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▸ What is Growth Mindset

▸ How to Develop Growth Mindset

▸ Why Growth Mindset is important

▸ Benefits of Growth Mindset

▸ Real Life Example

▸ Practical Tips

▸ Conclusion

What is “Growth Mindset “ ?

“ Success is not final ; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts ”.

-W. Churchill

▸ The growth mindset is the belief that you can grow your brain and that your intelligence grows with

▸ A growth mindset is an approach to life in which an individual believes that their talents,
intelligence, and abilities can be developed further.

▸ People with a growth mindset seek opportunities to learn, gain new skills, and enhance their existing

Why Growth Mindset is important ?

▸ A growth mindset is essential for nurturing innovation and willingness to take risks at the company

▸ When individuals and organizations believe their capacities are fixed, they’re more likely to focus on
specific, short-term goals (such as quarterly returns) rather than longer-term possibilities.

▸ When we have a growth mindset at the workplace, we tend to have a hunger for learning and a
desire to work hard and discover new things.

▸ This often translates into our growth level achievement on the project side.

Benefits of a Growth Mind set in the Workplace:

▸ Confidence to try new ideas.

▸ Self-development.

▸ Ability to admit and deal with mistakes.

▸ Ability to tackle tough decisions.

▸ Accept New Challenges.

▸ Look Out For Feedback.

▸ Learn New Skills.

How to Develop Growth Mindset at workplace ?

▸ Tie Performance reviews to Learning not Outputs.

▸ View Successes and failure as learning Opportunities.

▸ Encourage employees to Speak up.

▸ Invest in employee Upskilling and Reskilling.

▸ Support Coaching and cross – Domain Learning.

Real Life Example :

▸ The grades of the students with fixed mindset declined as they entered junior high.

▸ The grades of those students worsened in the two years of junior high.

▸ Students with growth mindsets had an increase in their grades over the two years.

Practical Tips to Develop Growth Mindset :


▸ Recognize and accept mistakes.

▸ Learn from other people’s mistakes.

▸ Replace the word ‘fail’ with the word ‘learn’.

▸ Value the process more than the end result.

▸ View criticism as something positive.

▸ Use the phrase ‘not yet’.

Conclusion :

▸ Growth Mindset moves us from the belief in fixed attributes and in recognizing and praising
"intelligence“ toward a growth mindset that recognizes the importance to be Strategies.


Chandrasekhar S (2383371) , Manimegalai K (2383438) , Subhash(2388324) , Lakshmana (2383420) , Vikash

kumar R (2378378) , Hemanth sai kumar T (2378834) , Srikala P (2385538) , Mahalakshmi K (2387220)
Chandrasekhar, Manimegalai K) , Subhash, Lakshmana, Vikash kumar R , Hemanth sai kumar T , Srikala P,
Mahalakshmi K

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