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Meaning of History
The word history is derived from the Greek term “historia” which means “inquiry
or research” Thus, the term history refers to accounts or inquiries of events that
happened in the past and are narrated in a chronological order/account History is
the analysis and interpretation of the past.
Herodotus, Greek historian, known as the “father of history” He remains the
leading source of original historical information not only Greece but also much of
western Asia and Egypt at that time. He was the first person to record events as
accurately and faithfully as possible.
It is said that history is to the human race whereas memory is to each man. It
does not only shed the light of the past upon the present time. It also:
Helps every person to draw conclusions from the past events helping the person
to understand himself by being acquainted with other people.
1. Makes a person’s life richer and fuller by giving meaning to the books he
reads (especially history books, the cities and metropolis he visits and the
cultural performances he hears and listens to)
2. Broaden the person’s outlook in life by learning and understanding the
various races, cultures, idiosyncrasies, habits, rituals, ceremonies, etc. of
the making of contemporary society out of the diverse forces of the past.
(Dr. Ariola and R. Parajas 2018)
3. It provides us with insight into our cultures of origin which are less familiar.
4. History preserves the cultural values of a nation because it guides society in
confronting various crises “History is like a bridge that connects the past with
the present and “pointing the road to the future” (Allen Nerins)
Relevance of Studying Philippines History
All people are living histories - which is why history matters “It is not a “dead”
subject. History connects things through time and the students are encouraged to
take a long view of such connections. An example is the legacies of the past that
are connected to the present so as to determine what comes in the future.
Thus the study of Philippine History is not only relevant, it is also useful and
essential. History allows us to study both continuity and change overtime. It helps
to explain how we have changed throughout time.
Professor’s Note/Discussion:
History has always been known as the study of the past events as told through
documentation. History can serve as a guide to present and succeeding
in facing the challenges of the time. By projecting the people’s aspirations, a
people’s history will enable us to grasp the direction of the country’s
development and identify the factors that impede real progress. Indeed the need
for a real people’s history becomes more urgent as we search for truly Filipino
solutions to the problems being set in our country. (Halili, Maria Christine N.
Part of history is using pieces of evidence to interpret and revisit the past. With the
past as history’s subject matter, the historian’s most important tools are historical
sources. In general, historical sources can be classified between primary and
secondary sources.
Primary Sources – Are firsthand contemporary accounts of events created by
individuals during that period of time or several years later (such as
correspondence, diaries, memoirs and personal histories). It can be described as
those sources that are closest to the origin of the information. They contain raw
information and thus must be interpreted by researchers. They are direct or
firsthand evidence regarding an object, person or work of art. They include
historical and legal documents, eyewitness accounts, results, experimenst,
statistical data, pieces of creative writing, audio, video recordings, speeches and art

Some Examples of primary sources include

Archival documents
Artifacts (e.g. coin, fossils, tools, furniture, all from the time under study) Diaries
Newspaper articles written at the time
Original documents
Work of arts, architecture, literature & music
Historical and legal documents
Government records
Primary source documents are the building blocks of history. Studying them
allows students to draw their conclusion about history, connect to a person and tell
a story in their own way (Steinway, 2019)
Secondary Sources: are analysis or a restatement of primary sources. They are
often used as generalizations, analysis, interpretations and synthesis of primary
sources. It provides second-hand information that has been digested, analyzed,
recorded or interpreted and often combines information taken from primary
sources and even other secondary sources.
Secondary sources are often events written well after they report on, and can put
past information into its historical content.
Some examples of secondary sources include
Example: textbooks, articles and references books
Book Reviews
Journals articles
Magazines or News Articles

Primary Sources
Raw data, original sources of information before it has been
First-hand observations, contemporary account of events, viewpoints
at the time.
Secondary Sources
Sources that analyze or interpret primary data. They do not
offer new evidence.
Interpretation of information, written after the event, offers review or critique.
Why use Primary Sources?
1. To develop your own conclusions and analyze how historical events
affect your life.
2. To recognize failures and successes in the past in order to make better
decisions as a citizens
3. To understand who you are by examining your roots or placing yourself
in that time period or situation.
Why use Secondary Sources?
1. To get expert opinions in order to evaluate what really happened.
2. To gain insight by examining the same event from a different
3. To form our own opinions
4. To save time by reading information collected from a number of
different sources.

1. Greek historian known as the father of history

2. Simply a collection of web pages of codes

3. Set of books giving information on many subjects arranged

4. Sources that are close to the origin of information.
5. Material that can be deposited for safekeeping or storage in a
special collection of a library.
B. True or False
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Put T if the statement is True and
F if the statement is False.
1. History is the study of the present.
2. The main goal of carefully examining the primary source is to
construct new knowledge.
3. A secondary source is created during the fact.
4. Analyzing historical primary sources tunes delegates ears and
focuses their eyes to the stories in the past.
5. A primary source is created after the event.
C. Essay
Answer the following questions base on the lesson that has been discussed in the
module (30 points). This learning instrument will provide you on opportunity to
demonstrate understanding of the background study of history in your own
1. What is the importance of Philippine History to students?
We’ve learned and observed the beginning and development of our country
2. Why do Filipinos forget Philippine History?
Because our educational system prioritizes chronology  over actual history.

Here's some insights I could give you as a history major. Imagine you have a connect the
dots activity. History is when you actually connect the dots together while in chronology,
you just identify the points and call it a day.
So when Filipinos talk about finding history boring because it's always “about memorizing
dates,” then that means that their “history" teacher taught them chronology, not history.

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