leadership role during the service from the back of the church.
They pass out bulletins, collect the offering and bring the gifts to the Altar during offertory.

8. Gift Bearers
The gift bearers bring up the gifts of bread and wine during the Preparation of the Gifts on
our behalf. At the sanctuary the Priest receives the gifts and then places them on the altar.

9. Sacristans
The sacristans make sure that all the preparations are made for the celebration of the
Eucharist. This includes ensuring the altar is dressed, the liturgical vessels, hosts and wine
are ready, the Sacramentary and the Lectionary are in place, and any other items required
for that Mass are ready.

Liturgical Roles
10. Liturgy Planners
Liturgy planners prepare the liturgical seasons so the assembly will deepen their faith and
go forth "to love and serve the Lord." These ministers make seasonal decisions for the
environment and movement, as well as some music and prayers. These decisions are
always rooted in Sacred Scripture.

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St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

11. Assembly
The Second Vatican Council put renewed emphasis on the role of lay people in the
Church, including the crucial function of the assembly at Mass celebrated with the whole
community gathered. When the People of God actively participate in the Mass, each
according to their role, Christ is truly present. This series will highlight and explain the ways
the assembly makes liturgy happen – by prayer, silence, singing, offering our gifts, and
communion with the Body of Christ.

12. Can you think of other liturgical roles people play in doing the work of the people?
Christian Education and Faith Formation
Nursery, Sunday School, and Youth Classes are all available every Sunday and on other
special occasions. A regular series of adult formation opportunities is also offered.

Hospitality Committee
This ministry helps create a welcoming atmosphere in the church by providing food and
decorations for receptions and other fellowship times. The volunteers on this committee
are often called upon to assist during funerals and memorial services as well.

Health Ministry
Maintaining physical health is part of a person’s spiritual life. The health ministry offers a
free monthly blood pressure screening administered by a healthcare professional in our
congregation. Periodic informational programs about health-related topics and
congregational training for use of the defibrillator on premises are provided.

Decorating Committee
This ministry has the joyful responsibility for decorating the church for the Easter and
Christmas seasons. The committee members transform our sanctuary to help us fully
recognize the spiritual importance of these blessed seasons.

13. What role do you play in the work of the liturgy? What role might you be interested in
The role I played in the work of liturgy is the music ministers because I know God gave me
talent, that is why I use it to serve Him. So, I am a part of choir in our chapel. We practice
and sing a song in the mass to serve God. There is also a role that I am interested in and
that is lector. I want to serve God someday through reading His words to the people.

Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC)
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
Evangelista, Carlos S., Jr., MAL: Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments
Sr.Villarubia, Gewena Gay P., AR: Our Way to God
Sr. Maquiling, Christie P., AR: Our Way to God
Juanillo, Eden S. & Cuyos, Fanny A.:Journey with Jesus God Builds and Unites His
Roman Missal, Alternative Collect for the 4th Sunday of Advent.

Prepared by: MRS. ANNABELLE S. DUA

Sr. Amalia M. Rosillo, SPC


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