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Hedwell d.o.o.

Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd

Na osnovu člana 3. stavovi 2. i 6. Zakona o radu Pursuant to Article 3 paragraphs 2 and 6 of the
(„Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije“ broj 24/2005, Labour Law (“Official Gazette of the Republic of
61/2005, 54/2009, 32/2013, 75/2014,13/2017 i Serbia” Nos. 24/2005, 61/2005, 54/2009, 32/2013,
95/2018, u daljem tekstu: „Zakon o radu”), 75/2014, 13/2017 and 95/2018, hereinafter: the
privredno društvo Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd sa “Labour Law”) Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd with its
sedištem na adresi Oračka broj 4, 11080 Zemun, seat at the address Oracka no.4, 11080 Zemun,
Beograd, Republika Srbija, privredno društvo Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, Republic of Serbia, a
registrovano kod Agencije za privredne registre company registered with the Serbian Business
Republike Srbije pos matičnim brojem 21598984 (u Registers Agency under the identification number
daljem tekstu: „Poslodavac”), donosi sledeći: 21598984 (hereinafter: the “Employer”), adopts the



Član 1. Article 1

Ovim Pravilnikom o radu (u daljem tekstu: „Pravilnik The present Employment Rulebook (hereinafter:
o radu”) uređuju se prava, obaveze i odgovornosti “Employment Rulebook”) shall govern the rights,
zaposlenih kod Poslodavca, kao i obaveze Poslodavca obligations and responsibilities of the employees of
u obezbeđivanju i ostvarivanju prava zaposlenih po the Employer, as well the Employer’s obligations as to
osnovu rada, u skladu sa zakonom. insuring and realization of the employees’ labour-
related rights, in accordance with the law.

Pravilnik o radu se primenjuje se na sve zaposlene kod Employment Rulebook shall apply to all the
Poslodavca. employees of the Employer.

Pravilnikom o radu se ne mogu utvrditi manja prava i Employment Rulebook cannot grant less rights or
nepovoljniji uslovi rada od prava i uslova rada koji su provide less favourable work conditions than the
utvrđenih zakonom. Pravilnikom o radu se mogu rights and conditions established by the law. The
utvrditi veća prava i povoljniji uslovi rada od prava i Employment Rulebook may stipulate extended rights
uslova rada utvrđenih zakonom, kao i druga prava and more favourable work conditions than the rights
koja nisu utvrđena zakonom, osim ako zakonom nije and conditions established by the law, as well as other
drugačije određeno. rights not established by the law, unless otherwise
specified by the law.

Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd

Matični broj 21598984 | PIB 112057510 | Dinarski račun 265-1630310008513-87 (Reiffeisen Bank)
Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd
Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd


Član 2. Article 2

Radni odnos se zasniva ugovorom o radu koji Employment shall commence upon conclusion of an
zaključuju zaposleni i Poslodavac, u skladu sa employment contract by and between the employee
zakonom. and the Employer, in accordance with the law.

Ugovor o radu se zaključuje u pisanoj formi, na Employment contract shall be concluded in written
neodređeno ili određeno vreme, u skladu sa form, for an indefinite or definite period of time, in
zakonom. accordance with the law.

U ime i za račun Poslodavca, ugovor o radu zaključuje In the name and on behalf of the Employer, the
direktor Poslodavca ili lice koje on ovlasti. employment contract shall be concluded by its
director, or the person authorised by him.

O pravima, obavezama i odgovornostima iz radnog The director of the Employer or the person
odnosa odlučuje direktor Poslodavca ili lice koje on authorised by the Employer’s director shall decide on
ovlasti. rights, obligations and responsibilities related to the

Ugovor o radu se zaključuje u najmanje tri originalna The employment contract shall be concluded in, at
primerka, od kojih se jedan obavezno predaje least, three originals, one of which is kept by the
zaposlenom, a dva zadržava Poslodavac. employee, while the Employer retains two.


Član 3. Article 3

Poslodavac može da ugovori probni rad sa The Employer may agree a trial period with the
zaposlenim, koji može da traje najduže šest meseci. employee, which shall not be longer than six months.

Pre isteka vremena za koji je ugovoren probni rad, Before the expiry of the trial period, either the
Poslodavac ili zaposleni može da otkaže ugovor o Employer or the employee may terminate the
radu sa otkaznim rokom koji ne može biti kraći od employment contract with a notice period not shorter
pet radnih dana, s tim da je Poslodavac dužan da than five working days, in which case the Employer
obrazloži otkaz ugovora o radu. shall be obliged to give reasons for such termination
of employment contract.

Zaposlenom, koji za vreme probnog rada nije If, during the trial period, the employee fails to
pokazao odgovarajuće radne i stručne sposobnosti, demonstrate adequate working ability and
professional skills, the employee’s employment shall

Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd

Matični broj 21598984 | PIB 112057510 | Dinarski račun 265-1630310008513-87 (Reiffeisen Bank)
Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd
Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd

prestaje radni odnos danom isteka roka probnog terminate on the last day of the trial period, as
rada određenog ugovorom o radu. specified in his/her employment contract.



Radno vreme Working Hours

Član 4. Article 4

Zaposleni može zasnovati radni odnos sa punim, An employee may conclude an employment contract
nepunim ili skraćenim radnim vremenom, u skladu for full-time, part-time or reduced working hours, in
sa zakonom i Pravilnikom o radu. accordance with the law and the Employment

Član 5. Article 5

Puno radno vreme traje 40 časova nedeljno. Full-time working hours shall be 40 hours a week.

Zaposleni, po pravilu rade pet radnih dana u nedelji i As a rule, employees will work five days per week,
to od ponedeljka do petka, osam časova dnevno, pri from Monday to Friday, eight hours per day,
čemu radno vreme počinje u 09 časova i završava se whereas the work starts at 09 hours and ends at 17
u 17 časova. hours.

Radno vreme može biti organizovano i na drugačiji Working hours can be organized in a different
način, posebnom odlukom Poslodavca. manner by a separate decision of the Employer.

Poslodavac je dužan da obavesti zaposlenog promeni The Employer shall notify the employee of any change
rasporeda radnog vremena najmanje pet dana pre in the working hours schedule at least, five days
nastupanja takve promene. Izuzetno Poslodavac before effecting the change. Exceptionally, the
može da obavesti zaposlene o rasporedu i promeni employer may inform employees about the working
rasporeda radnog vremena u kraćem roku od pet hours schedule and changes thereof in a period of
dana, ali ne kraćem od 48 časova unapred u slučaju time shorter than five days, but not shorter than 48
potrebe posla usled nastupanja nepredviđenih hours, when so required by work needs due to the
okolnosti. occurrence of unforeseen circumstances.

Preraspodela radnog vremena Redistribution of Working Hours

Član 6. Article 6

Poslodavac može da izvrši preraspodelu radnog The Employer may redistribute working hours when
vremena kada to nalaže priroda delatnosti, so required by work organisation, better utilisation of

Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd

Matični broj 21598984 | PIB 112057510 | Dinarski račun 265-1630310008513-87 (Reiffeisen Bank)
Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd
Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd

organizacija rada, bolje korišćenje sredstava rada, working equipment, more rational use of working
racionalnije korišćenje radnog vremena i izvršenje time, and performance of a specific job within a set
određenog posla u utvrđenim rokovima. period.

Preraspodela će biti izvršena tako da ukupno radno The working time shall be redistributed in such a
vreme zaposlenog u periodu od šest meseci u toku manner so as to ensure that total working hours of an
kalendarske godine u proseku ne bude duže od employee over a six-month period in the course of a
ugovorenog radnog vremena zaposlenog. calendar year do not exceed the average contracted
working hours of the employee.

U slučaju preraspodele radnog vremena, radno vreme In the event of redistribution of working hours, the
ne može da traje duže od 60 časova nedeljno. working hours shall not exceed 60 hours a week.

Direktor Poslodavca donosi odluku o preraspodeli The director of the Employer shall decide on
radnog vremena. redistribution of working time.

Prekovremeni rad Overtime work

Član 7. Article 7

Na zahtev Poslodavca, zaposleni je dužan da radi duže The Employer may request an employee to work
od punog radnog vremena u slučaju više sile, longer than full-time working hours in case of force
iznenadnog povećanja obima posla i u drugim majeure, sudden increase in the scope of work, as well
slučajevima kada je neophodno da se u određenom as in other cases where it is necessary to finish an
roku završi posao koji nije planiran. unscheduled work within a specific deadline.

Prekovremeni rad ne može da traje duže od osam Overtime work may not last longer than eight hours
časova nedeljno. per week.

Zaposleni ne može da radi duže od 12 časova dnevno, An employee cannot work longer than 12 hours a day,
uključujući i prekovremeni rad. including overtime work.



Odmori Periods of Rest

Član 8. Article 8

Zaposleni ima pravo na odmor u toku dnevnog rada, An employee is entitled to daily break, daily rest and
dnevni odmor i nedeljni odmor, u skladu sa zakonom. weekly rest, in accordance with law.

Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd

Matični broj 21598984 | PIB 112057510 | Dinarski račun 265-1630310008513-87 (Reiffeisen Bank)
Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd
Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd

Član 9. Article 9

U svakoj kalendarskoj godini, zaposleni ima pravo na For each calendar year, employee is entitled to
godišnji odmor u trajanju od 25 radnih dana, annual leave in duration of 25 work days, increased
uvećanih po osnovu: on the basis of:

1) uslova rada: 1) work conditions:

- za poslove sa povećanim rizikom - 1 dodatni - high risk jobs – 1 additional work day;
radni dan;

2) stručna sprema zaposlenog: 2) employee's level of professional qualification:

- za VIII stepen stručne spreme – 1 dodatni radni - for VII level of professional qualification
dan; education – 1 additional work day;

3) doprinos na radu 3) work contribution

- 1 dodatni radni dan, na osnovu posebne - 1 additional work day in accordance with the
odluke Poslodavca; i Employer’s decision.

4) radno iskustvo - vreme provedeno u radnom 4) work experience - time spent in service of the
odnosu kod Poslodavca i/ili kompanija članica Employer and/оr a company which is a member
grupe Poslodavca, i to: of the Employer's group, as follows:

- 1 dodatni radni dan nakon jedne pune - 1 additional work day after one full year
godine provedene u radnom odnosu; of service;
- ukupno 2 dodatna radna dana nakon tri - 2 additional days in total after three full
pune godine provedene u radnom odnosu; years of service;
- ukupno 3 dodatna radna dana nakon pet - 3 additional days in total after five full
punih godina provedenih u radnom years of service;
odnosu; - 4 additional days in total after seven full
- ukupno 4 dodatnih radnih dana nakon years of service; and
sedam punih godina provedenih u - 5 additional days in total after ten full
radnom odnosu; i years of service.
- ukupno 5 dodatnih radnih dana nakon
deset godina provedenih u radnom

Godišnji odmor po osnovu kriterijuma iz stava 1. The length of annual leave determined in accordance
ovog člana, ne može biti duži od 30 radnih dana u with paragraph 1 of this Article may not exceed 30
toku kalendarske godine. work days in a calendar year.

Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd

Matični broj 21598984 | PIB 112057510 | Dinarski račun 265-1630310008513-87 (Reiffeisen Bank)
Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd
Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd

U zavisnosti od potrebe posla, Poslodavac odlučuje o The Employer decides on the annual leave schedule
vremenu korišćenja godišnjeg odmora, uz prethodnu upon prior consultations with the employees,
konsultaciju sa zaposlenim. depending on the work needs.

Rešenje o korišćenju godišnjeg odmora dostavlja se An employee shall be served a decision determining
zaposlenom najkasnije 15 dana pre datuma his annual leave not later than 15 days before the date
određenog za početak korišćenja godišnjeg odmora. scheduled for commencement of the annual leave.
Izuzetno, ako se godišnji odmor koristi na zahtev Exceptionally, if the annual leave is used at the
zaposlenog, rešenje o korišćenju godišnjeg odmora employee’s request, the decision on annual leave may
Poslodavac može dostaviti i neposredno pre be served immediately before the annual leave.
korišćenja godišnjeg odmora.

Poslodavac može da izmeni vreme određeno za The Employer may change the annual leave schedule,
korišćenje godišnjeg odmora, ako to zahtevaju if so required by the nature of the work, and shall do
potrebe posla, najkasnije pet radnih dana pre dana so not later than five working days before the date
određenog za korišćenje godišnjeg odmora scheduled for commencement of the annual leave.

Odsustva Leaves of absence

Član 10. Article 10

Zaposleni ima pravo na plaćeno odsustvo u ukupnom An employee is entitled to paid leave of up to eight
trajanju do osam radnih dana u toku kalendarske work days in total, within a calendar year on the
godine, u sledećim slučajevima: following cases:

1) sklapanje braka – 2 radna dana; 1) the employee’s wedding – 2 working days,

2) porođaja supruge – 5 radnih dana; 2) birth of the employee’s child – 5 working
3) teže bolesti člana uže porodice – 2 radna days
dana; 3) serious illness in the employee’s
4) selidba domaćinstva – 1 radni dan; immediate family – 2 working days;
5) venčanje deteta, brata/sestre ili roditelja 4) moving of household – 1 working day;
zaposlenog – 1 radni dan; 5) wedding of the employee’s child,
6) po sopstvenom izboru, jednog od sledećih brother/sister or parent – 1 working day;
datuma: 6. januara ili 25. decembra, ili 31. 6) at the employee’s choice, one of the
decembra; i following dates: 6 January, 25 December,
7) po sopstvenom izboru, iz privatnih or 31 December;
razloga – 2 radna dana (odjednom ili iz 7) at the employee’s choice, for private
delova). reasons – 2 working days (consecutive or

Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd

Matični broj 21598984 | PIB 112057510 | Dinarski račun 265-1630310008513-87 (Reiffeisen Bank)
Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd
Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd

Dodatno, zaposleni ima pravo na plaćeno odsustvo u In addition, an employee is entitled to a paid leave of
trajanju od 5 radnih dana zbog smrti člana uže another five working days in the case of death in the
porodice, kao i 2 uzastopna radna dana za svaki employee’s immediate family, and 2 consecutive
slučaj dobrovoljnog davanja krvi, računajući dan working days in each case of voluntary blood
davanja krvi. donation, including the day when the blood was

Da bi iskoristio plaćeno odsustvo, zaposleni je dužan In order to use paid leave, employee must submit to
da blagovremeno podnese Poslodavcu zahtev za the Employer a timely request for using paid leave,
korišćenje plaćenog odsustva, zajedno sa dokazima da together with proof that he meets the conditions for
ispunjava uslove za korišćenje takvog odsustva u using paid leave in that particular case.
konkretnom slučaju.

Poslodavac može, po sopstvenom nahođenju, The Employer may, at its own discretion, allow an
odobriti zaposlenom plaćeno odsustvo i u drugim employee to take paid leave in other cases as well as
slučajevima kao i u trajanju dužem od 5 radnih dana. in a duration exceeding 5 working days.

Članovima uže porodice u smislu stava 1, tačka 3), i Immediate family in terms of paragraph 1, item 3) and
stava 2 ovog člana, smatraju se bračni drug, deca, paragraph 2 of this Article shall be interpreted to
braća, sestre, roditelji, usvojilac, usvojenik, staratelj. mean spouse, children, siblings, parents, adoptive
parents, adopted children, guardians.

Član 11. Article 11

Poslodavac može zaposlenom odobriti neplaćeno The Employer may grant to an employee unpaid
odsustvo, i to samo u slučaju ako, na osnovu uredno leave, only if, based on a duly submitted employee’s
podnetog zahteva zaposlenog, oceni da je slučaj zbog request, the Employer finds that the case for which
kojeg zaposleni traži neplaćeno odsustvo opravdan, i the employee requests the unpaid leave is justified,
da odsustvo zaposlenog neće remetiti proces rada. and that the employee’s absence will not interfere
with work processes.

Za vreme neplaćenog odsustva zaposlenom miruju During the unpaid leave, the rights and duties relating
prava i obaveze iz radnog odnosa, ako za pojedina to employee's employment shall have dormant status,
prava i obaveze zakonom, ovim Pravilnikom o radu i unless otherwise determined for specific rights and
ugovorom o radu nije drukčije određeno. duties by law, the Employment Rulebook and
employment contract.

Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd

Matični broj 21598984 | PIB 112057510 | Dinarski račun 265-1630310008513-87 (Reiffeisen Bank)
Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd
Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd

Obaveštavanje u slučaju privremene sprečenosti Notification on Temporary Work Impediment

za rad

Član 12. Article 12

Zaposleni je dužan da, najkasnije u roku od tri dana An employee shall be bound to forward to the
od dana nastupanja privremene sprečenosti za rad u Employer, not later than within three days of the day
smislu propisa o zdravstvenom osiguranju, o tome of occurrence of his temporary impediment from
dostavi Poslodavcu potvrdu lekara koja sadrži i work, in terms of health insurance regulations, a
vreme očekivane sprečenosti za rad. certificate issued by a physician, indicating also the
expected period of work impediment.

U slučaju teže bolesti, umesto zaposlenog, potvrdu In case of serious illness, the certificate, instead by the
Poslodavcu dostavljaju članovi uže porodice ili druga employee, shall be forwarded to the Employer by
lica sa kojima živi u porodičnom domaćinstvu. members of his immediate family or other persons
living with him in the family household.

Ako zaposleni živi sam, potvrdu je dužan da dostavi An employee who lives alone shall be obliged to
u roku od tri dana od dana prestanka razloga zbog forward the certificate within three days after the
kojih nije mogao da dostavi potvrdu. reasons due to which he has been unable to forward
the certificate have ceased to exist.

Ako Poslodavac posumnja u opravdanost razloga za Should the Employer be distrustful of the reasons for
odsustvovanje sa rada u smislu ovog člana, može da absence from work, in terms of the present Article, he
podnese zahtev nadležnom zdravstvenom organu may lodge a request to the competent medical
radi utvrđivanja zdravstvene sposobnosti institution to assess the health ability of the employee,
zaposlenog, u skladu sa zakonom. in conformity with the law.


Član 13. Article 13

Poslodavac je dužan da organizuje rad kojim se The Employer shall organise work process so as to
obezbeđuje opšta zaštita života i zdravlja zaposlenih ensure general protection of life and health of
u skladu sa posebnim zakonom i drugim propisima. employees, in compliance with separate law and
other regulations.

Zaposleni je dužan da poštuje propise o bezbednosti An employee shall comply with regulations governing
i zaštiti života i zdravlja na radu kako ne bi ugrozio safety at work and protection of life and health, so as
svoju bezbednost i zdravlje, kao i bezbednost i not to jeopardise his personal health & safety or
zdravlje zaposlenih i drugih lica. health & safety of other employees and other persons.

Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd

Matični broj 21598984 | PIB 112057510 | Dinarski račun 265-1630310008513-87 (Reiffeisen Bank)
Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd
Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd

Zaposleni je dužan da obavesti Poslodavca o svakoj An employee shall inform the Employer of any kind of
vrsti potencijalne opasnosti koja bi mogla da utiče na potential hazard that may affect employees’ health
bezbednost i zdravlje na radu. and safety at work.


Zarada Salary

Član 14 Article 14

Zaposleni ima pravo na odgovarajuću zaradu, koja se An employee is entitled to adequate salary, which is
utvrđuje u skladu sa zakonom, ovim Pravilnikom o determined in accordance with the law, the
radu i ugovorom o radu. Employment Rulebook and his/her employment

Zarada zaposlenog se sastoji od zarade za obavljeni Employee’s salary comprises salary for work
rad i vreme provedeno na radu, zarade po osnovu performed and time spent at work, salary for the
doprinosa zaposlenog poslovnom uspehu Poslodavca employee’s contribution to the Employer’s successful
(nagrade, bonusi i sl.) i druga primanja po osnovu business performance (awards, bonuses, etc.) and
radnog odnosa u skladu sa Zakonom o radu, other employment-based earnings, in accordance
Pravilnikom o radu i ugovorom o radu. with the Labour Law, the Employment Rulebook and
the employment contract.

Član 15. Article 15

Zarada za obavljeni rad i vreme provedeno na radu se Salary for the work performed and the time spent at
sastoji od osnovne zarade, dela zarade za radni učinak work comprises base salary, portion of the salary for
i uvećane zarade. work performance and increased salary.

Osnovna zarada za svako radno mesto kod Poslodavca Base salary for each work post at the Employer is
određuje se na osnovu: determined on the basis of:

1) uslova utvrđenih Pravilnikom o organizaciji i 1) conditions required for working at the work
sistematizaciji poslova Poslodavca, čija se post for which the employee has entered into
ispunjenost zahteva za rad na radnom mestu employment contract, as specified in the
za koje je zaposleni zaključio ugovor o radu ; i Rulebook on Organization and Job
Classification; and

2) vremena provedenog na radu. 2) time spent at work.

Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd

Matični broj 21598984 | PIB 112057510 | Dinarski račun 265-1630310008513-87 (Reiffeisen Bank)
Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd
Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd

Član 16. Article 16

Po osnovu radnog učinka osnovna zarada The Employee’s base salary may be increased up to
zaposlenog može da se uveća do 50 %. 50 % on the basis of work performance.

Radni učinak Zaposlenog utvrđuje se na osnovu The Employee’s work performance is determined
kvaliteta (obavljanje poslova precizno, on the basis of the quality (performing work tasks
blagovremeno i potpuno i sl.), obima obavljenog accurately, timely and completely, etc.) and quantity
posla, odnosa Zaposlenog prema radnim obavezama, of the work performed, attitude towards work
inicijativnosti, timskom radu, kreativnosti i duties, initiative, teamwork, creativity and following
poštovanja kompanijskih procedura. company procedures.

Radni učinak procenjuje direktor Poslodavca ili Work performance is evaluated by the Employer’s
osoba ovlašćena od strane direktora, na godišnjem director or person authorised by him, on annual
nivou, na osnovu izveštaja o učinku Zaposlenog koji basis, on the basis of the report provided by
dostavlja njegov neposredno nadređeni. Ocenu Employee’s immediate superior. Evaluation of work
radnog učinka direktora Poslodavca koji sa performance of the Employer’s director, who is
Poslodavcem ima zaključen ugovor o radu daje engaged by the Employer via employment contract
Skupština Poslodavca. is performed by the Employer’s Shareholders’

Član 17. Article 17

Zaposleni ima pravo na uvećanu zaradu, i to: An employee shall be entitled to an increased salary
on the following grounds:

1) za rad na dan praznika koji je neradni dan – 1) for work on a public holiday which is not a
110% od osnovice; working day – 110% of the base;
2) za rad noću – 26% od osnovice; 2) for night work – 26% of the base;
3) za prekovremeni rad – 26% od osnovice; 3) for overtime work – 26% of the base;
4) po osnovu vremena provedenog na radu za 4) on the basis of the years of employment with
svaku punu godinu rada ostvarenu u radnom the Employer – 0.4% of the base for each year
odnosu kod Poslodavca – 0,4% od osnovice. of service.

Ako su se iz prethodnog stava istovremeno stekli Where several grounds referred to in the paragraph
uslovi po više osnova uvećanja, procenat uvećane above apply simultaneously, the salary may not be
zarade ne može biti niži od zbira procenata po svakom increased by the percentage which is lower than the
od osnova uvećanja. sum of the percentages envisaged for each of the

Osnovicu za obračun uvećane zarade čini osnovna Base salary determined in accordance with the law,
zarada utvrđena u skladu sa zakonom, ovim the Employment Rulebook and the employment
Pravilnikom o radu i ugovorom o radu.

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contract is the basis for the calculation of the

increased salary.

Član 18. Article 18

Zarada i ostala primanja iz radnog odnosa (gde je to The Employer pays salary and other earnings from
primenjivo) se Zaposlenom isplaćuju odjednom i to employment (where applicable), to an employee at
najkasnije do 5. dana u mesecu za prethodni mesec. once, no later than 5th day in the month for preceding

Član 19. Article 19

Svaka izmena visine zarade mora biti ugovorena u Any change in the amount of salary must be agreed in
pisanoj formi, u vidu aneks ugovora o radu. writing in the form of an annex to the employment

Član 20. Article 20.

Na osnovu člana 111. Zakona o radu, Poslodavac može Pursuant to Article 111 of the Labour Law, the
odlučiti da u slučaju poremećaja u poslovanju Employer may decide to introduce statutory
prouzorkovanim ekonomskim, tržišnim i/ili drugim minimum salary due to disruption in its business
razlozima, poput naglog pada potražnje za njegovim operations caused by economic, market and/or other
uslugama i smanjenja obima posla, nemogućnosti reasons, such as sudden drop in demand for its
naplate potraživanja i sl. uvede minimalnu zaradu dok services and reduction in volume of work, inability to
postoje takvi razlozi. collect receiveables, etc. for the duration of such

Naknada zarade Salary compensation

Član 21. Article 21

Zaposleni ima pravo na naknadu zarade u visini An employee shall be entitled to salary
prosečne zarade u prethodnih 12 meseci, za vreme compensation during the period of absence from
odsustvovanja sa rada na dan praznika koji je neradni work because of holiday that was a non-working
dan, godišnjeg odmora, plaćenog odsustva, vojne day, annual leave, paid leave, military exercise, or
vežbe, odazivanja na poziv državnog organa, kao i radi response to summons by a government authority, as
stručnog osposobljavanja i usavršavanja usled well as for the education necessary for the work
potrebe procesa rada kod Poslodavca. with the Employer, in the amount of an average
salary earned over 12 months prior to such absence.


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Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd

Član 22. Article 22

Zaposleni ima pravo na naknadu zarade za vreme An employee shall be entitled to salary
odsustvovanja sa rada zbog privremene sprečenosti compensation for absence from work due to his
za rad do 30 dana, i to: temporary work impediment for the period of up to
30 days, as follows:

1) ako je sprečenost za rad prouzrokovana 1) if the employee’s work impediment was

bolešću ili povredom van rada - 65% caused by an illness or injury which was not
prosečne zarade u prethodnih 12 meseci pre sustained at work - 65% of the average salary
meseca u kojem je nastupila privremena earned over 12 months preceding the month
sprečenost za rad, s tim da ne može biti niža when the employee’s temporary inability to
od minimalne zarade utvrđene u skladu sa work occurred, provided that such
zakonom; compensation may not be lower than the
minimum pay provided for by law;

2) ako je sprečenost za rad prouzrokovana 2) if the employee’s inability to work was

profesionalnom bolešću ili povredom na radu caused by an occupational disease or injury
- 100% prosečne zarade u prethodnih 12 at work - 100% of the average salary earned
meseci pre meseca u kojem je nastupila over 12 months preceding the month when
privremena sprečenost za rad, s tim da ne the employee’s temporary inability to work
može biti niža od minimalne zarade utvrđene occurred, provided that such compensation
u skladu sa zakonom. may not be lower than the minimum pay
provided for by law.

Član 23. Article 23

Zaposleni ima pravo na naknadu zarade u visini 60% Employee is entitled to salary compensation during
prosečne zarade u prethodnih 12 meseci, s tim da ne work interruption or decrease of work volume,
može biti manja od minimalne zarade utvrđene u which occurred without the employee’s fault, in the
skladu sa zakonom, za vreme prekida rada odnosno amount of 60% of his average salary earned over 12
smanjenja obima rada do kojeg je došlo bez krivice months preceding such interruption, provided that
zaposlenog, najduže 45 radnih dana u kalendarskoj such compensation may not be lower than the
godini. Ovaj period može biti i duži u slučajevima i minimum pay provided for by law, and shall receive
pod uslovima predviđenim Zakonom o radu. it for up to 45 days in a calendar year. This period
can be even longer in cases and under conditions
stipulated in the Labour Law.

Član 24. Article 24

Zaposleni ima pravo na naknadu zarade u visini od The Employee is entitled to salary compensation in
60 % njegove osnovne mesečne zarade za vreme the amount of 60 % of his base salary during an

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Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd

prekida rada do koga je došlo naredbom nadležnog interruption of work which occurred by an order of
državnog organa ili nadležnog organa Poslodavca the government agency in charge, or a competent
zbog neobezbeđivanja bezbednosti i zaštite života i body of the Employer, due to failure to ensure safety
zdravlja na radu, koja je uslov daljeg obavljanja rada and protection of life and health at work, that is a
bez ugrožavanja života i zdravlja zaposlenih i drugih condition for continuing the work without the risk for
lica, i u drugim slučajevima, u skladu sa zakonom. life and health of the employees and other persons,
and in other cases, in accordance with the law.

Naknada troškova Reimbursement of expenses

Član 25. Article 25

Zaposleni ima pravo na naknadu troškova u skladu sa In accordance with the Employment Rulebook and
ovim Pravilnikom o radu i ugovorom o radu, i to: the employment contract, the Employee is entitled to
reimbursement of the following expenses:

1) za dolazak i odlazak sa rada, u visini cene 1) commuting expenses for coming to and from
prevozne karte u javnom saobraćaju, ako work, in the amount of the monthly public
poslodavac nije obezbedio sopstveni prevoz; transportation ticket price, if the employer did
not provide its own transport;

2) za vreme provedeno na službenom putu u 2) expenses incurred during business trip in the
zemlji; country;

3) za vreme provedeno na službenom putu u 3) expenses incurred during business trip

inostranstvu; abroad;

4) smeštaja i ishrane za rad i boravak na terenu, 4) accomodation and food during field work, if
ako poslodavac nije zaposlenom obezbedio the employer did not provide to the employee
smeštaj i ishranu bez naknade; accomodation and food free of charge;

5) za ishranu u toku rada, ako poslodavac ovo 5) meal allowance during work, if the employer
pravo nije obezbedio na drugi način; did not provide this right in another way;

6) za regres za korišćenje godišnjeg odmora. 6) annual leave allowance.

Naknada troškova prevoza Reimbursement of Commuting Expenses

Član 26. Article 26

Zaposleni imaju pravo na naknadu troškova za Employees are entitled to reimbursement of

dolazak i odlazak sa rada do visine cene mesečne commuting expenses for coming to and from work

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Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd

pretplatne karte u javnom prevozu koja obuhvata 1. i up to the amount of monthly public transportation
2. zonu teritorije grada Beograda, osim ako mu je ticket for 1. and 2. Belgrade city zone,unless the
Poslodavac obezbedio prevoz u sopstvenoj Employer has provided its own transport for
organizaciji. commuting purposes.

Naknada troškova službenog putovanja Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred on

Business Trip

Član 27. Article 27

Prava i obaveze zaposlenih u vezi sa službenim Rights and duties of the employees in relation to
putovanjima, uključujući i naknadu troškova business trips, including reimbursement of
službenog putovanja uređeni su Politikom o expenses incurred on business trips are regulated in
službenim putovanjima Poslodavca, koja predstavlja the Employer’s Business Trip Policy, which is an
sastavni deo ovog Pravilnika. integral part of this Rulebook.

Druga primanja Other earnings

Član 28. Article 28

Poslodavac je dužan da zaposlenom isplati: The Employer is obliged to pay to an employee:

- otpremninu pri odlasku u penziju – u visini dve - retirement severance, in the minimum
prosečne zarade u Republici Srbiji prema amount of two average salaries in the
poslednjem objavljenom podatku republičkog Republic of Serbia according to the latest
organa nadležnog za statistiku; published data of the Republic Statistic

- naknadu troškova pogrebnih usluga u slučaju - a refund of funeral expenses in the event of
smrti člana uže porodice (a članovima uže death of a member of immediate family (and
porodice u slučaju smrti zaposlenog) – u visini to members of the immediate family in the
troškova pogrebnih usluga, ali ne preko event of death of the employee) – in the
najvišeg neoporezivog iznosa predviđenog amount of expenses incurred, up to the
važečim propisima; i maximum non- taxable amount under
applicable regulations; and

- naknadu štete zbog povrede na radu ili - compensation of damage that an employee
profesionalnog oboljenja. suffered due to an injury at work or a
professional illness.

Članovima uže porodice u smislu ovog člana, The members of immediate family shall be
smatraju se bračni drug i deca zaposlenog. understood to be a spouse and children of the

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Postojanje štete, njenu visinu i kako se nadoknađuje, Damages, its amount and manner of compensation
utvrđuje Poslodavac - direktor ili lice koje direktor shall be determined by the Employer - its director or
ovlasti, odnosno lice koje odredi Skupština the person authorized by the director, or the person
Poslodavca (ukoliko je štetu pretrpeo direktor), a na authorized by the Employer’s Shareholders’
osnovu priložene medicinske dokumentacije i Assembly (if the director is the one who suffered the
dokumentacije koja se odnosi na nastale pričinjene damage) on the basis of the enclosed medical
troškove i štetu. records and records related to the expenses and


Član 29. Article 29

Zaposleni je odgovoran za štetu koju na radu ili u vezi Employee is liable to the Employer for the damage he
sa radom, namerno ili krajnjom nepažnjom caused intentionally or with gross negligence, at work
prouzrokuje Poslodavcu, u skladu sa zakonom i ovim or in relation to work, in accordance with the law and
Pravilnikom o radu. the Employment Rulebook.

Član 30. Article 30

Postojanje štete, njenu visinu, okolnosti pod kojima The Employer will determine the existence and
je nastala, ko je štetu prouzrokovao i kako se amount of damage, circumstances under which it
nadoknađuje, utvrđuje Poslodavac u skladu sa occurred, who caused it and how it will be
zakonom o radu i Pravilnikom o radu. compensated, in accordance with the law and the
Employment Rulebook.

Član 31. Article 31

Direktor Poslodavca ili zaposleni koga on ovlasti, The Employer’s director, or an employee authorised
rešenjem pokreće postupak za utvrđivanje by him, passes a decision on initiating the procedure
odgovornosti zaposlenog za štetu i to u roku od 5 dana for determining an employee’s liability for the
od dana prijema prijave o prouzrokovanoj šteti, ili damage and designates a person who will be in
ličnog saznanja da je šteta prouzrokovana Poslodavcu charge of the procedure, within 5 days from the day
i određuje lice za sprovođenje postupka. Ukoliko je the damage was reported to the director, or the
štetu prouzrokovao direktor Poslodavca, postupak za director has become aware that the damage has
utvrđivanje odgovornosti pokreće zaposleni kojeg occurred. If the damage is caused by the Employer’s
odredi Skupština Poslodavca. director, an employee authorized by the Employer’s
Shareholders’ Assembly will initiate the procedure
for determining liability.

Prijava iz stava 1. ovog člana sadrži: ime i prezime The report referred to in paragraph 1 above
zaposlenog koji je štetu prouzrokovao, vreme, mesto includes: name and surname of the employee who

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Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd

i način izvršenja štetne radnje, dokaze koji ukazuju caused the damage, information on when, where
da je zaposleni prouzrokovao štetu i predlog za and how he caused the damage, evidence identifying
pokretanje postupka za utvrđivanje odgovornosti the employee as the one responsible for the damage,
zaposlenog za štetu. and the proposal to initiate the procedure for
establishing the employee’s liability.

Član 32. Article 32

Rešenje o pokretanju postupka za utvrđivanje The decision on initiating the procedure for
odgovornosti zaposlenog za štetu sadrži: ime i determining an employee’s liability shall include:
prezime zaposlenog, poslove koje zaposleni obavlja, name and surname of the employee, his work post,
vreme, mesto i način izvršenja štetne radnje i dokaze when, where and how he caused the damage,
koji ukazuju da je zaposleni izvršio štetnu radnju i evidence identifying the employee as liable for the
ime i prezime lica određenog za sprovođenje damage, as well as name and surname of the person
postupka. in charge of the procedure.

Član 33. Article 33

Visina štete utvrđuje se na osnovu tržišne ili The amount of damage shall be established based on
knjigovodstvene vrednosti oštećenih dobara, a ako to market and book value of affected assets and if that
s obzirom na okolnosti slučaja, nije moguće, visinu is not possible in particular case, the amount of
naknade štete utvrđuje Poslodavac u paušalnom damage shall be established by the Employer in a
iznosu, na osnovu procene štete ili veštačenja lump sum based on the damage assessment or
stručnog lica. evaluation made by an expert.

Član 34. Article 34

Lice određeno za sprovođenje postupka za Once all facts and circumstances relevant in order to
utvrđivanje odgovornosti zaposlenog, kada utvrdi determine the employee’s liability, the person in
sve činjenice i okolnosti od uticaja na odgovornost charge of the procedure shall propose to the
zaposlenog, predlaže direktoru, ili zaposlenom koga director, or the employee authorized by him, to pass
je direktor ovlastio, da donese rešenje kojim se a decision either obliging the employee to
zaposleni obavezuje da nadoknadi štetu ili se compensate the damage or exonerating the
oslobađa od odgovornosti. Ukoliko je štetu employee from liability. If the damage is caused by
prouzrokovao direktor Poslodavca, postupak ovo the Employer’s director, an employee authorized by
rešenje donosi zaposleni kojeg odredi Skupština the Employer’s Shareholders’ Assembly will pass
Poslodavca. this decision.

Ukoliko Poslodavac na osnovu sprovedenog Where the Employer finds that the employee must
postupka utvrdi da mu zaposleni mora nadoknaditi pay damages, the Employer shall determine the
štetu, direktor ili lice koje je on ovlastio rešenjem manner and deadline for the damage to be
određuje način i rok naknade štete. compensated.


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Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd

Član 35. Article 35

Zaposleni je dužan da, po prijemu rešenja iz člana 37. Upon receipt of the decision referred to in Article 37
Pravilnika o radu, da pisanu izjavu da li prihvata ili hereof, the employee shall give a written statement
ne prihvata da nadoknadi štetu. as to whether he accepts to compensate the damage
or not.

Ako zaposleni ne prihvati da nadoknadi štetu, o šteti Where the employee does not accept to compensate
odlučuje nadležni sud. the damage, the case shall be decided by a
competent court.

Član 36. Article 36

Poslodavac može, u opravdanim slučajevima The Employer may, where justified to do so, relieve
delimično (ili potpuno) osloboditi zaposlenog od the employee partially or fully of the obligation to
naknade štete koju je prouzrokovao. compensate the damage he caused.


Član 37 Article 37

Poslodavac će obavestiti zaposlene o dostupnim The Employer will notify the employees on available
poslovima na intranetu Poslodavca, u roku od 14 dana jobs on the Employer's notice board located on the
od dana kada je posao postao dostupan. Employer’s intranet, within 14 days from the day of that
job becoming available


Član 38. Article 38

Zaposleni može da bude privremeno udaljen sa rada: An employee may be temporarily suspended from

1) ako je protiv njega započeto krivično gonjenje 1) should criminal proceedings be instituted
zbog krivičnog dela učinjenog na radu ili u against him for a criminal offence committed
vezi sa radom; at work or in relation to work;

2) ako nepoštovanjem radne discipline ili 2) should he breach work duties or work
povredom radne obaveze ugrožava imovinu discipline and thereby endanger the
čija je knjigovodstvena vrednost utvrđena u Employer’s assets with a bookkeeping value in
iznosu preko 100.000 dinara; the amount exceeding. 100,000 dinars;

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Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd

3) ako je priroda povrede radne obaveze, 3) where the breach of work duty, or work
odnosno kršenja radne discipline, ili discipline, or the employee's behaviour is such
ponašanje zaposlenog takvo da ne može da that he cannot continue to work with the
nastavi da radi kod Poslodavca pre isteka Employer before the expiration of 8-day
roka od 8 dana, u kom se zaposleni može period during which the employee is entitled
izjasniti na upozorenje o postojanju razloga to answer to the notice on existence of
za otkaz ugovora o radu. grounds for dismissal.

Za vreme udaljenja zaposlenog sa rada u smislu ovog During suspension under this Article, employee is
člana, zaposlenom pripada naknada zarade u visini entitled to compensation in the amount of 1/4 of his
1/4 a ako izdržava porodicu u visini 1/3 osnovne base salary, or 1/3 of his base salary if he supports
zarade. family.


Član 39. Article 39

Zaposlenom radni odnos može prestati u slučajevima Employment may be terminated under the conditions
i na način predviđen Zakonom o radu i Pravilnikom o and in the manner provided by the Labour Law and
radu. the Employment Rulebook.

U slučaju prestanka radnog odnosa, Poslodavac će In case of termination of employment, the Employer
zaposlenom u roku od 30 dana od dana prestanka shall pay to the employee all the outstanding salaries,
radnog odnosa, isplatiti sve neisplaćene zarade, salary compensations and other allowances that the
naknade zarade i druga primanja koja je zaposleni employee was entitled to receive until the date of
ostvario do dana prestanka radnog odnosa. his/her employment termination and shall do so
within 30 days from the termination date.

Sporazum o prestanku radnog odnosa Agreement on Termination of Employment

Član 40. Article 40

Radni odnos može prestati pisanim sporazumom The Employer and an employee may terminate
zaključenim između Poslodavca i Zaposlenog u employment consensually, by entering into a written
svakom trenutku. agreement, at any time.

Pre zaključenja sporazuma, Poslodavac je dužan Before signing the agreement, the Employer must
pisnim putem obavestiti Zaposlenog o posledicama notify the Employee in writing on the consequences
do kojih dolazi u ostvarivanju prava za slučaj regarding exercising the rights arising from of
nezaposlenosti. unemployment.


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Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd

Otkaz od strane zaposlenog Termination by an Employee

Član 41. Article 41

Zaposleni može otkazati ugovor o radu u pisanoj An employee may terminate the employment
formi sa otkaznim rokom od 30 dana. contract in writing with a 30-day notice period

Otkaz od strane Poslodavca Termination by the Employer

Član 42. Article 42

Poslodavac može otkazati ugovor o radu prema The Employer may terminate an employment
uslovima i na način predviđen Zakonom o radu i contract under conditions and in the events stipulated
Pravilnikom o radu. by the Labour Law and the Employment Rulebook.

Poslodavac može zaposlenom da otkaže ugovor o radu The Employer may terminate an employment
ako za to postoji opravdani razlog koji se odnosi na contract if there is a justified reason pertaining to
radnu sposobnost zaposlenog i njegovo ponašanje i to: the employee’s work ability and his/her conduct, if
the employee:

1) ako ne ostvaruje rezultate rada ili nema 1) does not achieve the work results or does not
potrebna znanja i sposobnosti za obavljanje have adequate knowledge or abilities which
poslova na kojima radi; are required for the work post on which the
employee is employed;
2) ako je pravnosnažno osuđen za krivično delo 2) has been convicted for a criminal offence at
na radu ili u vezi sa radom; ili work or in connection with work by final
decision; or
3) ako se ne vrati na rad kod poslodavca u roku od 3) does not come back to work at the employer
15 dana od dana isteka roka mirovanja radnog within 15 days from the day of the expiry of
odnosa iz člana 79. Zakona o radu, odnosno the employment dormancy in accordance
neplaćenog odsustva iz člana 100. Zakona o with Article 79 of the Labour Law, or unpaid
radu. leave in accordance with Article 100 of the
Labour Law.

Poslodavac može otkazati zaposlenom ugovor o radu The Employer can terminate the employment
i ako postoji opravdan razlog koji se odnosi na contract if there is a justified ground pertaining to
potrebe Poslodavca i to: the Employer’s needs, as follows:

1) ako usled tehnoloških, ekonomskih ili 1) if, due to technological, economic or

organizacionih promena prestane potreba za organizational changes the need to perform


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Matični broj 21598984 | PIB 112057510 | Dinarski račun 265-1630310008513-87 (Reiffeisen Bank)
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Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd

obavljanjem određenog posla ili dođe do work at certain work post ceases, or if there
smanjenja obima posla; ili is a reduction of the volume of work; or

2) ako zaposleni odbije zaključenje aneksa 2) if the employee refuses to conclude the annex
ugovora o radu ponuđenog radi: to the employment contract, offered for:

- premeštaja na drugi odgovarajući posao zbog - transfer to another adequate work post due
potreba procesa i organizacije rada; ili to need of work process and organization of
- premeštaja u drugo mesto rada kod istog work; or
Poslodavca u skladu sa Zakonom o radu; ili - relocation to another place of work at the
- upućivanja na rad na odgovarajući posao kod same Employer in accordance with the
drugog poslodavca u skladu sa Zakonom o Labour Law; or
radu; ili - secondment to work at adequate work post
- primene mera zapošljavanja zaposlenog koja at another employer in accordance with the
je višak; ili Labour Law; or
- promene elemenata za utvrđivanje osnovne - application of employment measures with
zarade, radnog učinka, naknade zarade, regards to the employee who has been made
uvećane zarade i drugih primanja zaposlenog; redundant; or
ili - change of elements for determining the base
- promene visine osnovne zarade, regresa, salary, work performance, salary
naknade za ishranu i drugih naknada i compensation, increased salary and other
troškova koji nastanu na radu ili u vezi sa earnings of the employee; or
radom. - change in the amount of the base salary,
annual leave allowance, meal allowance and
other reimbursements of expenses incurred
at work or in connection with work.

Član 43. Article 43

Poslodavac može otkazati Zaposlenom ovaj Ugovor, The Employer may terminate employment contract
posebno po osnovu sledećih povreda radnih in particular on the basis of the following breaches
obaveza: of work duty:

1) neblagovremeno, nesavesno i nemarno 1) failure to timely and/or diligently and/or

obavljanje poslova; with due care perform his/her work duties;

2) nedozvoljeno i/ili necelishodno korišćenje 2) unauthorized and/or unreasonable use of

sredstava rada ili poverenih dokumenata; the means of work or entrusted documents;

3) zloupotreba položaja i prekoračenje 3) misuse of authorizations and/or

ovlašćenja; overstepping the authorization;


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4) necelishodno i neodgovorno korišćenje 4) unreasonable and/or irresponsible use of the

sredstava rada; means of work;

5) ako ne koristi ili nenamenski koristi 5) failure to use or misuse of provided means or
obezbeđena sredstva ili opremu za ličnu equipment for personal protection at work
zaštitu na radu ili drugo nepridržavanje mera or any other non-compliance with
bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu; occupational health & safety measures;

6) povreda obaveze čuvanja Poverljivih 6) breach of obligation to keep as confidential

informacija propisane ugovorom o radu, kao i Proprietary Information stipulated in the
svako drugo nelojalno ponašanje prema employment contract or any other disloyal
Poslodavcu; behaviour towards the Employer

7) falsifikovanje finansijskih i drugih 7) forgery of financial or other documents;


8) neovlašćeno korišćenje Poslodavčeve 8) unauthorized use of Employer’s property for

imovine u privatne svrhe; personal purposes;

9) prisvajanje sredstava za rad, dokumenata i 9) appropriation of the means of work,

druge imovine Poslodavca, ili trećih lica; documents and any other property of the
Employer or third parties;

10)odbijanje izvršavanja poslova, odnosno 10)refusing to perform the work duties, work
radnih zadataka ili naloga ako za to ne postoje tasks or work instructions whereby there is
opravdani razlozi; not justified reasons for the refusal;

11)neprijavljivanje, odnosno prikrivanje 11)failure to report or concealing the occurence

nastanka štete za Poslodavca; of damage to the Employer;

12)ometanje jednog ili više zaposlenih u procesu 12)obstucting one or more employees during
rada; the work process;

13)propuštanje evidentiranja ili netačno 13)failure to record or inccorect record of

evidentiranje časova rada; working hours;

14)povreda klauzule zabrane konkurencije 14)breach of the Prohibition of Competitions

propisane ugovorom o radu; stipulated in the employment contract;

15)povreda klauzule zabrane vrbovanja 15)breach of the Prohibition of Solicitation

propisane ugovorom o radu; ili stipulated in the employment contract; or


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16)druge povreda radnih obaveza predviđene 16)any other breaches of work duties stipulated
Pravilnikom o radu, opštim aktima in the Employment Rulebook, the Employer’s
Poslodavca ili ugovorom o radu. bylaws or the employment contract.

Član 44. Article 44

Poslodavac može otkazati zaposlenom ugovor o The Employer may terminate an employment
radu, posebno po osnovu sledećih povreda radne contract in particular on the ground of the following
discipline: breaches of work discipline:

1) ako neopravdano odbije da obavlja poslove i 1) unjustified refusal to perform work or execute
izvršava naloge poslodavca u skladu sa the employer’s orders in accordance with the
zakonom; law;

2) ako ne dostavi potvrdu o privremenoj 2) failure to deliver the notification on temporary

sprečenosti za rad u smislu člana 103. Zakona work impediment in terms of Article 103 of
o radu ili zloupotrebi pravo na odsustvo zbog the Labour Law or abuse the right to be absent
privremene sprečenosti za rad; from work due to temporary work

3) zbog dolaska na rad pod dejstvom alkohola ili 3) coming to work under influence of alcohol or
drugih opojnih sredstava, odnosno upotrebe other intoxicants, or consumption of alcohol
alkohola ili drugih opojnih sredstava u toku or other intoxicants during working hours,
radnog vremena, koje ima ili može da ima uticaj which influences or may influence his/her
na obavljanje posla. performance of work;

4) ako je dao netačne podatke koji su bili 4) disclosing incorrect information that was
odlučujući za zasnivanje radnog odnosa; decisive for establishing the employment

5) ako zaposleni koji radi na poslovima sa 5) if the employee who works at the work post
povećanim rizikom, na kojima je kao poseban with high risk, where a special medical ability
uslov za rad utvrđena posebna zdravstvena has been determined as a special condition for
sposobnost, odbije da bude podvrgnut oceni working at such work post, refuses to
zdravstvene sposobnosti; subjected to a medical ability assessment;

6) neopravdano odsustvo sa posla ili neovlašćeno 6) unjustified absence from work or

napuštanje radnog mesta tokom radnog anauthorized leave of the place of work during
vremena ili kašnjenje na posao; working hours or being late to work;

7) iznošenje lažnih činjenica o sebi, o Poslodavcu 7) disclosing false information on

ili o trećim licima, neovlašćeno menjanje ili himself/herself, on the Employer or third
parties, unauthorized amendments or

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uništavanje dokumentacije i druge imovine descrution of documentation and other

Poslodavca; property of the Employer;

8) nedolično ponašanje prema drugim 8) inappropriate behaviour towards other

zaposlenima ili klijentima Poslodavca kao što employees or clients of the Employer, such as
su svađa, psovanje, i sl.; arguing, swearing, etc.;

9) izazivanje nereda ili tuče, kao i učestvovanja u 9) causing riots or fights, as well as
neredima ili tuči na radnom mestu, odnosno participating in riots or fights at the work
tokom obavljanja poslova. place, or during performance of work;

10) neovlašćeno nošenje vatrenog oružja na radu 10) unauthorized carrying of firearms at the
ili ugrožavanje sigurnosti zaposlenih work place or endangering safety of other
oružjem, opasnim oruđem, silom ili pretnjom employees by weapon, dangeorus tool, force
da će se napasti na život ili telo zaposlenih; or threat to jeopardize the life or body of the

11) odbijanje odnosno izbegavanje podvrgavanja 11) refusing or avoiding of undertaking alcohol
alko-testu ili unošenje alkohola i drugih test or bringing alcohol or other narcotics in
narkotičkih sredstava u prostorije the Employer’s premises.

12) spavanje na radnom mestu; 12) sleeping at the work;

13) prekoračenje dužine trajanja odmora u toku 13) exceeding the duration of daily break during
dnevnog rada; work;

14)kršenje zabrane zlostavljanja na radu ili 14) breach of the prohibition of mobbing and
zloupotreba prava na zaštitu od zlostavljanja u sexual harrasment at work, or abuse of the
skladu sa važećim zakonom i drugim right on the protection from mobbing and
propisima; sexual harrassment at work in accordance
with applicable law and other regulations;

15) neodgovorno korišćenje službenog vozila, 15) irresponsible use of the company’s vehicle,
učestalo pravljenje saobraćajnih prekršaja, repetitive trafic misdemeanours, driving the
vožnja službenog vozila pod dejstvom alkohola company’s car under influence of alcohol or
ili pod dejstvom narkotika, pričinjavanje štete other narcotics, causing the damage to the
na službenom vozilu ili nanošenje štete company’s car or to the Employer’s reputation
poslovnom ugledu Poslodavca svojim by his/her behaviour in traffic;
ponašanjem u saobraćaju;

16) neobaveštavanje Poslodavca o promeni 16) failure to inform the Employer on change of
podataka relevantnih za administriranje data relevant for the employment’s

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radnog odnosa (npr. promena adrese administration (e.g., change of address of

prebivališta, prezimena, i sl.); residence, surname, etc.);

17) nedostavljanje ličnih podataka ili drugih 17) failure to provide personal data or
informacija koje mu Poslodavac ili nadređeno information reasonably required by the
lice razumno traži za potrebe Poslodavca u Employer or the employee’s superior for the
obavljanju svoje delatnosti; needs of the Employer in pursuance of the
Employer’s business activities;

18) prijem poklona i drugih pogodnosti od strane 18) receipt of gifts and other benefits from third
treć ih lica u vezi sa radom, osim prigodnih parties in connection with the work for the
simbolič nih poklona male novč ane vrednosti; Employer, except for appropriate gratuities
of small individual monetary value;

19)nepoš tovanje tehnič kih i IT pravila; 19) failure to comply with technical and IT rules;

20)davanje netač nih podataka, ako je to od 20)disclosure of false information, if that affects
uticaja na donoš enje odluke nadlež nih organa the decision-making of the Employer’s
Poslodavca; competent bodies;

21)davanje netač nih podataka od strane 21)providing innacurate data by the employees
zaposlenih sa posebnim ovlaš ćenjima i with special authorizations and
odgovornostima kojima se zaposleni responsibilities which leads to the
obmanjuju u pogledu ostvarivanja prava po employees’ deception in terms of their
osnovu rada; exercise of right on the basis of employment;

22) drugi sluč ajevi povrede radne discipline 22)other cases of a breach of work discipline
predviđene Zakonom, Pravilnikom o radu ili stipulated by the Labour Law, the
drugim opš tim aktom Poslodavca ili Employment Rulebook, the Employer’s
ugovorom o radu; ili bylaws or the employment contract; ili

23) ako je ponaš anje Zaposlenog takvo da ne 23)the behaviour of the employee is such that
mož e da nastavi rad kod Poslodavca. his continuous employment for the Employer
is untenable.

Član 45. Article 45

Poslodavac je dužan da pre otkaza ugovora o radu Before dismissing an employee for breach of work
zbog povrede radne obaveze ili kršenja radne duty or work discipline, the Employer needs to issue
discipline, zaposlenog pisanim putem upozori na a written warning to the employee on the existence
postojanje razloga za otkaz ugovora o radu i da mu of reason for termination of employment and to
ostavi rok od najmanje 8 dana od dana dostavljanja leave the employee at least 8 days from the day of
upozorenja da se izjasni na navode iz upozorenja. receipt to respond to such warning.

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Član 46. Article 46

Poslodavac može otkazati zaposlenom ugovor o radu The Employer may dismiss an employee for failing
zato što ne ostvaruje potrebne rezultate rada, to achieve work results, and/or lacking necessary
odnosno nema potrebna znanja i sposobnosti u za knowledge and abilities for performing his job, but
obavljanje poslova na kojima radi i to nakon što mu only after the Employer has provided the employee
je prethodno dao pisano obaveštenje u vezi sa with a written notice on his deficiencies, together
nedostacima u njegovom radu, uputstvima i with instructions and appropriate deadline in which
primerenim rokom za poboljšanje rada, pa zaposleni the employee should improve his knowledge and
ne poboljša rad u ostavljenom roku. abilities, and the Employee fails to improve.

U situaciji iz stava iznad zaposleni ima pravo na In the situation from the above paragraph, employee
otkazni rok u trajanju od 30 dana. is entitled to a 30-day notice period.

Član 47. Article 47

Poslodavac otkazuje zaposlenom ugovor o radu The Employer dismisses an employee by issuing a
otkazuje rešenjem u pisanoj formi, koje obavezno written decision on termination, containing the
sadrži obrazloženje i pouku o pravnom leku. reasons for such dismissal and instructions on legal

Zaposlenom radni odnos prestaje danom Employment is terminated on the day of delivery of
dostavljanja rešenja o otkazu, osim ako Zakonom o the decision on termination, unless otherwise
radu ili samim rešenjem nije određen drugi rok. envisaged by the Labour Law or by the decision itself.


Član 48. Article 48

Za sve što Pravilnikom o radu nije regulisano, The provisions of the Labour Law and valid,
primenjuju se neposredno odredbe Zakona o radu i applicable collective bargaining agreement shall be
odgovarajućeg, važećeg kolektivnog ugovora. directly applied to all matters that are not regulated
by the Employment Rulebook.

Član 49. Article 49

Opšti akti Poslodavca navedeni u Prilogu 1 ovog The Employer's general enactments listed in
Pravilnika o radu čine njegov sastavni deo. Schedule 1 to this Employment Rulebook represent
its integral part.


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Matični broj 21598984 | PIB 112057510 | Dinarski račun 265-1630310008513-87 (Reiffeisen Bank)
Hedwell d.o.o. Beograd
Oračka 4, 11000 Beograd

Sve izmene i dopune Pravilnika o radu moraju biti Any amendments to the Employment Rulebook must
sačinjene u pismenoj formi. be made in writing.

Član 50. Article 50

U slučaju nesaglasnosti između srpske i engleske In case of discrepancies between Serbian and English
verzije, važeća je verzija na srpskom jeziku. version, the Serbian version shall prevail.

Pravilnik o radu stupa na snagu osmog dana od dana The Employment Rulebook shall come into force on
njegovog objavljivanja na oglasnoj tabli Poslodavca. the eighth day from the date of their publication on
the notice board of the Employer.

U Beogradu, dana 15.09.2020 In Belgrade, on 15.09.2020.

Za Poslodavca: / For the Employer

Saša Todorović




Opšti akti kod Poslodavca koji predstavljaju sastavni Internal enactments at the Employer which
deo ovog Pravilnika o radu su: represent an integral part of this Employment
Rulebook are:

1) Politika o službenim putovanjima od dana 1) Business Trip Policy, adopted on

15.09.2020. 15.09.2020.


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Matični broj 21598984 | PIB 112057510 | Dinarski račun 265-1630310008513-87 (Reiffeisen Bank)

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