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Bio - Number of cells in each phase of mitosis

Chem - Effect of Surface area on rate of reaction (antacid pill)

Phys - Effect of Voltage on Current


Aim: To determine the number of cells in each phase of mitosis

Research Question: How are the number of cells in each phase of mitosis distributed?

Independent Variable: Length of phase of mitosis

Dependent Variable: Number of cells in phase of mitosis

Control Variable: Type of Cell, Species of Onion

Hypothesis: If the length of the phase is longer, then more cells will be in that phase of mitosis,
because, the longer the phase of mitosis, the longer it takes the cell to progress through the phase,
thus, more cells will be in that phase of mitosis

Equipment: Onion Root Tip, Blade, Cover Slip, Forcep, Microscope, Microscope Slide, Beaker, Water,
n/10 Hydrochloric Acid, Aceto-Alcohol, Acetocarmine Stain, Bunsen Burner


1. Cut the Roots of an Onion

2. Pour 100 mL of water inside a beaker, and place the Onion inside
3. Let the onion roots grow for 2-3 days
4. After 2-3 days, remove the onion root tip with a blade
5. Clean the beaker, and pour 20 mL of Aceto Alcohol
6. Place the onion root tip inside Aceto Alcohol for one day
7. Remove the root tip and place it on a microscope slide
8. Pour 1 drop of n/10 HCl and 2-3 drops of Acetocarmine stain
9. Heat the root tip above a Bunsen burner but do not let the stain dry
10. Cut off the more stained part of the root tip using a blade
11. Using a forcep, cover with root tip with a cover slide
12. Place the slide under microscope for observation
13. Collect observations
14. Repeat steps 1-13 2 more times for 3 trials, and take the average

Safety Method: Handle chemicals such as HCl and Aceto Alcohol with care, as they can cause
damage to skin. Wear lab coat and safety gloves when dealing with such chemicals in case of an
accidental spill.


Aim: To determine the effect of surface area on the time taken for relief of an Antacid Pill

Research question: How is the time taken for relief of an Antacid pill affected by the surface area of
the pill?
Independent Variable: Surface area of Antacid Pill

Dependent Variable: Time taken to provide relief

Control Variable: Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid, Volume of Hydrochloric Acid

Hypothesis: If the surface area is increased, then the antacid pill will take less time to provide relief
because, the greater the surface area, the more the reactants are exposed to one another resulting
in more collisions and more successful collisions, resulting in a faster rate of reaction and less time
taken to provide relief

Equipment: 15 Antacid Pills, Knife, Mortar and Pestle, Stopwatch, 750 mL of 0.1 mol Hydrochloric
Acid, Test Tube, Bung, Clamp and Stand


1. Pour 50 mL of 0.1 mol Hydrochloric Acid in test tube

2. Attach the test tube to a clamp and stand
3. Place 1 antacid pill in the test tube
4. Close the test tube with a bung and start a stopwatch
5. Wait for the reaction to finish, and then stop the stopwatch
6. Take down observation and clean the test tube
7. Repeat steps 1-6 2 more times for 3 trials, and take the average
8. Repeat steps 1-7 for an antacid pill cut in 2, an antacid pill cut in 4, an antacid pill shattered
by a mortar, and an antacid pill grinded into a fine powder using a pistil and mortar

Safety Method:

Wear safety gloves and a lab coat. This is because Hydrochloric acid is corrosive and can cause
damage to the skin. Thus, wearing safety gloves and a lab coat is essential in case of a spill.


Aim: To determine the effect of increasing Voltage on Current in an Ohmic material

Research Question: What is the effect of increasing Voltage on current in an Ohmic material?

Independent Variable: Voltage (in Volts)

Dependent Variable: Current (in Amperes)

Control Variable: Material of Wire, Length of Wire

Hypothesis: If the Voltage is increased in an Ohmic material, then the Current will also increase
because, Ohms law states that V=IR, and thus, Voltage and Current are in direct proportion, thus,
current will be increased

Equipment: Voltage Supply, Voltmeter, Ammeter, 2 m Copper Wire, Switch

1. Connect the circuit together with a copper wire, making sure there is an open switch
2. Connect a Voltmeter and an Ammeter to the circuit
3. Close the switch, and increase Voltage to 10 Volt
4. Take Ammeter reading
5. Turn of Voltage supply, open the switch and disconnect circuit
6. Repeat steps 1-5 2 more times for 3 trials, and take the average
7. Repeat steps 1-6 for 20 V, 30 V, 40 V and 50 V

Safety Method:

Make sure to keep the switch open before finishing connecting the circuit. This is because, in case of
a closed switch, there could be a possibility of a short circuit, which could cause an electric shock.
Thus, it is essential to keep the switch open before connecting or disconnecting a circuit.

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