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1)Which one aspect of your personality

would you change if you could, and why?

I consider, don’t think about past, about what could have done differently. You should life in a
moment. You should keep eyes on the road ahead and do it differently now and improve your
skilss and character now.
2) If you could have dinner with anyone from
history, who would you choose?
My younger self. Think about it. If you could have dinner with your younger self, you could easily
become the smartest person in history. he will receive useful advice from me, I will share my
knowledge with him, she will leave this dinner a completely different person.

3) If you were an animal, which animal would

you be?

Probably a bird so that I could fly anywhere; long & vast distances & seeing a birds eye view of this
beautiful planet , no one will be there to stop me…My friends will always there with me.  without
any pressure, thinking of anything etc.

4) Why I am angry?

For example :

when someone doesn't follow the punctuality on that time it will make me angry.

a problem caused by another person such as cancelling plans

5) If you had to spend the rest of your life on a deserted island (with plenty of food and water),
what two things would you want to have with you?
1. knowledge of survival and making good wooden house or maybe more primitive one.
2. SOS device with very strong signal to catch rescue boats and ships.

6) Which TV or film character would you most like to be?

I would be the female version of Jack Sparrow

Witty humour and a talent to talk oneself out of any situation, now who wouldn't want that

7) What's the best (or worst) decision you've

ever made?

When I was younger, I always dropped everything halfway. I gave up, got upset and was very angry
with myself. now this is an experience for me and I know how best for me to act in a given
situation thanks to the past

8) Ifl came to your house for dinner, what

would you cook for me?

I’ll ask first if you’re allergic to any sort of ingredients or do you have any food preferences?

And after that I can decided how to surprise you. I can handle it

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