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2 4 — Qu © A, es LEAKPROOF FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES © Silay FOR YEARS tAL-0:Vac COn pany, MABIBON Wil STRONGER BODY HELPS THIS NEW TIRE OUTWEAR PREWAR TIRES You can order these better tires for your car now © SENSIBLE Drive would de N liberately run his tires over a fock like the one in the picture. But sometimes it can't be helped . and that’s when you will be glad if you have the new B. F, Goodrich tices on your car. The tire body is 35% stronger than in wartime tires. Itis buile with more cords and scronger cords and better engineered. It was developed primarily to enable it to curry a wider, flaer tread. Although such atread gives longer wear, it is not practical on an ordinary tire because, of the strains chavit would set up in the tire body. Thus, in developing OCTOBER 1946 a stronger tire body to catty a more durable tread, B. F. Goodrich en- gineers at the same time built into itgreacer resistanceto "road shock. In comparative tests, the new B. F. Goodrich Silvertowns have again and agin outworn prewar tires. And in millions of miles of * test driving on taxi fleets, police cars, and special test cars they have proved their extra toughness and durability. Now, on the cars of thousands of American motorists, they are giving extra mileage, extra safety, extra trouble-free service. You can order these bester tires for your car now. There’s extra de- mand for B. F. Goodrich, but if you need tires, see your B. F. Goodrich dealer today. He may have your size in stock, but if he doesn’t, he'll Keep you rolling somehow until they come in, The B. F. Goodrich Company, Akron, Obi. B.F.Goodrich PIRST IN BR Tomah ae UR a Peed of lamp. They are right for replacement on all cars and vehicles with Sealed Beam headlamps. When you needa new unit, replace th Guide—and get Guide's double protection at no extra cost. NO bIN-OUT—tecause your Guide against dire Sealed Bears unit Hene—waill Hehe the, the damaged unit can be replaced. GUIDE LAMP DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION GAO LC aL La eM CL eC ce ae oc LN POPULAR MECHANICS Popular Mechanics Magazine Registered in U. 8, Patent Office and Cunada . H. WINDSOR, Founder WILL ATOMS soon heat our homes, power our ships and drive our automobiles? Must we scrap our factories and appliances for this new form of energy? In this issue a man who took part in the engineering work on the atom bomb project brings you a down- to-earth article on future uses of atomic energy. He tells how sci- ence has already solved three of the five major problems that stood in the way of harnessing the atom. NEXT MONTH'S cue on how to improve your skill in a popular game comes from Willie Hoppe, one of the world’s greatest billiard players. He gives, three-cushion eginners a basic lesson in the game and tells oldtimers how to improve their shots. HOW does it feel to be a fish? ‘That's one of the questions asked of hundreds of persons in discov- ering hidden abilities. A November feature explains how aptitude tests become “Scientific Fortune Tell- ers” to reveal surprising talents in the average man, ALL ABOARD for an exciting hobby. Spare-time “big shots” op- erate more than 5000 railroads in basements and attics, A feature next month tells how to “Build Yourself a Railroad.” PERENNIAL puzzle—what to give the family for Christmas. A peck into “Santa’s Workshop” in the November Craftsman section will give you not only ideas but com- plete plans for 15 gifts—something for every member of the family. Then there's an article on ma- chines that cast cement blocks for the man who wants to build his own home or start a timely busi- ness venture. Camera fans will find plans for a film viewer to show up those prize transparencies. FOUR large speakers can be oper. ated with the 32-watt audio ampli- fier featured in the Radio section next month, OCTOBER 1946 H. H. WINDSOR, Jr., Editor and Publisher Volume 86 OCTOBER 1946 ‘Managing Editor. Assistant Managing nie Shop Notes and Crafts Editor Radio ond Electronics Editor font Editors s Maston M. Jacks Virgil T. Swanson 's, Shop Notes and Crafts Leckey John F. Shrock A. E. Youngquist In This Issue Power From Atoms: How Soon? - 89 New Queens of the Skyways - - 98 Where Redwoods Are Pygmies + 108 Luxury Goes Back to Sea_- - + 116 Throwing Light on Mother Nature 126 Assi DonaldR. Brooks Clifford B. Hi Assistant W.ClydeLammey Ways Will the Atom Drive Us Underground? - - - + + + 148 The Dust Bowl Is Restless Again - 153 Rigging an Eight-Ton Tuna Net + 164 School for Jockeys - + - + + 170 For the Craftsman “Round-the-Corner” Table - - + 178 Shotgun Footwork - - - - + 186 “Overcoats” for Tend + 194 Model Gas Engine + - - - + 201 Camera Becomes Enlarger - - + 211 Milling-Machine Technique - + 224 Radio and Electronics - + + + 229 Table of Contents Continued on Page 8 Ingenious New Technical Methods To Help You with Your Reconversion Problems New Micro Square Instantly Checks Right Angles to One 10,000th Inch! {deal for; jon testing, the Acro Micro-Sine Square quick- ly and accurately checks right angle work to 1/10,000th inch within a given distance. Its standard indicator dial instantly registers error, location of error, and amount of correction juired. Designed for tool and die shops, machine shops aod testing laboratories, it also provides a standard for checking master squares, tri-squares and tools. The Acro Micro-Sine Square is very simple to operate, saves hours of time, Made of hardened tool steel, in ground and ‘Standard Indicator Dial lapped precision construction. Available in two types: (1) Standard precision gauge in tenths, (2) Lever indicator in thousandths. Both complete with master checking blocks and carrying cases. On precision jobs, requiring a static position and mental alertness, workers undergo nervous tension which often re- sults in fatigue. Tests have shown that the act of chewing helps relieve tension—helps workers stay alert, thus in- creasing their efficiency to do more accurate work. For this reason, many plant owners urge workers to chew Wrigley's Spearmint Gum on this type of job. You can get complete information from Acre Toul and Die Works 4554 Broadway, Chicago 40, Ilinois 4 POPULAR MECHANICS very Outing is More Fun with the em Mt) 3 Ready forInstant Use Anywhere You Go! Double the joy of all your outings with this new sen- sational Coleman "G.1.” Pocket Stove. Ready in minutes for quick cooking action, making hot drinks, boiling water. The perfect pal for hunting, fishing, and camping trips. Fine for heat and hot coffee in a duck blind. Ideal for picnics, vacations, motor, cance and hiking trips, backyard snack parties. Easy to Carry— about quart jar size angie only a bounds Sips salle into hunting coat pocket, glove compartment 2 of ear, or corner of picnic hamper. Burns Any Kind of Gasoline — Ss white or leaded. Instant Lighting Power Burner —produces 5,000 BTU per hour. Boils quart of water in eight minutes. 2-Piece Aluminum Case—provides 1-pint cup for coffee; 3-pint pot for food. 3 to 3% Hours Operation ‘on one filling of pint-size nickel plated brass fuel fount. Folding Grates accommo- date any ordinary size cooking utensil; made of stainless aol —will not rust. Ask your_dealer about the Coleman “Gl.” Pocket Stove, You'll warit one! More Fun at Home, Too! Docens of ues around home for glonidger sore” ta he work shop So ee trarer or for summertime vse On the Tool back porehe Favorite Outdoor SportLight ‘An instantlighting Coleman Floodlight Lantern is essential equipment on all outings, Floodlights 100-f. area. Strong- ‘est winds can’t put it out. Safe can’t spill fuel even if eipped over. Land 2manle models, Gee one from your dealer. showing and describing the many un- fand uses of this Cole: Pockee Stove. Address THE COLEMAN COMPANY, Ine. Dept. 260-PM, Wichita 1, hin8, Pz, Los Angeles 54, Calif: Honolaty OCTOBER 1946 5 Constance ond Wesley Muller, undersea explerer photographers (ord Xocto fant from ‘way beck!) sropped thls pictere of 1 whe follow them from rect tor emsalves with two of theit long the ocean floor! (Yet! Thot ie a sherk!) THEY EXPLORE THE OCEAN FLOOR HERE'S never a dull moment in the sea going life of the Muellers. They run their ‘own 40-foot cruiser, do their own diving take their own photographs, and coax the “monsters of the deep to pose for them. In their laboratory, in designing and repair {ing their equipment, in preparing their photo- ‘graphs for publication, they “encounter a hun- dred jobs requiring implements for delicate as ‘well as heavy cutting.” And that's a hundred fobs for X-acto! In fact, say these exacting ‘scientists, "X-acto Knives have now replaced 5 We Got Everything! No. 85 X-acto To 3 all-metal kn stripper; planer; drills and hold- eel ruler; complete in wooden chests, 31250, 6 and find a hundred uses for X-acto nondescript group of tools we formerly used, because we found them stronger, safer, keener.” 13 Blade Shapes Quickly Interchangeable! Landlubbers, too, find X-acto Knives do their hobby and business cutting jobs, quicker, better er. With 3 all-metal handle styles (No more substitute plastics!) and 13 different blade shapes, X-acto is always scalpel-sharp, always ready. Amateurs or experts. .. whittlers, model builders, sculptors in paper, wood or plastics... choose Xeacto for fun and best results, ®) and a1 KNIVES &TOOLS ‘At hardware, hobby and gift shops. ALL METAL X-aeto No. 2 Solid kno.” SOc $1: Other x Knives, Tools Chest, X-acto Crescent Products Co., Ine, 440 Fourth Ave, New York 16,N. ¥. In Canada: Handi- craft Tools, Ltd, Har- sant Bldg., Toronto Reg. U5. Pat 8 POPULAR MECHANICS Why be a BOOKKEEPER? When Accountancy offers more Money and Success If you are a bookkeeper, you are right on the threshold of a profession that pays far above average—where there's real opportunity to get ahead and move up fast. Why not step UP from bookkeepin —be an accountant—make real money! gy APPROVED You can learn Accountancy by the interestingLaSalle Problem Method—in your convenient spare time, at home, without losing a day from your work. You learn by doing... you study Accounting principles and solve Apcoanting problems under the clear guid- ance of experienced C.P.A.’s. You cover Ac- countancy from the basic princi ciples right up through Accounting Systems and Income Tax Procedure—to advanced training for the C.P.A. degree if you so desire. And as you go along step-by-step, you master tl pases of audit- ing, business law, statist ntrol, cost ac counting, organization, management, finance, etc. ‘You go as fast or as slowly as you choose. And i may start “‘cashing in” on your new ability long before you complete the training—as thou- sands of others have proved. Many advance quickly to better positions, even before they are half way through. And that is only the beginning of a growing and continuing success for the rest of your business life. Why remain “just a bookkeeper” when Ac- oe holds so much for you? Our free 48- Bagecboo let, “ACCOUNTANCY, THE PRO- ESSION THAT PAYS,” tells you what you must know to be an Accountant, and how you can prepare in your leisure time, at moderate cost and on easy terms. Send the coupon today. Get all the facts and judge for yourself. There is no obligation. You are already started in this field...find out how you can rapidly go to the top! Mail coupon NOW! OCTOBER 1946 LASALLE Extension University 1 Covrcopondence Tnettintion Dept. 1064-H « 417 S. Dearborn - Chicago 5, tl, Tig bet ae et re nese ce set Rena bie dye ini CS AGaeerase Name ss Postion. Address City, Zone ana State... “Pm GOING to be an ACCOUNTANT!” LASALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY ¢ {iii PYROIL PROTECTION YOUR CAR IS EASY and INEXPENSIVE * Removes sludge and carbon formation of * Assures lubrication cylinder walls * Reduces fric- tional wear * Makes starting easier, reduces battery drain Manufactured and Guaran teed by Pyroil Company, W.V. Kidder, Founder, 60 Pyroil Bidg., La Crosse, Wis. FYROM ComraNy 6 Fst0ll Bldg,, La Crowe, Wisconsin, {want my car to last and run properly. Please tell me more foot Pyrell and how 18 ean Accempllah this for Ee Name... adress... city or Town. Jerry, the talking dog, is entertaining hospitalized veter- ans, by courtesy of the PYROIL Com- pany, Picture of Jer- Ty, sent on request. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont AUTOMOTIVE AVIATION arama eo abst ght: 22 battery 100 ot Fae m3 Chemteat nutrients and dusolved Tertilnats injected Taio’ aide ‘rultseeea. ae cibctetuinped bet ets Tor basi a oa eam 189 INDUSTRY BerSeae Wie homecare ae gM rt ate nernrats soe omted 3 sgn TT A * Sage te A a ia ay SEER henner a aoe near a sp a itrsate) Belinda. STORE. ax oFFICK MISCELLANEOUS goes in revived for ensuing #45 turbine Dlades POPULAR MECHANICS hool swhen I had to leave Sc! T enrolled with I1.C.S. The Course xcellent--and the beginning ——— ich has of an educational habit wh: persisted through my life." WALTER D. FULLER President, The Curtis Publishin: "Zo those who are denied the ; opportunity of a college education, I.C.S. offers a satisfying substi- tute. I know. I studied an I.C.S. Course myself." JASPER, MCLEVY or of Bridgeport, Connecticut “Publishers of The Saturday Ee Counsry Gentleman, Jack and Jit. sing Post, Ledies' Home Joursal, **Now in his 12th consecutive year in this offce, - BOX 5589-K, SCRANTON 9, PENNA. tt cost or obligation, please send me full particulars about the ‘course Bejore which T have marked X: ‘Chemistry Courses Reto Servicing (OMectantea Drafting remiral Engineering Bee: ering Betssical Batecrne hemnstry. Anata eee GMaivtate Wort ‘Chematry fofasrial g Bitsene] Urttine i Patternmatina Wout, Metal Migr iron & Steal G Eletrical Eorinoeing ‘Shop ueprinia Blstnetichtand tower isheacMetl Dring ver Making Licting eke EiShect Moral Wontar malnanring, Leshitee” 6 Bower flew ite Bis pene, Oe rains, et ene Bish Hetrcan cous ee Tnternal Gombutton ate Bian insmalés stone i Baelwerty Coal Mining © Av Te wcinecring Ei Diceal Engines Gua Buginen Mechanical Courses i man 1 Aeronautical Engineering ‘sar Engineering Courses 5 Ateraft Dating bi B fiche kneineer Echetine Als Conditioning nd Tete lnm Beinn Plimbing Courses Tereite Courses Cie He Genter aorta 1D Refrigeration C} Steam Fitting E Radio Operating BiWeoke Menatertacag nes = omar Working Hours. A.M, to P.M, Length of Service in World War il. ‘Special tuition relca te members of tha Armed Forces, Enrollment unter he G.l. Bil of Rtohte approved for War I Vier ‘Cavadion rexalents aend coupon to International Correspondence Seohoote Canadien, Ltd Montreal, Canada. OCTOBER 1946 9 Homecrarrens, tool and die makers, and precision-work mechanics generally, find using these special types of files both en- joyable and profitable. They enable doing things next to impossible with other tools. jolson quality makes their ownership an additional source of pride. J, Nicholson X.F. Swiss Pattern Files are indls- ensatle on fine-instrument and model work. Illustrated is an assoriment of twelve in thé Knurled-handle Needle style, Omtered In hand. | some orange-and-blue plastic case that will delight the “hobbyist” in particular, 2, Nicholson Rotary Files are sweeping industrial aud amateur Tanks with their popularity. Operated with electric power tool, ttexible shatt or drill press. The Nicholson Rotakit (Glasefront hinged ease) contains ten assorted pes, EXCELLENT GIFTS—for Christmas or any je. Sold throngh good hardware and mill-supply houses, NICHOLSON FILE CO, FS hear St, Provdene 1, R | (an Conade, Pact Hope, Om.) (Continued trv age.8) TsHoniia ita Yar a aby’ poi id cele ia hee fe emi ‘Stipius hears brcete workiop. . Craftsman and Shop Notes Index AUTOMOTIVE Getting rig of ub cap rattles Bor isskept safely in auto with Nook fasiened't'iash Salésoluion i ined fe ches accuracy of bat aro ‘Prouser clamp kerps foot mat away trom work Biung sontneuecrhbber inner cubes eatin stem shorts” sere pein ae mated cnt EM nr Toner eeetetindy teat eee anon at pos sop to era STAM enn Put ca at en ee rea a Eel el eros a Gp GES PEA sa a i id'of ‘chart nvelope seated na Auger pol Wil tay sles ‘Reireuntng Suunctimn cousrves not waters Seiring home : Makita tape for wucow pas: ree ed pec OF ela dec Cid Bi ng fastened tes Ubugh green sh from dowaabodk stare otdeaile Rap anton bil Aftninumn-iined shower cabing on SEER ESL SOE, DE sii oh 1 TION Play ball, made trom basketball 5 Pata aii “ed on Gort of a a bi i ‘This aisk-throwing’ game tents skill of players PHOTOGRAPHY Decorative ribbon ornaments framed photos... iss arin ia developing tay xeevs Alm tron! i Pam eas Eee te one ped a its for photenvogs ete attached vay... Treoessed with, 1x00 : es pak a i es ng Bho Blue Cellophane attached fo view hnder elimina’ bralting tonges utenti ane dim-pack duer a Tape is used to identity ‘fim. eaten ETDOOR, REC! wits mae eld by ee Vile ei ao sp woe Gre Pe dor hansnide”aisortincat Goncpost. tare Sania pee Meltatar quiek suiting of a Hacc Basar sad ck co iesien aerree tT re ie eee cea ‘Aeractive photo bracelet {rom lens and letter opener. See een Se cihere oer ainciatawrons ‘Paoccobe Mihneulay Bancages feentity dierent ai: Bia coms Hubber cover protects. padioci ‘Bate aod mate are storéd tn Ine Bea i Berge Aller ends 4 ‘stat a ‘tied fas How, to\rivee softwood joints. bowed Holes panched ix five bucket aie tts Backing pabet held Ta postion with Tubber bands: RSS SauAST n'a SRAmiiy Brien hates POPULAR MECHANICS UDELS REF 1 AIR eONDITONING Cur roy trom Cover wy Coer—i28¢ Pages, Fully I be prigelpies, servicing, operation & repute of hou sal & instal rftieeration & air conditioning. A gold ‘lo of essentlal important lacs for englbesth, terecanen IDELS_CARPEN’ UILDER: AGUS 4 Volse cnc renee sé ‘A practical Mantsted trade aatstant oo fers constetton ter Sarbentet deters, ullders, mechanis ant ail wootworbre, 4 Sli 2008 page, 2700 trains debi coer. Doct tna HUei vole ald separately $100 8 AUDELS AUTOMOBILE GUIDE, ‘brace nendy Fecerone bok for ano mea Bet Pears ota ers, ta fines. 1540. pages, fully dil 15 chapt Reatard boo Yo technics New fla drive covered a AUDELS DIESEL ENGINE MANUAL.‘ $2 Re Gaara erent sea ane race ‘lua ma erie binds, pecker sizes All det broth cu, Cais Book is tadentss $1 eiexireme value fo eagioeers, operators & AUDELS WIRING DIAGRAMS. Sto vase Tustrated, Gives practi. face. on witing’ot ‘leew Ses Rss gcc ia aera, Fo (Sipunatory, Highly Budorsed Pocket Canparion, AupETS PLUMBERS & STEAMFITTERS Vols se es apeeee. 3% rate Sacee ees lite od it ie oso i He wiiep erent es dae ae Sirti erg Sa eet rac AUDELS. yp HEETMETAL ‘WORKERS ‘Practical inside information iti Stheened 1h facta Clog rien, BER pager iiistrateds 11 terion Cleary ett, Htapefta facts, gure potaters in everyday Iaagh Al SHEET. ae OEE a Sots 0 Laporte st i fferece 1 nsw iy fen overs al tara Dor apse. ts Por Mectasles & Bulldes. Cera IN. bis ‘oeluding ship de . Bice ne, 69 chante Easy Companion that answers your questions. AUDELS MATHEMATICS, ERPEULAVIONS FOR! Si dumesss $2 Social Seis area aag eo Practical mathe Me ‘fom Seglmine- Hor ta ttecpretl IDELS HANDY BOOK OF AUACTICAL PREC TRICHY or malntenance)exinecee, electricians Silas Tilo Pages, 1000 lus. ‘lectrical intormatton if hand forer—tacludiog 3 Steals, Pelee ‘Mating! tadezea, 4 ey to. practical understanding of evict ‘AUDELS RAPIONANS GUIDE, isicitt Seaganna acl ae ian erua ee ii ie ‘Guelacers, Gervicomen, amateurs, 173 Danes. 400 Diagrams. Pheos, Rovtew Questions & Answers, Reference Autieatie, eles, onclee. AUDELS ELECTRONIC DEVICE: Seis What oa Want to snow About Recta Hoe Ei Hel Gee Bee ceee cas ee ele es ilae Gagianss AUDELS WELDERS GUIDE. +81 arin (or al mena, ret 400 pate ena sites cits nod cine wetdlag Scud seplasa Wore AUDEL, Publishers, 49 W. 23 St., N.Y. 10 OCTOBER 1946 a aie GUIDES AN AUDEL GUIDE IS A GOOD FRIENDS Use the brains and experience of ethers in these Guides of the Trades, Save time and money with right methods, short cuts Icbor saving Ideas, CHECK NOWI You can look over any Aud = je in your home, Start the Easy Payments if satisfied, mmme CUT HERE seems MATL ORDER HruEo.AUDEL &.¢0,29W. 23 St,NewYorle 10,N¥. Pleasg mail me for 7 days’ free examination the books He (X) below. I ay to mail $1 in 7 days on each, book or set ordered, and to further mail $a month on each’ book or set ordered’until I bave paid purchase price. ‘fT am not satisfied with Guides I will return th PAudels O1L BURNER GUIDE. EHION Air Cor PLANT HYDRAULICS RAINCOMPRESSORS oP Baudet Pome’ I Ehisee Foie aye HPht Be Prt Reapiivg desea Heer Meta Peer Chroter* EL METAL PATTERN LAYOUTS Daudels MACHINIGTS & TOOLMAKERS Nandy Book DAudels MECHANICAL Dictic ESEL EN Does Basie ENGINEERS | Handy Book { [Gaudet SHIPFITTERS Egueths MECHANICAL DRAWING COURSE” Rogers DRAWING. and DESIGN PPPPPPPEBPPPSPRESEREAS: ot Wi pangee tree IANS EXAMINATIONS . < « PrAudels WIRING DIAG ; jols Hi Sock of PracTicat eLecrincrry ELECTRICAL POWER CALCULATIONS . CAUMGNELEGTRONIGDEVICES . . . « . : iAudels ELECTRIC Dictionar Pppperer® py n SMITH, President National Radio Institute ‘The man who hai div rected the Home Study Training of more men for the Ri than any in Ame eM SCR el $35 - $45 A Wook In Own Shop ions to enrolling for sour Taiio tralning made $iz bet weal” in a bande * and often cae Bo (988 | pair shop.” and "often "cane Fence Hiie tt Ea, Se Goit Ayer st. Johns, Newfoundland, $250 A Month In Own Shop fi “T am now operating a rude shop for my seit sd own it tye Tit Abeedtony ls. Averages Over $60 A Week cet Po Seat ct Soran! mares ems : Whe‘ stave: my ora al Nasi aad oa The XR. 7 3 $50 A Week From Own Shor games cree f0* most Dede from Ragin working forme. Tike to hing | AwOnbSN since, Hebron, Ree” ‘$50 A Month In Spare Time pe iaa Pee hal arabia aks, Reman al tks ahi, SS Fixing Radios Profitable Hobby | Frome piay mate See hcey on Sandee Be Rh A figs Fu aioaie ao Eater, MY COURSE INCLUDES TELEVISION ELECTRONICS FREQUENCY MODULATION 12 / will show you how to start @ Radio Service Business Full Time or Spare Time without capital SAMPLE LESSON FREE 272" Do you want a good-pay job in Radio—or your own money-making Radio Shop? Mail Coupon for a FREE Sample Lesson and my FREE 64-page book, “Win Rich Rewards in Radio.” See how N. R.I. gives you practical Radio experience at home—building, testing, repairing Redios with 6 BIG KITS OF PARTS I send! Many Beginners Soon Make Good Extra Money In Spare Time While Learning ‘The day you enroll I start sending EXTRA MON- EY JOB SHEETS. You LEARN Radio principles from my easy-to-grasp, illustrated lessons —PRAC- TICE what you learn with parts I send—USE your knowledge to make EXTRA money fixing neighbors’ Radios in spare time while still learning! From here it’s a short step to your own full-time Radio Shop or a good Radio jol Future for Trained Men is Bright in Radio, Television, Electronics Its probably easier to got storied in Radio now than ever before because the Radio Repair business i beoming. eased Redio Technicians aise find prontable oprortonitics in Pettes Aviston, Marine ‘Radio, Broadcasting, Radio’ Manucetwine Bublle Address work. ‘Think of ewn Greater opportuniciee sf Folevinion and “Eoceinonies teccee eae se oe eae Babel Send for tree books now! Find Out What N. R. 1. Can Do For You ‘Mall Coupon for Sample Lesson and my 64-Page DOOK. Read the details about my Course. Read letters {rom men Y trained, felling what hey re dotas: cermin” See how Gulch easly Fou can wer started. "No obligation! Just MATL COUPON in an envelope oF paste It on K?, National Radio. Institute, Pioneer Hor Schos!, Washington 9, D.C. Our 32nd Year of Training Men for Success in Radio A TESTED WAY POPULAR MECHANICS Ey LEARN RADIO BY PRACTICING IN SPARE TIME with 6 big Kits of Radio Parts | Send You! Paid hia WCE Rtee itl cate Peni Evakuvs Raseated ais You build. thie, Sera Recaiver ‘wb brings in a Lieb’ you wis suoceas fa Hadlo, Tao mens z SAM PLE LESSON | couron ror razz 120" AND 64-PAGE BOOK Name, Adee. OCTOBER 1946 13 AUDELS Carpenters and Builders Gui ides Inside Trade Information Ons fui fri aliiott Tse tt eqeargow (wis ond ot ed leer alee eee {pala othervine Y wil "otuen thon No bli Serre BOOKS ON APPROVAL sino NO MONEY. Tatas Ge cen Sieilice net of Six Big Ato Boat Siitic'or ieipers Sxgert'9¢ sppreat ‘owner or driver, take “knmedi Sean Stra tale Phe PANT aTION ay “axe coop MONEY Now anette te eae et 2 IMs food Tepalr Aen with “tnow how” art frdemtnd at be Dar" These ook wil Hp yeu ae! acai aa imperate Jo for'yourselt how or later” Any man who ait tires to imotore hase ca ear Big “Srvidg Rnd revenge Suck flere ethos use hue Srey Zoran ‘Suto"sroblen™ “ese onder Book prepared Wp lever of ameecat ‘aineers. hase CAN You FIX 172 ‘here, wonder oy tell oe sig voLumes ul eele alas please gle i ae 14 The field of Tandy Carerng offers uoasuabopporevaics Ot fs ON gl naps % i the bags homme buig sad : iy odtskiay roam eben We 4 Frode hwo oi one Lereslyete hope fa dagen yo pales, "iPexovo. tr. VEN BE YOUR OWN BOSS (Agua sayy °K flied. the Tiere are many employee per ‘oxne about ewe months go and ties rowel tron overage choot $300 pec hont_ Eel ym coca fou oe tcf ne snc Write oy Heclthul, pleasant outdoor ‘work in en uncrowded eld. Service from Coos! to Coost NATIONAL LANDSCAPE INSTITUTE DEPARTMENT F756 SOUTH BROIOWAT— 10S aN LEARS mane CARTOONING MAKING IN SPARE TIME — by Eaty Pleture Chart Method gine ane a, porn at svete io What Every Mason Wants Wants We have ry ma Masonic books for Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery, Scottish Rite, and Shrine. POPULAR MECHANICS INVENTORS The patent laws provide that any new and useful art, machine, article of manufacture, composition of matter, or design, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may be patented if the act of invention is involved. Therefore, every inventor with a valuable invention should take advantage of the patent laws and proceed for patent protection in order to safeguard his rights. A patent gives the inventor the exclusive right to prevent others from making, using, or selling the invention claimed in the patent for a period of 17 years. The patent laws were enacted for the benefit of the inventor to give him protection for the features of his | invention which are patentable. These features must be | properly and concisely set forth and claimed in a formal application for patent in order to comply with the require- ments of the U. S. Patent Office. For that reason, the Patent Office advises the inventor to engage a competent reg- istered patent atiorney to prepare his application for patent and represent him before the U. S. Patent Office Examiner. A specially prepared booklet containing detailed infor- mation with respect to patent protection and procedure will be forwarded to you without obligation upon request. CLARENCE A. O'BRIEN & HARVEY B.JACOBSON Patents mee Trademarks mt prrocton ‘procedures This reavest does mot ate me Copyrights Registered Patent AHorneys CLARENCE A. O'BRIEN & HARVEY B. JACOBSON 61-K Adams Building + Washington 4, D.C. OCTOBER 1946 ma Mei RADIO ELECTRONICS & TELEVISION Se eM ea for SIMPLIFIED INSTRUCTION — PRACTICE & TESTING ss « ae Beginners Learn FAST SC CMEC M Cy CULE A RPC CZ MAKE GOOD MONEY IN a Business of Your Own »or a Good Radio Job. T FREE BOOKS "How Te Reed Redie Diogroms and Sy DON'T PUT IT OFF! [a MAIL COUPON AT ONCE! in» 16 POPULAR MECHANICS VOC seeLa Le With a CHOMPS itty Let Me Prove | Can Make You a New Man Ne In Only 15 Minutes a Day AVE YOU got a wealsling body that others ean “push around"? Are you ashamed to strip for sports or a swim? Then it's about time you GOT’ MAD—mad at letting other fellows walk off with the prettiest ir the finest jobs, the best: cas of life. Mad enough to DO ROME Tne about it—to give me just 15 minutes a day. OOS RELES Then I'll PROVE you can have a body PAU ZL ASINA 82"! be proud of. packed with red-blood- i ed vitality! “Dynamic Tension.” Thats the seeret! That's how I changed myself from a scrawny, 97-pound weakling to the winner of the title, “World's Most Perfectly Developed Man,” Just 15 Minutes A Day , YOU can have big, broad shoulders a fine, powerful chest—arnis hale nye with “smash”—legs rijpling with muscular strength — a stomach ridged with sinewy fuvscle—and'a build you ean be proud of! Just give me the chance to PROVE. that “Dy. namic Pension” can build this kind of "he man” body FOR VOU! Just 15 show amazing results! “What's more, iy. fun-~beeause "Dynamic Tension MAILE courow oe FREE WOOK a . ion” “Dynamic Tension” Does It “Dynamic Tension” tured ME from 9 ryw-ehested nobody ti the powerful H Tin proud to be talay? So if you're a. wea ike T'was, fs time YOU gut nbad—and eh that lay ef hones into & handsome pawerhes Inawn and muscle I want to PROVE T can giv hammer ASE; a mighty forearn your chest, build a coat of musele straight across shy change dente auiodigs alweaye ros calunis at steed alton owe Kind of real “te-man™ build MAIL COUPON FOR FREE BOOK i Get the facts feat? L want wo show yt wow my meth works!" Mail Ue coopan elzht now and I'l send you Gop of ay famout Uletratod, baok—"verbacting Malt fand strength” ‘Tate Free Mook tells you tn shoulder Tensuase all abaui" Dyna CHARLES ATLAS, Dept. 8K, 115 East 23rd St, New York 10, T want the proof that sour esate Of "Dymamie Tension” wit ‘helt Wake a Nee Alan ef tensive ‘hegehy. shy bony ad Mg. juular ecea vert. Sen ine Sour free bok, sera Seth ink ia ee ang rand what boase Se eee ara See ene te ee J] sues Tee changed ou weatings ints Atae Champons—tel = ‘what they nte tn say Ad it talls ae 1 rant the sae Hom, AUNTS seats Te Oe tay TE nities ads da put a ei del 12 TG. ‘Shares we eramaliy: CHARLES ATLAS, Deak ak, 115 (SES gL Sn ee East 23rd St. N ‘York WO, No Ye OCTOBER 1946 Ww INVENTORS . T. Rules of Practice of U. S. Patent Office advises—unless the inventor is quali- fied to handle such matters—that he employ the services of a competent Patent Attorney in the preparation of his Patent Applica- tion. We are Registered Patent Attorneys fully qualified to represent you at the Patent Office. in patent practice, we believe, enables us Our long and varied experience readily to understand inventors’ disclosures, to advise what is probably patentable, after conducting preliminary patentability inves- tigation of prior U. S. patents, and to draw your specifications and claims in such man- ner as to present clearly the novel features. Patent Laws Favor the Inventor Who Acts Promptly Remember, the details of your invention do not have to be 100% perfect before you can obtain patent. Unwise inventors often devote considerable unnecessary time work- ing on unimportant details of their devices. This is expensive, hazardous and unneces- sary. First step is to have us conduct search for the prior U.S, patents and render a report as to its patentability. Our Search Report is very valuable to you in that it clears up the course you should take in re- gard to your invention. If our Report is favorable, this report of the patentability of your device shows that your chances of patent protection are in your favor. Have Patent Protection First Unless you safeguard your invention by obtaining a patent, thereby securing a monopoly on same, it may become “public ree to be made, used and sold by anyone, or it may be patented by some other, property.” person. McMORROW, BERMAN & DAVIDSON Registered Patent Attorneys 135-X Victor Building, Washington 1, D. C. * re MeMORNOW, BERMAN & DAVIDSON | e ' 1984 Vicor Baling, Wethington 1, D.C ! : 1 Send ine futher particulars on how to protec my invention and ' copYRicHTs ! Pee i at once, 1 understand that this request ' PATENTS ' ' TRADE MARKS t ° POPULAR MECHANICS hy be a Fapuan,7 Ovr rrienp, the anthropologist, told us that only a Papuan could have designed these ceremonial masks. We'd have helieved him —except for one thing. We know the man who doodled them . just traced the outline of a paper clip and shaded to suit. Try it. Or better yet— don’t try it. There’s no great demand for Papuans—or for constant doodlers — in the world of business and industry. The demand is for trained men and women. The large rewards — promo- tions, greater responsibilities, increased salaries — go to those who master commercial and technical subjects. Training in all these fields is available through the International Correspondence Schools. In the time it takes a Papuan to make a mask . . . in the same time many a man spends in doodling... you can master Plastics or Accounting, Drafting or Radio — any of more than 400 subjects — through study with I. C. S. If you're as smart as we think you are, you'll act today to obtain full information on the I. C. S. Course in your field of interest. Just mark and mail the coupon and you're in touch with us. Do it right now! BOX 5590-K, SCRANTON 9, PENNA, igation, please send me full particulars about the clurse bejore which E have marked Xt ad Geena ‘Tortile Courses ierroriee Q Cotton Stanufactasiog ‘Communication 3 fon Wea tecurnicn ox Bie helene Bi Woolen Nandectoring Business and Late Serre Aes one Teleerair a D At Riectrient Courses Ditis Drafter, E Ship Fiting Bool Deiene tostaning B Weiine "San ant cero ie Viti Pal wal Per Sui qo oooont Meh boot B Ratitont Section Foreman Higher Sathematier’ Steam Engineering Courses {gilermaking gies BES neta gacreme, Om a Pret Pet — Working Nowra... _____p., Length of Service In World War I. Hpecia tuition vatca to members of the Arwed Furees, Kurllwent wader the GL. Bill of Bishts enproe d for Wer IL Veteron Conadian residents send corpon fo International Correrponience Behoois Canadian, Ltd., Montreal, C OCTOBER 1946 19 20 PATENT PROTECTION for INVENTORS | A PATENT IS A VALUABLE RIGHT On the basis of a provision in the Constitution of the United States, Congress has established a system under which inventors thay secure the exclusive right to prevent the unauthorized use, manufacture and sale of their inven- tions for periods of seventeen years. The inventor secures this protection by obtaining a patent from the United States Patent Office. ICTOR J. EVANS & CO., established in 1898, has a staff of experienced registered patent attorneys, available to represent inven- tors in the preparation and prosecution of their cases before the Patent Office. Detailed information and the steps to be taken in ob- taining patent protection will be furnished upon request. we—=FORM BELOW FOR MAILING CONVENIENCE== =m sms mmsnay VICTOR J. EVANS & Co. Durler VW. Grane REGISTERED PATENT ATTORNEY ‘Main Office: 130-L Merlin Building, Washington 6, D. C. Pittsburgh Office: 521-N Empire Building Los Angeles Office: 738-N Security Buildin: Please forward to me detailed information regarding procedure to obtain Patent Protec- tion, together with your idence of Invention” form. Name. Address. City and State. PATENTS © TRADEMARKS @ COPYRIGHTS POPULAR MECHANICS Let me show you how to prepare for a GOOD JOB NOW-GetReady QUICKLY 2jfor the field that offers STEADY ‘A partial view of one of Senator aeCoyae_| WORK and a REAL FUTURE Start now to prepare for a Lifetime of Success. Get into Flectricity, the essential field that will continue to offer good pay and a real future all through the years. Coyne traius you, NOT by correspondence, but by actual shop work right on real electrical machinery. Then on my “STU- DENT FINANCE” PLAN YOU CAN PAY MOST OF YOUR TUITION IN EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS AFTER YOUR TRAINING PERIOD IS OVER. Tn the Bix CoymeShops vn ret tronic tai liSsround' taining Ba ace ea nies No advanced ‘edication of previous Training Now Included i, Kany of Added training in these two reat Seide is now included ‘with. my. Electrical Course. Tnuetri Blectronie. and Electric Refrigeration ofer bigopportuaties. Get BOTIL a coynel NWI = Se con praia } MEN WITH PHYSICAL DISABILITIES. I ee 8. short ot sidony end ase JOBS LIKE THESE We also have facilities for men with physical dis- pari-time work to help pay for your H Ligne snd Power Wiring abllties whether due. to war or other cusses mployment Department a Armature Wind: herk coupoa for particulars if you have a physi- Eipismeat Baran acy | Atgatte dies PST Siy fate mine have: gradated, they will give You nance Blecrriclan Lifetime Employment Service. of facts and: photograplis which tell you about Learn by Doing gies NO Yousetoractcal Learn-ty-Doing”” | Our Employment ureayfor oe uident, Fined plan, Bare tines raining « « wiring, wstalling, oper ersuaiev gives FREE LMC: YE piovment Pian, Graduate Employme ator, ti trang a oie ; “al Service, Lifetime Membership, etc = Rt feal and Blew You vcrk co MY GRADUATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE HAS LETTERS FROM -—_ ‘G FOR COYNE TRAINED” MEN | Hence. Others had experience in. One oF two branches but realized they needed all-around training for the better jobs and advance- ort let tack of mopey keep vou from sendin in the Coupon now. My big FREE Book ts full fires, ioters; generators, DOZENS OF FIX Feirigerators, electronic coatrols, etc. FOR GOOD JOBS Wi bs ST nd Toda rT COUT: VETERANS a t . Coyneis socauin: | PST Ba Be : ! Paeeteteaes @ ELECTRONICS } Rte REEL Say, trainis inder the : ' cates eee OL: Soceninarces ucla | siete | ocuci tans | PUD fiche aA | MUGEN § C)ccnd opccial G. 1. Bulletin $ Sond phsioal dinabiliey datas, COYN ELECTRICAL SCHOOL ! *~ 500 S. Paulina St.,Dept.76-72,Chicago,12_ ' 44" oy OCTOBER 1946 21 SEND FOR THESE FIVE FANOUS Boos ‘COURSES IN BOOK FORM WORLD'S GREATEST Aoverfid POUNDS and Vitel INCHES of | DYWAMIC MUSCLE \ your ARMs, LEGS, Gay BACK, CHEST, ) xd SHOULDERS BODY BUILDER ACCENT! a Mighty Grip 25¢ fs auenty Cues 220 ) No orders tess ere Coe | len and Women—Get set NOW in an INTERESTING and PROFITABLE LIFETIME CAREER Veterans: MANY LIBERAL ALLOWANCES UNDER “GI” BILL OF RIGHTS ‘Address: Dept. A MT Ba UU etd ARTISTS MAKE MONEY Bagguike to draw? Send name, address, age and occupation for FREE ART ART INSTRUCTION, | \e1a6 ART INSTRUCTION BLDG. MINNEAPCLIS 15, MINN. Eg Ls # POPULAR MECHANICS WHICH OF THESE saci INTERESTS Hee MOST wating Accout 1 conditioning vette & Duilding Plastics a Plurmbing—Frae Diesel Engines se io cacee Drafting & Design 1g & Servicing “3 away Trend tive Engtnestins IRetrigerotion tina Actomotivactical ares, ineustial arorn Dr everion Pra tleetronies sheet Metal Pot Shop Manegemen root Making eiation Drafting & Desae i + Foremonshi> THINK! LOOK FORWARD! Business is making big, new plans Men and Women are preparing for the future WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT YOUR TOMORROWS? @ Today, choose the job you want—and prepare for it. Or if you are already engaged in the work you like best, start training now for quicker promotion. Acquire the knowledge that will help you to get ahead faster, make more money and have greater security. Invest part of your spare time in more rapid progress, Start training now, in spare tme in your own home. Be ready to grasp your opportunity and step out ahead of those who lack the ability you have attained American School, founded in 1897 as an educational institution not for profit, can help you to reach your goal Just as it has helped others during the past forty-nine oME- STUDY TRAINING SINCE 1897 years, Give serious thought ,%,77 Se to the lst above. Pick one ze Take This ‘st Easy Step or more subjects that inter- est you. Then check the cou- pon at right, add your name and address and mail it at once. The school will send you details on its training plan and outline of study prepared by specialists. There is no charge, no obligation, so send the coupon imme- diately AMERICAN SCHOOL Dept. G745, Drexel at 58th Street, Ch 190 37 OCTORER 1946 PRACTICAL, EFFEC He AST Vea ‘AMERICAN SCHOOL, Dept, G745, Drexel at 58th, Chicoge 37, I out edit, Please vend’ PIMEL aul postpaid, billet’ and © Drafting and Design forsien'and Women EElectrieley-Prac, © Ride ‘tronics, Induate, © High School % {D Better Foremanship OM Gperations” B Raltway'Teaintan Nem adaress coy . AVE, oo nae LEARN SILK ee s ~ For Men a are Trained in AUTO BODY & FENDER WORK Men 18to60. Wants fatare with good pay, perhaps abcsinessof! yur own later? If you are mechanically inclined, start now to to become an auto body mechanicand fender repairman. ‘fast growing field has great possibilities for trained men, pare time, home-stady training com- ractice gives you sound, basic know! edgeof latest, bestmethodssoyoumay get theexperience which may bring you big pay, Capable instructors ies and actual practice. Course includes spray painting, doo of hand and power tool THOROUGH, RELIABLE TRAINING JE.1.bas trained men for new opt iy = Renee mares eet ee tfc Peet SSS cyanea ere ian sa Sere erin! ig placement service Jour own shop Gee the fects FIRSE, without obligntions Write today AUTO-CRAFTS DIVISION fon Avenue, Dept. 1100X, Chicago 14, " st mahbte Bev st IN 90 DAYS AT HOME Money- Making Career Open to Men and Women, 18 to 50 nue tteatmenta alten, oes Sanking profession ‘repare" for” future ‘security qualifying for, Sour, Diplema. Ci ‘ato 4 months: ‘Begin your training at once Anatomy Charts & Booklet FREE Heese aah ls FREE, postpats, THE COLLEGE OF SWEDISH MASSAGE Dept. OG4-M, 100 East Oslo St~ Chleage 11, tlinels stpaid, Abstomy Charts, $2-pese "lone ‘rating Plewe send me FILE Bookie and coaplete deta Name... ‘addres. tir. 24 PROCESS nly Guarded Trade Secrets NOW Decelop a Profitable Busi Your Own rele a LEARN (Ceecurting—-» wre CL Fee al Beokkeepers, eccountonts, ond secretaries are in great demand. Now {the time to prepare forthe meny opportunities open to businese- trained men and women Write today for FREE copy:ot interesting new bocklet, “Through Mis To Success," which tells where the best postions ore found and how yeu moy tein for therm quickly at home in your spore time or tn Fesident school Hil’ is ated os one of America’s leading of successful graduates” Notionvide © oF os Sa e ye ame Ck a ae ey nieces WHY DONT YOU WRITE? eps perce ee op vet, memes, eee business schools, Thowonds wrt Service NEWSPAPER INSTITUTE OF AMERICA, ‘WHAT BOOKS DO YOU WANT? te the lowest market prices. No charge for locating Pind and Out-at-Print Books. All books, OLD of BBW. mated 20. New York City SAY YOU SAW IT IN POPULAR MECHANICS \E STUDE Ai HOME i PERSONAL SuCCTES SPIE BOOK "Law and BxeveiveCuidance AMERICAN EXTENSION SCHOOL OF LA\ ‘Western wa) ane aaa Jere recs cert fa cami POPULAR MECHANICS Pee You “LEARN-BY-DOING” at Home with Practical Equipment Home MOVIES Help You Learn FASTER...EASIER Motion Picture Projector zo tearm howe into's “book! “tse it ay 0'tey 2 show ut ay to | Send for FREE BOOK ‘sul OCTOBER 1946 a : | hea Att RADIO ee LS ay Se hove Fo fol 12 1 1 1 | PLEMENT. TODAY! | Srna TO \h STN a «nests ELECTRONICS this MODERN" A- B-C’’ WAY . at ome ld thelr own with Iitier if any. capital: WELL-| ILLUSTRATED i LOOSE-LEAF LESSONS lectronte ‘ini weds A Ley TRAINING INC., Chicago, III DeFOREST'S TRAINING, INC, PES lend ie Sis i Outed Wasliteia ices 25 SO IT NEEDS FIXING By S. T. CHRISTENSEN the “Fiz-it Man” w I guess I'm the fellow to see, for repaired thousands of refrigera- tors (home and commercial both), vacuum cleaners, radios, washing machines. irons, fans, lamps, mangles, motors, etc. In fact, many of my customers call me their “elec- trical appliance doctor.” And, “doctoring,” I might add. has paid me a good substantial income for quite a few years. Funny, in a way, how I got started. Always liked to tinker and by experimenting around I found that most electrical appliances had many things in common. That, regardless of what the appliance was used for, or who the man- ufacturer was, the basic principles were much the same, From fixing my own appli- ances to fixing friends’ and then for strang- ers at a fee, seems now to have been but a small step. What to Charge? At first, I let the owner decide the charge and, frankly, I was amazed at what I earned per hour. But then, when one figures what initial costs are involved in buying most electrical appliances, one can readily see that spending extra dollars for repairs is well worth while. Before long I was making more in my spare time repairing than from my regular job. The result .. . 1 went into business for myself. When war came, busi- ness boomed, for new appliances were not available. For a while, repair parts (needed on some jobs) were a little dificult to get. But that situation quickly adjusted itself and many repair parts were given the high priority rating of AA2. After all, we had to provide for the heaith and well-being of our civilian population. ‘The Future Offers Friends ask me about my future. And, 1 think I've got a grand one. Age is no handi- cap in repairing. I have in my files enthus! astic letters from repairmen ranging in age from 18 to 79 years. Now the war is over we are certain to see hundreds of new prod- ucts on the market ... products that the average person never dreamt of. These new roducts and our old appliances are all go- Ing to need at some time or other “fixing.” ‘Well, I'll still be the fellow to do it. The field open for appliance repairmen is unlimited. I don’t worry at all about too much com- petition. if You Are Ambitious To the contrary, I've prepared a complete course, chuck full of simple, easy to under- stand photos and drawings’ and written in the same non-technical language as this article. I know the course is good, because Thave hundreds of men all over the country writing to me telling me how the course has helped swell their pockets with cash. If you too want to prepare now for your future, I suggest you read the next page and send me the handy coupon.” 2 Advertisement 26 POPULAR MECHANICS BIG MONEY INDEPENDENCE 4 PROFITABLE LIFETIME BUSINESS OF your own! PREPARE NOW FOR THE FUTURE Af now employed, start your home appliance repair business NOW in your gpare time and be set with a business of your own no matter what bappens. You don't need elaborate fixtures or expensive equipment to be a successful repairman. "Operate from your garage, basement, vacant store, etc. Work a8 many hours a8 you wish—the home appliance repairman is his own boss. It is @ profitable occupation for on many types of repairs it is not unusual for a Yepairman to charge on the basis of $5.00 to $6.00 per hour. Don't gamble with Jour future—tenrn a trade that will always support you. Temember, as long ‘as electrical appliances are used, there will be a need for electrical appliance Fepairmen. If you are at all mechanically inclined—esn hold and use tools—then you bave I of the qualifcations required for becoming a big money earning home appliance repairman. It does not maiter if you have not had a great deal of thocling or had previous experience along these linea—WE WILL, TEACH YOU, “Age should be no barrier—nor should any minor physical handicap, New Course Tells All illustrated, our new course shows you in simple, eaay to understand and drawings how to make each tapalr on. refrigerators, vacuum ; washing machines, motors, ete. Explaics and gives you @ working Knowledge of electricity, welding, nickel plating, etc. Shows you bow to build the power tools you need and how to solleit and Keep business coming to you. Not'a theory course but an honest to goodness course written by and used by Tepairmen the country over. Price of course is 60 low that the savings on your ‘own houtehold appliance repsirs will quickly pay for it. Act now! Mail the Ranay coupon below today. ——-——— Read What Our Students Say About Course: 5 2, hee oer one iiss ees Ses aee ane a wed your Course Repairing and f ‘nay Tam well pleased ith same, Tian ont sory : when Jou sd th Ps ‘mare through this It eontaina “quite a ‘bit ‘Burm T woul not pare with fhore "nformation, than fEXGpaclen Schwarze Hami> bargained fore m= Be J. ‘Sa, onto: Brot, Sebring, Oho, GET STARTED TODAY—MAIL THIS COUPON r------. = CHRISTY suPPLY Co. 2835 N. Central Aven, Dept. 0-3803 Ghicaga $4, Hh snd. me freo illustrated literature shout 's Fastest Growing industry — BLECIII- CAL APPLIANCE REPAIRING. ‘vere 86 State... a se a om we net OCTOBER 1946 27 ELECTRICIANS com Get THESE COMPLETE PRACTICAL BOOKS B vary one. of theee’ great, books ie packed Full of money-making BP facts and ideas for practical eleciricians or radioen. Ideas that can mark you as a leader in your field .. . facts that can put in demand wherever there's a tough problem or trouble, They J all add up to a steady job at more money! B Absolutely to-date in every detail, these fine books are written Mi from, and backed by over 47 years of practical experience of mp Coyne, America’s great Electrical School. BY Look over the complete list of Coyne “Pay Raiser” Books below. Select any, or all of them—try them at home . . . refer to them on the job... put them to work for you for 7 days FREE. Prove to yourself, without sending a penny,: what these books will mean to you! SEND NO MONEY— JUST MAIL COUPON! dnt check allo anf ig Toy yo tant and ney be delivered ou E m for and then, if you aro sacked’ in otery way, focure thems enel 300 owe mousing CWoul erent pay the retarn postage) Understand, you can order one or more books. However, if you order all 14 books, then you'll have our complete library and you sive $6.00. ‘And whether you Seep the books or not, Coyne’ Bock of 150 Wiring Bray oy coe reais pet een md it's my gift fo you for just a see Cayne’s 7 Volume SS ractical Electricity”, or more. So ish the coupon today" The COYNE - 7 Volume Set ~: APPLIED git ate Le ELECTRI ciTy - ‘The new sensational Coyne Electrical & Radi Bees the foketing Heettandion Service and Technical News Bulletins, which keep this book ‘SHOP PRINTS & HOW TO READ THEM imple ANC renting Wire Dearne Eats, trou toeemy FREE ys ask Y—t aS UESWWami0 mew a exec. ta panies ce some Lic eee Sie iar tls rane coo peor ss SOYRE STARTING YOUR OWN SHOP—110 pace see Sown-toearth facts on what to doand whatnot to do fe Taam Eusiccmienimerrase: bene gees Hon Setvicersen, Mechinics,ste-#/00 Cash or j.a0.0n tine COWNE ELECT RE 10, ELECTRONICS {Soo afer Tdaveand sl Wmovthis)--isearFreeConadtaton BICTHONARY and BATA BOGK “a0 terme fot, « INe MANUAL soox pivision COYNE ELECTRICAL SCHOOL 28 POPULAR MECHANICS and Radomen BOOKS MUST EARN INV ps 5 TIMES THEIR COST y OR YOUR MONEY BACK z i a “150 SHOP PRINTS “=> and How to Read Them’, tion, T gue 5 ti h co otu < : ep e tral period—just. by the trial period—just. by having books on hand. That's why I you th cl Y Thnow to men KEEP IT EVEN IF YOU RETURN OUR BOOKS the Signed: B. W. Cooke, Director, EXAMINE THE BOOKS at My Risk LGN eo Co] 97.0 4 stor, COYNE ELECTRICAL SCHOOL, Dept. 76-86 | ' 1 1 Coupon is Jus? a re: for FREE TRIAL SE a me UL CSCO UT Sd Coupon now and get your FREE book besides. ! Ferergimeindine one ye : ya SA 600K eae Reta Name Atensiee | Address ! City. oeeeseseeeeeneneres Zone... Stat ' Where Emplosed 500 South Pavlina Street Dept. 76-R6, Chicago 12, I 0,D.— (vou pay pos oe! Bieg Beamminalion and > OCTOBER 1946 29 It's YOUR future — Make the most of it! | Start now te earn | the bigger pay in electrical repair ponunity fot started ta | tlectrie] maintenanes and repalr—and at top-notch wages? Are you Fenas—witn exjertence. and. auliiiy—to ca. In on It? Others wre Getting Jun ‘the tor of hacksround ‘reaed—guiek! practical 10 Handle the great variety of ‘electrical tesintenance and repale Work TODAY—teoin thls well-Anows electrical Mary. You can too! THE LIBRARY OF ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 5 vele., 1826 pages, 1724 illustrations Gives you the "know-how to tackle ans wiring of motor Jo. Five Toots show you OW te Inslalf sll tper of motor aad kenerator units to inspect. snd teyale motor starters apd generators —~ to ‘agaase nator ani gene listo fre ne wieinge for eld fores—De aiid NC Minuioge-to test armature windings-—test Induce Mon wotors, ete, ett. One book ix full_ot troutte-shwoting

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