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Answer Key

AI and You - 7
Chapter 3: Lists and Tables in HTML5
Let’s Review (Pg. 35)
Answer in one word.
1. <ol> tag
2. Reversed attribute
3. Unordered list
4. Ordered list
Let’s Review (Pg. 38)
Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False.
1. T 2. F 3. T 4.
Exercises (Pgs. 42–44)
A. Tick (✓) the correct answers.
1. c 2. b 3. a 4.
c 5.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. <tr> 2. <caption> 3.
4. start 5. padding
C. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False.
1. F 2. T 3. T 4.
T 5.
D. Answer the following questions.
1. The tags used to create a description list are:
³³ <dl> tag: It defines the description list.
³³ <dt> tag: It defines the terms or names.
³³ <dd> tag: It describes each term.

2. The difference between an ordered list and an unordered list is as follows:

³³ An ordered list is a numbered list of items. It is created using the <ol> tag.
³³ An unordered list is a bulleted list of items. It is created using the <ul> tag.
3. Some basic tags required to create a table are:
³³ <table> tag: This tag is used to define a table in HTML. This tag is a container tag and is
defined inside the <body> tag.
³³ <tr> tag: This tag is used to define table rows. The <tr> tag shows the starting of a row.
The </tr> tag shows the ending of a row.
³³ <td> tag: This tag is used to define table data, that is, the data inside the rows. The data can
be in the form of text, images, lists, and so on. The <table> tag in HTML creates a series of
cells which are filled up using the <td> tag. It is a container tag.
³³ <caption> tag: It is a container tag that is used to define the title of the table.
4. A nested list is a list inside another list. For example, the code below creates a nested
unordered list.
<li>Healthy Food</li>
5. The three table properties are as follows:
a. Border-collapse: This property is used to specify whether the table borders are to be
collapsed into a single border or detached.
b. Caption-side: This property defines the placement of the table caption.
where, value = bottom | top
c. Empty-cells: This property defines whether border and background are to be placed around
empty cells in a table or not.
where, value = show | hide

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