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Interval observers design for discrete-time linear switched


Ghassen Marouani1 , Thach Ngoc Dinh2 , Tarek Raı̈ssi2 and Hassani Messaoud1 *†‡

Abstract As presented for instance in [31, 11, 23, 25], the

most important reason for the increased popularity of
The main goal of this paper is to present a method- this class of observers is that, on the one hand, they
ology to design interval observers for discrete-time lin- cope with large uncertainties, which is crucial for in-
ear switched systems affected by disturbances and mea- stance for biological systems. On the other hand, inter-
surement noises which are considered bounded but un- val observers have been successfully applied to many
known. The steps to design these observers are de- real-life problems as illustrated by the papers [3, 17, 1].
tailed. Furthermore, to relax some restrictive condi- Several works dealing with this technique of estimation
tions, a change of coordinates is recommended. have been proposed for linear [7, 22, 23, 24] and non-
Keywords: Interval observer, discrete-time, linear linear systems [2, 29, 31, 32]. A common feature of
systems, switched systems, LMI. these results is that they apply mainly to continuous-
time systems. The design of interval observers in the
case of discrete-time is evoked for instance in [25, 11].
1. INTRODUCTION The importance of discrete-time systems comes from
the fact that discretization methods used to transform
Interval observers design is a technique introduced continuous-time systems into discrete-time ones affect
for the first time in [?]. It presents an issue to deal with the transformed systems by disturbances, which moti-
real systems, as in biological applications, whose mod- vates the development of robust state estimation tech-
els are often affected by various types of disturbances niques such as interval observers. However, the design
and measurement noises. Due to uncertainties, the state of interval observers in the case of dynamical systems
estimators of these systems need additional informa- that exhibit both continuous and discrete dynamic be-
tion, which is not usually evident. In such a context, havior (i.e. hybrid systems) is not yet popular. We men-
interval observers can be considered as an interesting tion here a few recent works [26, 13, 14, 19, 20].
alternative. They rely on the design of a dynamic ex-
tension endowed with two outputs giving an upper and Switched systems are a class of hybrid systems.
a lower bounds for the state of the considered system They consist of a finite number of subsystems governed
[?]. Such observers require that the bounds of the initial by switching signals [4, 16]. A number of contribu-
state, of the noises and of the disturbances are avail- tions presenting the analysis and the control of this class
able. Then, two trajectories, which define the interval of systems have been proposed during the last decade
observer, are computed to enclose the actual state. In [5, 6]. Nonetheless, the use of interval observers in the
this context, an interval observer can be considered as a case of switched systems is not efficiently evoked and
classical one where the centre of the interval is a point well treated in literature[30, 8]. In this paper, the main
estimation and its radius is the uncertainty on the esti- objective is to design an interval observer for the family
mate. of discrete-time linear switched systems affected by dis-
turbances and measurement noises which are assumed
†1 Ghassen Marouani and Hassani Messaoud are with Re- unknown but bounded with known bounds.
search Laboratory of Automatic Signal and Image Processing,
National School of Engineers of Monastir, University of Mona- This paper starts with some preliminaries in Sec-
stir, 5019, Tunisia, tion 2. In section 3, two methodologies to design inter- val observers for discrete-time linear switched systems
‡2 Thach Ngoc Dinh and Tarek Raı̈ssi are with Conservatoire Na-
tional des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), Cedric - Laetitia, Rue St-Martin,
are treated. With a numerical example, in section 4, the
75141 Paris Cedex 03, techniques used are illustrated. Section 5 concludes the paper.
Q  0; R − ST Q−1 S  0.
The set of natural numbers, integers and real num-
bers are denoted by N, Z and R, respectively. The set of A discrete-time system described by x(k + 1) =
nonnegative real numbers and nonnegative integers are f (x(k)) is nonnegative if for any integer k0 and any ini-
denoted by R+ = {τ ∈ R : τ ≥ 0} and Z+ = Z ∩ R+ , tial condition x(k0 ) ≥ 0, the solution x satisfies x(k) ≥ 0
respectively. The Euclidean norm of a vector x ∈ Rn for all integers k ≥ k0 .
is denoted by |x|, and for a measurable and locally es- A system described by x(k + 1) = Ax(k) + u(k),
sentially bounded input u : Z → R, the symbol kuk[t0 ,t1 ] with x(k) ∈ Rn and A ∈ Rn×n , is nonnegative if and only
denotes its L∞ norm: if the matrix A is elementwise nonnegative, u(k) ≥ 0 and
x(k0 ) ≥ 0. In this case, the system is also called cooper-
kuk[t0 ,t1 ] = sup{|x|,t ∈ [t0 ,t1 ]}. ative. This property is essential in the design of interval
observers since the estimation errors should follow non-
If t1 = ∞ then we will simply write kuk. We denote negative dynamics.
L∞ as the set of all inputs u with the property kuk < ∞.
We denote the sequence of integers 1, . . . , N as 1, N. In- 3. Interval observer for discrete-time linear
equalities must be understood component-wise, i.e., for switched systems
xa = [xa,1 , ..., xa,n ]> ∈ Rn and xb = [xb,1 , ..., xb,n ]> ∈ Rn ,
xa ≤ xb if and only if, for all i ∈ {1, ..., n}, xa,i ≤ xb,i . For Consider the following discrete-time linear
a square matrix Q ∈ Rn×n , let the matrix Q+ ∈ Rn×n switched system:
denote Q+ = (max{qi, j , 0})n,n i, j=1,1 , where the notation
Q = (qi, j )i, j=1,1 is used. Let Q− ∈ Rn×n be defined by

x(k + 1) = Aq x(k) + Bq u(k) + d(k),
Q− = Q+ − Q, the superscripts + and − for other pur- y(k) = Cq x(k) + v(k), q ∈ 1, N, N ∈ N,
poses are defined appropriately when they appear. A
with x ∈ Rn is the state vector, u ∈ Rm is the input, y ∈
square matrix Q ∈ Rn×n is said to be nonnegative if each
R p is the output, d ∈ Rn and v ∈ R p are respectively
entry of this matrix is nonnegative. In is the identity ma-
the disturbances and the measurement noises. q is the
trix of n × n dimension. Any n × m (resp. p × 1) matrix,
index of the active subsystem and N is the number of
whose entries are all 1 is denoted En×m (resp. E p ). The
subsystems. Aq , Bq and Cq are time-invariant matrices
vector of eigenvalues of each matrix A ∈ Rn×n is de-
of the corresponding dimensions.
noted by λ (A). P ∈ Rn×n is positive (resp. negative)
In this section, the goal is the design of interval ob-
definite is denoted as P  0 (resp. P ≺ 0).
servers for discrete-time linear switched systems. Thus,
Lemma 1 [10] Consider a vector x ∈ Rn such that x ≤ two approaches are considered: the first one is based
x ≤ x and a constant matrix A ∈ Rn×n , then on the nonnegativity (cooperativity) of the estimation
errors in the original coordinates, while the second is
A+ x − A− x ≤ Ax ≤ A+ x − A− x, (1) more general and follows a transformation of coordi-
with A+ = max{0, A}, A− = A+ − A.
3.1. Interval observer design in the original co-
Lemma 2 [28, 15] Consider a positive scalar δ and a ordinates
symmetric positive definite matrix P ∈ Rn×n , then
In this part, we introduce the following assump-
1 tions in order to design the interval observer without a
2x y ≤ xT Px + δ yT P−1 y, x, y ∈ Rn .
δ transformation of coordinates
Lemma 3 (Schur Complement) Given the matrices Assumption 1 The state vector x ∈ Rn is bounded, i.e.
R = RT , Q = QT and S with appropriate dimensions. x ∈ L∞n .
The following LMIs are equivalent:
Assumption 2 Let a function d¯ ∈ L∞n such that for all
1.   k ∈ Z+
Q S −d(k) ≤ d(k) ≤ d(k).
Assumption 3 There exists a constant V > 0, such that
R  0; Q − SR−1 ST  0. −E pV ≤ v(k) ≤ E pV, ∀k ∈ Z+ .
Assumption 4 ∃ Lq ∈ Rn×p , ∀q ∈ 1, N, such that Aq − |v(k)| ≤ E pV then −Lq v(k) + |Lq |E pV ≥ 0 and Lq v(k) +
LqCq are nonnegative. |Lq |E pV ≥ 0. Therefore, Ψ(k) ≥ 0 and Ψ(k) ≥ 0.
Bearing in mind Assumption 4 and from the fact
Assumption 1 since the problem of control design in that e(0) = x(0) − x(0) ≥ 0 and e(0) = x(0) − x(0) ≥ 0,
this is not considered (it is rather common in the lit- it follows that, for all k ∈ Z+ , e(k) ≥ 0 and e(k) ≥ 0.
erature of the observer synthesis) [12]. Assumption 2 Thus, for all k ∈ Z+ , x(k) ≤ x(k) ≤ x(k). This allows us
states that the disturbance is bounded. Assumption 3 in- to conclude. 
troduces the introduces the upper bound V of the noise Let us introduce the following theorem in order to
measurement ν amplitude. Assumption 4 is the impor- introduce Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) as guide-
tant condition to synthesis the interval observer, it is lines for selecting Lq for (5).
rather restrictive and it will be relaxed later [12].
Using the available information and considering that Theorem 2 (Stability of the systems (3)-(5)) Let As-
X 0 ≤ x(0) ≤ X 0 for some known X 0 , X 0 ∈ Rn , the ob- sumptions 1-4 hold, if there exist P = PT  0 ∈ Rn and
jective is to calculate two estimates x, x ∈ L∞n , such that scalars δq > 0, ∀ q ∈ 1, N such that:
 
x(k) ≤ x(k) ≤ x(k), k ∈ Z+ . (4) P SqCq
 
 
As a solution to this problem, the following interval    0,
 
observer candidate is considered: 1
(SqCq )T P − ATq PAq + ATq SqCq + (ATq SqCq )T
 
 αq
 x(k + 1) = (Aq − LqCq )x(k) + Bq u(k) + d(k) + Lq y
 (10)
+|Lq |E pV,

 1
x(k + 1) = (Aq − LqCq )x(k) + Bq u(k) − d(k) + Lq y with αq = 1 + , Sq = PLq . Then, the states x, x com-
−|Lq |E pV,

 puted by (5) are bounded.
x(0) = X 0 , x(0) = X 0 ,

(5) Proof. To study the interval observer, we propose to
where Lq ∈ Rn×p is an appropriate observer gain asso- apply a common Lyapunov function to the estimation
ciated to the q-subsystem with q ∈ 1, N. Lq which has errors.
to be computed. To achieve conditions that ensure the convergence
of the observation errors e(k), e(k), the following com-
Theorem 1 (Framer) Let Assumptions 1-4 hold, the mon quadratic Lyapunov function is considered:
lower and upper interval estimates for the state x(k)
given by (5) satisfy (4), provided that x(0) ≤ x(0) ≤ V (e(k)) = eT (k)Pe(k), P = PT  0, (11)
in the case of the upper observation error.
Proof. Let e(k) = x(k) − x(k) and e(k) = x(k) − From (6), we have that
x(k) be the upper observation and the lower observation ∆V (e(k)) = V ((e(k + 1)) −V ((e(k))
errors respectively. The aim is to prove that e(k) and
= eT (k) (Aq − LqCq )T P(Aq − LqCq ) − P e(k)
e(k) are nonnegative and bounded. The dynamics of
the upper error follow: T
+ Ψ (k)PΨ(k) + 2e(k)T (Aq − LqCq )T PΨ(k).
e(k + 1) = (Aq − LqCq)e(k) + Ψ(k), (6)
According to Lemma 2, we obtain:
∆V (e(k)) ≤
Ψ(k) = d(k) − d(k) + Lq v(k) + |Lq |E pV. (7)  
eT (k) (Aq − LqCq )T P(Aq − LqCq )(1 + ) − P e(k)
Similarly, the dynamics of the lower error are described δq
by: T
+ (1 + δq )Ψ (k)PΨ(k), (13)
e(k + 1) = (Aq − LqCq )e(k) + Ψ(k), (8)
Additionally, from (10) and by applying Lemma 3,
we have
Ψ(k) = d(k) + d(k) − Lq v(k) + |Lq |E pV, (9) P − αq ATq PAq − ATq SqCq − (ATq SqCq )T + (SqCq )T P−1 (SqCq )

According to Assumption 2, we have d(k)+d(k) ≥  0,

0 and d(k) − d(k) ≥ 0. Also as Assumption 3 holds, (14)
with αq = 1 + δ1q , Sq = PLq . We are now ready to introduce the theorem be-
Then, low to deduce an interval estimation from the estimates
computed by (16).
[(Aq − LqCq )T P(Aq − LqCq )(1 + ) − P] ≺ 0. (15)
δq Theorem 3 Consider matrices Pq , q ∈ 1, N, N ∈ N such
that Fq = Pq (Aq − LqCq )Pq−1 are nonnegative. If x(0) ≤
On the other hand, the noises and disturbances are
x(0) ≤ x(0), then
bounded, it follows that Ψ is bounded. Therefore, by
combining (15) with (13) we conclude that e is bounded 
x(k) = Q+ − − +
q Pq x̂ (k) − Qq Pq x̂ (k),
(ISS stability) [15]. The same arguments show that e is − − (19)
x(k) = Q+ +
q Pq x̂ (k) − Qq Pq x̂ (k),
also bounded. Finally, since x ∈ L∞n , then x, x ∈ L∞n . 
is a framer for (3) satisfying x(k) ≤ x(k) ≤ x(k). Fur-
3.2. Design of an interval observer in new coor- thermore, if there exist a matrix M = M T  0 and posi-
dinates tive scalars αq , δq such that

Even though we have proposed the different steps  

to design an interval observer by Theorem 1, in some M SqCq
cases, it is not possible to find gains Lq such that the 1   0,
CqT SqT M − ATq MAq + ATq SqCq + (ATq SqCq )T

matrices Aq − LqCq are nonnegative. αq
Bearing in mind that the stability property is pre- q ∈ 1, N, N ∈ N,
served under a transformation of coordinates, then to (20)
overcome the problem of selecting gains, one can first
choose the gains Lq ensuring the stability in the orig- with
inal coordinates x and the next step is to find a non- 1
αq = 1 + , Sq = MLq ,
singular transformation z = Px such that the matrices δq
P(Aq − LqCq )P−1 are nonnegative. However, the ex-
then, x and x given by (19) are bounded.
istence of a common transformation P is not obvious
because of the dificulties in solving nonlinear matrices
Proof. Let us prove that x(k) − x(k) ≥ 0 and x(k) −
inequalities, as shown in [19].
x(k) ≥ 0.
As discussed above, determining a nonsingular
First, let us define errors Eq+ (k) and Eq− (k) as:
transformation matrix P to transform the system (3)
into a nonnegative form such that P(Aq − LqCq )P−1
Eq+ (k) = Pq x̂+ (k) − Pq x(k), (21)
(q ∈ 1, N) are nonnegative is almost impossible. A new
methodology is proposed. It is based on the design, in Eq− (k) −
= Pq x(k) − Pq x̂ (k). (22)
the original base, of two conventional observers. The
structure is inspired by the one proposed in [9]. Con- Thus,
sider the discrete-time linear switched system (3) and
two point observers as follows: Eq+ (k + 1) = Pq x̂+ (k + 1) − Pq x(k + 1), (23)
 + Eq− (k + 1) = Pq x(k + 1) − Pq x̂− (k + 1). (24)
 x̂ (k + 1) = (Aq − LqCq )x̂+ (k) + Bq u(k)
+Pq−1 (Pq+ d(k) + Pq− d(k))

From (3) and (16), the dynamics of Eq+ are given

+Lq y(k) + Pq−1 |Pq Lq |E pV,

(16) by:

 x̂− (k + 1) = (Aq − LqCq )x̂− (k) + Bq u(k) Eq+ (k + 1) = Fq Eq+ (k) + γq+ , (25)
−Pq−1 (Pq+ d(k) + Pq− d(k))


+Lq y(k) − Pq−1 |Pq Lq |E pV,

Fq = Pq (Aq − LqCq )Pq−1 , (26)
with changes of coordinates Pq , q = 1, N, are chosen and
as in the following Theorem 3 and for suitably selected
initial conditions: γq+ = [(Pq+ d(k)+Pq− d(k))−Pq d(k)]+Pq Lq v(k)+|Pq Lq |E pV.
x̂ (0) = Qq (Pq+ x(0) − Pq− x(0)), (27)
(17) Similarly, the dynamics of Eq− are given by:
x̂− (0) = Qq (Pq+ x(0) − Pq− x(0)),

where Eq− (k + 1) = Pq x(k + 1) − Pq x̂− (k + 1) = Fq Eq− (k) + γq− ,

Qq = Pq−1 , ∀q ∈ 1, N, N ∈ N. (18) (28)
with Thus,

γq− = [Pq d(k) − (−Pq+ d(k) − Pq− d(k))] − Pq Lq v(k) ∆V (e+ (k)) =
e+ (k)T (Aq − LqCq )T M(Aq − LqCq )e+ (k)
+ |Pq Lq |E pV. (29) (37)
+2e+ (k)T (Aq − LqCq )T MPq−1 γq+
Bearing in mind Lemma 1, then +(Pq−1 γq+ )T M(Pq−1 γq+ ) − e+ (k)T Me+ (k).
Bearing in mind Lemma 2:
− Pq+ d(k) − Pq− d(k) ≤ Pq d(k) ≤ Pq+ d(k) + Pq− d(k).
(30) ∆V (e+ (k))
By using (30) we have [Pq d(k) − (−Pq+ d(k) −

e+ (k)T (Aq − LqCq )T M(Aq − LqCq )(1 + ) − M e+ (k)
Pq− d(k))] ≥ 0, [(Pq+ d(k) + Pq− d(k)) − Pq d(k)] ≥ 0, δq
also with Assumption 3, we obtain −Pq Lq v(k) + +(1 + δq )(Pq−1 γq+ )T M(Pq−1 γq+ ).
|Pq Lq |E pV ≥ 0, Pq Lq v(k) + |Pq Lq |E pV ≥ 0, then we de- (38)
duce that γq− ≥ 0 and γq+ ≥ 0, ∀k ≥ 0. From (27), (1 + δq )(Pq−1 γq+ )T M(Pq−1 γq+ ) is
Moreover we have x(0) ≤ x(0) ≤ x(0), then Eq− (0) bounded. Then, it is obvious to note that the observa-
and Eq+ (0) are nonnegative. As Fq = Pq (Aq − LqCq )Pq−1 tion error e+ is bounded if the following inequality is
is nonnegative, we deduce that Eq− (k) ≥ 0 and Eq+ (k) ≥ satisfied
0, ∀k ≥ 0.
T 1
Consequently, we obtain (Aq − LqCq ) M(Aq − LqCq )(1 + ) − M ≺ 0.
Pq x̂− (k) ≤ Pq x(k) ≤ Pq x̂+ (k). (31) Then by applying the Schur complement, due to
(20), we can conclude the stability of e+ . The same
Then, it can be verified that arguments allow us to prove that e− is also bounded. 
x(k) ≤ x(k) ≤ x(k), Remark 1 The second approach based on changes of
coordinates is general since it is always possible to
where transform any real square matrix into a nonnegative

x(k) = Q+ − − + form. The existence of such a transformation is not
q Pq x̂ (k) − Qq Pq x̂ (k),
+ + − −
x(k) = Qq Pq x̂ (k) − Qq Pq x̂ (k). a strong assumption. For instance, it has been shown
in [11] that there always exists an invertible matrix P
To prove the boundedness of x, x, we have to show such that in the coordinates z(k) = Px(k), the matrix
that Eq− (k) and Eq+ (k) are bounded, which comes to E = P(A − LC)P−1 is nonnegative. In addition, it has
prove that e+ (k) = x̂+ (k) − x(k) and e− (k) = x(k) − been shown in [27] that based on the Jordan canonical
x̂− (k) are bounded. form, it is always possible to transform any square con-
As a common Lyapunov function, we propose: stant matrix into a nonnegative form with a constant or
a time-varying transformation.
V (e+ (k)) = e+ (k)T Me+ (k), M ∈ Rn×n = M T  0,
(32) Remark 2 Even by using changes of coordinates, the
where interval observer is designed in the original coordinates
e+ (k) = x̂+ (k) − x(k). (33) (equations (16), (17)). This approach allows one to
avoid jumping of the observer state in the coordinates
And z(k) = Px(k) and a hybrid behavior.
V (e− (k)) = e− (k)T Me− (k), M ∈ Rn×n = M T  0,
(34) 4. A numerical example
e− (k) = x(k) − x̂− (k). (35) Consider the discrete-time linear switched system:

Using the same reasoning as in Section 3.1, we en- x(k + 1) = Aq x(k) + Bq u(k) + d(k),
sure that the dynamics of the Lyapunov function are, y(k) = Cq x(k) + v(k), q ∈ 1, 2,
with bounded inputs, decreasing with respect to the er- where d(k) and v(k) are respectively the distur-
rors e+ and e− . Let us study the case of e+ (the same bances and the measurement noises, with d(k) =
steps are used to prove the boundedness of e− ). 0.04[sin(0.1k) cos(0.2k)]T , v(k) = 0.2 sin(0.1k),
We have    
0.6 −0.6 0.1 0.3
∆V (e+ (k)) = V (e+ (k + 1)) −V (e+ (k)). (36) A1 = , A2 = ,
0 0.1 0 0.7
and and the lower trajectories. The interval observer stabil-
    ity is ensured. Finally, as shown in Figure 1, the interval
1 0   
B1 = , B2 = , C1 = 0.3 0 , C2 = −1 −1observer
. remains stable despite the switching instants.
0 1
It was not possible to compute a common matrix P
such as P(Aq − LqCq )P−1 to be nonnegative. Therefore, switching signal
changes of coordinates matrices Pq such that the matri-
ces Pq (Aq − LqCq )Pq−1 are nonnegative, are computed.
The next step is to design for the system (39) the ob- 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Time (seconds)
server defined by (16). Then we have to solve the LMI
given by (20) with the Yalmip toolbox; as a result, we Figure 2. Switching signal
0.7308 −0.0513
L1 = , L2 = ,
−0.0557 −0.1117 5. Conclusion
0.9908 −0.0893
M= , In this paper, two techniques to design interval ob-
−0.0893 1.2006
    servers for a class of discrete-time linear switched sys-
0.7290 −0.0409 tems in the presence of additive disturbances and mea-
S1 = , S2 = ,
−0.1322 −0.1296 surement noises are proposed. The assumptions given
δq = 90.9091, ∀q ∈ 1, 2. in the first one are not always feasible. Therefore, a
second approach based on changes of coordinates is
The matrices Pq , ensuring that Pq (Aq − LqCq )Pq−1 are proposed to relax the condition of nonnegativeness of
nonnegative, are given by: Aq − LqCq , q = 1, N. In this context, two copies of
   classical observers associated with suitably selected ini-
−0.0850 1.2136 0.2634 −0.1359 tial conditions are reformulated in the base ”x”. The
P1 = , P2 = .
0.0850 −0.2136 −0.2634 1.1359 observer gains can be computed in term of LMIs.Tow

As mentioned above, all conditions of Theorem 3 tracks can be considered as perspectives to this work.
are verified, then, the interval observer given by (17) The first one, is the use of the H∞ formalism to compute
is ISS stable. The results of simulations of the interval optimal gains, by using this technique we can obtain a
observer are depicted in Figure 1, where solid lines rep- tighter framer. The second perspective, is the synthe-
resent the state and dashed lines represent the estimated sis of interval observers for switched systems with un-
bounds. known switching instants.
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