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ae FREE Hashlight Leakpronf Rashlight Batteries | Yes, a free flashlight if yours is ever damaged by Ray-O-Vac Leakproof Batteries. Ordinary batteries often ruin valuable flashlights by swelling, sticking or corro- sion . . . you will protect your flashlight if you use Ray-O-Vac Leakproofs, Read the steel-clad guarantee. Ray-O-Vac Leakproofs make sure your flashlight works when you need light. RAY-O-VAC COMPANY, MADISON, WISCONSIN Ci y GUARANTEE We will give you FREE @ new comporo: ble Moshlight if yours is ever domoged by BUY SPARES -They Stay Fresh! THE NEW B. F. GOODRICH TIRE OUTWEARS PREWAR TIRES N ANY KIND of road and in all kinds of climates, the new B, F. Goodrich tire out- wears prewar tires. It has proved itself in millions of miles of driv- ing on taxi fleets, police cars, and special test cars. Reports are comingin telling how much bet- ter the new B, F, Goodrich pas- senger car tires stand up than the tires of prewat days, ‘One reason for this exception- al durability is the wider, later tread that wears longer because ic wears more evenly. Another is the stronger tire body, made that DECEMBER 1946 way by using more cords and stronger cords. This combination of thick, tough, longer-wearing tread and more rugged tire body gives you attire that can take the pounding of bumpy roads as well as the steady grind of high-speed driv- ing on smooth concrete. Of course, supplies of tires are still limited. In spite of greatly increased production, demand is even greater. This is especially true of the B. F. Goodrich Silver- town tire that outwears prewar ies. Please check your needs well in advance. Talk to your B. F. Goodrich dealer. He'll do his best to keep yourolling until he can get the new tires for you. The B. F. Goodrich Company, Akron, Obio. B.F.Goodrich FIBST IN RUBBER HANPION PREPARE your car for winter driving by having| your decler Sf Oe they have lost thair efficiency, Spark Plugs. They will insure instant starts in coldest weather, faster o wr eid aliens with dependable anne Champion dealers ‘everywhere ill sefve you with the correct size and type for your cor to insure maximum efficiency and economy. Snop info winter with dependable Champion Spark Flos SPARK PLUGS | | i rowlow THE EXPERTS DEMAND DEPENDABLE CHAMPIONS FOR YOUR CAR 2 POPULAR MECHANICS Popular Mechanics Magazine ‘Registered in U, 8, Patent Ome and Canada H. H. WINDSOR, Founder COMMANDER Walter S. Reid, copilot and en- gineering officer on the Truculent Turtle, tells his story of the rec- ord-breaking 11,- 236-mile flight from Perth, Australia, to Colum ‘bus, Ohio, in this issue. “I Rode the Turtle” is the real inside story of an amazing flight that accom- plished two important missions. NEXT MONTH a front-row seat awaits you for our own “European Auto Show'—a five-page picture’ layout of some postwar cars that should make Detroit sit up and take notice. Europe is fighting for export business in automobiles. Another January feature tells how electrically operated machines are becoming the right hand of medi- cal science, Then there's an article on America’s most dangerous busi- ness which takes a toll of 45 lives every 24 hours. This business — surprisingly enough — is farming. FIVE-SECOND sequence, “injec- tor” cooling, electric shutter and “eyewink” speed of slide chang- ing—these are the top features of a new-type color-slide projector fully described with how-to-build plans in the January Craftsman section, Another story tells how to make an incubator for the biol- ogy lab. If it is built in the school woodworking shop every student will have an opportunity to under- stand its construction and operat- ing principles. And of course you'll want to read the article on tree pruning so that you'll be ready for the work when dormant-prun- ing time rolls around. BEGINNERS will find a 1-tube dual-regenerative a.c. loud-speak- er set in the Radio and Electronics section next month, also simple diagrams for individually con- trolled extension speakers for any receiver. DECEMBER 1946 EH: H. WINDSOR, Jr., Editor and Publisher DECEMBER 1945 Volume 86 Number 6 ‘Managing Editor. S Roderick M. Grant Assistant Managing Editor... “Wayne Whittaker ‘Shop Notes and Crafts Editor James R. Ward ‘and Electronics Ecitor. Frank L. Brittin Editor. Editor. “Thomas E. Stimson, Jr. oFronk Beatty Art Director. Assistant Editors Donald. Brooks Clifford B. Hicks Moston M. Jacks Virgil T, Swanson Assistont Editors, Shop Notes and Crafts ‘W.Clyde Lammey Wayne C.leckey John F.Shrock A.E. Youngquist In This Issue I Rode the Turtle By Comdr. Walter S. Reid, USN__89 New Rivers for the West _- - - 98 Narrow Gauge Movies - - - - 105 Designed for Junior Engineers - 116 Hummingbird Cafeteria. - - - - 123 Inside the ‘Atom City” - - - + 131 Hi t] Ae ee Bootmaker for the Stars - _- - - 146 Special Delivery House - a Driver Are You? - + 1 For the Craftsman Her Own Chest of Drawers - - - 178 Stage Your Own Marionette Show - ‘Vacuum Cleaner Checkup and Repair 201 Shooting Single-Column Pictures - 206 Synchronous Current Rectifier - - 219 ‘‘Heat-Forming” Plastics- - - - 223 Radio and Electronics _- _- - _- 229 Table of Contents Continued on Page 8 anne eng iy puna rcs Spray Ingenious New Technical Method To Help You with Your Reconversion Problems 12,000 Holes per Hour! With New Gearless Multiple Spindle Drillhead! The Zagar Gearless Drillhead can accommodate up to 400 drills in one head—drill up to 400 holes at one time! This revolutionary unit runs noiselessly and vibration-free on needle, tapered roller and precision ball bearings ad is lubricated by a patented automatic oiling system to insure trouble-free operation. With this unit all holes are drilled at one pass, and valuable time is saved by the elimination of indexing and extra handling. It may be used on standard drill presses, or furnished as a complete hydraulic machine by the factory. Another time saver, as well as a help on a tedious job, is chewing gum. The simple act of chewing seems to make the work go faster, easier—helping to relieve worker's fatigue —so that a better piece of work can be turned out with greater safety. Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum may be used even when both hands are busy—right where the work is being produced, You can get complete information from Zagar Tool, Inc. 23881 Lakeland Bled., Cleveland 17, Obio POPULAR MECHANICS In cold or heat or snow or rain You get there when you go by train Dependability! That's one big advantage of traveling by train—by Union Pacific. Furthermore ...the alt-conditioned be Specific - comfort, restful sleep, room to roam, delightful meals. . . all say"Union Pacific” these and other features go to make your train trip o vacation in itself. Going to or from the West—go os the seasoned traveler goes. Take the rood of relaxation . .. Union Pacific. DECEMBER 1946 . 5 Le the Powers of the Universe ¢(X0D GEOMETRIZES,” said an ancient sage. Within the straight line, curve, and angle— and their combinations—exist’ the forces of crea- tion, These secret symbols contain the mysterious laws of the universe. Upon-their right use—or the neglect of them—the success or failure of every human enterprise depends. Have you a desire, something you wish to ac- complish in life? Put your finger on a dot. In whatever direction you move your finger from the dot, you have made a beginning. Thus a dot is the symbol of one—or a beginning. Your desire then is also symbolized by one. If you follow the proper method or way to accomplish what you want, you have arrived at point two, Whenever these two symbols are brought together—the idea and the Hight wy—you produce paint three—the success of your plan. Success, therefore, is symbolized by the sree equal sides of a triangle, In planning your personal affairs—business, do- mestic, or the welfare of your family—do you use 2 Cosmic formula? Do you determine whether your acts are in accord with Divine truths eternally expressed in symbols? Why does the circle represent completion? Why is it said that a man is on the square? These allt. . THE ROSICRUCIANS, AMORC - symbols are used by astronomers and scientists to prove the physical laws of the universe—why don’t you apply them to the problems of your everyday world? Learn what symbols, as powers and forces of nature, you can simply and intelligently use in directing the course of your life. Let the Rosicrucians (not a religious organiza- tion), a world-wide brotherhood of learning, reveal to you the symbolism of successful living. Let this GIFT BOOK Explain If you want to prepare yourself through under- standing for the greater rewards of life, write for the fascinating free Sealed Book. It explains how Use the you may receive this age-old wisdom, coupon below. Scribe E. Z. We THE ROSICRUCIANS, AMORC San J. U: Please’ ean == ss SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. 6 POPULAR MECHANICS I you're that man, here’s something that will Interest you. Not a magic formula—not a get-rich-quick ‘Scheme—butsomethingmoresubstantial, more practical. OF course, you need something more than just the desire to be an accountant. You've got to pay the price —be willing to study earnestly, thoroughly. Still, wouldn’t it be worth your while to sacrifice some of your leisure in favor of interesting home study—over a comparatively brief period in your life? Always pro- vided that the rewards were good—a salary of $3,000 to $10,000? A An accountant’s duties are interesting, varied and of real worth to his employers. He has standing! Do you feel that such things aren't for you? Well, don’t be too sure. Very possibly they can bel Why not, like s0, many before you, investigate LaSalle’s modern Problem Method of training for an accountancy position? Just suppose you were permitted to wor aczounting house under the personal supe ; expert accountant. Suppose, with his aid, you studied accounting principles and solved problems day by day —eacy ones at first—then the more difficult ones. Ifyou could do this—and if you could turn to him for advice as the problems became complex—soon you'd master them all, C That's the training you follow in principle under the LaSalle Problem Method. You cover accountancy from the basic Principles right up through Accountancy Systems and Income 4 Procedure. Then you add C. P. A. Training and pre~ pare for the C. P. A, examinations, As you go along, you absorb the principles of Audit- ing, Cost Accounting, Business Law, Statistical Con- trol, Organization, Management and Finance. Your progress is as speedy as you care to make it— depending on your own eagerness to learn and the time you spend in study. Will recognition come? The only answer, as you know, is thar success does come to the man who is really trained. It’s possible your employers will notice your improvement in a very few weeks or months. Indeed, many LaSalle graduates have paid for their training— with increased earnings—before they have completed it! For accountants, who are trained in organization and management, are the executives of the future. Write For This Free Book For your own good, don’t put off investigation of all the faets, Write for our free 48-page book, “Accoun- tancy, The Profession That Pays.” It'll prove that accountancy offers brilliant futures to those who aren’e afraid of serious home study. Send us the coupon 0m. Over 2300 Certified G. I. APPROVED LaSalle alumni LASALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY , A CORRESPONDENCE INSTITUTION | 417 South Dearborn Strect, Dept. 1264-H, Chicage 5, Illinois | Public Accountants among Ry Iwant tobean accountant. Send me, withoutcostor obligation, the 48-page beok, “Accountancy, ‘The Profession That Pays,” and fall information about your accountancy training program.” This one (AQ 0 KK6G-77Y-XLi Name... Address Position. DECEMBER 1946 7 PROTECT YOUR NEW 'A6 or lengthen the life of your "38 ‘39 ‘40 ‘41 or 42 with PYROIL Pyroil adds life to your car by providing oil with the property of clinging to metal surfaces. Dry starts cause wear that leads to breakdown. Pyroil also reduces battery drain, removes carbon forma- tions and sludge. Ask your gas station = he has it attendant to add Pyroil and recommends it. PYROIL FOR AIRCRAFT ENGINES Use Aircraft Pyroll B for lubricet- Mig aut, Alreraft Pyroll A for Kaso- fine. Manufactured and Guaranteed by Pyroil Company, W. V. Kidder, Founder, 62 Pyroit Bldg,,LaCrosse, Wisconsin. (ornon, comrave Fr Foen ae Es cree, wisesmin Theape my ari at anata propei Pease tall me more | tout Sred%snd how Wexn accompa this for me, [seat oesecsiices Address... Lou or Town Jerry, the talking dos, is entertaining hospitalized veter- ans, by courtesy of the PYROIL Com- pany. Picture of Jer~ Ty, sent on request, TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) AvToMOTIVE, ain and Joe test Brian asa sch ‘Blectric™ winashield Keeps lee away. Bs Electronic Yalancer for wee! senses siiphiset wobble. ‘Dashbeara lghe Hashes rea it emueryency brave Ys not ieioased ‘Sock removes valves quickly with no Gaager of Broaking.-.-..161 AVIATION Navy's pilot elector tested on jower track. Nenhgetmabie fydeanile sul est rveptinck ‘wing on nid ed tail Your-pite plane ae ow gle "steering wheel guldes plane Holories oncertation kite gives "eres Bisical nove adusta plane’ mtimiler 2 Blectrenie ralner for pliots simulates fieht protiems. How new light Hanes are tested. Holebycr itn/houge quea foe ge aG}GS 01000000 WS2 tet ‘ccumic rave 4b miles from ear. Versatile fwinveowiae Mustang has range of 3000 miles. --.~"1 Radar sims airborne canton for his at 8000 pares : BOATS AND TRAILERS ‘Boat won't sink or capsize and accommodates 60 people. ‘igninun hauseconctpecis arcommedates sk neoons Saftlouding teas trailer Ss House traler ‘projects above’ coupling to" miake’ Yeo ‘obs “amphi surveyors inks Bones raiies ‘inrsilands HOUSE AND HOME fu-steg! stand supports Christmas, tree, plastic Migloo"* featured’ st Berlin snow idvairay kitchen table pulls out of wall cabinet to sea = iE Gla molds ca" Satie Vee ett actuating Prelate i Feliigai EE se lo dies no alg Fe aig grr erg deg ey corte 4 pease ‘frame for bottom ‘naif af window ola tereen ia gummi? thd orm window in winter." a Pane, cnmmine. fare and can. are pick peasy with valance hat Lamp ells refrigerator “bias” with uityavioit ays 2180 ‘Auigmane iock gn exible cable makes grain clenaing castes “130 ‘Ronkiny synfnelle elothesne arb cleaned with damp clot: 181 er has slots i0 Wold “dripery' ia’ graceful, awoin- Scie wees See = ihr bec Peaeer ais deat te at ‘qrunbaiss oli-\bisilag’furaase Keats Bve-veom boudel 222220108 inpus? Mara rubber spurs on climbers grip Eleather™ coating fer work gloves, Show “eater” clears tracks. ‘Acetylene for welding made froxa coal gis! PHOTOGRAPHY rua odes on darkroom tones prevents damans to lm ‘Bivetronic’ phgto “retoucher... Eimstle photo drame fits most pictateds ‘1. RADIO AND ELECTRICAL Seltpovered recording unit turned by spring motor. Horncope antennas sharpen weak television signals Pustic Cover of Muoresceit tube changes glare te surt cold or “0 beans, Basketball sien language, Siow Gat TooLs Reshmaotedsnorlon care lag ovo Bi Betis oan ee ear bei we Engraving machine for the unskilled. ... 16 MISCELLANEOUS Gelorst poison. gris: Wile relenh wont: 33 Sipadmeat Sichand trace ed weight ‘fre auihteuy rate tank holds 0.000 galas Eeray' counter theeks rnciation.- ss Elsistep tape gatheihg Yc ped wake 6f Sao Heber eat nie Geek eat g tat aitey made'of spring ticel walks fl lowiy down sep — fiow the Geiger ouetel workers Elion Wo-Oew eo Sate ally ives usd” Wracior 0°! "eee tene Slings Bolg ein ar Hae Rbaastttping vehicle doe Job ot #0 hie Water’ btalors sok om teaces, (Continued to page 10} POPULAR MECHANICS GHITWAY T0 OPPORTIMITY/ T.O.S. texthoots have been just such a gateway for thousands of men now estab- lished as leaders in American industry and business. They include the presidents, pro- duction chiefs and top technical men of some of the largest railroads, airlines, car manufacturers, publishing enterprises and steel, chemical and electric companies. ‘The same route they took is open to you. You study I. C.S. Courses in yqur spare time... Learn as you Ear .. . prepare yourself for the advancements that go to trained men and women. Business management or accountancy . aviation or plastics . . . drafting or engineering . . . whatever your interest, there’s an I. C. S. Course covering it. Mark and mail the coupon right now. The records of I. C. S. graduates show that today’s I. C,S. student is tomorrow’s leader. This is your today. Don't miss out on the rewards of tomorrow! SE eee BOX 5593:K. SCRANTON 9, PENNA. Without cst or obligation, please send me full particulass about the ciurse bvJore which I have marked X: cs ‘co ‘Ais Ganditionin Be eeatenina.s retural Engepering Conditioning Communieations Courses ig th Mumbing | 2 Bierman ation (2 Sients Fitting 1 Practical Tetephoay Relic Goon 5 Rate Servicing B Tilcerasi Haetonerine Electrical Courses 1 Hlectseal Drafting DB Eissteal Beatneerog Mechanical Courses © Aeron Ensoeeing piers B Heal Trentmentof Motate Stat Att, te—_P.M, Sracat tition v0 Bela ease usoce ait Work wn 2 Acumting Annet B Wading "Gan and Bectrc Ar Brake O Car B Devel Locomotive Ser faa See anaes B tnctne Rocsing Bsign Lettering Eee a (eee ites Ppa ol ie Present Portion — Length of Service in World War I membere of the Armed Porcen. Enrotlment wader the Gt, Bill af Bighte approvid for War I Vetorana, Cenadion revidents send coupon to International Correepontence Schvois Conadian, Ltd., Montreal, Canada. DECEMBER 1946 Swiss Americen American HAVE YOU FOUND IT HARD TO OBTAIN SWISS PATTERN FILES? JUST SAY “X.F.” and get them ene SWISS PATTERN FILES X.F. means Extra Ping and is part of the trade-mark which dis tinguishes the Swiss Pattern Files made by Nicholson and sold in greater quantities than any other Swiss or Swiss Type brand. These widely preferred Swiss Pattern Files are now again available in nearly all kinds, through industrial hardware distributors. Nicholson X. F, Swiss Pattern Files are made for every one who does exira-fine filing: for tool and die makers, delicate instr: arts finishers, model makers, hobbyists—precision craftsmen in general. More exacting measurement leg points and longer tapers . . . these are featufes that distinguish X.F. Swiss Pattern Files front American Pattern (see examples in above illustrations). Highest quality—uniformity in each detail of manufacture—and the sweeping guarantee of Twelve perfect files in every dozen... these are factors that make them the first choice of most precision-file users. => cdkey NICHOLSON FiLE co. S280, tz Acorn 81, Providence 1, GS-AL Unconade, Port Hore, On.) _NICHOLSO FILES 10 {ontinusd ftom pase Craftsman and Shop Notes Index Avrononive Pe Semcviey mice aie e REAR Macatawa fa ie iets: FARM. MOUSE AND HOME Solving home problems. Palntes angels preveit “i Eeniuatinas cot ‘Method of retrieving door ket" Braces attached (0 baby's swing wil prejeat tipping’ Storage cabinet for bed patient keeps woesscories handy. -...214 LAWN AND GARDEN ‘Old stumps removed trom lawn with saltpeter solution... ..38% Sturay jard gate consiructed from metal bed. rnorograrnx Bettor use of monotone Alter....... 5s Movie picture le Morar Paper ettension focusing hood sharpens groiid-gless imiage. 214 RADIO AND ELECTRONICS Getting started on the VHP bands... Syecteegesegeememlter Radio "hints for toda nicmraTiox Bory dre murat gine etl ha EES Mae STORE AND OFFICE ‘Biawer fastened to typewriter holds writing sapples, Bigvay iy Setagues OP exleanute.. Balance suspended stom pulleys takes! weighing eis? TooLs: “Trowel drives apé pulls nats ‘Aalustable Seneh planing stop i bile i Method of etching sour name on ste to Bent fal brash“ beatlen ‘Tirendiag ir for Wood or plastic ‘Box holds grinder accewores 5 Rubber ice holds sma! work and prevente Gumame. Grate quiz Latguel ue bs Burlace-plate checking’. Suiting ‘rosa’ tenon ‘Ghali block marke Bish ibekt ie aided ‘Hoots Brishes eleay chips from Boles... a ‘Gzcamp brazed to frouble light can be fastened on folate. )..38 ‘TOYS AND NOVELTIES Peer a Lee aerate Prose abies oS ‘These shadow boves'eahance your knickenacks ‘Amusing toy rises from knees... WOODWORKING EErSore Sea ee Round corners for pivwood Rest Four fee MISCELLANEOUS denter Suid betes loser bolts = EBLE ale hs sibwooe ide wards Bee ee 8 ioe ace ie eee is Be at ad wh ee siete a Ht ae a H aa ene a es B POPULAR MECHANICS AUDEL! REFRIGERATION & ALS SaDRToniNe GUIDE..,..S4 Fee ee ea crue tise Ortsior nad) eather & (Pesca ‘a AUDELS CARPENTERS & BUILDERS, GUIDES—4 Vols. ...... 36 1k practizal Blstrated trade aston ders cotuetion op Reds lth aes ees Fa si ESGl volume rld'teparately $1.50 8 al AUDELS AUTOMOBILE GUIDE. Alea suck vu Felgen bom for aco mel ic mas eae al fay Higarelt hs eter odeed. & SSE, dite AE Sedan Re huts scot AUDELS DIESEL ENGINE MANUAL. S2 eG ie a dope Vaart cot as Eta AUDELS WIRING DIAGRAMS. S10 Panear Mustrated, Gives practical tacis on Ww Pec SESSS'ESSA55 aN AUDEL GUIDE IS A GOOD FRIEND! ‘Pocket Camapasien. AUDELS. PLUMBERS & STEAMFITTERS {Use the brains and experience of others in these Guides of the ES—4 V Trades. Save time and money with right methods, short cutsy i #25 Iober saving ideas. CHECK NOW! You can look over any Audet Area Tete AMituwttaiont diasriny share EH4DK, DIG’ Guide In your home, Start the Easy Payments If satisfied. dere eof ance ping pracice eluding Pin Vidi nd air Cale eee oe CUT HERE semen AUDELS. PERT METAL WORKERS | s: (Mi A I L 0 R D E R Seen INDY, BOOK, Bin nt ret “Diet ts an cua Gitlaudk jTHEO.AUDEL & CO.,49 W.235St,New York 10,N-Y. Please mail me for 7 days’ free examination the books [marked (X) below, I agree to mail $1 In T days on each book or set ordered, and to further mail $1.a month on each Moon or set ordered untit I have paid purchase price. If I am not satisfied with Guides I will return them. (Audels OIL BURNER GUIDE. Audels REFRIGERATION & Air Conditicnity ea aa Corea al phases ef shes iital work taaluding Patter i Bling Pattern Dorelmpment & Shop Prowdure, AUDELS ANSWERS ON RINT READING., Fee eee een rae ten Tithe ship 4 aleplaner'Sr0 paces, fuiy ihuseated. AUDELS NEW MACHINIST & i TOOLMAKERS, HANDY. BOOK. $4 erie riereatear ee nrar i MAcMinisTs a TOOUMAKERS Howdy aia erage aaies neee ee MeShNs Scans : aL gece ote ee pee y Laces ALOMONG CURE: 2 SSE See eee ee Pte SAudels MARINE ENGINEERS & dy Book ) te, ened ner, empl dent oe qos asm aes thn livre scat, \% gotggcs gue’, Timi Picture Equip= Equipment, you use ‘LEARN-BY-SEEING’ == MOVIES ae Bade TELEVISION « DECEMBER 1946 - Ar. 5. pevny, Preside OUR EFFECTIVE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE G, INC. 1 Nocts Ashland Aven, Dept. PM.C12 Chicago 14, lines, U 1CroR DeFORESTS ATN For You Zoe __ Sta TY Tha discharged ‘World War I, ched 16, check bere for special information, SO IT NEEDS FIXING By §, T. CHRISTENSEN the “Fiz-it Man” w I guess I’m the fellow to see, for T've repaired thousands of refrigera- tors (home and commercial both), vacuum cleaners, radios, washing machines, irons, fans, lamps, mangles, motors, etc. In fact, many of my customers call me their “elec- trical appliance doctor.” And, “doctoring,” I might add, has paid me a good substantial income for quite a few years. Funny, in a way, how I got started. Always liked to tinker and by experimenting around I found that most electrical appliances had many things in common. That, regardless of what the appliance was used for, or who the man- ufacturer was, the basic principles were much the same, From fixing my own appli-~ ances to fixing friends’ and then for strang- ers at a fee, seems now to have been but a small step. What to Charge? At first, T let the owner decide the charge and, frankly, I was amazed at what I earned per hour. But then, when one figures what initial costs are involved in buying most electrical appliances, one can readily see that spending extra dollars for repairs is well worth while. Before long I was making more in my spare time repairing than from my regular job. The result... I went into business for myself. When war came, busi- ness boomed, for new appliances were not available. For a while, repair parts (needed on some jobs) were a little difficult to get. But that situation quickly adjusted itself and many repair parts were given the high priority rating of AA2. After all, we had to provide for the health and well-being of our civilian population. The Future Offers Friends ask me about my future. And, I think T’'ve got a grand one. Age is no hand: cap in repairing. I have in my files enthusi- astic letters from repairmen ranging in age from 18 to 79 years. Now the war is over we are certain to sec hundreds of new prod- ucts on the market . . . products that the average person never dreamt of. These new products and our old appliances are all go- ing to need at some time or other “fixing. ‘Well, Til still be the fellow to do it. The field open for appliance repairmen is unlimited. I'don’t worry at all about too much com- petition. If You Are Ambitious ‘To the contrary, I've prepared a complete course, chuck full of simple, easy to under- stand photos and drawings’ and written in the same non-technical language as this article. T know the course is good, because Thave hundreds of men all over the country writing to me telling me how the course has helped swell their pockets with cash, If you too want to prepare now for your future, I suggest you read the next page and send me the handy coupon.” Advertigonent 26 POPULAR MECHANICS BIG MONEY INDEPENDENCE A PROFITABLE LIFETIME BUSINESS PREPARE NOW FOR THE FUTURE Ieee, afar Rae pT REE Kinki NOW BEE ess libel rie Seite iat Bia NO it lasek att eaike of apc, Wecemel en many hours as you yrish-the home app Hance repairman ‘is his own ost. Te is pie gaa Ne re wah De mame soars eee ree par eaters er ape Me ee ee oe Lee nets ene, ee eats Reena ee snore Hoe aoa aca ea Sei eth a ne els Cerca a aol ae rear aes ya ane New Course Tells All Profuscly illustrated, our new course shows you in simple, enay to understand language and drawings how to make each’ repair on’ refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, motors, ete. Explains and gives you a worl knowledge of electricity, welding, nickel plating, ete. Shows you how to bull power tools you need and how to solieit and keep business coming to. yon Not a theory course but an honest to goodness course written by and used by repairmen the country over. Price of course is 80 low that the savings on, your own household appliance repairs will quickly pay for it. Act now! Mail the handy coupon below today —--—-— Read What Our Students Say About Course—————— E, realy. believe sour course The Course ia Appliatce I mechanic fnevbert nvestmnt ama: Servicing agrved’ "ar Western ‘Union Make—Giauge E. Allea, Ta Out's few minutes of my ceiving’ ihe ina. bl ffigersuon ‘plunce “Repairing and’ f ‘ooking must say 1 gm well pleased for ever since opened un ton, D, G, wit samen 1 fy Fick shope Pork day times at, the Praia not” haw ow told the shipyard and after 4:00, fome yours ago. I have leaned id Pet So"nuch more “trough th would ot pare with a “bit cellar and garage Mormation than I age" $10.00. 10" $15.00 toa, onto? Sotrerts Hemi ‘Sebring, One.’ Hlanhy Wrdeuton, Muss. GET STARTED TODAY — MAIL THIS COUPON CHRISTY suPPLY co. ! 2835 N. Central Ave., Dept. D-8003 1 Chicago 34, titinols 1 1 a Please send me free illustrated literature about Americas Fastest Growing Industry — BLECTICl- CAL APPLIANCE REPAIRING. Nane... Address... City, DECEMBER 1946 27 Do you want go to College? .. OF to enter a Profession? suen as Azcousting, Architecture, Nursing, Dentistry: Teaching," Soctel, Work, Osteopathy, Beauly “Celture Gntomett, Embaimino, Chiropody, Lass, Medicine, ete) -Or get an Office Position? Shi eats forms terme. Amrcan 8 elt eT AIS Emus govern special (Diesel ‘Engineering obeie Seas ean nical" Eietecering age 0: psig; Others TudT tate toot he Sita ealece toe 28 EASY to Yours TO-DAY The New Luellen HARMONICA ‘Most wonderful pocket instrument ever made is the harmonica Baer {0 master, fn for Bevyont. ‘The Luelien OMe, arom ZS INSTRUCTION BOOK. Simple for youngest child. Mo notes, fal Iniroguetory tpaid, both for $2.65, ‘Sond Chock or Money Onder oder 2 eas . : STUDY AT HOME tiia'ind'Wencrscton te byalces ‘and publiclife, Greater’ ere 3d BAR BELLS DUMB BELLS $4995 at Factory Prices ae WRITE FoR FRIE BOOKLET WITH INDEPENDENT IRON WORKS POPULAR MECHANICS a eee NOW IS THE TIME TO GET READY FOR A KEY JOB OR BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN AMERICA’S FOREMOST SCHOOL OF FOR INDUSTRY curity—plenty of business of your own, aL equipped in every for y to train you INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE WILL TRAIN “ the fine point I “know how" that makes the ex Conditioning pert Ketrigerat Get all the fa You will be under no obligation whatse AUTHORIZED TO ACCEPT VETERANS FOR G. |. TRAINING Founded in 1916. Has trained more than 400,000 men for practical work in industrial fields. From 1942 through 1915 # REGISTRAR PIM trained specialized technicians, exclusively, for the Army, JJ _ INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE Navy and Marine Corps. Now training thousands of vot! J 2150 Lawrence Ave erans under the G.I. Bill, both in its Residence Schools and g Peis, snd me, FREE, vo hy home-study. Oceupics five buildings of its own, Has y fortis nee ta teetretin over $500,000 invested in training facilities, Honing, It i understood that f ton staff of more than 100 mea. Known everywhere ag vblisation. America’s foremost school of practical training for industry. DECEMBER 1946 29 4A DYNAMIC HEAVY DUTY NDUSTRIAL WELDER FOR ONLY SAVES YOU VALUABLE TIME AND MONEY | Tht pore DYNAMIC. WELDE ed fe Get det 6 out “How to Make Taney ‘With Simple Cartoons’ ‘A book everyone whe likes to draw should have. It is free; no obligations. Simply address ‘CARTOONISTS’ EXCHANGE IN 90 DAYS AT HOME Money- Making Career Open to Men and Women, 18 to 50 ay ivi sclentife Seta Me wits” here ise. demand i chins Grafate eum fang ein th Gee, nto eal meat SMe eee e8, ed fomihed for REE ROOK "Law' AMERICAN EXTENSIONSCt bare fae fa a, Danian. MQ Thrilling Work COLORING PHOTOS a) essen carta! tree ated oO coLoniNG SCHOOL Dent. 1359, Cheese S [FREE notoait Est Gh ts chs I 8 Boa el ae snd pasty ‘omy Charts, 12-paze je and eoaiete detals ox fioee Hrsg, ous ; Saree eS SE ST $1,756 TO $3,021 FIRST YEAR Veterans Get Special Preference Railway Postal Clerks—Mail Carriers—Mail ,/ Franc - Clerks — Patrol Inspectors — Storekeeper 44 oie with st of U8. Gaugers—Positions at Washington, D. C. wort tuitions ei. “Tull mi Soi (prepare fore positions 8% MAF Ete. Mail Coupon immediately — ox.u0...ccncoen 32-Page Civil Service Book—FREE 4% 11. oo Votte 30 POPULAR MECHANICS Ad ) ge 71(4 ee (Good Jobs, anterext Eomatamily needed to eet $f'yeu"are mechanical low ‘Instrictions. you Tele Topa¥!. For ‘the secret of the avecest of thle raciealiesining. ‘wethod Ye the eslence of working with, etal ing Sout training. itere’s « fully tested and approved method — finite ng freee "exny to uncer Hund’ and put iste PRACTICET You sherk Rhat "you Know as you sp,aione, You fan see” ororees ab” Here 1s some of the Radio fxtunle tris lesson. “PROV! YOURSELE How auc vou GAN ACCOMPLISH IN A Silo nike: You at no extra cost with eet sr Beeieer aevbiartti aie OD yNE an aud Hreconit for Satinal ba, the uaoratories where tn ith students, snd ‘Plans to bring sog-riene ia Sour" own ‘home "ta 'your apare Tinie "the kind of practial” ins For ever 40 years Natio ‘Fraining, “thoy ail started the sams-oy Tnvestioating wnat National DECEMBER 1946 Mo doubt abot It Radio, Taevison an Heian 0 sae Ie tha ae Baa Eads eee Hola SeriolMi onda Wane ae Fe gee, Gu cus meses reas, hee eer oe EAP stig oten noma acm. fan find ‘your opportunity in’ Radio. ‘Rilerton ane neon citer bn hucmben fr arse a ible pasition in Jadustry,” TARE" FACTS PACKED. Witti OPPORTUNITY FOR ¥OU'Juer Mar: Sie COUPON BELOW. Get this complate, spe » Sal manual “mod Radio Servicing full of ‘valuable how to do it information. See for yourself how SU can become 4 ther Television and Electron- ies Specialist. No obi sauens. vou may Kens YOURS FREE: ES 10 Gpparianity TODAY tor the ft Src avadote ot Hat ice Radio, Menufacturing, epi. Mant may tore iaating industry mavine Aen HP'you ate sincere and will fol- THE FIRST STEP seyclon, pated perience HepB ehey ten ire field. s : T OLE LERMOS, leat to No. salesnan sal irom Natal Aso THis Bic OPPORTUNITY BOOK FREE! NATIONAL SCHOOES nal Schools. Dept. PM-12 ‘South Figueroa Street ‘Los Angeles 37, California Mall FREE, the booke mertloned in sour ad foci, ible Heston of our course. understand no" sulesuat ei NAME, Ace. ADDRESS, . erry STATE. 20: Chek hare if Veteran of Wiortd War ti Give yourself the Backing of a Ar GROWING: spied Lae | Refrigeration and Air Conditioning have leading place in fast growing fields of our time. ‘Frdimea men pald-well to service, instal maintain, repair, revuild house Hot tna Sominernt refrigerators jortant newdevelopmenta such | > movan Boos anc aang ne fmaustrial uses. Demaud for com= Mierelal Installations in restau fg Fame pulteker saops, taverns, florists, bakeries, ef. > air condi: Honing in homes, Sices; stops START NOW—Full and Part Time Earnings There may nover again be such opportu- nities for men who want better Jods or business of their own Beans cat ies anal stern Sg Sar pines tees meet raer ESE METRO ARS SHES EER. EStED IN WorrmwerLE JOD OF SERENE UP GER OWN oa BRse ining at Home or Come Directly to. sho Horn op Siac A NATIONALLY KNOWN INSTITUTION ‘COMMERCIAL coon INSTITUTE 1400 W. arecricat Aven, Chicigo 26, Timoortant tntormation ‘CUT OUT col RS a ee | Facts FREE for Men Who Want to Get Ahead | | commenciat, TRADES INSTITUTE, Dept. A-212 { | #400 W. Greenleaf, Chicago 26, 1M. Send, fee inwtrated Rrernres hd other tnfrmaton sbout | Adtroes.-. l I oe La mn, Show R Donald Duck & CARTOON FILMS HOLLYWOOD FIUIA ENTERPRISES, INC. ‘ecenitoemmmntincnbiarereeaciaeenies ELECTRICAL TRAINING Intensive $2. weeks residence course in fundamentals of inaus- fais elestrlcal enaineerine, Inelading Tadto. electronics. Prepares {or eécanseten, cawincering ‘aides: "Approved Tor veteran Traine dng, ‘Bath Yeas BLIS BUILDING Mitions of homes needed. Nation wide call fpr ical trainin) sin end for FRE Trias Lesaow and blue print plans CHICAGO TECHNICAL COLLEGE Catalog, ELECTRICAL SCHOOL SAY YOU SAW IT IN POPULAR MECHANICS INVENTING SOFIE eye ae eae aad PROFIT! (85 hd Mela? Beat possibilities of promssed wevices to nil dented deniana for useful new inventions. INSTITUTE of AMERICAN INVENTORS fouay's. unsrece: Since rene MATA RUPTURED? Get Relief This Proven Way Why try to worry along with trisses that gouge your flesh—press heavily on hips and spine—enlarge opening: fail to hold rupture? You need the C cor cutting belts. Automatic adjustable pad holds at real fopening—follows every body movement with instant in: creased support in case of strain. Cannot slip whether at work or play. Light. Waterproof. Can be worn in bath. Send for amazing FREE book, “Advice To Ruptured." and details of liberal trathful 60-day trial offer. Also e om grateful users in your neighborhood. Write the. No leg-straps CLUTHE SONS, Dept. 31, Bloomfield, New Jersey POPULAR MECHANICS not necessarily wishfal thinking. You possibly gan be taller. "BUILDING HUMAN STATURE” tells how in $88 paces of non-technical laneuace, thoreuhiy tlstrated for complete understan ‘Why the S.foot Watuss! and the 8-toot Bushman? There's a-reason. What made the New Zeslancer average 5% inches taller than the Indian? General Emmons reports ‘many Gefoot tall Hawailan "Sepancse whove forbear avermred only 5 feet 2 inches, and Professor Borsook tells you why. Some Russian-Jowish men in U.S. grow 5 inches taller Parents. What did they do? Did you know that from 134 to 6 inches increase in heicht may. in some eases, be obiaingble from gland treatments? HERE ARE THE SECRETS In simple words this, book, “BUILD. ING” HUMAN "STATURE," outlines, the Work of the world's greatest authori tles—physielans, biologists, {eal culture experts—exp! Feeponee of bones to ot fas other factors which there authori- tes affirm may inereake height "This is the only book published in| which you will find simple and ex. Plieit. instructions for making the Stretching and Suspension Apparat trom! which some have claimed remarkuble| results. Dr. if, LaChance, M.D., the dist guished orthopaedic surgeon, sai “Very comprehensive and very welll written,” Capt. Cano, Commander Spanish, Loyalist Army Health Ser: uiterence “im MUFFLERS: STEELS and ALUMINUMS with a motorboat tone Steels $3.50, Alominum PO sting Ol, DEALERS WANTED Tae ait eed oe CCR Mee a ‘Amazing Television Handbook. How to eonstruet, install, eperate, serv- feo, sight ané sound receivers. How Video ls. growing How a mocern Transmitting” stallon works,” How eeelver. wares. How to. wulld Te celver. How to erect antenna. How VIDEO fo, Jnatall, Trouble shooting, Video dictionary” Tiree separsie 15-"2'Te> “isembiy’ sage diayrams, Written by a master. in Simple language.” 96 pages, 71 tlustrations, heavy glossy Spite vinding'iies al “Gniy $1. Sour motiey Back in 1) dave i Hot delighted. "HURRY. "Write Norman W, Henley Publishing SEW CHemicat mirr SAMPLES FOR AGENTS S eae MPLomdee eo Purse DECEMBER 1946 PAcdress WISH YOU WERE TALLER? SOME HEADINGS Foreword by Capt. Juan Cano, of the “Health Service," Spanish Loyalist Army. — Discussion of Student Height Increase by head, of Batnard Colleee. — The Truth About Heredity in Height Increase. — Food for Statare Building. —U, S. Surgeon General's Dietary Advice. — Natural and Aniificit! Bone Growth. — How the Ductless Glands Affect Growth; “Gains in Height Varying from 134 to 6 inches. ‘A Eamove Dwarfs Doubled Hh Height af $0. — Advice of U, S. Director of Physical Fitness. — improved Stature Women Brings Easier and Better Child Bearing. — of Weights for Stretching. — Body Si Height Increased 6 inches in 12 Months for Making Suspension Apparatus, — Jobs as Instructors. 368 ages. Thoroughly ilstrated by Phatographs. and ‘Shetees, Most. Practical, Mailed ia Phin Wrapper. ‘You owe it to yourself, and to those who one day may bbe depandent upon you, to know how maximum stature may be built. ‘This book is a must if you are not to miss ‘gpoortunities, for the taller person has many advantages. ‘Turn wishing into action, Write at once, on this no risk 5 day free trial bat MONEY BACK GUARANTEE | carton Booxs Dept. 83, Boerne, Texas Please send at once “B Twill pay postman $3.50 It is understood that T may reta1 for refund if I am not completely Name . the Book in ave dayey isfied. 1 NOTE: To get quickest action send cheek, money order, portal note, stampe or cash with order and bey only 8-60, A Lifetime Profession Regardless of Condi- tions, Age, Sex. or Physical Limitations Veterans—Civiliaas! ‘Your Opportunity— LEARN WATCHMAKING Lilt yourself from a future! tion paying bettor than your pre: Fit yourself for the job that will permit you to establish your own shop. or be employed in a pleasant environment. Watch Repaiting—Jewelry—Engravinig will al- ways be in“ever greater demand. Our grod: uates wanted everywhere. Dignified positions '$50-$75-$100 per week. Veterans write today for latest FREE enrollment requirements. Pe A Cy Pee a Pen ere Mee eee teat} SUC ere aa ootnet ao job into a posi work. Individual instruction fs @ television set THEY BUILT veteran students are now attending Y.TL. of N.J. under the generous pro- visions of the G.I. Bill of Rights, which allows * any approved school of the veteran’s choice to charge the Veterans Administration up to $500 a school year against the educational expenses of qualified veteran students, Full-time stu- dents, with dependents, are also paid a sub- Student Walter E. Stevens {$295.00 United States Tal is lavishly equipped with waking engineering checks with jon Sweep Generetor, The sc ‘most advanced test equipment. Television Techetetan, Bol shen, using $625.00 RCA Sweep Gene erator to check television set for Ineceuracies, It is expected levision test equipment will be Gusty ets Tete is stride. THEIR OWN sistenc allowance af $90 monthly by the VA, and those without dependents, $65, Many stu- dents hold part-time jobs, thus augmenting their monthly payments. However, you do not have to bea veteran to be accepted as a student. A considerable number of out-of-state stu- dents attend the school because of its excellent, practical type of radio and television courses, so difficult to get anywhere else in the heel world today. Living quarters are ob- tainable by single students, but married students report considerable difficulty in finding quarters for their families, Xo high-school diplomas are. re- student must have at least a grammar-school education, how- ever. And the school requires that a student be earnest, sincere and techni- cally inclined. Students without proper mathematical backgrounds are taught the radio and television mathematics they need, You probably have been wondering what N.Y.T.I, of NJ. means. It stands for the New York Technical Institute of Advertisement 34 POPULAR MECHANICS sets 03 i course wa, waes lelevision Programs were fist broadcast regularly, School officials TELE VISION New Jersey, a resident school located in New- ark, N. J., just across the river from New York City (Only 20 minutes from Broadway by sub- way or train). The school is located in the heart of America’s great radio and electronics indus- try. Such leading television, radio and electron- ics manufacturers as Western Electric, De Mont, Federal and Edison are nearby. Ni also is near Radio Stations WJZ, W Tar, WABC and WOR; each a leader in broadcasts going on networks all over the country. This means that the school offers numerous advan- tages, as it is in touch with most recent devel- opments in radio and television. This also means that qualified radio and television engineers are available to the school for teaching purposes. During the war N.Y.T.I. of NJ. was approved for the training of Signal Corps personnel by the Army. When the war ended the enrollment increased because of the influx of veterans desir- ous of getting practical television training, At the present time, there are ny li Teboratory Stectts te school te ousted fn tw hear oF fhe rad, {eiewision: eleconis. industry. RECEIVERS! 120 openings for new students for the several classes beginning in October & November 1946. The school issues a special Bulletin, Num- bered 212, which illustrates and describes its facilities and equipment and shows students us- ing its varied laboratory equipment. Bulletin 212 also describes classes that may be attended, housing conditions, costs, hours, etc. To get complete information write for Bulletin 212 (for which no charge is made) to the New York Technical Institute of New Jersey, 158 Market Street, Newark, New Jersey. A line of RCA television receivers used for comparative test purpeses of NY.T.L of NJ- Advertisement DECEMBER 1946 35 If you are between 15 and 55 $ ‘tour Own Little Uheatre EG Newent SR Sears ee a Mad fil Soca seater wie fine Te Spal Gi Set cludes the Pockey Movie Viewer ond 13 a month fen icsene Snes fen Boel Sd is all you have to pay for at to a cy mse Old Line, Legal Reserve : LIFE INSURANCE ‘This is half che Permanent-Rate, payable until the-Gth year. You ge $1,754 of Procecion all your lifeif you are ‘ow 20, $1,460 if you are 30, $1,142 if 40, etc. Pro- erg amos Mother agee Badger your Insurance YOUR POLICY WILL BE FULLY PAID-UP IN 30 YEARS ‘rth so move premiums wo poy ond ll teak, conned Seed Pi cee renee ed eee Teer Gotstartod now! SendforourFREE Mtuntrated booklet "Model om Railroading For You.” Send us MAIL COUPON NOW FOR FREE 80OKLET ==—-\ yourname snd address TODAY! — MODEL RAILROADER MAGAZINE DEPT. 624.R @ MILWAUKEE 3, WISCONSIN FREE! 32-pace iiustraten Pelee el aie ees Sia) ‘Youre invited to hours of aati faction with skilled tradesmen, business and professional men Build your own seale model ral: road~“easy, inexpensive —looks pq Beer Por Heaitie We otter you paz sonal ‘help’ with. a money-acke Euarantee” of Fesutie in’ sour Sa vntust Hh, es, Sa To, mest Hike de No TECTURE. = HREORE SRAERERON AL, PFrcmOLEST, Hye. HUNTING and FISHING | Train Your Own HORSES! is a monthly magazine crammed Colts — Stok Hones — Clreus Horses full of hunting, fishing, camping, | Gait Siow Horse: — Write for FREE BOOK log and boating stories and pic- ANIMAL LOVERS’ ASSOCIATION ible information about fishing tekle, game. law Sestak shes ofak ta rie oF coin and we will sond you Hunting & Fish Ing for six months HUNTING & FISHING MAGAZINE ZSi_ Sportsmen's Bldg, Boston, massachusetts “The Book They’re Talking “About” Contains over 350 illustrations, charts and notes OF THE HUMAN FIGURE For the amateur and professional artist and sculptor. Giving detailed titudly of every part of the body. = ONLY MALE AND FEMALE, POSED AND IN ACTION $yoo (Sent in plain wrapper.) Canada send $125, MAJOR BOOK CO., Dept. 320-C, 241 East Broadway, New York 2, N. Y. 36 POPULAR MECHANICS Do you know of the fine opportunities for ad- vancement that are available in the plastics in- dustry? Do you want to share in the development of a great new plastics era? Trained men, who haye plastics know-how, will fill the well-paying positions in the industry. If YOU want to be one of them act NOW to prepare yourself. Every day you can read glowing descriptions of how plastics are improving old products and creating new ones. Learn the hundreds of inter- esting phases of the plastics industry and be ready for the position that will give you the security and satisfaction you want, LEARN AT HOME-Continue your present job and learn plastics in your spare time! The thor- ough, easy-to-understand Home Training Course presented by Plastics Institute requires no pre- vious technical experience. A COMPLETE COURSE-Everything you should know about plastics is included ... materials, de- A job with a promising future goes a long way toward making you happy —at work and at home. , w ning, molding, fabricating, laminating and testing, You will acquire a basic knowledge of lastics that can be invaluable in getting you a Bae position in this great, new industry, YOU MAKE THINGS-To give you practical experience in working with plastics, we supply handsome, colorful, rods, sheets and tubes of plas- tics from which you can if you wish, make useful, attractive creations. You cement, saw, buff, form, dye, decorate, cast and laminate various types of plastics. You design plastic articles—develop your ‘own ideas. You may earn money while learning. START YOUR FUTURE TODAY—Mail the coupon below, now! You will get an interesting, illustrated, free booklet with valuable informa- tion about plastics. You will see how, at small cost you can prepare for a bright future in the expanding plastics industry. Clip the coupon and mail it TODAY! Write Dept. PM6-12, 1601S, Western Ave, Los Angeles 6, California Home Training Courses and Resident School APPROVED FOR VETERANS Dept. PM6-12, 1601 S. Western Ave mining. T understand there is absolutely no obligation Name ( PRINT) « Street ( PRINT) Phy. sssaven ‘DECEMBER 1946, Los Angeles 6, Ce Gentlemen: Please send me the booklee "World of Plastics” and information on your ceveeereees + Oceupal Important: Please fill out coupon completely. IF Veteran, please check. + Mail in Envelope or # pasie on penay postcard # ti a ae Send For It Today! AUTO GUIDE, This book saves worry. Hy Gorsed. Tt pre sents thie ‘while 8 ‘ 2s NEW FLUID DRIVE. HYDRAULIC SHIFT AND DIESEL ENGINES FULLY COVERED 500, ages—1840 fMlustrations showing inside. views ot Bolin i, tts and baw inl a Sere ASKTO SEET= To Got Th assistance for Yoursel sity LB) Coe gH In 6 Months! ARC WELDING resents one of today's most utstanding opportunities for Steady income and future WELDING hiss rier, nu fuonly used In assembling cranes, hol work, ships, Cains airplanes, ee. WELDING is ety come attuetunil steel tens, et THES no Hk to the a ‘im Industey, neeasing GREAT DEMAND. Tiere 1s 4 deciied shorteye of property trained win TODAY ——miLwauKes— gehen oF ENGINEERING ‘and catalog, ¥en: Vwiteautce seteo ot Ensinecrng, Dest PM-(260 | mitSronaway ana Site, muon, CSE ay cena Genes Soe amis eect ea fr tes Soe anit st | Pee mee seek Rey en Voeaugnal and ‘Couniciors, Persenaity Te i Jeetarers. GROWING—UNCROWDED PROFESSION Pov ptalepeaignctcnpr Sages mere petra ene sere oo ences aman ne ee gh oni ote Suen ae Aeetemn before ered hyachea| nerd de, Sia ene saree sine phthieee eometeverees Sreiemer eaten waar sera a ad ae APPLIANCES ‘Prepare now fora permanent future, inde~ WRITE scree and security with « busines of Tenay your own. Our practical, easy-to-learn home Hehe fous rashes Jo, daring your spre ie, how to repair washing machines, vacuum BOOK clerners, electric ranges, lamps, motors, irons, ete, and do house wiring. Also howto get started on little capital. Write today for FREE BOOKLET, No obligation. PACIFIC TRAINING SCHOOL za Det. P-12, Los Angeles PRACTICAL SHOP TRAININ in AIR CONDITIONING Domestic - Commercial - Industrial REFRIGERATION ‘SERVICE- MAINTENANCE INSTALLATION Approved for G. I. Training Write for Details COMMERCIAL TRADES INSTITUTE IRMINGHAM, ALABAMA ARTISTS MAKE MONEY De pou ike to draw? Send name, addres, age and ocedpation for ART INSTRUCTION, Inc. 12136 ART INSTRUCTION BLOG., MINNEAPOLIS 15, MINN, “MAGIC VANISHING CARD” Revreduce fe Water tram speckator's Sonbet "tt sunaene ate] EGraesc ail ENGy'TSTAS BSE Wh” Amsaino”Easiog ot $00 Triexa, THe WADIGIAN, Dest 5, 2409 Kennin ve» Phitadetphta 25, Pa, POPULAR MECHANICS SPORTSMEN - MEN, BOYS - Here is something NEW — something MARVI MARVELOUS. Act Nt Act NOW. Learn TAXIDERMY at home. Save your wild-game trophies. HAVE. AI OME MUSEUM FUN * PROFITS THINK of the tum and Joy of ‘and sovige, your Eure ena pe ang god oki tre: ee SPARE: -TIME PROFITS 300, ‘000 Students Many of cur vst number of students are employed {nthe ‘sigdesr ANB ‘aU Uia wien ‘ier our: opmsctaat Lae ana GET THE FREE BOOK This new, strange, unigae FREE BOOK. will open 8 oy world of fepleaure faye, Wrstafor ies of paces hat il Rush Coupon T¢ TODAY: flgam Oooo roe fon Tis beget beckett to pe by RETURD es aime tao DECEMBER 1948 39 SEND NO MONEY. Just mail the counoo for aregmplate st of Ss Big dat ool ‘The field of Landsape Gardening offers unusual opportunites for trained men .. realy augmented by the huge home-building and Ht rioleronty progam ahead. We provide dhocough teresing hanes feaning doing your spare time Heal, pees avdenr aired 0 you regina condicons ‘work inn'uncrowded field. APPROVED. fr VETIRANS A graduate sym 1 host the There ate may employer oppor cute atout ro moths ago aad aniucsn hisproble, uncrowded tow {average shout $200 per Mout id or Jou ca ex our ewe et foe ny ne ioe Wee tay. Service from Coast to Coast Tan Hf nee bane ‘ese ah sare aon te Hnanclal futures ‘Write today for tree, PLASTEX “PRODUCTS, 7 Clement st 2 PROJFCTON *) the aftion Picture heatre Hee Sera offers big oppor. a Tecoating feta Be our book representative in your plant and ARN 6-510 2 ua ete nit Your copy "milled free on Feavest, + inatang FE UNLIMITED, Dept PM-12 3227 Indiana ‘SE Louls 28, mo. ‘Sar ac home LEARN iene 'S PLASTICS PLASTICS TECH School of Ametieay Ines ito Avenue Cleveland 3 Obie Serecet Blige for orient tang nde? Gs bil, ‘scupation Geek here 40 POPULAR MECHANICS BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE! AT SENSATIONAL Featuring this Powerful ERCrOnVivoLy ou SERIES 16° AM-FM CHASSIS a | nt AA, : Tow thee Pe y Naluesandliberal sa dass Trial Olfer. bes ae / FREQUENCY “THE MAGNIFICENT LINE OF BRILLIANT NEW CONSOLE AND TABLE MODEL RADIOS AND RADIO-PHONOGRAPHS ] The SYMPHONY GRAND SERIES 16* AM-FM. RADIO-PHONOGRAPH CONSOLE with NEW AUTOMATIC Dept. 25-8 + 909 BROADWAY + CINCINNATI 2, OHIO DECEMBER 1946 41 LOANS ¢ MAIL $50 to $300 WAHURRY CONFIDENTIAL Sclaried people, men or women, married or sin- gle, loans on your own signature, or your own security. NO personal interview. NO co-signers needed. NO wage assignments. You mail the application to us...we mail the money to you. ‘YOU CAN REPAY MONTHLY S's03 ‘o03 hor 1287 20.08 2568 3202 25.02 2994 3033 ‘840 12.60 1675 20.85 2493 The obove ‘mede of regular monthly intervals wil ropoy_ the {Emirs toon ‘endo charges i the tine makated. Charger ore boned on the monthly rele of three per canton unpeld pencipal bolences te $150.00 ‘ord'twe andl one-half pecan! am thot portion of unpaid bolonet in {eu of $150.00 but nel exceeding $100.00. "Lcons by Mas” may be epaid in lorger emeuns, more frequent payments of repaid in full et frther v= ings to you. CONVENIENT Jos write us how much money ¥ 819-G Ist Nat'l Bldg., Omoha. Nebr. ‘obligation, wth complete details end ol popers neces of. tobe repaid ot $. doy of each month (000 students eaotied: LAB, Degree AN IDEAL XMAS [-—— GIFT FOR MEN Tis Gang Sblscriptign for’ FUR=PISH-GANE. Guitcard endosed free. Twelvemanthly Spnics packed wit feagineting scores of the bk ‘hi raring’ See See ee Get cory (200) at the newse Send’ or awe by ‘soning’ tor SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER e Months $1.00 (Saves £00) FUR-FISH-GAME, 307 Standard Bids 42 Active and going ld fr nen whe man soo or SPER Seneca a eee ieee bene tat fleaners. stoves. Learn polishing plating, ‘motor tewind- APOMRE tae te aetna ciee se Ba, tee a Yor ak re AIG er TE Help conde’ acl marae ae ieee SPs ee elegy We'd tie care alas d Sor ua ake . HY | 1 LY ' FOR FUN OR PROFIT STUDY AT HOME—Ptotoseaphy offers leture mjioen and ella fran 1 tralting ‘qualities vou at home, “iso aeeient auraen Det frute What Every Mason Wants We have important Masonic books for Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery, Scottish Rite, and Shrine. Our Rituals Are Used the World Over. Send for \d rituals’ for Masons, ights of Columbus, ete "706. PD, Chicago 00, 12-6, 55 West 42 St., N.¥.18, INC a SIGN ACM Rela aa rl ini SIZES Ptelearefayeentepents Fon rcincsy YOUR GREATEST ASSET! a Bertouke as WHY WEAR DIAMONDS Redeoentceeter er POPULAR MECHANICS Eipgrpontc co SIRQUIT TESTING = ing’ seudencs use We train you on real Radio, Televisi and Sound equipment—RIGHT HERE IN THE COYNE SHOPS IN CHICAGO. Necessary theory io given ina practical way by practical lectures, Blackboard illustrations and equipment demonstrations. Whether or not you hhave had Radio experience you need Coyne all-around Radio Electronics ‘training. Many of our students had no previous experience. Otuers had expe: Hence in oae of two branches but real aed they needed all-around trai ing for better jobsandadvancement. EARN WHILE LEARNING If you need part-time work to help p: iving expenses While at school, we Will help you get it, Coyne graduates also receive & Life Membership with Life- time Employment Service. MEN WITH PHYSFCAL DIs- ABILITIES—whether due to. war or ‘other causes—we also have facilities for you. Check coupon for particulars if you have a physical disability of any nature. 1B. W. 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Now comes ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR. the big: new book for only $5 that veaches you Guickly—eompletely easily. ‘Spe- Sally waitten for beginners. “Ex plains every detail of motor Eroume diaguosing, repair ama tee Minding. Tavaluable for actual shop use. TRAIN FOR BIG PAY IN A FIELD gare BUILT TO BE THAT ISN'T CROWDED! Ete TET = | PRINTING PAYS BG | patd position or throughout the Plugs into Light Beet ee sera ce ate Us atetiente neiied'% aitieet wy LU) fo) MU aa eld ia! NO COSTLY EQUIPMENT NEEDED... TELLS EXACTLY WHAT TO DO “vant to repule almost ANY papel coraute radio? dist lode up dats oy Shewid write ut without Jlay for THEE BOOKLET, Protective Die- ‘ a Most Lee Post-Caed will do! Address VENTION REPORTER SAY YOU SAW IT IN POPULAR MECHANICS CHAPMAN CHINCHILLAS leiar fake and model in gluntedize RADIO THOU teu Eilninstes ont Hapalna WHEAT. 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