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Collective Learning and Agriculture

Collective learning is a remarkable ability that distinguishes humans from other existent beings.
It is the ability to hand over information from one generation to the next. Interestingly, one may
own a smart dog; smart in the sense that this dog knows various tricks. But as the dog matures,
ages, and dies, the tricks which make him smart die with him. This human power paved the way
for progress to transpire. Take a close look at how agriculture allowed collective learning to
flourish; the same way collective learning contributed to many feats in agriculture, civilization,
human development, and the modern revolution. It led to what David Christian calls “energy
bonanza.” Here is a quick preview of this interesting threshold: Threshold 7 – Agriculture I Big
History Project Available via:

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In the Paleolithic Period (roughly 2.5 million cities. There was a shift from a nomadic
years ago to 10,000 B.C.), early humans lived lifestyle to sedentary living.
in caves or simple huts or tepees and were Through this shift, families developed from
hunters and gatherers. They used basic small groups or villages to as big as
stone and bone tools, as well as crude stone communities and more complex societies.
axes, for hunting birds and wild animals. The denser the population, the greater is the
need to sustain their needs. There is even a
They relied heavily on what the environment greater need to learn, transmit, and develop
could give them. Therefore, once the new ideas and methods.
resources became scarce for a population Collective learning played a major role in this
that was ever-increasing, they would decide development. Slowly, man emerged from
to move to another area where their needs being manipulated by the environment
would be met. This lifestyle is basically (extensification) to manipulating the
referred to as nomadic for it involves environment (intensification).
continually searching for “greener pastures”
for them to survive. In the process, humans
were able to observe, predict, and analyze
the environment. Paleolithic Age

The Neolithic Age began around 12,000 Neolithic Age

years ago and ended as civilizations started
to rise around 3500 BCE. This time period is
sometimes referred to as the New Stone Sedentary
Age. In this period, people worked in
agriculture, cultivating crops and Extensification
domesticating animals. Some people lived in
villages prior to the Neolithic Age, but this Intensification
age saw a widespread establishment of

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WHAT IS AGRICULTURE? farm. People stayed in one place to tend

crops. Populations exploded. Civilizations
formed and became diverse. Collective
learning accelerated. What was the
goldilocks condition for agriculture to
emerge? The warmer climate after the last
Ice Age which allowed plants and animal
species to adapt, grow, and reproduce. But
as population increased, this scenario also
entails human beings to compete with other
Agriculture is a combination of many things. resources.
It can be associated with farming, planting,
livestock, crops, fishery, food, even source of
Neolithic Revolution
living. It is the science, art, and practice of
This important era is mainly characterized by
farming which includes, but is not limited to:
the following:
✓ Soil cultivation
✓ Holocene epoch: increase in rainfall
✓ Crop production
which led to thick vegetation
✓ Animal or livestock rearing
✓ Agriculture as maximization of the
✓ Marketing of resulting products
Sun’s energy
✓ Self-sufficiency amidst growing
What is agriculture for Big History? Why is it
needed? How did it emerge? Agriculture for
✓ Collective learning and knowledge
Big History is not a single activity. It is
intended to allow man to “look for ways to As our ancestors relied on agriculture as a
extract sources of energy in a given place” way of life, they learned how to manipulate
rather than “to merely discover new sources the environment and develop more skills.
of energy from new environments.” It An important question to ask then is, How
discouraged constant migration for hunter- did farming or agriculture contribute
gatherers instead, it allowed maximizing the towards the emergence and increase of
benefits in a given space. It is a series of civilizations?
methods aimed to increase the resources
and energy to be used by humans.

Early humans survived by foraging for food, Agriculture
moving from one place to another as the Neolithic Age
seasons changed or resources were used up. Holocene Epoch
Then, in several locations at the same time
about 11,000 years ago, humans began to

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