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Jackfruit Seed: Fundamental Constituent

in making Nutritious Collocate

Leonalyn Agaton
Elgean B. Altez
Michael Bagalay

October 2017
Chapter 1


We are now living in a 21 st Century life wherein millenials are so much involved

in a very different lifestyles. Science and technology collides, resulting on lots of

inventions that tends to have a good and bad effects on our body. Technology has

many effects. It has helped develop more advanced economics and has allowed the

rise of leisure class ( Washington, DC: National Academics Press pp. 16 – 40.

However, technology can also corrupt human minds and souls. (Science Links pp. 10)

In order to sustain life, our body needs food that is nutritious. Jackfruit

( Artocarpus Heterophyllus) also known as jack tree, jackfruit or sometimes simply jack

or jak, is a species of tree in the fig. mulberry and breadfruit family (moraec ac). The

jackfruit tree is well suited to tropical lowlands. It can produce about 100 -200 fruits in a

year the pulp or jackfruit it composed of 74% water, 23% carbohydrates, 2% protein and

2% fat in a 100 gram portion, raw jackfruits provides 95 calories and it is a rich source

( 20% or more of DV) of vitamin B6 ( 25% DV ) it contains moderate levels ( 10 – 19%

DV) of Vitamin C and potassium, with no other nutrirnts in significantly content.

For this reason, the researchers decided to make a product out of a jackfruit

seed that will surely be loved by millennial.

Background of the Study

Jackfruit ( Artocarpus Heterophyllus ) which refers to both a species of three and

its fruit, it native to Southwestern India and Sri Lanka. Jackfruit was reportedly the

largest cultivated for food as early as the 6th century BC in India at approximately 25

centimeters in diameter jackfruit is reportedly the largest tree, borne fruit in the world.

The fruit juices are extremely sticky; saw people often only their hands preparing the


That fruit can be ingested while the wood is used for furniture and musical

instruments. Recent laboratory studies show that lecktines found in jackfruit and its

seeds may have antibacterial antifungal, antiviral and immunus timulatiue properties,

however , clinical study is lacking. The currently available research examines the role of

jackfruits in increasing glucose polerance more studies in humans are needed to

defined jackfruits potential role in diabetes ( Jackfruit seeds yes you

can eat the seeds too! When boiled and peeled, the taste and nature is exactly like

chestnuts with a slight jackfruit flavor aroma.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework is presented in the paradigm below:

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

The preparation or jackfruit seed Acceptability or jackfruit seeds

chocolate chocolate in terms of

 Appearance
 Aroma
 Taste
 Texture
Frame 1

It consists of independent variable which includes the preparation of jackfruit

seed chocolate.

Frame 2

It consists of dependent variable which includes the accept. Ability of the

jackfruits sees as chocolate in its sensory qualities such as appearance, aroma, taste,


Statement of the Problem

The purpose of the study is to determine if the jackfruit seed can be used as

chocolate. Specifically; it seeks to answer the following question.

1. What are the method and steps to be used in making jackfruit seeds as


2. What are the main sensory qualities of the jackfruit seed chocolate in terms of

the appearance, aroma, taste and texture?

3. Can jackfruit seeds ( buto ng langka) be a substitute as the main ingredients in


Significance of the Study

This study will be an immense help and beneficial for the following;

Housewives. This would serve as a guide for the acquisitions of the necessary

skills and information of the supply of nutrients. Foods it would be given in the form of

jackfruit seeds chocolate to all the mothers who wants to serve a part of their money or

a diverse nibble food.

Students. This will provide them with nutritive food instead of junk foods. This

will be a source of information for further study of this kind of research.

Teachers. The result of study could help them to realize that jackfruit seeds will

be chocolate.

Farmers. Through this study farmers will be encourage to plant more jackfruit

trees since its fruit can be very useful and even the jackfruit seeds can be used in

preparing chocolate.

Scope and Limitations

This study was done at C by the help of 30 housewives from Brgy. San Isidro

Padre Burgos, Quezon, 30 students of junior high school from San Isidro National High

School, 30 farmers from Brgy. Yawe Padre Burgos Quezon.

The experimental study on jackfruit seeds as chocolate is conducted at the San

Isidro National High School and at the researchers’ residence in Brgy. San Isidro Padre

Burgos, Quezon during the first semester of academic year 2017 – 2018.

This study is focused on the preparation of jackfruit seeds and chocolate jackfruit

seeds with other ingredients. The finished product is based on sensory qualities such as

appearance, aroma, taste and texture.

Research Hypothesis

The advance null hypothesis of the study that:

1. There is no significant level of acceptability of jackfruit seeds chocolate to

selected students of the San Isidro National High School and housewives of the

Brgy. San Isidro Padre Burgos, Quezon as to its sensory abilities search as

appearance, aroma, taste and textures.

2. The desiccated jackfruit ( buto ng langka ) was significantly acceptable as a

substitute to a main ingredients in chocolate.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined for better understanding of the


Acceptability. It refers to the degree through which the certain degree to which a

particular thing is considered pleasant by the industrial.

Appearance. It refers to the outlook of the finish product.

Aroma. It refers to the smell of the jackfruit seed chocolate after cooking

Buto ng langka. . It refers seeds of the desiccation of jackfruit to chocolate.

Chocolate. It refers a round seasoned ground cocoa.

Jackfruit seed chocolate. . It refers to the finished product of the jackfruit seed and all

the ingredients after mixing and crime.

Sensory qualities. It refers to the characteristics of jackfruit seeds chocolate

concerning its appearance aroma, task and texture.

Taste. It refers to the flavor that suited the tongue of the taster.

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