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WRITTEN SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT We Sa Design No. 127 $708 Bees ern Bungalow, 3 Excellent Interier. Size, feet, 6 inches by 27 feet. Rooms and $743 Bskarrsss convenient and roomy. Size 22 fe by at ft Desion No. 50 ight Rooms a Bath, very atiractive Bx. terior; Five Closets, Airy 1 Size 2 ft. by 28 $1078 fee Living and Main Bedroom, y Fespect. ‘Meders in ize 27x95 fee PAR Ua Cl CaE Cl To Build This Home NO MONEY EE The Chicago House Wrecking Co. would not dare ship you a carlged of bahine material valued anywhere: trom 8500 t0 $1000" without one cent down, if we misrepresented one single Kem, "You are perfectly sate, we take all the risk, (No ene ee in all the Word can make such low prices on new Building Material ir reputation as cash buyers places at our command, firet—every bargain worth hay QE S82 Sutisied with one smal proaesiec we m-between profits Fematn in your Doct tears an immense saving-—that means all previous ‘w Bu g Material P S-M-A-! ‘Then, when our expert knowledge of what to buy and how at the ip cambived with the expert knowledge of our most complete Architectural Depart the results practical, mocern, beautiful buildings, constructed absolutely without { we Sto satisty al tastes and all pocketbooks, 4 We acc only save you from 25" t0 30% on your completed building, but we give you all the assistance you need for its proper and economical construction, free of charge — Blue Print Plans, prepared by expert architects, Specifications and Material Lists, omether ‘with any other information you may need ‘Compare our offers and you will be satisfied that rione can competetwith our price— SF ifiGtiogs and Tull descriptive Material List, showing sizes, style, quality and catalon We furnish. The best partof i, that the entire © will be | wut, you may return them and all but ee will be { ends / a7 O00 : { Asraly wel boc shears Ere dear Rast tate Ta Bane The object of this advertisement is not to sell plans, but if you are interested in any ¥ cg rege: the edverinemaet nckinnel pate Teomee sata EY 1 umber of the material 1 Credited on your order, orif plaris don felunded, In addi-ion, we will also name, upon request, delivered prices for complete Piumb- Ing Outit and Heating Plant of any kind and farnsh complete specications tree of charge. Send for our Special Building Material Catalog No. 101, Plumbing, Catalog No. 133 No. 120 showing a complete line of construction of house, barn, or ' ‘the newest and latest features in each line at low prices. Guar: ‘Our guaranteed proposition to you ‘is to furnish the material as specified in the aa Eee ets ond pes stocks ofthe grado, izes xtyle. quality and catalog number Mentioned, and in quantities sufficient to complete {he design strictly according to the \ Plans Ve, aranteo oppo sipnen of order All matt oad i onecar i] } a You from our plant here. ‘Our Paid-Up Capital Stock, $2,000,000 Write for our rece { eooees ° wei! 50 pee ca et House Wrecking Piombing Materta OF PLAN: t Steam, Hot A BOOk. * Company, ier ad 7s Dept.F7, chicago. Saat tae Bend no sore ei0,000 Pian ook Skene": TFRER To nl nero | Chicago House Wrecking Company, Dept. F7 ‘CHICAGO POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION 3 Navy Electne ‘Cless, Brooklyn Nay Yard. | Navy Trades Pay Good Men Well F you are between 18 and 25, ambitious and of a mechanical turn of mind, read this: . The United States Navy employs men of 50 different trades : to operate and care for the intricate machinery which makes up ; the modem warship. These men are skilled workmen of the highest order. Some of them learned their trades before entering the Navy, but most of them have been especially trained for their work in the Navy's trade schools, and by practical experience on board ship. These men receive excellent pay—nearly all clear money—be- cause board, lodging and many other advantages are free. The hours are good and the work is steady—no layoffs. Promotions with, increased wages are easily eamed. Chance to save money excellent. The life is fax healthice than any factory or shop job can be. And there are frequent changes of scene and plenty of good companionship. Call at the Navy Recruiting Station near you (look for address in the went 2 = s 18 Fo cbt comin isthe Poni Union 2! 7s a) eeccins O Seaad em Ps uae ke ke wan oa nee: Entered as Second Class Matter Sept. 15, 193, atthe PestoficeatChicago, Iino under Actot March 3d, 18°, Published menthiy by FOPULAR MECHANICS CO. CCorvvighed 15, by H. 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Alarm Ground Detector... s P Rollers for Handing Large’ Cylindrical, Wore. ‘Te Braue Machine Parts fom Being Tarnished Sulphur noky ta AC Hawpin Protector Poverty aad svi A’Toot Holder s tree ees actical Teleptons Pacing a Worm Geir ona Lathe. AY Stencil-Cutting Machine... Suting Trees win Wie separating Sted Balls 0 A’Hacksaw Reflector... Bomenade” prehbigging ‘Machine: Compression Spring for'an Otican Bottom: Loar fer « Miter Jeint EEEEEEGE (822 7 ce ee Piping feanaring Hay in. Sin To" Moke Holes "in Metal Bottoms 3 substitute (Ora Fiexibie Shalt’, Preventing Hardsaw from Slipping When Stand ‘ng on End An intermittent’ Siphon for Shnaing Tn Boop Riras Keyseating in Lathe Lotking a Setserew Draining ‘an Automobile ina’ Garage Stepping Leaks ina Tin Root ‘Trap tor Heating-Coii ‘Drainage ing-Cup ‘Tank Fastening Cotters = Removing Dents from ‘Thin Mi ‘Armared Motor Crulzerin Actual War---887 Smoke Mond for Forge hermometer Marks “Cincinn ity. 888 Soldered Joints on Telephone \ = fh More Tron fc ence-Wire Terenas Feet for Automobiles’ 27 B88 Meg Maing Pat ‘for ‘Bitch. AMATEUR MECHANICS BRESESEREERSERE EE seerrateeetee! ae Method Concrete Paving 512 ee ote Peas aE Rugomtic Biesttie Hiest”“Begelatog= 770 777tad eee aks wets eae Uae a Discolored Silver Turret and Guns Are Monument’s s BR nag ae enaeetcteenstee TB ‘Trolley Car and Auto Accidents... 519 = for Motorcycles. senses Patents, Practical or Unique POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION It's false economy to put your money in a “cheap” roofing that has to be painted, regraveled or re- paired every year or two. The real cost of a roofing is the purchase price us the cost of maintenance. =) M Asbestos Roofing is the only ready roofing that never requires a single cent’s worth of coating, regra’ ing or other protection. Therefore it costs less per year of service than any other roofing, This roofing never needs tection becaus made of layers of | stone (Asbestos) felt securely cemented together with Trinidad Lake Asphalt. It is mineral through and through—liter-y,, ally a sheet of pliable stone. 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WOULD YOU GIVE [Sneed 912 to LEARN the AUTO TRADE AS CHAUFFEUR OR MECHANICIAN? Then READ ol Feloce king your course 1 was wotkin sepairing autony ber you Ean & can 'attona tos {sce lovers fours wore = Senin Thanking you for ing te wth stuiy, Jun L- Bou 993 Libary’ StTuieds, 0. 5 eople fold tes person couldnt ears by nail a 1 'rifadint tht fata have we guening whe hs ue chasladcencrnee ss ina wet ® che 0s oar ene eT oe If we PROVE to you that we have! started hundreds of others into the: repair business and as chauffeurs—who had no¥ previous experience and who knew no, more# about an auto than you do right now—will you? enroll ?—of course you would. 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DO YOU KNOW that the old Eayptians, £000 years B.C. had a Bible which they called the ” Book of the Dead’?—Do you know that the Assyrian sacred literature gives the story of the Creation? —Do you know that books and’ newspapers were printed in Asia thoasands of years before printing was invented by Gutenberg? Do you know ihat Columbus wrote a journal of his voyages tothe new world and that qe haa. been found: translated and published == DID YOU EVER KEAD the" Ball and Tyler Rebellion"? Luther's “Ninety-five Theses ”—-which he nailed to the church door — or Machiaveli's “Prince”? YOU'LL, FIND THEM ALL— and thousands of others ¢qually as curious and important — in the Library of Original Sources. ‘Every document is in the exact words of, the ‘original, translated; every contribution is from the actual ‘eyewitness or person who took part; every idea is in the words of the thinker, Investigator, discoverer oF laventor. 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He pictures the great historical events as though they were happening before your eyes; he carries you with him to bee the battles of old; to meet kings and queens and warriors; to sit inthe Roman Senate; to march against Saladin and his fi Gerkeskinned followers; to sail the southern tisbe Wht Magellan. “He combines absorbing fnxerext wih supreme reliability, and makes tistory. real livite. men ‘ ee ee pe athe # tethered inating. that. history becomes 2s" absorbingly inter. exing a WESTERN NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATIO! POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION constantly writing me for patents pro- cured through me. The demand for good ideas Protected by Owen Patents is greater than ever before. Send for my free books and read the letters from the greatest manufacturers in this country. Read their requests for Owen Patents and see for yourself what ideas they want. You can help supply the unceasing demand for good inventions. 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POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION '—There is a Constant Demand for Good Inventions Thousands of the biggest money-making inventions have been the “little” things that have made people wonder why they were never thought of before. “WHAT TO INVENT” and “HOW TO OBTAIN A PATENT” These Books Sent Free If you have an invention send us a sketch, photograph or model of it. We will give you a report as to its patentability absolutely free. If you have no invention send for our book, “What to Invent.” It contains hundreds of valuable suggestions. We are recognized authorities on patent matters and have helped hundreds to find a ready and profitable market for their ideas. ‘We can prove it. If you wish to sell your patent we will advertise it in manu- facturers’ journals at our expense. Don’t Wait— Find Out NOW! ‘Your idea will never do you any good if some one else patents it ahead of you. Act quick! Let the other fellow say “he thought of it a long time ago.” You reap the profit. Let the others wish they had. Advice Free— All Matters Confidential We have secured patents for thousands of inventors and have mat letters proving the value of our services. Write us. Send ro drawing or model of your invention for our opinion. We will guard it carefully and report quickly. You are under no obligations to proceed further. Our plan is simply @ square deal to all. Our books, “What to Invent” and “How to Obtain a Patent” are the best publications written for the man who has an idea to patent, or who is of an inventive turn of mind. Th show just how to proceed with your idee and tell of hundreds of things to invent. We ladly ‘send. these books free, "The Sooner you write for them the sooner. you WAL Know all sbout patents and the many different lines in which new inventions. or improvements may be made. Af you have an invention send us a sketch of it for report and ask for the books at the same time. CHANDLEE & CHANDLEE, 970 F Street, Washington, D. C. REGISTERED ATTORNEYS. (Combined with H. Ellis Chandlee & Co.) POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION. Vi oA 2 ate z en es! Stop Forgetting! | --Now, What Was That Fellow’s Name? _-1 Can't Remember Those New Terms. 1 Know—But Can't Find Exact Word. -What on Earth Did He Say About 1? = | A Perfect Memory Is the Key to Success The mind of the average personis filled with thousands of single unrelated ideas which waver and fluctuate with every emotion, like the billows of the sea. ‘The man with a Wandering Mind can My method is highly recom. never hope to Make Good — he will always be amended by ELBERT HUB- drug on the market—he has too many competitors. BARD, PROF. DAVID The great men of ali ages are those who acquire the ability to 5 W1NG, and thousands of concentrate and to memorize. others. Ten minutes a day of a ‘your spare time will give you You Can Be Trained to Remember Accurately _ this tinineand not interfere In the business battle — matching ‘wits each hour of every day—the “#» 7our work in any way. ability or inability to think on_your feet, to remember instantly ai accurately means gain or loss, To succeed you must be “forget proo Tee naete ead Ceaser’ ae thoemnglty deest 0 car roar ee os eae and made a classified indexed and cross indexed filing system of facts so that you ean command, on the instant, any thought, fact or argument. The Dickson Method of Memory Training Will Do ii It will enable you to classify impressions, ideas, names, facts This for You ‘yk game 2 a cuny dumrenges ites, east at any tine, K wil tenn ou thine on yur et Yo eonterae a antral mies 5 ee Dei rn eC ee eer ee thinking. 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Send_ me free Docket, every student who enrolls formy pe Nae... course of memory training within fen days alter reading this offer. 9 srneer r Sed the Commo or Psa Tad. eae . t nee 18 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION This $15 Drawing Outfit But you must write at once. Offer expires in 30 days. I make this most exceptional SS" great offer only to a limited number of selected students.—Just think of it! A complete, regular Draftsman’s $15 Working Outfit with high grade Imported German Silver Set of INSTRUMENTS—ALL FREE e a Draftsman! = = Draw $125 to $175 per month at once There is an urgent demand always for skilled draftsmen. Our ¢ companies are issuing calls every day for men to fill positions paying from $125.00 to $175.00 per month. Many positions payin; $75 to $100 per week always open. Work is light, pleasant anc petiabe Inlimited opportunities for expert draftsmen and jesigners. 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CHICAGO, ILL. z Erbe toa Tina 4 sso *. moesignimnonnatinas ® Appnass POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION AUTOMOBILES ORES orto oa, Cee fittlon' “at feplarement” else Beored"c {ie repaint Soe Sen St sree beige tenn Igo wt “Rong ely "emeds Poinilien Sue eximnatn, Company, Waterturs. Conn Brazing We have a Taree O4y-Acelyiene Bia ane prepared Go he staples or the fon ict pr Bras sale er "linea Pons ie for complete i= Wacrbany veld sol Uh, LES molar new $50, Chalaers {alin (exieab ‘an couriug buds, Teyls 8 pass, g155 ‘ck, ‘5 Se. Rambler, evi. inane 20-4 co, 5 ban, Toreot, $600; Winneten TEAOND Tie, SG 0) Sod $0 Bae, SET Saeihe Hid Sieh i tr Sezes ‘cee Digleps 10% ith ip a matter of orice allt and pated attoiubfiee Welte for ‘Baar a surprise pow.” Eureka rongtiee 7s F, Automobile Toit {net ld aoce fap Yor: particulars oh sitam Fruck fia, Fly equal peifeck Iectianlnlip. kertagne:bursera. Wi ene Binate Ls “Gr"Shgaer, 9055 Sate St, Shiengs. FORD owners wanting Tre, eectrie Tans Ton "mngneto and atrage, ‘batt Wasicontsined atten! Fa meries fiery Company Y189 Puen Se, “leap ‘oeok airing deta woreugn, Saree haba reat fnstraction in’ regaed to deine, erat care gf ihe. complet fitrattone, E150" rad Aechanice “Bock Dane, “8: Bui chicane ley Steamers: Newport Con= Ouitie” Kerowene-Digtliate, - Nayh fable Hiursersy High renee Waser 80 Fourteenth, “Denver, ce ‘ale and ns tforaniase ractien Sompletes" the” Amefican, Aberdeen 8. D silences no ae Blade! Hin haga He Sere th tle alin te Shed staal, wanks cour “fest eaipyed ‘choo! inthe imei egteaoa Reg Bee ot ea ih wie Bi Tia ge LORS oe Canal Mi = eee SUES gee oe cane ch Meena ee ‘Aahand, "0. BATTERY Teer abe, of waren Re ya ald, AML” Minds” elecite "aug, “supplies, tlog. Herd Sales Co., Philadetohtay a "FOUR clinder Ford, $150, Witte seat auiomobite, $70." Exevitent ‘conditios, ‘Rony “Canat Dover. Ohio ‘STEAM Cat. Corresponc loulars. £26 Fourteenth aod Mheral Full nea BUYS tro ommensae ‘saree Pa Iodine Cae ein eer sera eae. x site tre ‘ray. 1303, sited on 19 Classified Advertisements 10 words, payable in advance. ‘section, 18 cents per word, each insertion, minimun- Te inqure ads being imerted under proper class ified head in the May issue, copy. must reach this office not later than April It Popular Mechanics Magazine, Chicago, Il Gentiemen: Philadelphia, Fa., December 27, 1912 You are entitied io know that the small 33 word advertisement which we had in your magazine brought replies from every conceivable comer of the giobe. Not only was Practically every state inthe Union represented, ut Foto Rico and Hawatias well. We consider this nothing shortof marveleus results from so small an ad and ave preparing plans to further use your columns tothe limit of thefr possbillty, and you will hear from us at 2 later date. We thank you for yaur interes! in xr Behalf end ave, Very try yours, (Sipted) AMERICAN CUCKOO CLOCK CO. inc. WAVEREY plediic Runabout, hag ae] HYDROCARVON Conver cull any an alten’ othersige condition yoni. "Cheap | tomotite or marine wogine, successful does Beto to HOW, fo, Role Kugonobiie Netaol “book Co., Baron, ramobties ‘quek fuer" rest Garage Tarse book Answers ott A Mote Scatbdorge tein” Taig Rte Sine “a 300 page. 10 any wes step ack Hotel cn," ih ‘Tipiig. Bt si gan HOW Jo tine autouobile, aptnegte cn cot cr Gelting, FW CHAUFFECIS Before taking examina nigel cet tor aetna sth structs, for er ork dates, Eeckeate examiuet ship ad poe oe wr eB, 255 pea Co ing. elegantly equipped and perfect th erat S115. Be Mpiltene, S18 Hast foth New Vouk Cis. TARANTERD 0 miles ure. HE Sour "ties tre ld, Biron ‘tiem wag. or you'll teow aa Ria Sa i si Rong," rim eat ar vor, “Drab At ‘ ASST ‘Stone Deuter, Cobos AUTOMOBILES, ae a ae 375 up? all guaranteed and’ slipped felght ena tend ty Ti gre para vanes ce | 85) AUTOMONILE and Siooracle, Tours Tisteated’ TuetlPeipg best ronda) each "hat Glambers St, Sew'You Cys 3. WHITE Steam Aatomovies, awondhand and nen; allusccaidcbond bafta Wits, Torgmreses, or other Stea Aiteubties: "Prices reesonable. "State our frante." Lake View Gare, Lake View, New SIMPLEST way on, arth ome calves mise Be, sttonge tomer, “See AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES SHEER ite four gute, Cima Shea ia ss Mines inaa takes to peak Net cloth Bnd "Arsten-tor. "One box plates ny car.” Doer not eonttl mere, cyanide Sash 9 Baa on etal “Unter oust id. “Rove cy ites Co, Bent Xo toate fee Tim-actighi. the new ihe giate, of esetrie inet baer ae, 1405 seo, Tindls (adams, Michigan Avenue, Ch fang gud’ fuel, reduces expenses 434. it? Sie’ sitar ale ane igen Proce Co. Got Cooteuta BIA. Denner, ite, ee Besse ‘0. Soh Congas tie prateciors sine Mat never taegr $13 cath ‘Blackfoot, Ta SES pang te daha of Jo 2 ‘button, kateituce Ave. 8 Virsa KEROSENE For Autemotiles—pur new Model 'B." uses successfully Lait aud halt iniatite. iptesr grades krtowene aad gxsns ihe, "'Satfitsctin guaranteed or toney Fe ‘hed Gratin ocean Dower, ery be a ae a GRERT ruin avion ere aang ais abire carer Catal om seat shoes. aly ‘alecesstul. Ful Infor ‘gation wort, Ab, Send 3be stamps. 1 Sitehen” 618 Hirogawa ‘Los angle, Cat TPREREPSS. cx, Siting gear tragmison. ir dive ase. wbeels, fame steeslug gear Se, cheep Siaigee Motor Co ‘Miwatee, "RIG, money, gleaalgng at bee a ‘tone Bien Wanderpael's Spine ta FATE he. caring anid iranamiaion | Be, eel ta, fins caste ala Hebi carbine spar pri eriog. “One porte gurage’” Filoss ite aise Shesey "Sine, stl eon ie, measures ty gallons oy Auto tank, 15 in, Tongs 40 adjusteble, ‘tabeted, “hrais markets." 30. cunts: post Bald Ciretar Goode Mig. Co, 785 Paton an tig. Co, Sa Bat south wumkaune, Boston. i rieee Pay Mtiite cor complete catalog. ith order. Balance C100, Batios ans TAP Stichgan Ave Bresied Stee! Frames, $ix107 7 Nadtomonile.hollers botght, sold rod Newt one eases ind wheels HOO Lact & Son, nebigepert,” Cont "TOOLS and Too! Chest, and Oiher Tools for the aitoist? shop! and Rome-are tated fia escibed inthe Toot Sanger, a. 390- a ere ae Siberia me Tratgnapoiis, Ind ~ STEAM, tt ia cr Finder cota, 7 =! MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES pide Kari purers, sate. 30%, ‘Have best Selection" Unalany,"HatleniYales, Phere, fieims“thutaio, No “ADVISE a, make end_model moloreyce dated: and'we will quoie lowest prices, tenealt, Moges ‘Bros, 21 Irving Ben watnan,” amet ag MME, Bee aria hele fs Halon 00 BICYCLES agy ese and SG= a Ee up. Covington Cycle ‘Wha, Cov (TOW, Sale—Motoreyele, Perfect ori yyhter 203" Coctoawoos St, ‘Grand Fors, pai die, ain model, quae, 1010 model, Fut naw tite tre engl, SY A Work MOTORCYCL ‘uitene $65" Site 5, ter arated.” Frank Sarat Rinne Cl TIOYCLES tor sl Fee Pirate alee wee BARGATSS In Tndlan, itowreigy 1 machigen ten Ot we, ches Ca Ba TWIN lnian ye, Go, Phoig on Toavet> woah eB Bade mae ci in SS ia: im_ciay, Ohishoi MINNEAPOLIS # Tor mute ‘Geo. Smith, 4351 Evang Ave, Ri Louie. No, TOUR cinder Flee, $00,, Goo con #, Sead eap for reds. AP Weara, SIENREL Tips TOE slain oe ae are eae ot ok, solder Octane Bada 3 Sei ee cong re ‘apd ‘Tainlogie, Moioreyele Go. Tir Michigan Avert ‘YCLES and Heseles 72 pre! akc Noateclen, $00 80 ‘its &.,"“afi9" commerciat “A CFOR Sale—Piviag_ Merkel Morons wil Eclipse mea Used for ionsratag, ie a4 atuleksCaralina Merial Co, State MERKEL motoreyele, single, oy ere ER aa use “OOK —#1 bans ‘eat made Fits any machine. Apderson Hanviay Ml % ER ‘Wieyel at $32.50. ‘guppleg at tow prices, Rend fp Catalnn Seales woe kexteon, Ohta. THPEUGHOT Nourse cosine. Namer fe, cheap. stgmp. Raluer 440 Haslerara Wechawie, WE, want you ta have aur, 919. Mo- toneveie “upp Calaoe ask for) Catalog TE Give the. name of the metoresele pou Md ase fegthe, Yello hea Roney ty" getting acqutited wit Shutiey Supply company, Kansis City, Mo. POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING WANTED Motoryete. second:tand. HL eras, #2 Addaide, Wiank ach SRT RGNEDES, aT uti ea ay feller, Hegdogs., ure.” eel “yotla. “betlnge Gr Co, Siag deter Hochester, N. BICYCLE Tires We wil send @ pal gue piarinteet “Aladdia” Higels. ‘fer Bares out ipo veool, 4 81.56, Bom Section for 30 stamp. vTilstrated eteatar fee aledain ater Works, 12 Ws Mar- "Prien tas Hsltmore ital THAVE all ~ | Save al at bn Ist on (0,305 Ist fron $2¥ pla ni For any Sages ileseated se fore” purchasing.” Pe" King. Automodile Brober, Hi? West 125th St, New York Ci. ., Be: Curtiss, fea Hacer, 28.8 oe io bi. Maker Sony Citaloe jes “Aerolatie Ca, Baie West Broad: FICYOAE Monoflane Pra i, ie yom Dias font eeralon and tana ee, Femme Htmeiater,_Oreries,”Stersiasd. ide nara every tetall’ accompanted ty seagate incannatia. ex Ho s. HY DIEO-Acroplanes ie, bo Soe ACAGO Aero Works, seu Guiatng for stamps” SY SAPS BOY wight, at pries rai. Ge ene est dgtenautieal” ettaloti Rent Rurttiere or “E"fed stamps Hea ‘erlat" Wehlels_Co, “Chiews “GATES Aeroplane Slotora cheapest mo ors fying, © Catalog” tree: “Cart Bates, 10 weet “Oax St, Culenso, (BOOKS AND PERIODICALS TANG tm aera, Te Este rity ert saratet sonal attention. Seif-help; ‘tusiness: health: a eee or ieltae and epee 2, Kitereted Oriental overs Library. sah aaah Soon Mi are wei dasa oe ene ee ne Ge eT ete one year? sbecal ott, showing ade far power. 1S, Wath thought Brander ei. and, Tatalation: er $1502 Autor Beuwlereta Hath ulaseg) tien, 4, Bond "bute SECTION PIBTERICH'S 5). Perpetual Motions. ‘ells all about Perpetual Movin. Uluwcrates Godufereat forme: "Sells avout Patent Once Bids’ Washlaicon, B. & | SHDUARICAL Dak 30 a, Ec ae ee Piattaogue for amps Pant ult, 2713) Mozart ea, oe speed “Inuret Wand Bost, Building Boks.” Huser Erbliging Ca 234 Bttdson Ses Now Hore, cane oy olen for. tety- Bye cent pestoald, ” end stamps Hell's “Book ores Punadelpbias Tal te read Tadependence wud under udiness “Opportunities, "Tiles, 250 each. Be altchinen ‘Shoo, Syracuse, aoe ie Bock EDUCATIONAL AND _INSTRUGTION SHORTHAND. _Wlgraph dit te Spo ‘tie isin world demands sectracy hi, Renographt™ and” 9% of te “aoraudd (rrters Wodlay" cannot produce’ se "Wha? ‘Their school br system was deicleni. Learn the tit about shortiand—our se book: fon the door of Dosklong for Ebert Seetograpners Sena for it etna ele REY Catalonye of Weautiful Art Cust {len of their taudacture, fecludlog’ Vex feat mag Renoratne fame Pula ice with anita) atone, "Medel slices naa ae rosie “iow exvense ‘iaaters TH hace SE" iotime NewYork aa AMBITIOUS young men and women, Erte noe dar casas ee tenal ote Miedieine™ iy ie i tana Sata aan ae eee ks Classical School, Dept. PAL, Schiller ‘CLR Sam ina liberal employer quate Yor “a coteennent poxtign we Prepare you oy mail" for any’ Civil Service Capital visors ‘Senesk Waele ton, "B.C. @ profession im 180 hours that You" Inderendes? foe fe. Bank fo ee wetes Enatats, make ‘Aidra Pept. Be Nevada, Mo LEARN Auclioncering by wall, make big ones fora few minutes selling Omar Sikh ‘Ruetlonering, ax Ta Be, Allen, _XEXTIILOQUISN cas. $10 pigfemongl guna tuner, BRO" mate "BET. XOU can dra cartoons and comic ple- aura Eta Sect trou Ue Tapiy, "Eee ahs” n- amb tsion, age gat. Deal Sigma! ‘aed Gitano St on cag FOR Sie—i GS, (cou, complete retical “Hoaticerig. Harmin “Bors, DRAPTSMER, seni grup for free, took, ecard Peete Rath sont @'Drfiing, Metachien ids," Weshington “Ruconeering 9 correspond- ox 7B, Atte, In Bice" Grand Bopids, Mich. POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION Bi, corction wilh our ceca work ‘wo how you how “to i fis" pet Menkeand howd your pestia. began Caivosnine, We. a ianuteruikees pal nail order ‘pted'epetiansea have new, ag ES ese care one, Woke thes Heap” bug Laree Foe ane a and stateneat Poise ty Fens Blin, brats ate ud SA TEACH ra Goines. Ror a, B92, hetroi, Micky ONE to make ang ee —80 ary Pubister, ae Giliton "St YOU cap we, 100 org x laut ge ‘ut (howitie "Shorthand VAty, new. stb, ‘Abureriated™ Lonshand, sie ‘an the fumplest,shortband, tried by gatas Your mone, Tie to att Tughted. "Sample iewon oe. “Fuh pant He ee. rite today, a. he Waser, Eoin Reportee, Devt 'G., funttio. NF DONT fail to, res Independence and Forane. under “Business “Opporttuiites, TRADE SCHOGLS TMAH $5 10 $8 0 Gayo qiiled Fee teelin. "Phuimler’ Draftsman Storing Pie- ‘We'teaca you in short Um Se inden Ses peat tore: Rite Sarin onthe ata pene sine af patie Trane eehoal, Siok Miele eS CRE enzo, TL eat LEARN to te an Au noble eabeit, Oe expects oll” (rain yeu on real aatonablles fer tecome lsueesstal chauen feet Wenonatrator or salesman xoetience guaranteed “Our gradual De Peoria, School of “Motoring, iF Rilrardae Bicatinal Direetor, 82-886 puntlage meting at stair fe Sm ete Tnsicution from practical work. "Tie beat ea Eehoa nite cotttcy, "Weatgnnn ge atest Font make ibe sastnel do. the "rest DEAW. Gqrtoons pet Bee Hamilion Shoal ad tae a Ssha Hnsttion E55 PATS for « comple, wnilmkea, pre tical’ course in autimolile. driving ahd. re- rg We have se beet eaipred. school Fed "En! Copticdnte sgt thy chia ‘it refund gone ‘id evening laesen oF 1. Meatemy ot Antonohtie n= Cahimet Aner SS AUShigaN sncering AUTOMOBILE, Sool Yon MAILING LISTS wae a, Te ES Ra ual ordel ugar at the BES essg," 859 Coral St, Phila» Pa ‘NAMES gpd addyesta of orge 1,000 Towa farmers, Yusc obtaliedy 81 "postpaid: an cane rar FLOWS Fowler, Regera, Ark Ror 23 BREE (0 tales wen, copy of cur one prehensive” Sitent” Satiemae? “e clasifeations of Mail: ing’ sts’ with unmet “ani brlce ot ‘ene Hist, ‘ang “itomation, erry ‘wasisese_ tat essa ecupe til Fro aon rnd ilar addressing CoG 164 "80. \CTURES AND FosT CAROS PANAMA Canal oatiee, Grorient phate ro tag, tint ‘time Core, Chleage. TORS the, Teras, Post Can Fixcanse, Reet gated “ineach town Teas Post JOIN the only Mexican Exchange, and or test gardg” coin or stamps fram. the sole find Sen bertip. aly ioe in, Tomas Gonavra. “Santas Paes Mexico. TCTUT IG of the ere of b= 30.” Walter ® Shae Sra Ge, Washoe, 18 NICE, posta am) rgstpgitpilte Dutton, f02.W. Markbam BIeTLtte Rocke Ark YOULL get piste from eres whre, mmembecahin Se. Tae See per ward Bute SE" North rotawanda, SY" EMESTERN Postale Covbope, ache Horses, {Wind Aitinaly ahd ote‘ West poston ftom lige go, ail aierent. ca ‘the EMtie" Store “Around the Corn, Siaadi, PEAWATON oie Fine iiing i At fora" ollie. “"Hawaitan "Service “Burert, Howshuty, HAVE Pilends erenwhere. Recche pat cats rom ail crt Stereo Glomier € pen Hiaeee Ta 10 00 7 ds 162) woutpald. Exposition init Order Co, Tix HUGS San! Prancises, Cu HOOPS Gear” a REE ats Dees, Te Be, ‘Cunis Co, Toenaerond, “eh FUN! Corresrondel petately, sare, on ‘gommoy, Post cards! (Uiseated,) "Conon Tie New way! bufeetoi, ie," Verne Sileneuee” Saiem, Towa FICTCRES and Postcards Hawalan Pose Cards Deattifuly core, 12 for Be ACTIFUL, Postcards; Grea Peet Wises Canara ‘So, “eet fie” ties: ito ‘Mtapie, Sal 20 usthanse Flowers views, oe too, Finie, Bias _povils for rgults, Te mem= ‘Beclange, ‘Ban Se A Ne. Ponnadel: cuss ot eet” eechage 3850" Coral in fe Mice '& Cn., Wallacetiteg. Oat TGHT Keene Pom Cords Sw ‘away from ‘life. Blight for 1c. fe a a one ean, OEE. ; ae ee ANGIE hae Fie, Da ios Wis tots Aust ‘Baa ‘eslee st Bo i Te i fall at Ree Pe ine aid Wal 188 aids, ity ot sptenaid egy Lat eli iF cquntrisg, “ Mfemburobipe 106. Wicgon "Cheb, Bor 138, Bre. Pa pena Devt. K, Box $03, Boise, Taako, 2 CAMERAS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES “TRAIN Tansohorraphy Make boratiha colored Transoarent "photographs, of ‘watch cis cploaware lverware els, elle, HE Teeth frvone’heur “Ne toos regular: Khowiedse of phovxcraphy unnecesagy™ St Ee ernee 13D, ae os ant i ih, Sretnuaighek int anephogeasiy cL SS a our table PT Capers sh your valuable eras “Berdoping tee: Prints, “pot fate ces others rma iy SS eee. Sete TOLL, ims devdloped, ie, Paint Cards, 3 cents each. 15 years’ ox ald Si wd ESE i ae ESTE ee Pe esc DEM ie are ie sity gia Soe ee dai Gra mae rae at RA ais iinarsoraen Heise crane ttt tetas noe, ing darshan Sori ong rel fm deeloned getaita Aes sale Sa Mound enlestment’ tor gies Swe fsck Joie, aaa peturs buten 2” olbui t Buk 186, St__Louls, So, ESS Folding Dask-Reom, — Bio cs ttn ind Startiag” mone sett Erie eiiinates alacant of orl: nine dastroce att tor Operation laie, Miu Sti Sree'Ce, oe #803, Tedlampots, rere iit he a Sy BRE fg’and ate" seivet prints” Booket_ fa. Sie we meet ie er nate tia Rane stu, Mdaietows, No Sriram otal Pee ees done, Meta de Oomen,, Ge ast Aon iG ee ‘i verimin, Ste James, Mint. cd Send me your Aims TS Derelope fot omar, Send nertlee for “free a Henry, Seal ‘cints nud prion ut Stan, beeater, HOVS: Mike Soup cxmete pa tells how. Sead 350. Hoge, Ark, “Hae 8 Sx CAMERA, complete aati. Want aiall eqline enguoes He R Dagi, Waahe (THE Latest qavention, Combating hie, pent. mteropten, and posto gore. Ing "ingehine’ combined in. ohe Simple compacts anne cater sien ‘size filin.”" Compact Comers Works, 51S. Teavitt" $e Chleago,_TI FILMS Developed Free. Prints % wl Send tig eratives, iy" size. for ample Gar "Stone cs, dametowty” ie SS: FILMS, dereloped, teu gous pee rol Beat Fesulte goaranieed. Jackson, TE Wood trois Mich KODAK Films Dereloped, ie per, roll ag. rome attention ten tall or ‘ui akangise) Box “, praia postal for leat of, fear on ie fey. otagrannte Txper, Box TH G Dt Pinata PHOTOS qpled_on Post Cwida, Tock frnted cata get cents. Weillake Co. rockin, WE bay sell an (Sea RT nu Atloncores. Melee pes Bl "San." ont ork. "patablished 62 years.

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