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The cyclic, light-independent reactions of the

Calvin-Benson cycle are the “synthesis”

part of photosynthesis (where sugar is put

Calvin-Benson cycle (the “dark side”)

Enzyme-mediated reactions that build sugars in
the stroma of chloroplasts
Use energy from radiant energy captured by the
chloroplast in light dependent stage
Carbon fixation

Extraction of carbon atoms from inorganic

sources (atmosphere) and incorporating
them into an organic molecule

Builds glucose from CO2 and energy bonds

Uses bond energy of molecules formed in light-
dependent reactions (stored ATP, NADPH)
The Calvin-Benson Cycle
*Enzyme rubisco attaches C from CO2 to RuBP
*Forms two 3-carbon PGA molecules
*PGAL is formed
--PGAs receive a phosphate group from ATP,
and hydrogen and electrons from NADPH
--Two PGAL combine to form a 6-carbon
*Rubisco is regenerated with each “turn of
*But takes 6 “wheel turns” to complete sugar for
normal growing conditions, with one carbon
added to growing glucose with each turn
Inputs And Outputs Of
Calvin-Benson Cycle
Different Carbon-Fixing Pathways
 Environments differ, and so do details of
 C3 plants – most plants, with wilting when
water becomes in short supply, closing
 C4 plants – drought resistant plants that can
store carbon in two places and resist wilting
 CAM plants – desert plants, require little
water due to ability to fix carbon only at night
and thus keep stomata closed during day
 Stomata (not stroma)

 Small openings through the waxy cuticle

covering epidermal surfaces of leaves and
green stems
especially on lower surfaces
 Allow CO2 in and O2 and water out
 Close on dry days to minimize water loss;
this stops carbon attainment by preventing
intake of CO2 from air and leads to wilting
 There are C3, C4, and CAM plants based
upon ability to deal with drought conditions
C3 plants
Plants that use only the Calvin–Benson
cycle to fix carbon
Most plants are C3
Forms 3-carbon PGA in mesophyll cells
Used by most plants, but inefficient in dry
weather when stomata are closed
Examples: most flowering and
vegetable plants, temperate
zone plant,wheat, rice and
 When stomata are closed, CO2 needed for light-
independent reactions can’t enter, O2 produced by
light-dependent reactions can’t leave
 At high O2 levels, rubisco attaches to oxygen instead of
carbon dioxide
 CO2 is produced rather than fixed
 So efficiency lost and more “turns” needed to make
sugar product
 Malate is shunted through plasmodesmata in the cell
walls to the chloroplast of Bundle sheah cells and
converted to pyruvate(3C), - H and CO2 removed
 Mesophyll cells: H & CO2 are added
 BS cells: H & CO2 are removed

 Diagram of RuBP react with CO2

 Diagram of RuBP react with O2
 Photorespirationis regarded as wasteful because
unlike normal respiration or photosynthesis, the by-
products are oxidized without producing any ATP or
Oxygen as a competitive inhibitor of enzyme RuBP
carboxylase, [O2] increases favour the uptake of
CO2 and O2 compete RuBP carboxylase (Rubisco)

Conditions to proceed :
--Bright light, stomata closed
--Low conc. Of CO2
--High of O2

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