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Tree of Life

We Grow Stronger Together 

The concept of a sacred tree, also known as the Tree of Life, can be found in creation myths from all over the world. The Tree of Life has been spotted in art, architecture, and iconography from different



Hope For The Journey Ahead 

Cairns are simple rock formations, used as landmarks to guide travelers along a path or to mark a sacred place. Cairns are some of the most universal manmade structures, and the practice of making cairns

goes back thousands of years. From the Arctic territories of the Inuit to temples in Korea, cairns have been spotted all over the world.  

Cairns have evolved as symbols of friendship, safety, and direction. They offer guidance for those wandering life’s path. To stumble upon a cairn is to know that you aren’t alone, that someone has traversed the

same terrain you now find yourself on. In this way, cairns remind us to never give up, that the journey is yours to make as long as you keep traveling. 
The Tree of Life is a symbol of unity, representing the idea that all life on earth is connected: though we may branch out in various directions, each of us is part of something bigger. It honors the diversity of

creation while celebrating our shared origins. It is no wonder the Tree of Life is regarded as a timeless, legendary icon. 

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